Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake


New member
Sep 15, 2011
I only hated FF13, if they redone any other FF game in HD graphics like FF12 I'm soooo there, BUT just thinking bout FF13 and 14 kills my hopes of square making another masterpiece like FF6,7,8,10 and 12.


New member
May 22, 2009
Honestly, this is good news all around.
Way I see it, X is damn good. Lots of fans, so, while it IS easy money for Squeenix, it can be seen as funds for a POSSIBLE remake of an older game or games.
That, and Rikku is still my all time favorite game-girl. Ever. Of all time.

And I'm hoping X-2 follows!

*Runs for the hills*


New member
Sep 28, 2010
hmmm good news to me. a hd remake of a game i played that much that the disk is worn down to dust, a few changes wouldn't hurt. but leave Auron's voice he was badass the was he is. also if this remake goes well maybe they will consider using said profits to fund the remakes of other older titles so good news all round :D

Metalix Knightmare

New member
Sep 27, 2007
Fun fact, FFX was originally going to let you choose who Tidus ended up with. Yuna, Rikku, or Lulu, but it was cut due to lack of space. I kinda hope they can bring it in this time. I CAN'T be the only one who wanted to pick Lulu over Yuna can I?

The fact that she ended up with WAKKA of all people just makes it hurt more.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
I think VI (or 3) would be a better remake for the PS3. A game that had a great story of saving the world and could do very well with an entire graphics overhall. Keep the game and characters but update everything else.


New member
Jun 30, 2009

... despite this awesome, awesome reason I will definitely be spending money on a Sony product.


OT: Everyone knows that FFVII is going to be remade only when they've run out of ideas for spinoff products to welch more money from it's fanbase until nobody even cares about the remake anymore. Then, and only THEN will the FF7 remake finally be released (even though I happen to know for an indisputable fact it's been done for a while now).

Final Fantasy X is the reason I bought a PS2 in the first place. It is in fact the game that is currently in my third PS2 right now. (the other two died because I played DVD's in them)

EDIT: I plan to buy it used! Or at cost from a third-party retailer so they get none of the revenue. They simply do not deserve it.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I just don't see where the demand is coming from for this. I haven't read a lot about people clamoring for an updated FFX, but I have heard plenty of people who want KH3 and a FF7 or 6 remake. Yeah, making 7 would be expensive and time-consuming, we all understand that. So are a lot of things, but I would bet everything I have, including my life on Square ending up in the green off an FF7 remake.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
The only thing that will make me get a Vita (the same reasons that will make me buy a PS3 funnily enough) is if they'll have either a new Kingdom Hearts (or a re-release of 1 and 2 FM's) or a new Final Fantasy (tactics or numbered) because frankly my 3DS, 360 and PSP can do, have done, and will do all of those things.

While I've still got VII, VIII, IX, Crisis Core, FFT: War of the Lions, KH:BBS and the former Agito XIII just on my PSP, I'm settled until Vs XIII shows up


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Inkidu said:
Swing and a miss!

You might as well be that first pilot down the Death Star trench. Honestly, I think Square-Enix is just screwing with their fans right now. "We'll remake one, but it will be the least desired one of all." Final Fantasy X was a good game, but darn it, I'd take VIII, IX, IV, and VII before X.

I have a mental image of Japanese business men in suits huddled around a boardroom table snickering.
And now I too have this visual.

While it certainly wouldn't have been my first choice of a remake, it will be interesting to see how they can beef it up. Any chance we can get a re-dub of Tidus while we're at it?

Pyramid Head

New member
Jun 19, 2011
Oh great. The shitty acid trip that ended by implying it was all a dream. A treat for me! I guess Square Enix is depending entirely on Eidos to make good games for them and are just letting their own developers piss around.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
"Missed"? It's still in my PS2, languishing not-quite-hooked-up under the TV in my new place, and still not quite finished...

It can't be that hard or expensive just to pick up the original and the system to play it on can it? If you get the Slim, it doesn't even take up a significant amount of room.


New member
Apr 19, 2008
Well, FFX is easier and faster to turn into an HD version than the PS1 titles we've been waiting for. This could be their way of testing how many people would buy a re-release with updated graphics. If this sells well, we could in fact get the three Final Fantasy titles from the PS1, too.


