So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Darkspectar said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Darkspectar said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Darkspectar said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Umm... not exactly the worst I can remember but one of the most memorable.

Let's just say it's like coming out of the closet, just not the gay closet. Some refer to it as coming out of the toybox.

It basically went with her freaking the fuck out, saying to "get away from me you sick pervert" and her basically saying she was going to disown me(probably joking on the latter of course).

Even though the hints were fucking EVERYWHERE and my sister actually knew for a while before I even told her. My mom is now just using it as a four-word insult now to annoy the hell out of me. Not a fun time. She is actually still in denial about it too.

If you do not know what I am talking about, look at my other posts if you don't get the whole "coming out of the toybox" thing. Particularly since I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any sympathy from any of my fellow Escapees. Your reactions may be similar.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]I'm a nice guy... I don't hurt anyone...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
Is that, by any chance, a reference for comming out as bisexual or having a fetish?
It's related to the former but many(ignorantly) think it is related to the latter.
There is nothing shameful about being bisexual. I know because I am. And admit the dark magic and vampirism is pretty cool.
I am not bisexual.

[sub][sub][sub]It begins with the letter between O and Q. In other words, considered bad by pretty much everyone due to ignorance.[/sub][/sub][/sub]
Shit I fucked up my English *smiles and hides embarrassment*

We all have occasional issues with English.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
My mom used to think that one of my best friends was gay, and during that time we were roommates and shared a small one room apartment. Anyway me and him were home for from uni for the holidays and we were watching some stand up comedy at my house and the comic was tell jokes about gay people. Which me and my friend thought were funny so we were laughing and my mom kept looking at us funny, but I did not pay any attention to it. Later on my friend left and my mom came up to me and asked how we could watch a guy tell jokes like that and how was my friend not offended. It took me a moment but then it hit me that she thought he was gay which I thought was hilarious, so funny that I just agreed with her and told her he was gay, even though he is straight. Eventually though she asked him if he had a boyfriend and he had to tell her he was straight and then everyone was embarrassed. Except me I was laughing my ass off in the corner enjoying the best joke ever. looking back on it though my parents might have though we were gay lovers or something, oh well was totally worth it.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
When i brought my first high-school girlfriend home, my dad gave me a ten-minute speech on where he keeps his condoms. Yes, this is true.


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Jonluw said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Why on Earth does Norway of all places have compulsory military service? I can't think of anybody who'd want to attack you guys.

On a serious note, it might have something to do with tradition. We have had laws about compulsory military service since the viking-age. Also, we were infact invaded by Germany in 1940-something. You see, due to the country's geography, it is of incredible strategic value in naval warfare.

We also have a small population (under 5 million), so to be able to keep a military running, we almost have to have compulsory military service.

Also, we have realized that times are peaceful, so we are scaling down the military. They did not want me, for example.
You got that oil, by an act of stupidity from a socialist danish goverment.. Your welcome!

OT a little fun/weird thing that happened with a girl a few months back, me and her was getting quite dirty in her room, when her mom just barged in the room (It's not like she didnt know i was there.. My car was in the driveway)the 2 of them just started a plain conversation about dinner and if i was joining them - while we had sex, it didnt even slow the girl down. At that dinner i found out that they shared every little detail about their life. God it was akward when the mom started giving sextips.


Senior Member
May 9, 2010
BlueGlowstick said:
I overheard my mom tell someone on the phone awhile back that after my older sister, she and my dad didn't want anymore kids. Then she got pregnant with me. :( She also said that she prefers my older sisters to me, and my dad prefers me. I look (and act) the most like him, so no wonder!!
Wait.. am I reading this right? :O

Then she got pregnant with me
Your mum with you?!

She also said that she prefers my older sisters to me, and my dad prefers me.
Wow I'm stunned. I might have misread this but after reading it four times um... yeah looks a bit screwed.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
DuctTapeJedi said:
EDIT: No, I am not in the closet. I just happen to be a female who has male friends, is interested in carpentry and masonry work, and who doesn't put having a relationship high on the priority list.

Thank God I'm not the only one! I've never been "relationship" centric, though with parents who divorced when I was young and every other friend needing a man to complete their lives... ugghhh, it's no surprise. I have never had that conversation with any family but a close friend told me once she thought I was lesbian for the longest time. Why is it so hard for anyone to be comfortable alone?

back on topic, there was a conversation with my Dad about stealing from my stepbro's and stepmom that still haunts me, mainly because they basically accused my sis and me and we didn't do it. To this day my stepmom never attends any family gatherings and feels unwelcome at my Da's house if we kids are there (which at this point we are all ok with)
Feb 19, 2010
Radoh said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Jonluw said:
Uncreation said:
Jonluw said:
Well, I had a great (rolls eyes) one today.

Edit: Oh yeah, and my mom has several times jokingly told me that she got me in order to get out of military service.
Is military service in Norway compulsory for women? :|
Yes. Though, you can refuse, and instead have to do social service.

