So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Zak Frost said:
Dango said:
Although I'm not Japanese, I speak Japanese, watch tons of anime, and have some anime posters up in my room.
Dango said:
my parents think I'm a weaboo, which I'm not
This thread is somewhat about coming out of the closet.

I think it might be time for you to do that.
You are joking right? Liking anime and not being a weaboo does not mean he's gay...

OT: I've never had an awkward Mom is open about everything to me and doesn't hate anything...although there was this one time she wanted to show me how to put on a condom so she grabbed a banana and a condom...I was 10 I believe <.< Although I'm sure it helped...


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
I'd have to say the most awkward would be when I was in a depressed state and really anti-social. I pretty much closed myself in my room for most of the day when I wasn't at school.

One day mom comes in and sits on my bed: there's no escaping for me. And she just starts talking about how much they miss me, and they never get to see me. How I'm so much less friendly than I've ever been, and how she felt like she'd already lost me even though I wasn't planning to move out for several months. A lot of guilt . . . and apparently they thought I was doing drugs. I was not. It doesn't help that I never wanted to tell my parents what was going on with me BECAUSE they'd always start talking and talking and talking and I didn't want to be sitting down with them for a long period of time just for them to chat my ears off.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
Mr Montmorency said:
My parents used to think I was gay because I've never bought girls home with me. I had to keep hammering the point in that I hadn't found any that I liked. Of course, the real reason is that I'm too socially inept to get a girl to come home with me anyway. It hasn't helped that one of my friends is a bisexual.
same problem here it's to the point of my inability to "get" girls is a common joke in my house (though my sister tells me if i get a girl i'll be able to keep the relationship going for a long time) plus my dad has asked me three times if i'm gay and i've had schoolmates assume i was gay because i will get into another persons argument and defend a homosexual.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I've had so many awkward conversations with my dad about shit I really didn't want to know that that it really should have traumatized me. Granted they were all done in the sake of comedy, still, you would think I would be a little bit more screwed up. All I got out of it was a sick sense of humor.

I'm so blunt with my mom that I don't think it's possible to have an akward conversation with her. She's had her sociopath agenda to live my life for me since I was born so I developed my own harsher sociopathic tendencies and now we're constantly openly at each other's throats constantly and we both fuckin' hate each other so we're pretty much immune to awkward situations. Last night we had a conversation like

Me: *getting water at 4 am* I thought you said you were going to sleep
Mom: I would but your light is on. You said you were going to bed early
Me: Well that was at midnight when you said you were going to sleep. I was gonna rub one out so I'd actually be able to fall asleep but this kind of fucked up that plan.
Mom: Is that why you have all that extra toilet paper in the bathroom?
Me: What? How the fuck do you think jacking off works?
Mom: Alright you don't need to go into detail
Me: I wasn't going to, don't get your hopes up.
Mom: well fine go do it and go to sleep
Me: I probably won't be able to now that we had this little chat, I'll just stay up all night so I can go to bed earlier tomorrow.

This was all completely casual and not embarrassing to me at all. OH BOY FAMILY ISSUES *thumbs up*


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Most awkward conversation with a parent is easily when I was in my room with my girlfriend having sex, and my mum knocks on the door saying:
"just to remind you there are condoms in the cabinet if you need them...Good Night!"
We all laugh about it now though.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I know but we had been going out for 2 years at this point. I was 18!
if she was going to do the awkward parent bit why not way back when?
Still my mum has always had an excruciating sense of timing


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Talking about any video game with my Mum is kind of awkwad. Mainly because I know she has no interest.

(I don't understand with the whole 'come out of the closet' thing. Surely your own sexuality shouldn't matter. With regards to telling your parents, it will come up anyway when you let them meet the unexpected boy friend/girl friend.)

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
spartan1077 said:
You are joking right? Liking anime and not being a weaboo does not mean he's gay...
YOU are joking right? He meant coming out of the closet as a weeaboo/otaku/anime nerd, not as a homosexual.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
I came out at the age of 17.