New member
Oct 16, 2007
This is funny, I really didn't think we'd start to get persistent actual reruns of video games for at least a few more decades. Shows what I know.

Also wouldn't it just be easier to make the PS3 better at backwards compatibility and then start selling the PS2 game again?


New member
May 11, 2009
I'm amazed on how many people here actually praise FFX story. Sorry people but you are WRONG.

It's like those who would claim Transformer 2 is a good movie in terms of story perspective. You would laugh at them and ask what they are smoking.

FFX story is just abysmal. Most of you probably just played through it while you where young and back then none of you cared much about the story anyway. Neither one of us did.

Gameplay was what kept people hooked. Or at least the turn based combat, not the other crappy stuff like Blitzball.

One of the more laughing moment was when the Army asked YOU to go find and bring back a chocobo which was taken by a "Powerful monster". The moment you're done with that quest they're going to charge Sin with swords. Do note that Sin was out in the water as well.

They've gone full retard there.

Man you don't just make armies that stupid anymore. :) Are you guys seriously going to defend the story of this game? The only character worth a damn was Auron.

Yuna also got kidnapped way to many times by people who could be classed as clowns in terms of their abilities.

I hope the reviewers today will actually use a brain when they review the game as they need to tear this up good to show how bad it really is.

Don't taze me bro

New member
Feb 26, 2009
I liked FFX, but like Ico and Shadow of the Colossus - I still have it on my PS2 and I still have a PS2 in perfect working order. I have no desire to play FFX again, even though I really liked Auron as a character.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Going to be honest, great move in my opinion. Definitely prefer this to FF7 despite the cult-following. Yes 7 was very very good, but I don't think it would keep the charm if it was re-done.

X is one of my favourite FF's just after 8.


New member
Nov 27, 2010
Ugh why X, That is the game that destroyed my faith in the series, that has only been reawakened by versus XIII. Also whats the point of the graphics overhaul, it's good enough on the ps2. Now VII I love then I saw the pc version with graphic upgrade mods (which still aren't perfect but far better than the original) and had to get that because the popeye arms really bug me.


New member
Nov 7, 2010
Logan Westbrook said:
Square Enix Dusts Off Final Fantasy X for PS3 Remake

Don't worry if you missed Final Fantasy X the first time round, Square Enix is bringing it back for the PS3 and PS Vita.

I'll level with you, I have good news and I have bad news. The good news is that Square Enix is remaking one of the classic Final Fantasy games from the PlayStation era. The bad news is that it's not the Final Fantasy VII remake that so many people desperately want, it's Final Fantasy X instead.

Of course, it's not really bad news. While it might not have been the cultural phenomenon that was FFVII, Final Fantasy X was - and still is - a good game, even if it did have the slightly scary laughing scene you can see above, and a hero that was the dream of a dead civilization - and no, I'm not making that up. Square Enix hasn't revealed too many details about the remake as yet, except that the game will be available on the PS3 and the upcoming PS Vita.

If I had to guess, I'd say that it's going to be similar to the updates we've seen for series like God of War and Prince of Persia, which means updated visuals and maybe a 3D mode thrown in for the PS3. It seems unlikely that Square Enix will tweak very much other than the visuals, but it may yet surprise us.

Soruce: Joystiq [http://www.joystiq.com/2011/09/14/square-enix-announces-final-fantasy-10-remake-for-ps-vita-and/]

Dead Square Enix,

You useless bastards. What on earth has limited your retarded minds to say 'forget Final Fantasy 4, 5, 6, '7', '8', or '9'! Let's remake 10

While 10 is not the worst ever Final Fantasy, it is very close. Besides 12, and 11, 10 was a shallow, pathetic Final Fantasy that dawned the end of a series of excellent RPGs, furthermore, it sparked the end of the Japanese RPG itself.

Why on earth you would revive it, is beyond all logic, and I hope your metal retardation will profit you little sales, and much ridicule.




New member
Oct 7, 2010
I'll buy a remake of final fantasy x if square promises that it has nothing to do with final fantasy x.

seriously though this is very sad...

this is square enix filing for creative bankruptcy.

and still if you were going to remake an FF title why not FFVII?!