So my mom tried to get me to come 'out of the closet...'


New member
Oct 1, 2009
The Big Eye said:
yamitami said:
My parents actually never really suspected that I was gay until I did come out of the closet, but it probably helps that I didn't know for a while either (thought I was bi).
I hope this doesn't sound too ignorant, but doesn't saying you're bi count as coming out of the closet?

OT: That would have been the time my mom discovered the playboy magazine my older brother gave me. My parents are kind of puritan.
Sorry; I wasn't clear. I hadn't come out as bi and the only serious relationship I had at all was with a guy so there was no reason for them so suspect not-straight.


New member
May 25, 2009
Tis annoying when my dad starts talking about women. I am an honorable fellow who is moderately annoyed by how women dress like whores these days (all while staring at said girls), and he is not. For some reason he is obsessed with big boobs (I prefer medium to semi-small). Anytime a big pair comes on TV, he goes nuts.

He was wondering if I was gay for quite some time. I have never shown much interest in women, until recently. I mentioned a gal once and he won't stop asking about her and why I haven't asked her out yet (if you care, she's been to busy to do anything...or so she says........).


New member
Jun 1, 2009
DuctTapeJedi said:
What is your all-time most awkward and uncofortable conversation you've had with a parent?

Mine is pretty much summed up in the thread title, but I'd like to hear from others.

EDIT: No, I am not in the closet. I just happen to be a female who has male friends, is interested in carpentry and masonry work, and who doesn't put having a relationship high on the priority list.
UGHHHH my ENTIRE family was convinced i was gay.. i love heavy metal, video games, pro wrestling..etc.. ive always been a tomboy, not a lesbian (not that there's anything wrong with that) these arent the main reasons they thought i was gay though.. they all assumed i was gay because i didnt have sex with anyone (who is now my husband) until i was 18... why?? ...i attempted to explain to my parents that since i have FOUR sisters who each got knocked up in high school and were forced to drop out.. i wanted to wait. so i waited until i graduated because i refused to be like them... somehow that makes me gay? so be it lol


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Gay people have it easy at least people know what you're talking about when you say gay. When I (choose) to tell people I'm asexual. Holy crap I have to explain it and go into detail making it MORE embarrassing.

No one knows what an asexual person is. They always think I mean asexual-reproduction and it turns into a joke making a already embarrassing moment MORE embarrassing than it has to be.

Also I'm joking about the gay part being easy, it's always hard to be different.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Darkspectar said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Umm... not exactly the worst I can remember but one of the most memorable.

Let's just say it's like coming out of the closet, just not the gay closet. Some refer to it as coming out of the toybox.

It basically went with her freaking the fuck out, saying to "get away from me you sick pervert" and her basically saying she was going to disown me(probably joking on the latter of course).

Even though the hints were fucking EVERYWHERE and my sister actually knew for a while before I even told her. My mom is now just using it as a four-word insult now to annoy the hell out of me. Not a fun time. She is actually still in denial about it too.

If you do not know what I am talking about, look at my other posts if you don't get the whole "coming out of the toybox" thing. Particularly since I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any sympathy from any of my fellow Escapees. Your reactions may be similar.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]I'm a nice guy... I don't hurt anyone...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
Is that, by any chance, a reference for comming out as bisexual or having a fetish?
It's related to the former but many(ignorantly) think it is related to the latter.
May 5, 2010
OT: Oh, I've got this. A while back, due to random and severe kidney disease, I had to go through a medical procedure where they stick a tube someplace horrible, and...Ah, what the hell. They stick a tube in my wang. For reasons that were never figured out, they couldn't do it. Convincing the doctors that they didn't have to do it in the first place(which they DIDN'T) took a few weeks. As you can imagine, those weeks encompassed many different awkward conversations. Take your pick. I think the highlight was when my mom said to me, and I quote....(Oh, Jesus, I'm gonna regret this...) "You've always had a very small...opening."

I think a part of my soul died that day.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
Emm... "Come out of the closet" = Be out and proud about your homosexuality.

I see nothing remotely homosexual about you, your interests or your post, OP. Am I missing something?


Illusions, Michael!
May 13, 2009
Probably when my parents confronted me about all of the porn I had watched on video on demand.

I didn't realize each movie shows up on your bill...

My Mom was mad but my Dad was happy because he was relieved to see that I wasn't gay.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
Let's just say the most awkward conversation between me and my mum goes thusly...

