Stupidest rule in school...

Tempest Fennac

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Aug 30, 2009
I think the "leave stuff behind" rule is used because picking the bag up would supposedly waste time (strangely enough, walking slowly in an orderly line apparently doesn't waste time).


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Jan 26, 2009
pimppeter2 said:
Talking back to a teacher.

"What if the teacher is very fucken wrong"
School is meant to be the one place in life where you're meant to question. It helps you learn if the teacher explains the concept more. Most of these rules are stupid but that one just made me facepalm.
My school is a utopia compared to some of the ones in this thread.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Jark212 said:
In 7th grade I got suspended for getting in a fight, I just blocked his punched, and never retaliated... 3 days, told my mom the story so I didn't get in trouble at home, just a 3 day vacation...
My school had a similar rule. The zero tolerance fight policy mandated a minimum week suspended for being involved in a fight. Any involvement whatsoever. A friend of mine who grabbed his friend to pull him out of a fight got suspended. I witnessed it, he literally just bear hugged the guy and walked away with him, no blows, no harm done, hell, he actually ENDED the fight far sooner than administration involvement would've been able to. But, no. He was involved in a fight, five days suspension.

Corpse XxX

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Jan 19, 2009
Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.

If you missed one homework assignment, you were forced to go to detention. If you didn't go to detention, you were sent to Saturday School. I never went to either and I was sent to both at least 30 times.

Boy's hair couldn't be past the collar. I had hair down to my chest at this time. Long, curly, light brown hair and no asshole was gonna tell me what to do with it.

Girls must always wear their hair in pony tails. What kinda bullshit is that??

Any food or drink was strickly prohibited in class rooms. Including water.

Girls may not have nail polish. I had polished nails. Dark blue. Rules didn't say anything about boys wearing nail polish.

And the worst one of all. (actually, 2 worst but their listed together) No backpacks are allowed on school grounds and lunches brought from home must be inspected before consumption.


This was all in Middle School. I don't even want to see the High School rules.
Sounds like you've been to jail, or in a extremelly religious school.. I would never tolerate those rules, they are ignorant..


New member
Oct 26, 2008
The fact that we are not allowed to have headware on in class.

Or when i was younger the fact that i was not allowed to defend myself when the older kids were trying to kick our asses.No we should run to the teacher whom would then do nothing to help us.

So i stood up to those older assholes.Sure i get my ass handed to me.But that was the last time that happend.


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Oct 26, 2008
Emilie Diabolica said:
well my old school used to force us to wear berets as a part of our winter uniform. Berets and kilts, to be exact.


New member
May 21, 2009
To be honest, some of the rules I've seen posted here aren't that bad. It seems like a lot of the people complaining are going against them for the sake of being a pain in the ass. Don't listen to your iPod during class (as a teacher, I just find that rude), and do your damn homework. Some of the rules, mind you, are just ridiculous (no nail polish? What the Hell does having painted nails have to do with work ethic?), but there have always been rules at school; follow them or go somewhere else. Plain and simple.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
My school has a no shooting games policy. Which is retarded because it applies to handhelds, so yeah, no Metroid or those PSP war games.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
There's also another rule that your hair can't go past your collar. Most teachers will only casually say something like "Oh maybe you should think about getting a haircut this weekend" if it's getting way too long because most are nice. But there are some really tight assholes at my high school, I recall one time I was walking along and this guy walks out in front of me (His hair wasn't longer than his collar) and probably the meanest teacher at the school (he's head of maths) walks up, stops him, holds his hair out and says in a firm, loud voice "If it's not cut by Monday (This is on a friday btw) you're getting a friday (detention)". Also some of the teachers couldn't organise a one-man show, a rule is that for every day an assignment isn't habded in from the due date 20% is taken off. Last year my food technology teacher (She switched between extremely nice to baby eating Nazi) gave us this huge assignment where she added in a tonne of extra stuff which wasn't on the sheet and set the due ate to the day before our two-week holidays, WHEN WE DIDN"T EVEN HAVE FOOD TECH! So naturally I assumed because of this little fluke she wouldn't mind right? I get it her after the break and she says I failed, I didn't care, I didn't even like her classes that much. turns out everyone else she wrote up fridays to. There's also this ***** at our school (A teacher btw) who lives by the rules and not only does noone like her but apparently this guy I know was making a joke in some class of hers I think and he was imitating jerking off right. she saw this and seeing as this guy she especially had it in for, she claimed sexual assault on his actions, ran to our houses coordinator who was just outside (One of the nicest blokes I know btw) and told him her version of the stroy. The guy got in so much hot water in that he got a saturday I think and they called his parents up.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
One more that happened to me, a couple kids found a rusty balisong (flipping butterfly knife) and were scared to touch it. I picked it up and started doing those tricks you see the spy in Team fortress 2 do. Everyone was impressed and I probably looked like some sort of badass. Then the group returned the knife to the teacher and I got slapped with a detention. I thought it was for endangering the kids by flipping the knife but noooo it was because I knew how to use the damn thing in the first place. I was a 'professional knife wielder' and coulda harmed someone like an assassin or some shit. In hindsight it sounds cool, on my school record it better say "Detention for being a professional assassin" B)


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Dec 24, 2008
Ours was that you couldn't wear a chair on your wallet cuz they considered it dangerous, but it was ok if you wore the same chain as a necklace.


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Jun 11, 2009
I had a teacher named Mr Philips.

He wouldn't accept your assignment if it wasn't in black ink and on a (i kid you not) regulation sheet of paper. It had to be a set rule, with a set number of line, a set number of inches across and tall, it was bull shit. The worse part was if it was wrinkled or torn even the slightest he wouldn't accept it.

Dark Knifer

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May 12, 2009
The stupidest rule i've ever come across is that were not allowed to sit facing the road because people on the other side might feel intimidated.


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Jul 25, 2009
ExplosionProofTaco said:
Back in my Middle School had a lot of Retarded rules..

- In summer we had to wear these Fucking Stupid looking Bucket Hats 'To protect us from harmful UV rays' and to keep our skin a healthy Pale colour.

- We weren't allowed Cellphones, MP3 players or even Calculators. Our school's motto might as well have been: TECHNOLOGY... BAAAAADDD

- a NO KISSING RULE. because it spreads meningitis or some shit.

- The Classic 'No littering rule' which my school STRICTLY ENFORCED, with Fascist Efficiency.

Luckily, When I went to High School, There were none of these Rules.
You go to school in area 51 it seems.


New member
Nov 11, 2008
I got suspended for laughing . yes thats right for doing what we all do and doing something that makes us human !.

and What the hell is the point in Tie's ? they cause nothing but problems , schools say they build discipline , that is simply total and absoulote bullshit tie's are the worst part of a uniform you can enforce for so many obvious reasons.

and i don't mind uniform but it should kept to a minmal e.g. This Shirt and These Trousers. thats it nothing more.


New member
May 27, 2009
This is all from the highschool I went to:

No hats (gang shit), no solid colored shirts (gang shit), no backpacks or purses on finals days, ID's are mandatory, and if you're caught without your ID they pull you out of class for the rest of the day or until you shell out $5 for a new one.

Also, most things would result in community service, which was usually picking up trash around campus after school. In Arizona. And you have to leave your water in the ISD (where they drop you for not having the ID) room. Needless to say, we had a ridiculous number of freshman passing out in the summer months.