Stupidest rule in school...

Dark Knifer

New member
May 12, 2009
What's the point of ties anyway? Who decided that to look presentable they must wear a piece of fabric down there front? One of the worst moments of humankind, next to the shut down of duke nukemen forever


Another Regular. ^_^
May 22, 2008
The Secondary School I go to at the moment is pretty lenient, to be perfectly honest. Just the basic, obvious stuff.

However, the Primary School I went to before my family first moved, well...
First off: To be fair, it wasn't the school's policy. Just this one, stupid, 2nd grade teacher's policy. But here's what happened.
If someone did something wrong that happened to be anything worse than making a mistake while writing, then the teacher would point the mistake out to the whole class, and encourage the class to laugh at the poor kid.

If the kid did anything of any real substance (can't remember what exactly, can just remember what the teacher did :S ), then at the end of each class, the kid would be put on top of one of the desks, the rest of the class would be told to crowd around, and was physically encouraged to point and laugh at the kid, for a full minute.
Count out a full minute, while imagining there is no where to walk/run away to, while being laughed at by a full class of people your age.

I even remember a couple of cases of multiple kids having this happened to them, one straight after the other.

Needless to say (as this was only 2nd grade, and happened to boys and girls), about 9 out of 10 of the poor kids had dissolved into tears by the end of each utterly stupid ritual...

EDIT: Just remembered that I should point out that I'm 18 now, so this happened around 10 years ago. But still...


New member
Aug 3, 2009
as usual its a fight rule, our school is of the opionion who ever gets a pasting isnt in the wrong

in relevance to that, this **** thought it would be hilarious to attack me from behind, me being a bit larger than him turned round and asked him why at this point he punched me in the head and he fell to the ground sobbing, divine intervention? i dont know but his hand was broke in several places


New member
Jun 19, 2009
Probably the rule where if you defend yourself after getting punched in the face or whatever, you will get suspended as well.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
mayney93 said:
as usual its a fight rule, our school is of the opionion who ever gets a pasting isnt in the wrong

in relevance to that, this **** thought it would be hilarious to attack me from behind, me being a bit larger than him turned round and asked him why at this point he punched me in the head and he fell to the ground sobbing, divine intervention? i dont know but his hand was broke in several places
I hate it when people get in trouble for that. I'm not big enough for it to apply to me but I had a friend who was. Some bastard thought it would be funny to headbutt him right after making him look down saying "oh your shoes untied". He got a concussion and my friend got a detention for attacking a kid :/


New member
Jul 30, 2009
Gbadude3 said:
In my school we're not alowed to wear watches.
:O that rule would kill me. Why are the watches band? At my college we didn't have bells so we had to have watches. Your school sounds like a cruel place.
At secondry school we had to wear our blazers all the time and were only able to take them off in class and were allowed to not wear them if it was a seriously hot day. As i live in England this doesn't happen often. Also my secondry school decided wouldn't it be fun to make everyone cross a narrow zebra crossing instead of using the other path at the top of the road. It was fun to get across the road for a lesson.


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Boys were not allowed any piercings, not even a stud in the left ear. So some of my friends had there lip and eye brow down, as well as a flesh hole.

Boys were not allowed hair longer the shoulder.I grew my hair to waist length.

Not allowed to bring in any electricals into school. Since my hair was long enough I was able to conceal my Ipod cable in my hair, and i played my PsP with a mate in lesson.


New member
Jun 15, 2009
We had a rule where you had to be inside your classroom 10 mins and in your seats 5 mins before the class started. The problem was that most breaks between classes were 5 mins long.
(obviously, the rule wasn't really enforced)

Btw since i see you people mostly live in naziland let me tell you how things work in my little country(Croatia).
There simply are no stupid dress code and behavior rules. If you don't come to school with with a weapon, drugs, or other crazy sh*t, and you don't smoke (actually in high-school there are specific places outside where you can) or dress totally inappropriately you're not gonna get in any trouble. Talking back at teachers, if humorous and not insulting, correcting them, questioning their methods, doesn't get you in any trouble either with most of them. Booze isn't allowed of course, but when you go on trips (in high-school) usually atleast one, if not more, teacher gets drunk along with everybode else (anti underage drinking and smoking laws aren't really enforced here, just like game, tv and movie rating systems, yet most people still seem to turn out normal, we have a pretty low crime rate and no kids killing each other in public schools). We might be a little too slack on the rules but it sure beats some other sadistic examples here.