Mum: "Soul, we know about the oral sex"

Me: *Wishes the earth would swallow him up and destroy him*


New member
Jun 26, 2009
DuctTapeJedi said:
What is your all-time most awkward and uncofortable conversation you've had with a parent?

Mine is pretty much summed up in the thread title, but I'd like to hear from others.

EDIT: No, I am not in the closet. I just happen to be a female who has male friends, is interested in carpentry and masonry work, and who doesn't put having a relationship high on the priority list.
Telling my mum I was transgendered is pretty high up on my list.
That or the time my father caught me "crossdressing".

Soviet Steve

New member
May 23, 2009
When my dad first interrogated me about relationships with girls, and then tried to figure out if I was gay. A hints for prospective parents: It's a bit early to make such conclusions when your kid is 9 years old, and you run the risk of alienating your child completely later in life.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Darkspectar said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Darkspectar said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Umm... not exactly the worst I can remember but one of the most memorable.

Let's just say it's like coming out of the closet, just not the gay closet. Some refer to it as coming out of the toybox.

It basically went with her freaking the fuck out, saying to "get away from me you sick pervert" and her basically saying she was going to disown me(probably joking on the latter of course).

Even though the hints were fucking EVERYWHERE and my sister actually knew for a while before I even told her. My mom is now just using it as a four-word insult now to annoy the hell out of me. Not a fun time. She is actually still in denial about it too.

If you do not know what I am talking about, look at my other posts if you don't get the whole "coming out of the toybox" thing. Particularly since I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any sympathy from any of my fellow Escapees. Your reactions may be similar.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]I'm a nice guy... I don't hurt anyone...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
Is that, by any chance, a reference for comming out as bisexual or having a fetish?
It's related to the former but many(ignorantly) think it is related to the latter.
There is nothing shameful about being bisexual. I know because I am. And admit the dark magic and vampirism is pretty cool.
I am not bisexual.

[sub][sub][sub]It begins with the letter between O and Q. In other words, considered bad by pretty much everyone due to ignorance.[/sub][/sub][/sub]


The Man With the Golden Bun
Oct 28, 2009
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Umm... not exactly the worst I can remember but one of the most memorable.

Let's just say it's like coming out of the closet, just not the gay closet. Some refer to it as coming out of the toybox.

It basically went with her freaking the fuck out, saying to "get away from me you sick pervert" and her basically saying she was going to disown me(probably joking on the latter of course).

Even though the hints were fucking EVERYWHERE and my sister actually knew for a while before I even told her. My mom is now just using it as a four-word insult now to annoy the hell out of me. Not a fun time. She is actually still in denial about it too.

If you do not know what I am talking about, look at my other posts if you don't get the whole "coming out of the toybox" thing. Particularly since I am pretty sure I will not be seeing any sympathy from any of my fellow Escapees. Your reactions may be similar.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]I'm a nice guy... I don't hurt anyone...[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]
I must know... Please?
Just a hint? PM? Something?
I'm sorry but I'm INSANELY nosey. I wouldn't make fun of you, I probably wouldn't even care. Mostly I just want to know to satiate my desire to know everything o_O ...


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Theres been a few I remember my mom telling me she'd be embarrassed if I was gay when I was like 8, having various family members walk in on my "alone time" thats always fun or forgetting to delete the web histor. I found out I was an accident after my sister claimed I was the favorite kid my mom's response at least we planned for you our brother messed up everything yeah that one felt pretty good. "The talk" not so much the sex part but the offhand comment that they should really be talking to my younger sister. One time while my mom was nagging me about not getting out more I say well at least I'm not doing drugs to which she responds by telling me about how my grandparents were alcoholics and how she did a bunch of drugs and then said "by time I was your age I aleeady had you" my mom gave me shit for not having a baby when I was 20. I've been waiting for the its okay to be gay talk for a while but I think my parents finally get that I'm socialy inept. I've got a grandparent one to my rooms just past my grandmas (she lives with us) and the computers in there so I'm going to type a paper and the doors halfway open so I just walk in and see my grandma naked I need some professional help dealing with that one.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
I haven't had a really awkward conversation with my parents yet. I never got the sex talk, they don't think I'm gay because I have had a couple of girlfriends. So I'm pretty lucky.

They don't know I'm bisexual though..... that's gonna be a tricky one.