Or, well, it's a bit complicated now. A while back, almost all people had to do military sevice; but these days the military doesn't want you if you have a small injury.
Why on Earth does Norway of all places have compulsory military service? I can't think of anybody who'd want to attack you guys.
Yeah seriously, if I were president or whatever I'd stay the hell away from Norway, you guys are total bad-asses.
i even plan to join a small UN regiment in my home village in ukraine, i usually see them in the truck driving course or something, my dad once said, Do you want some of That? ''they're going on an expedition to africa and siberia in a few years

my response was hell yeah

ham and red bull

New member
Dec 2, 2010
My mom's room right next to mine + an active sex life on her side = tons of embarrassing moments

My mom also tells me everything about her sex life. But at least I can talk with her about everything! :D
Feb 19, 2010
i once had an awkward conversation after the summer holidays with my freind it went like this:

me: i went out for some drinks with a few freinds of mine

him: any girls?

me: yes

him: how much beer?

me: none

him: how much chaps?

me: about the same amount of girls

him: have a good time?

me:yeah, pretty fun.

*he shouts to my other freind*


me: WHAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA?

(* my friend wishes to remain nameless)


New member
Jul 21, 2010
When I was in my teens, my mum was demanding to know if I took drugs - I don't.

She wondered if the spots on my back were caused by me taking something, but it's just hormonal >< I still have 'em a bit, but not as bad as when I was a teenager lol.

It was both awkward and annoying at the time.

I never had the gay talk, but did have an awkward conversation involving gays...
I was talking to a male gay friend on MSN, and my mum saw the conversation. She asked if there was any chance of me and him, and I replied, "no he's gay". I didn't think she'd have an issue with that, but she gave a funny look didn't know quite what to say and then wandered off ><.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Mr Montmorency said:
My parents used to think I was gay because I've never bought girls home with me. I had to keep hammering the point in that I hadn't found any that I liked. Of course, the real reason is that I'm too socially inept to get a girl to come home with me anyway. It hasn't helped that one of my friends is a bisexual.
I'm in pretty much exactly the same situation. Only My parents haven't actually asked me yet. I'm just waiting for it...
But until that happens: My dad had "the Talk" with me when I was 18. Akward doesn't even begin to cover it.

Sarah Frazier

New member
Dec 7, 2010
One day I asked my dad a simple question. "How would you react if I said I may be a lesbian?" He never looked at me, never answered, and it never came up again. Luckily for both of us it was just a thing for a few months and then passed.


New member
Oct 20, 2009
Most awkward conversation went something like this -

My girlfriend and I talking to my mom.
"Hey mom, can I ask you something?"
"You know how you said that you were ok with me making my own decisions, so long as I let you know."
"Well, um..." I look awkwardly at my girlfriend who has a 'I can't believe you're doing this' look on her face.
" you know..."
"O...k..." And then we go have sex.

At least she was cool with it, but damn that was awkward.

Lem0nade Inlay

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Oh God, this is disturbing, you know those sites were it's like a bunch of old gay guys...doing stuff....and you can't close the screen?

Yeah well, way back when I was still an internet noob, I clicked a link of one of them. My parents were in the room....that was weird. I had to describe to them that "It's meant to be a joke, like a weird internet joke."


New member
Jan 11, 2009
Phenom828 said:
Mr Montmorency said:
My parents used to think I was gay because I've never bought girls home with me. I had to keep hammering the point in that I hadn't found any that I liked. Of course, the real reason is that I'm too socially inept to get a girl to come home with me anyway. It hasn't helped that one of my friends is a bisexual.
I'm in pretty much exactly the same situation. Only My parents haven't actually asked me yet. I'm just waiting for it...
Similar thing, not with me, but my step brother. I seem to be the only one that doesn't think so.

Edt: Touched up the grammar.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
The gay thing, never really an issue. The "talk" either. I was barely paying attention either time.

Most awkward moment. Hmm. Well, I had finished Uni and was back with my folks for a while and I had gone to an adult website and ordered a sex toy. I had failed to notice the "issue number" for my switch card and instead of emailing me to provide it, they wrote instead. The envelope was perfectly same but my parents and I all have the same surname and the same initial and the shop in question did not use a title. So my Mum opened it.

In fairness, she never gave me a hard time about it but finding the open letter on my bed when I came home from work gave me the worst cringe spasm that I had ever experienced, I think that I was practically inside out.

Aphex Demon

New member
Aug 23, 2010
lolmynamewastaken said:
my dad tried to get me to come out of the closet and my mother keeps leaving gay literature in my room...
most awkward conversation though was finding out how i was concived and that im an accident.
I wasnt planned either apparantly, *High 5* xD

OT: Ive never been asked, but I have always been interested in girls, they would come round and parents would say hello etc.

Im suprised so many people on here have been asked tbh.


New member
Nov 21, 2008
When my Dad mistook The Notebook for porn
That was hilarious
And really awkward...
Haven't had my parents ask if I'm gay yet


New member
Jul 21, 2010
K4ndY said:
BioHazardMan said:
Telling my bible thumper dad I'm atheist...Yeah.
Now there's a can of worm I never intend to open with my "bible thumper" family.
Wouldn't exactly call my family "bible thumping", but they're pretty religious... yeah I had a "fun" day explaining why I didn't want to go to church anymore...
Religion is still a taboo subject in my parent's house, unless you're saying you're Christian.