Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jul 8, 2009
I think the strangest rule we have at my school pertains not so much to the rules themselves as to the way they are enforced. We have a lot of aboriginal kids at the school, and they can get away with almost anything. Swear at the teacher? Move seats, but if a white kid does it it's off to the principal. Threatening someone? Sure, g'head. At least you're at school. BEat a kid up? Naughty, naughty, now back to class. It defeats the purpose of HAVING the rules, because it's usually the aboriginal kids that break them, they know nothing will happen to them. They never learn that society doesn't give a shit what colour you are, laws are laws. What irks me more is that I know a fair few white kids with just as messed up lives, in some cases worse, and they still have to follow all the rules. We white kids mention this being racism, and it's all "Oh, but at least they're at school" bullshit. Well maybe we want to learn in peace without some snot who knows the rules don't apply to him interrupting us.


New member
Jun 3, 2009
At my secondary school (high school maybe?) they wouldn't let us take our blazers off when it was boiling hot during the summers, so everyone one would end up baking sitting in the classrooms.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
I used to have a thirty centimetre rule at school

This meant you had to keep 30 cm away from the opposite sex at all times

So i tested this theory and while i saw a couple hugging and a teacher coming up i decided to non-queerly hug my mate that was next to me, they got a detention and all we got was a wierd look :p


New member
May 12, 2009
Junior High, our shoes were not allowed to have more than 6 eyelets on each shoe.
I was almost sent home for it.


Some kind of Monster
Feb 21, 2009
That they blocked most games so we cant play Counter-strike or Champions Online :(


New member
Mar 4, 2009
Over here in ireland, in Primary school (essentially junior high) you weren't allowed go to the toilet unless you asked in Irish. Considering only 4% of our population can speak the bloody language properly, this led to some hilarious moments as kids tried to remember how to pronounce the magic phrase.

to this day its the one sentence that most irish people remember though. cant speak the language for the life of me.


New member
Jul 3, 2009
During the summer we weren't allowed to take our jumpers off because it made the school look untidy!
Even during break times!!!


Friendly Neighborhood Time Lord
Apr 1, 2009
Okay, this one only applies to people taking the High School Exit exam in California.
The dumbest testing instructions I have ever heard were, as follows: (keep in mind, I'm really quoting a principal here) "You will fail the test if you write on the test booklet, please write your name on the test booklet."


New member
May 24, 2009
Eldritch Warlord said:
My High School had a 'points' system. Basically different offenses inflicted a different number of points and students would be punished according to their accumulated points rather than the actual offense.

The whole thing was a joke to the entire student body and the majority of the faculty. Perhaps the funniest thing was that it was about twice as many points for calling in a false bomb threat than bringing a bomb to school.
Hmm... That might be a good idea for an achievement system, will look into it.

OT: My school has rules that are pretty basic, but none of the teachers ever care to take your iPod if you have it in class.

Hikikomori Ookami

New member
Jun 26, 2009
V8Drinker said:
Okay now schools seem to be getting dumber and dumber with all their stupid rules. I'm asking for your stupidest rule that you can remember.

For me its: our school has a very inforced ID policy, and will actually set up "traffic stops" in the hallways to check anyone walking through for their ID's. This often results in being late to class because they check EVERYONE!
Not necessarily a terrible policy, but it seems like it would make more sense if they posted people at the entrances and checked ID's as they came in instead of stopping everyone between classes.


New member
Jul 29, 2009
A random person said:
In middle school the principal decided to mandate collared shirts. It was supposedly part of a dress code revamp, but apparently the only real change was the collared shirt thing. I still have no idea why having collars was so damn important.
they did that at my school too, but what ended up happening is that all the girls were getting button down collared shirts, and unbutton them so that their boobs were sticking through, so like within a year they had to change the policy again.

sigh, I am going to miss school
Aug 4, 2009
I live in Romania so "school rules" are the last problem we have. And usually if shit hits the fan hard enough that an authority or official must inetervine it means that not a rule was broken, but more a law. But in all honesty no one gives a crap about anything here.


New member
Sep 28, 2008
UK School.

When I was in school there was a rule that you were not allowed to take of our jumpers if we came into school wearing one and vis versa.

Now add this with inconsistant British weather and that creates a really uncomfortable time at school. It was boiling yesterday and it is nice and chilly today and I really feel for the new kids at school who just learn this rule.

Also at my primary school (Year 2) I got Vomited on and I had to stay in for lunch (sit in the naughty corner) while the person who threw up on me went home. Also considering this teacher used to pick me up and sit me where she wanted me to sit, she was an evil hag witch nazi who personally had it out for me.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
You're not allowed to run around with a deadly sword. It's unfair!

No, but seriously, I don't see why we can't wear hats at school. Can't a guy be cool with his fedora?

Animated Rope

New member
Apr 14, 2009
Wearing Swedish colours was frowned upon and not "allowed" back in 7th grade. Somehow showing praise/respect for our own country was not nationalistic, but racist. o_O

I think they've realized how dumb that was by now though, but students are generally bad at upholding a debate with the staff so they are probably doing some other stupid thing at the moment.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Lol I cant believe some of you guys arent allowed to have psp/ipod on you during school days...
in my school everyone has a computer which we got from the school.. and they dont even care if we play games or watch movies.

tho we arent allowed to sing our nationalsong cause its racist against other ppl that isent swedish


New member
Sep 6, 2009
My secondary school was insane.In the winter,they wouldn't turn on the heating,which,thanks to Irish weather,meant we were freezing half the time.The times they did turn on the heating,half of the radiators didn't work.What's worse is,we weren't allowed to wear any coats or jackets into school,which weren't the school's own coat.We mostly ignored this rule.But we weren't allowed to even wear the school's jacket as soon as we got into school.This meant that we were expected to stop,throw down our bags and take off our coats as soon as we entered the school.