so....Not having children=Selfish?


New member
Apr 20, 2009
aegix drakan said:
Vault101 said:
3.Child rearing is a lifestyle choice, is it selfish of me to not have children because I want to pursue my own goals...rather than have children and be a terrible parent because I dont want to give up everything to raise them?
This is the main reason I don't want kids. Once you have kids, you have to devote HUUUGE amounts of effort to them. And considering I have ADD and aspergers, I might end up passing those genes to any kids I have, making their lives even harder and making it harder to raise them.

I might change my mind someday (assuming I or my partner lands a DAMN good job), but really, I'd prefer not to.

Is it selfish? Maybe. But it's also an attitude that helps prevent overpopulation.
I agree with the sentiment that having ADD is a good reason not to have your own kids. I only have ADD myself but just based on that I have no desire to take the chance of forcing a kid to have to deal with it, I don't understand how anything can be more selfish than that. If you know you've got crappy genes that make you dependent on medication to function properly why pass them on just for the sake of passing them on?

Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
Monoochrom said:
Wenseph said:
Monoochrom said:
Wenseph said:
Mortai Gravesend said:
Wenseph said:
I think that having more than one child is very selfish. The planet is already overpopulated and that's just you, who already had a child then gets another one for no real reason. It's not beneficial to anyone, except you and not really that either.

Adopting is kind of good I guess, but I wouldn't do it.
Um, but the country someone is living in may not be overpopulated. Looking at it on a global scale doesn't seem very productive. For instance in Japan they really could use more people having kids. Certain countries are overpopulated, others are not.
Yeah............................. Except that people in rich countries use a lot of the resources and adopting from overpopulated countries would still be better than getting more than one child.
Why would anyone go for damaged goods when they don't have to?
You're not the kind of person I want to discuss with.
I'm sorry, did I at any point give you reason to believe that I give a fuck what you want? Nope.

Why should anyone deal with the hasstle of not only adopting the kid, but then actually raising it?

You realize that you don't just have those feelings for any 1 child, matter of fact, relationsships shatter because the child or a parent do not build up a good relationship to one another.

Or how about that they will typically be another ethnicity entirely? Also a issue bound to cause complications.

Or that the kid could be coming from any given situation.

Seriously, it seriously is like saying ''Why won't anybody go for the damaged goods that are harder to get then the brand new stuff? herp derp''
Because the damaged goods you're talking about are people. Because they're only damaged insofar as they don't have parents. Because you're actively improving someone's life. Because your own genes mean that maybe having children isn't the greatest idea when adoption is viable. Because maybe some people don't want to go through the physical trauma of giving birth when they don't have to. Because blood-ties, ethnicity, and love don't have to have anything to do with one another, and any reasonable couple and their reasonable adopted kid can probably find a way to see that. Hell, my relationship with my parents has nothing to do with the fact that I happen to have the same genes as them, except when my dad projects on me and erroneously interprets personality quirks as OCD.

There's plenty of reasons for adoption.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
Regnes said:
I only skimmed your post, but it's selfish because you are jeopardizing the economy and stability of your country by refusing to have children. Every couple must produce at least two children on average to sustain your population, but since there are factors such as early death, sterility, homosexuality inhibiting us, couple must produce above 2 children or the population will dwindle over the years. Then of course there's the fact that the ratio of boys to girls is not equal, so even more children need to be produced.

Lowering the national reproductive rates to below the par required for sustaining to population results in age demographic imbalances. China is famous for it's one child policy they introduced to help counter overpopulation. This has been disastrous because it actually worked to an extent and since people stopped producing enough children, the country's average age is very high compared to most countries, it's a big problem when your country mostly contains seniors for obvious reasons.

Canada's population is actually at risk because too many people don't feel it's worth their time to have kids. Personally I think the government needs to offer more incentives to parents. Sure you will have welfare bums who will only benefit further from this, but more good will come of it than bad I think.

Former Premiere of British Columbia, Gordon Campbell made the situation a little worse in 2010 with the introduction of the new tax system. Yeah, let's tax all children's clothing and goods, I'm sure more people will have kids if we do that.
In that case I'm probably doing the right thing over here in Northern Ireland where the average catholic family has about 10 kids.