I'm not gay but I didn't want my parents to keep questioning why I didn't have a gf... I was taking 6 A-levels in an all male school. That's why. :p


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Jul 27, 2010
TheRightToArmBears said:
Parents talking about drugs. They're ex-hippie types. That was awkward.
Something similar happened here. Parents aren't ex hippies on my end. They're more... Relics. It's slightly awkward when you're talking to your girlfriend and your mom comes in and yells "Are you on drugs?!" At least, that's my opinion.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Never had a real "coming out" experience, seeing how I'm not gay, but I did get close when I told my parents I was a going to live a vegetarian lifestyle from now on. Apparently they couldn't believe it.
Oh, another good one: whenever me and my mother would get into an argument (happened frequently), she would always say "you're just like [my uncle]!" Now said uncle happens to be gay, rather religious/spiritual, artistic, easy going, and somewhat self-centered. I honestly have no idea what the hell she's implying with that, but apparently it's supposed to be a harsh critique of my character. It's like I would say that somebody is like a a collection of loosely organized books. It just doesn't make any fucking sense.


New member
Sep 21, 2008
All the stories I can think of are conversations with my mom. She asked if I was gay because I didn't have a girlfriend and thought I was depressed because I don't smile much(Most of the time I scowl, but am perfectly happy).

Also when she told me about her youth and all the drugs she did, the times she ran away from home, how she used to hangout with Hessians(motorcycle gang), and when she witnessed a murder involving said Hessians.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Ha! I actually got....THE TALK from my father. He stated that if I was gay, then he would accept me for who I was as a person. Apparently, his evidence was that I had many female friends, but none I would introduce as my "Girlfriend".


New member
Feb 25, 2009
MBergman said:
Well I had a fairly uncomfortable one, although nowadays it's just humorous.

Anyways a little back-story:
So it was when I was in 7th or 8th grade I believe, around 15 years old. We had a week when you went spent a week working at a real job, to feel what it's like or something. Anyways, I was at a restaurant which was like an half hour bus ride away. Not too bad, but I had a friend that lived just next to it, he was maybe 21 at the time, living in his own place.

So I tried to argue (that is nag, nag and nag) to stay at his place cause it would be easier and I could sleep longer, but they would have none of it "school day's aren't sleepover days", they pretty much just said no on principle.

So I don't stay there and that week I fall asleep with my computer on, and MSN messenger running. So my friend sometimes has a special kind of humour, I'm woken up by my father who is pointing at the screen and asking: "What the fuck is that?" My friend had written to me: "If you don't watch out, I'll break up with your dad!"

So this isn't too harsh, but my dad has noo reservation for gay jokes at all. He instantly believes that this guy is 100% super gay and has corrupted me and that my nagging to sleep at his place was for whole other reasons that to just be close to work. So I'm forbidden from ever seeing him again, asks me how you can even say something like that etc. etc. I try to explain to him that it's his kind of humour and that it's just a joke, but dad can't fathom it.

But after a couple of weeks it has cooled down a bit and I'm going up to him to play some D&D, something we did once or twice every couple of weeks. Anyways, I'm standing at the station waiting for the train to go up there and my dad calls me and says: (and this is the real price winning conversation)

Dad - "So, I'm not sure I want to let you go up there!"
Me - "Dad, I've told you a million times! It was a joke okay?"
Dad - "Ok, but if I find out in a couple of years that you've had some kind of fucking gay club up there, I'm removing you from my will. Ok?"

Suffice to say my only thought was "WHAT?"
Dude, anyone who protests that much has a reason to. Your dad may have had a gay experience (or thought) in his past.

William Dickbringer

New member
Feb 16, 2010
hmmm let's see when I brought my girlfriend to my house on our official first date and the next day my mom and I are outside in the morning drinking coffee and this conversation happens
Mom:so the date went good huh?
Mom:did you kiss
Mom:did you use tongue?


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Where to begin?

Coming out to a parent while they're operating a motor vehicle is a bad idea.

Being outed by one parent to another during an argument as a "your son wouldn't even tell you about this!" made for a number of awkward conversations.

Having a cousin invite me over to hit the local gay bars in front of my grandparents, who have no idea, was awkward. Moreso when he followed it up with "and if you want to bring someone home with you, we totally don't care". Grandparents didn't hear thank god.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
My parents got the awkward conversations out of the way early in my life.

So I can vaguely remember them! Hooray!

(I have horrible memory)