Study Finds Girl Gamers Are Seriously Hardcore


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Aura Guardian said:
SwmnNE1 said:

Hardcore gamers

I lol'd
Explain please and
"I lol'd"? Is it that hard to type "laughed"?
It is when you are stupid.


Anyways. Of course girls are 'hardcore' at something typically marketed to males. Anytime women do something that guys do they go all out to prove they aren't pussies.

I'm not complaining. I dream of a day where I could be expected to stay home taking care of kids and cleaning a house. I've done it before, it was pretty sweet.

Then again my current job is kind of now I'm torn.


Always playing Touhou. Always.
Mar 2, 2008
Why did this need to be studied? I don't know, it seemed kind of obvious to me that Girls who game alot would game more than boys just by watching the interactions of girls compared to the interactions of boys while in school.

Than again, I'm a psych major, so of course I look at stuff like that.

I wonder what the extremes were (by extremes, I mean people who raised or lowered the averages). For example, I think I game, on average, around 30-40 hours a week during school (I don't sleep much anyway, so I might as well). During breaks, though, well, lets just say my eyes hurt still, despite having slept a fair amount last night.

I wonder what my gaming hour number would go up to if I stopped watching so much anime/reading so much manga... I'd probably hit something like 60-80 hours a week (I split my free time between games and anime/manga).

I also think Everquest was posibly the worst choice in history for this study. Not that I think that the results would be much different, but Everquest? Really?


New member
Aug 4, 2009
I don't think gender would really matter, it just depends on your personality. Though honestly don't scientists have better things to do than research this crap, like cure disease?


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Ham_authority95 said:
I have yet to meet a girl that is a hardcore gamer like this article suggests.

(then again I don't know any girl gamers to start with)
It's the same for me... You'd think a girl gamer would meet another girl gamer that was hardcore if the survey is correct for most games, but I have not. And I count myself as a casual gamer, as gamers go at least. You could get to know me?^^

Numb1lp said:
Well, it's official, us men have nothing left.
Uhm, you still have your penises? And those aren't made of plastic or anything^^. You guys bring yourself down too much. We like you for who you are, not what you have over us ;) (tho a nice car wouldn't hurt!)


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Well I'm not surprised. If I had to rank my experiences with female gamers (aside of all of them being extremely satisfactory) I'd go from my best friend's sister who would kick his brother's and my ass at Halo 3 and who had beaten Eternal Sonata 100% (Like, seriously? I'm having trouble going through the frikking hard mode!). Then the girl I met on Rock Band who simply looped through Caprici Di Diablo like it was her everyday bread, and then the other girl I met here in The Escapist who is leader of her own clan.

So yeah, go girls gamers! WE ALREADY HAVE TOO MANY THICK BIMBOS!


New member
Nov 16, 2009
This is what I see everytime I hear the term hardcore girl gamer

I can't be the only one...?
Feb 13, 2008
Andy Chalk said:
I guess it's like my dad always says: We should've seen this coming when we let them have the vote.
He does like his bacon near raw though, doesn't he? :)

When I was active on EQ and CoH, there was a huge number of women gamers. My SG had a 75/25 female/male ratio. Which was cool :)


New member
May 9, 2009
I gotta say, I'm not suprised. Nor am I interested, so what if girls play games and put more hours into it than the average guy? Great, the more the merrier I say.

ctrl-alt-postal said:
This is what I see everytime I hear the term hardcore girl gamer

I can't be the only one...?
You are not, good sir, you are not.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
Hmmm taking data off an mmo isn't too smart, Yes girls generally do kick more arse as a general statistic at them, because we play them more to chat away inssessently...

HOWEVER, the most hardcore of the hardcore skill wise both in PvP and PvE, and I'm talking the elite of the elite, 30 people in the world kind of thing, are generally male in most Mass multiplayer games.

I'm not being sexist fellow bra wearing-ladies, it's just true. WoW's top guild has about 3 girls in it as far as I am aware. The PvP teams? Hah I have rarely seen a pair of boobs sitting in one of those live competitions.

I do believe we probably invest more time... yes, but that to me isn't hardcore...
Hardcore is somthing alot more, Gamer's instincts in full prime, Knowledge about what you're supposed to do subconciously ready at any second, Multi-tasking at its best, and boundless dedication to whatever it is you might be doing.

That, to me is hardcore, not how long you're playing it.
Some of the so called MMO-hardcore guilds/teams spend less time playing each week than your average joe... No really.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
I'm not really surprised.

I don't see why it matters really.

SwmnNE1 said:
MMOs are just a step under a first person shooters on the casual gaming scale.
People have different tastes in games.

Saying someone is not a hardcore gamer because they do/do not play a particular genre is just ridiculous.

Protip: Spending a lot of time with One game does not make you hardcore.
So what about chess []?

Chess grandmasters [] will have memorized the names of every opening, will be able to play simultaneous games [], and will be able to play blindfold [].

So these people would not be considered hardcore?


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
What cracks me up is the idea that women are somehow supposed to naturally default to having boyfriends or husbands and guys tend to wonder what's wrong with them if they don't---as in, "why isn't she taken?"

I've learned that some of those girls have the same shyness around guys as we men have around the girls, so they don't give off a vibe like "approach me", an essential prerequisite for getting a date. Figures a fair few of them would be MMO players.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Makes sense.

There are more guys than girls playing games, so the few that do play are really in it.


Souplex Killsplosion Awesomegasm
Jul 29, 2008
The entire thing is skewed by the whole people who play everquest 2 thing.

Hiroshi Mishima

New member
Sep 25, 2008
I honestly am surprised that the illusion of "girls don't play games" has survived this long. I mean, my fiancee is hawt, has played video games since she was a kid, and in particular games (like Starcraft, Metroid, etc) is a hell of a lot better at it than I am.

And speaking of MMORPGs, it doesn't have to strictly be Everquest, either. My fiancee also plays Megami Tensei Online: Imagine, and not only does she log more hours than I do, she's a much higher level, has mastered more of the game I probably ever will, and already has one of the rarest weapons in the game.

I've known a lot of women/girls who play video games. It's like the myth that "all girls love pink and want a pony" in that it's not really all that true when you get down to it. Kinda like assuming that all boys like blue, enjoy FPS titles, and go to films like Saw and actually enjoy it. Which for the record, I've always hated Saw because it was boring and shit, I prefer green, and I have a preference for older RPGs and action-adventure titles.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
BaldursBananaSoap said:
I wonder what they look like
Just dumb...

I got 2 girls into gaming recently and both are very attractive. From my experience the reason girls that I know don't game is that they didn't get the opportunities to play when they were younger and now they are intimidated by the difficulty in learning some of the more complex games. I had to get them to play something simple and easy to get into to get them hooked and then work my way towards harder stuff. I also looked for co-op games that may be harder but I can help them get used to it.

My goal is to get all my female friends eventually hooked on gaming as much as I am. :)


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Azraellod said:
Saying someone is not a hardcore gamer because they do/do not play a particular genre is just ridiculous.
Thank you very much. I know someone who said that anyone who plays sports games isn't a real gamer. My reply was to point out that I had been playing video games for 3 years longer than he had been alive.... and I love sports games AS well as other genres.