One thing i question about Sony in general, does the PSP have anything thats substancial as a first title besides relying on sales to pick up purely for the usual Final Fantasy/GTA/Madden/Kingdom Hearts/MH? it just feels that the PSP was generally unknown in terms of titles as time went by, i doubt people who has played the first LBP would want to play the handheld one....
Also the NGP is UMD-less, so its basically the Go with alot more bells and whistles an actual media (some weird memory card-esque thing). is their PSN is even that good? (all i got from there is Prinny, FF7 and Crash Bandicoot: Warped)
Just look at nintendo, it has alot of 1st title series and they usually stay fresh even after loads of years (Star Fox decayed though, and Mario Party is just annoying) even their handhelds kept some form of reverse compatibility, GBA/GBC/GB DS/GBA 3DS/DS, though my only flak i have with them is....
1) They have no system to tye systems together to get back downloads for free, usually at best they would allow you to transfer DSiWare to the 3DS..
2) Friend Codes are too problematic, its basically wearing a blindfold, ballgag and your only ways of communicating is holding up pre-written signs.
3) Allthough most of the titles are original, their Wii Market and DSiWare selections are really stale, just this week they had some Pelvic floor training game, its gotten to the state where the PSN looks more superior just because people won't think "hmm, there isnt an advanced month teller, updates must suck this month"
But meh, all 3 sides has their ups and downs. :x