New member
Oct 27, 2009
The world is overpopulated to a point where not having children is quite selfless.

Then again if you worry about being selfish or not around a matter such as having offspring or not you have bigger issues to worry about.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Heimir said:
What does this have to do with australian white people? The arguement applies to all peoples and groups.
my point is your talking like some crazy "race obsessed" mad scientist

my "race" is australian "white" (or anglo saxon or whatever the hell it is..who knows?) I dont care if they were to die out in 100 years time, or if the world becomes some mono race or whatever

because my priorities are placed elsewhere, stuff that actually matter to ME, is that selfish? well if not wanting to ruin my life in for some "future greater good" is selfish then yes...Im selfish

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Heimir said:
Well, I feel sorry for whatever ethnic group you belong to. They likely deserve better kin. And genocide need to necessarily be violent either. It has to be intentional however. Wich by decidedly and selfishly not having children is.
Let's say that hypothetically there's an ethnic group which is dwindling in numbers. Let's say that it's at the point where the current generation could very well be the last generation.

With that established, would your view change at all if a member of that ethnicity chose not to have children because he or she is homosexual? In other words... the hypothetical person is capable of having children, but choosing not to because it biologically feels wrong for them to do so. Would you still accuse that individual of committing a form of genocide?

Just curious.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Regnes said:
Vault101 said:
1. there are other (better) ways to contribute to society rather than reproducing
2. theres nothing wrong with my country population
3. unless ALOT of people become homosexual, thats a non-issue
4. Is me not having any children really going to affect things all that much?
5. who says I have THAT kind of responsibility to my country?
1. I find that breathing is a more effective way at staying alive than eating food, we should probably stop caring about eating food.

2. This doesn't mean Australia will not fall victim to the same problem currently plaguing other countries.

3. As much as 10% of the population is homosexual, most gay people don't find long term partners and adopt or otherwise sponsor the production of children. That's effectively an extra 10% to the infertility rate.

4. We should stop voting, an individual vote means nothing.

5. We the human race are responsible for sustaining ourselves as a while, responsibility is evenly distributed among our population to fill a quota. It's not like we're going to expect one couple to produce about seven billion children within the timeframe of about 70 years. We all have the responsibility to do our share if possible.
Damn, this guy just beat your ass to the ground, lifted you back up and struck you with a lightning bolt. TL;DR: Owned.


It is selfish if we consider it from the viewpoint of the nation/society, but from an individual's perspective it is not selfish.

Personally, I could not be a parent. I would not have the patience to raise a screaming meatbag.


New member
May 28, 2009
Think of your parents! How else are they supposed to feel smug when you complain about how hard having a kid is!

Seriously though, I don't think it's selfish. I'd like some kids myself, but it's your choice if you don't want to have them. On a purely selfish note, your taxes would still fund their education, so now I think about it... Thanks!

Trippy Turtle

Elite Member
May 10, 2010
No its not selfish... Its a personal choice. Like what ice cream you want to have. Nobody has any right to choose for you.

Tuesday Night Fever

New member
Jun 7, 2011
Heimir said:
Well what im saying is hardly a strict thing. Im just saying one should keep ones people in mind. No one is in any way shape or form forced or should be forced to have children. Just because in some cases I find it selfish to not have them, that doen't mean that I think they should be forced to have children at all. Or to be forced to have children only within their ethnic group.
So if I'm understanding you correctly, you only really consider it to be a form of genocide if the decision is made in an apathetic manner?

So if a straight/capable individual doesn't have kids and doesn't work to save his or her ethnicity because he or she simply doesn't care, then that is what you were referring to.

However, if a homosexual/capable individual doesn't have kids because it feels biologically wrong for them to do so, but the individual is genuinely remorseful toward the situation at hand, then he or she isn't what you were referring to.

Or am I completely off?

Li Mu

New member
Oct 17, 2011
To OP, who exactly are you arguing with?

WHO has said that not having children is selfish? Who are these people?
If it's some crazy homeless guy who lives in the alley next to your house then I really can't see why you're thinking so much about it.
It seems to me that you are arguing with yourself.

Should I make a thread called, "So...Child Murder is right?" and argue against an argument nobody has ever made?