Stupidest rule in school...

Tempest Fennac

New member
Aug 30, 2009
At the secondary school I went to there was a rule against wearing coats in class for some reason which I don't recall being explained. At primary school, they had some strange idea that retalliating against bullies was somehow worse then starting fights (strangely, when I reported people who hit me the dinner ladies never seemed bothered about doing anything about it).

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
With me not so much stupid rules but stupid punishments. One day I was told I could leave school by a teacher (he said the school day was over). My mother came, walked into the office and signed me out, and the next day I was told she had taken me from school without a legitimate reason (I was in ROTC and we had this big event and I was told after it was over I could leave unlike the kids who weren't in ROTC). So I got Saturday school. My mother realized this was stupid and she did sign me out so she served Saturday school with me.

Other stupid things I've encountered: Wearing a shirt that says Smart and has a picture of a donkey next to it for two years and then I was told it was inappropriate. Even ROTC thought it was appropriate and they're suppossed to be the most strict. Kids called it smart pony and laughed. So I was walking through the cafeteria and an assitant principal (one who I truly hate with all my being) told me to turn it inside out. I did and then I walked outside into a small outdooor place where we were allowed to eat lunch. I promptly reversed my shirt again so it was back to normal. The assistant principal comes out and gets on my case even when I tell her I was wearing it for years. My mother ended up bringing me another shirt.

Worst punishment wasn't evne a punishment as much as a personal I was so hated by the school administration that they wanted me gone. They were friends with the chief of police. So the school administrators spread a rumor that on 6/6/06 I was going to blow up the school. A friend of mine was interogated. By that I mean they brough him into the principals office where the principal and his two assistants were. They shut the door and for 30 minutes tried to get my friend to say I was going to blow up the school. I was 16 at the time. My friend never cracked.

Once they persuaded enough students to say it the chief of police went to a magistrate. The first one turned him down on the grounds that what he was doing was wrong. The second one filled out the appropriate paperwork. I was put in a mental hospital for 3 days.

When I went public with the story in 2008 people began to investigate the chief. In an interview with the chief for the newspaper the chief said he would do it all again if he had to. If he could send three cops cars to abduct an innocent 16 year old then what other messed up things could he do? Well they found out he was stealing from a charity he was put in charge of to help poor kids. He stole money and took his family to New York City (This school is near Charlotte, NC). The investigation is still going on but he did try to quit. He was turned down and fired instead.

Now the two people in the town government who backed him (the mayor and one of the town commissioners) might get voted out of office on Nov. 3rd. I am doing all I can to help the guys running against them.


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Sorry, I miss-snipped the quote box. :)

And I was just refering to the generalized opinion of the symbol. A lot of people are sadly misinformed.


New member
Mar 11, 2009
While we're getting our democracy debate on,

It is true that democratic systems are inherently unfair to the minority party. Thankfully, that party is guaranteed basic rights that they would not be allowed to have in other systems, and still have the ability to persuade people that their point of view is the better one, and make a comeback.

I think my school would be viewed as the destroyer of civilization by some of your faculties. Our only dress code is pretty much "nothing lewd."

Aside from that, we can wear hats and jackets whenever, go wherever we feel like whenever we feel like (provided the place hasn't been reserved ahead of time and we're not skipping class, or at least have a very good reason to skip), gather in groups exceeding 30 people, organize student demonstrations/activities (some of which disrupt classes), lean on railings, and possess iPods, cell phones and other electronics provided they do not disturb the classroom environment.


New member
Mar 30, 2009
Don't eat outside. I think they stopped this now but it was a pretty stupid rule at the time.

Tempest Fennac

New member
Aug 30, 2009
Dazza5897922 said:
Do you go to school in Ireland?
No. I went to school in England (I still live here and I've never left mainland UK). I also left secondary school years ago. Why did you think I went to school in Ireland?


New member
Jan 1, 2009
The clean shaven rule in most high schools. I got away with not shaving for the whole week, every single week, for my entire high school run. (I'd shave on Sunday nights only if it was a school night)


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Anyway, on topic...

Most states in the southwest US, Arizona for sure, have laws stating that no school or business can refuse you water, or refuse you the right to carry water on your person.
A smart law, considering we live in a desert.

There are now two fewer teachers at my former high school. Me and my water bottle win.

If you live somewhere where it gets hot, I'd check and see if there's provisions for it. And if there isn't, carry water anyway. Your health is more important than any teacher's asinine behavior.

Queen Michael

has read 4,010 manga books
Jun 9, 2009
No surfing the web or using the computers except for school business. The reason it's so stupid is that nobody follows it anyway, so why bother?


New member
Dec 29, 2008
I once got a detention for correcting a teacher. That's right, a teacher was giving false information and when I corrected him he got angry and slapped me with a detention.


New member
Jul 20, 2008
A lot of the schools mentioned just sound completely retarded, to be blunt. My school is alright when it comes to rules, except the formal wear that we must have some times, but apart from not there's no real problems.

mr man

New member
Jul 27, 2009
well compared to some posts i read these seem rather tame but who cares.

in infant school (no idea what anyone else calls it...primary school maybe)we had this rule where we were not allowed to go on the grass so i got yelled at for landing on the grass (instead of concrete) when i fell over.

also yesterday in high school some teachers broke up a dance-off between two pupils.

another rule i dont get is the leave your bags in the school if there is a heavy do they think it is.

Emilie Diabolica

New member
May 26, 2009
well my old school used to force us to wear berets as a part of our winter uniform. Berets and kilts, to be exact.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
Hmmmmm let me see. well a really stupid thing they've started putting on our school pcs lately has been some kind of software which detects games and unfamiliar, often non-academic material and then sends an immediate message to the head librarian (0_0). I remember at one point I brought in my USB to collect some work off the system and it had a few games on it. Even though I wasn't even playing them it detected them and then the next day my account was shut down. It took me ages to explain to her what had happened, which was a pain in the ass for all the points I had to use a computer.