Stupidest rule in school...

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New member
May 22, 2009
Only recently, our school decided that the state of the playground (That sounds so childish, but it's a goddamn force of habit...) was so bad that at any time during recess or lunch they could stop our wondrous time of bitching about the person not in our group or playing handball, have an 'emergency assembly' and then sentence one of the years groups to clean-up duty.

The catch of it is that that it can only happen if the principal finds the place untidy, or the deputy, or the heads of the subjects, or the teachers, or members of the student council, so most lunches we are treated to around five to ten minutes of play/bitching before DINGALINGAGLING! "The state of the school has been deemed unsatisfactory, all students proceed to the assembly area for an emergency assembly."

Oh, and we sit and wait even when the clean-up is finished, we can't leave, unless the final lunch or recess bell rings, then we can leave, to go to class.

But that's a negative school rule, in Year 1 at primary school, due to the new Year 1 building, shoes were not permitted. I liked primary because of that.


No duckies...only drowning
Apr 22, 2009
PolitikiL said:
The stupid rule in my school is with the dress code premise, but how they go about it is absurd.
"The 4 B's." Meaning they don't want you to be able to see any body part that starts with the letter b.
Er, let me guess this one:

Bell end (?)

Aside from the beard I can quite understand those rules unless you went to some sort of nudist school.

Sgt Doom

New member
Jan 30, 2009
None that I know of, compared to some of the rules i've read here my school's ridiculously relaxed.

Isaac Dodgson

The Mad Hatter
May 11, 2008
I remember back in freshman year in high school, the junior high I had just left instituted a new rule that banned any clothing from can imagine why, despite being terribly misinformed...

Catchy Slogan

New member
Jun 17, 2009
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I beg to differ. My school had uniforms and people get slagged for wearing them properly. That's why alot of schools now are trying to get clip-on ties istead. It just makes me want to bang my head against the desk at how they're trying to dumb everything down.


New member
May 24, 2009
I don't suffer from the rules really. It's all okay. No prohibited things, no IDs, no uniforms (I will NEVER wear that shit) and it's pretty much okay.


What I suffer from is pure sexism and extreme disrespect.
There is a ***** that teaches us useless shit, she shows us a video in spanish (ONCE) and wants us to write a resume. But the real bullcrap is when she is examining us. Her current record is:
All 15 boys examined, about 5 of them twice, almost all get bad grades, black points and a speech saying how dumb we are.
4 of 14 girls are examined, none have a grade, nor black OR red points.

If that is not FUCKING sexist, then I don't know what. I'm pretty glad I will not see her untill 3-4 years.

Also, my music teacher hates me because I am a Metal head. She hates me very bad and needs to take a chill pill (nah, I prefer Cyanide pills).

So this one time, I was getting a chair so I can sit and she was telling me to hurry up. So I pick up the chair over my head and this asshole from my class pulls it behind my back, and it hits me in the head with the iron part. I tell her what happened and she tells me this:
"I am not a medic! I think you've misstaken the school."

Okay, WHAT THE FUCK? Now listen, here comes the really INTERESTING part.

A little later we had to move to another room. While we we're entering, the guy who sits next to me was in front of me and was walking so I pushed him to get to the last desk, and he was okay and did not retaliate in any way.


The teacher starts yelling at me, saying if I push anyone again, I am going to the FUCKING PRINCIPAL! But it wasn't it any way offensive to him (Later when I sat down, he told me it's he's okay with that). So me getting a hit on the head with iron, AND RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER, results in an insulting dissmisal, but when I gently push someone, I APARANTLY DESERVE TO GET EXPELED!

So I am not suffering from the rules. I am suffering from the teachers braking the rules and being sexist and hating towars a part of the students.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
Err, isn't Communist Russia like the poster child of uniformity and obedience? I think you're just being obnoxious and looking for confrontation. You'd do better by just going about your day and not paying attention to the fact that you're already doing the same shit as everyone else.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I went to a Catholic all girls school for a few years, I was expelled in the end, but the stupidest rule I remember was this...
If you tired your hair up with a tie that wasn't the 'school colour' (navy blue) you got a yellow slip, and you had to take the tie out.
Then you would get another yellow slip for not having your hair tied up.

3 yellow slips = a detention.

So idiotic.


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Our school has a limited supply of computers, and because of that, we are not allowed to have laptops because it's not 'fair'. What the hell? I bought my laptop to have a functioning, porable computer, and now I'm bloody well gonna use it!


New member
Nov 7, 2007
When I used to have art, my teacher told me we couldn't laugh or smile. "School is a place to learn, not to have fun" - Mr. Tool


New member
Apr 14, 2009
for my school this year if your late for class even 1 second late you get an automatic tardy detention! WTF I'm so glad I figured out my routes and all that :S


New member
Aug 23, 2009
I really feel sorry for all of you guys xD Those kind of schools must be like if Nazi Germany was crammed into a small building.
Right now, my class is designing book covers and most of my friends sit around me at the very same, small table. The teacher is sitting about 5 feet away, and we are talking loudly, laughing and I have my cell phone/MP3 player completely visible on the table. And we are even getting our homework done. And we occasionally talk with her (the teacher) about random stuff like the Sascha Baron Cohen movies and stuff like that.

Sorry, just had to rub it in your faces :D

GaM Pancho

New member
Feb 12, 2009
Back when I was in secondary school, (High school for the yanks) you were banned from hugging someone of the opposite sex...but it was OK to hug someone of the same sex..

It apparently encouraged rape, or so the girls were told in their special 'girls only' assembly.
One quote I was told was "you're inviting boys to your candy shop"

But it's OK for two boys to hug because the school obviously didn't want to be seen as a school that scorns homosexuality or some bollocks. No we can't have that.

Thought of another one.

We had a 'one way' system, after each lesson everyone had to head the same way, even if your next classroom as RIGHT NEXT to the one you've just come out wouldn't be able to go the opposite way, you'd have to go round the entire school just to fucking get to it.

Oh, and in primary school we weren't allowed balls to play football with, we had to use plastic bottlecaps.


Thought of another one

You had to have a diary for toilet breaks..if you needed to take a piss during lesson your teacher would have to sign your diary, the date, time, you went for a piss, then you'd take that diary to the toilet with you, if a teacher stopped you and said, "YOU, YES, YOU! STAND STILL, LADDY!" you'd have to show your piss-diary and you can continue, once you got back you'd have to have your teacher sign the time you got back.

If you didn't have your diary, you couldn't piss, apart from breaktime. But then there was always a limit of 3 who can go in at one time, (INCASE THEY SWAP DRUGS, THATS WHY EVERYONE GOES TO THE TOILET, OMFG)

There was also CCTV outside the toilet entrance to monitor how many students were going for a piss, if more than one person went in at once, then that means you're definatley up to something.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
You weren't allowed to dye your hair unnatural colours I remember. It was a pretty dumb rule. Now at college you can't step ten feet without seeing someone with purple or green hair. It's brilliant in fact, I love seeing so much variation.


Mar 26, 2008
My Primary School headmaster always found reasons to drag me into his office, was so long ago cant really remember them. He always sat me down and made me recite the words "It is not acceptable".


Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
They have a stupid one way system at my school that means you have to go around half the school to get to another point that was two meters away from where you started. (Only if there are teachers there of course)


What type of steak are you?
Apr 26, 2009
Well in my school you get fined $2 for saying "swears" such as shit, crap, damn, etc. for dropping f-bombs its $5.

One of my friends was fined over $20 because of this. He got revenge by spraying deodorant in the shape of a giant f-bomb on the school wall, then setting it on fire. Some revenge...