And I almost forgot, no hats allowed.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
i have been out of high school for awhile... but seriously i didn't have my id round 80% of the time


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Sightless Wisdom said:

Well I always hated that we werent aloud to chew gum in class. It was because they thought we would stick it to things...I assure you there are other ways to defile a school, much more interesting ones at that.
The desks under my school were covered in chewing gun and there's nothing worse then sticking your finger in chewing gum, essentially saliva that wont come off.

Out school (UK) banned conkers! Something that's been done for hundreds of years but only just became dangerous (junior school that is)


New member
May 22, 2009
After comparing the rules of my school against what's here, my school seems fairly lax. There's a rule of - NO MP3's/iPOD's IN SCHOOL HOURS!! - that's never enforced, and as long as you conceal it well, you can pretty much text away on your phone all lesson. There's now a crackdown of sorts (a very sporadic and almost completely ignored one) on incorrect uniform, but I suppose there's always a golden response,
"OK, so my pants are incorrect uniform. Whaddaya want me to do, take them off?"


New member
Sep 8, 2009
The stupid rule in my school is with the dress code premise, but how they go about it is absurd.
"The 4 B's." Meaning they don't want you to be able to see any body part that starts with the letter b.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
Jesus i thought we had it bad

The year after I left my secondary school, High school to yanks, they got a new principle. She decided that names were too inconvienient and assigned all students numbers. Auschwitz anybody?

While i was there it wasnt too bad in comparison to your stuff, uniform etc was enforced. Worst one i ever gor was almost suspendend causeme and my gf were hugging... If they only knew what i got up to in spare classrooms lol


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Uniform. The argument is, that some people would come in with better clothes, and this would cause conflict, but it's better than giving people a tie with which they can be easily strangled, or an overly expensive jacket that can easily be thrown in mud.

The tie; the most useless clothing part ever.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
PolitikiL said:
The stupid rule in my school is with the dress code premise, but how they go about it is absurd.
"The 4 B's." Meaning they don't want you to be able to see any body part that starts with the letter b.
Brain, backbone, bronchi, and bladder. Quite standard school rules really.


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
Thats utter crap. There are always people wearing more expensive trousers and shirts. Bullying still happens.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
In my secondary school we were all separated into houses, with four distinct little sub-grounds. The houses were Arnold, Newton, and Lister, and the four groups were North, South, East, and West. This meant each of the twelve groups were given a classroom for registration. Our class, Arnold North, had the very best one. It was a hut in the middle of the field which had fridges, lots of space, and a long path that was clearly visible out of the many windows so we could stop trouble when teachers approached.

One day, a student drew pen all up the walls. Our teacher decided that it was obviously a boy who did it, so all boys were locked out of the class at break times and lunches, and the girls were given a key and told to lock the boys out. This meant during winter the guys all froze and the girls were nice and toasty, despite having no evidence to the gender of that ass who did it all.


Elite Member
Nov 27, 2007
In Elementry school every Friday the teachers forced us out to the corridoors and clean the walls from scribbles that other students made... and the material we got for that was... our own rubber erasers. Jut fucking brilliant. We had to stand there for over an hour erasing shit for stuff we didn't do.
How fucking ineffective rubber erasers are against cryons and marker pens people use to scribble the walls wasn't apparently obvious to the teachers.

Let's see now... Random locker inspections because some random idiot tried to manufacture alcohol in his own locker once.

No eating nor drinking in the school, which would have been a great rule if it wasn't for the fact that the school food as really horrible.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
captain awesome 12 said:
Like yours V8, my school also has an enforced ID policy. The dumb thing is that if you don't have one, you are just sent to the office (without supervision) to get a new one.

1. Who the hell would be sneaking INTO school to learn.

2. If a kid actually had bad intentions, what the hell's stopping them? All that would happen would be that they'd be told to go to the office to get a new ID...

In my Spanish class we aren't allowed to laugh. Yes, my teacher is a Nazi.
We have an ID policy just for our sixthform, sicne its joint with the school over the raod. We laughed too until three man drove into school and cleared the bag stores out of all phones and wallets.