Proverbial Jon said:
Kind of looks like a cross between Mass Effect 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4 in design. Looks rather generic in the FPS gameplay sections, then again I doubt we have seen anything yet. Looks like the finished product will be something special indeed.
Yeah, my very first impression of the trailer was that the graphic design was ripped from MGS4, then they replaced the dusty brown with neon yellow. It also reminded me somewhat of Dark Sector. Still, I'm excited. The takedowns can really go one of two ways: either they're a frustrating reuse of the same animation over and over and over (like Dark Sector), or there's a dozen context-sensitive takedowns for each enemy - a la Tenchu Z - which would be awesome.
The latter would make melee combat vastly more useful than in DX1, where you essentially had to flail around with any weapon besides the Dragon Sword because of the jumpy AI and strange hit detection with the shorter melee weapons. Being able to fight unarmed would be nice, too. God knows I just wanted to slug Anna in the face a few times just for grating my nerves with her smarminess.
I think the inclusion of the ventilation shaft was a nod to everyone (like me) who shuffled through every vent in DX1 looking for back doors and goodies. It's been pointed out that the trailer's too action-y, but I think it's mostly to hook the FPS crowd. I don't know why they feel compelled to do so when they should've known it would piss off the stealth/RPG/Deus Ex junkie crowd, but whatever. Anyway, I think the vent was added to the trailer to let the stealth lovers know they hadn't been forgotten. At least, that's what I'm telling myself to help me sleep at night.
does suffer from horrible SW prequel syndrome. Adam Jensen could probably take on both the Denton brothers and Gunther with one hand tied behind his back unless some of the augs shown are offered late in the game or are fully/mostly upgraded.
As for auto-regening health, it makes me sad. Like some people have pointed out, health regen was an option about halfway through DX1. To get it you had to
not take an energy shield that protected you from fire/electricity/plasma damage, so it was a pretty tough choice to make. However, health continued to regenerate even while taking damage, so it wasn't necessary to go hide for ten seconds to get all your health back. Unlike in GoW where getting buzzed by a nearby gnat halts the health regen process, DX1 regen was either fully
ON or fully off which I thought was pretty sweet. But it did cost a chunk of energy and it did flash the screen blue every time you regained health just to spazz you out, so it was pretty well-balanced.
Taking out the energy cost while adding the necessity to cower like a puppy to make sure you keep regening is a copout IMO. It takes a good tactical decision and replaces it with an obnoxious one. Plus, unless you really tried to play it like an FPS you never had to worry
too much about running out of health packs in DX1. There were medbots stationed frequently enough that 5 kits plus one level in medical training were more than enough to get you through each area. And yeah, you
could viably run and gun through the whole game, but then you would predictably get shot the hell up and probably have to deal with not having enough med kits. But the game was designed such that you really did have to deal with the consequences of each action - including dumping all your stat points into guns.
But it is what it is. Here's hoping it doesn't come out Gears of Deus Ex.