Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.

If you missed one homework assignment, you were forced to go to detention. If you didn't go to detention, you were sent to Saturday School. I never went to either and I was sent to both at least 30 times.

Boy's hair couldn't be past the collar. I had hair down to my chest at this time. Long, curly, light brown hair and no asshole was gonna tell me what to do with it.

Girls must always wear their hair in pony tails. What kinda bullshit is that??

Any food or drink was strickly prohibited in class rooms. Including water.

Girls may not have nail polish. I had polished nails. Dark blue. Rules didn't say anything about boys wearing nail polish.

And the worst one of all. (actually, 2 worst but their listed together) No backpacks are allowed on school grounds and lunches brought from home must be inspected before consumption.


This was all in Middle School. I don't even want to see the High School rules.
Phew, I'm glad I never have to attend an american school. The oddest rule we had was something like "you may only take one apple in the cantine".


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Not neccessarily hard and fast rules, but certain policies in my elementary and high schools made me alternately smile and shake and my head in disbelief.

My elementary school is deathly afraid of lawsuits. If a single child is lightly injured doing anything no matter how stupid, they will ban that activity for everyone. There was a nearby forest that was kind of fun to run around in, that got banned. Then they banned their own playground (which they had put in only a few years ago likely at great expense) for everyone below Grade 4 because someone hit their head on the bars. No tire swing because someone tried to eat it. No snowball fights either.

My High School performs fire drills more often than the faculty wanted to, because people were into the habit of hitting the alarms for fun. The alarm means everyone runs out into the field with what you were wearing inside the classroom, regardless of weather, after which it may take as long as half an hour for them to get organized and march everyone back in. Normally this is just a minor inconvenience, but when that happens in my drama class during winter, where everyone takes their shoes off so as not to damage the carpet... yeah. Thankfully, that only happened once. The other funny thing about it is shortly after a fake fire alarm or the shattering of a window they will offer cash rewards over the PA for information on who did it. Never found out if that ever worked, but I doubt it.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
my school tend not to have stupid rules and just settles for doing stupid things and some stupid pupils.
stupid pupils first -
im not joking and those who are young should stop reading now, one boy dick slapped another boys face! yes he litteraly slapped a boy (everyone called the boy gay long b4 this) with his dick. several years below would mock him, it was funny one year seven kid said. you got dick slapped!
there was a physics lesson and one boys (regular trouble maker)phone went off. everyone coughed but teacher took his coat and there was a tug of war between them.
there were 2 pupils in biology and one is french the other german... the teacher left the class and they started fighting and the french boy was behind the german holding him and the german pushed him into the wall and then just started buming him. it was the most hilarious thing yet
there have also been useless teacher
maths in year 10 apart from 1 month we had constant subs teaching the same topic after a little while no one worked. i settled down to making paper planes. (still got an A at gcse)
for both gcse years my chemistry teacher turned up 1/3 lessons so i learnt nothing atill. still got an A
and some useless things by the school
id passes to leave school grounds for lunch(only yr10/11)!! then they made us go out the back gate when the front gate was at the start of the town, there is no reason for it we just walked round anyway.worstof all there was someone at the gate who opponed it to let cars in ffs its not like they were short staffed. and anyone could get out just say u were a year below and on the way back down to lower school(my school split into uper and lower) for lunch. infact mostly you could walk out without the checking you and if they did just say i lost it.
also registrasion in morning its useless they do it every lesson anyway, all it means is those with free periods in the moring have to go in!!
assembly they donthave announcments and dont tell us when there are any anyway!
in year 7/8 (lower school) we had to line up outside the school to be taken in for lessons but even though we were told walk on the left there was always this prick standing in the way so (a) only one class could go in at a time (b)you had to walk round him (c)you were no longer on the left.... lol
also every year ive been at that school every lunch item goes up by 10p. its rediculous. and the only way they make you eat is by forcing year7,8,9 & 10 to stay in school when were in the town ffs!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Epifols said:
Our school specifically mentions no rocket launchers.
I think I get it, no RPG equipment on school grounds?
Or is it actual rocket launchers?


New member
May 18, 2009
The stupidest rule for me was that every girl had to wear their hair up. It wasn't so much the rule, but that the punishment for any girl caught with their hair down was an automatic detention. It sucked.


New member
Jan 16, 2009
our schools dress code.

Hats are fine.
ANY white or navy collared shirt or tshirt
and undershirts you want, any jewellery, any shoes, any anything...EXCEPT PANTS!

Pants MUST be Navy blue track pants with TWO parallel White stripes no thicker than 2mm. Thats right, 1 or 3 stripes will land you a detention, any stripes thicker than 2mm will land you a detention.

Repeat offences and you will find yourselves in serious hot water, this can include loss of "good standing" which will disable you from partaking in school events including your school ball (prom) and can even stop you from graduating high school regardless of you're marks.
Jun 11, 2008
In my school we used to have a one way being an all boys school we quite easily decided no to that and disregarded it completely now it does not exist in anyway shape or form besides the arrows still painted on the walls.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
darkless said:
In primary school (Junior high) when we went out for recess or yard time as we called it we weren't aloud in groups bigger than 3 and we weren't aloud to run.

In secondary school (high school) we didn't have any stupid rules that i can remember.
What, were they afraid you were going to revolt?

My school had a problem with some of my tshirts. The retarded thing was that they wouldn't tell me they had a problem with one of mine until I wore it for the fiftieth time. I wore them anyway and I think I even got suspended once. My mom didn't mind and I enjoyed a few peaceful days off.

My school was really strict about no hats. I never wore any hats but I thought it was a pretty weird thing to be a sticker for. It apparently had something to do with the flag but they were never really clear on it. Grownups never have good explanations for their weirder rules.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
At my high school we couldn't have said in the specific rules no balloons.

Or silly string...They might have had a point about the last one.

Aparantly we couldn't have parties.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
New school, so everyone takes the piss out of... 'DON'T TOUCH THE WALLS!'

But more silly? Most teachers seem intent on the new coat hooks (OMG! WE CAN FUCKING HANG JACKETS UP LIKE HUMAN BEINGS?!) being used. I don't care. I go in, dump my bag on the desk and out my jacket over the back of the chair. Only if I am expressely told'll I get up and hang it.

Tuck my shirt in? I have a gut. You don't tell me to tuck my shirt in.

Chairs... So shit. They have a massive intent at the ass, but it's too small for this fatass. Unless you are VERY svelt, it won't be at all comfortable. Not so much a rule, but still, I'm on the topic of new school stuff.

Oh yeah. And don't touch the walls!


New member
Jul 24, 2009
Macgyvercas said:
Gbadude3 said:
In my school we're not alowed to wear watches.
What...Why not? What's a watch going to do wrong. That's stupid.
Silly, it can be used as a weapon during the death fights in the basement of the teachers lounge. C'mon, they've been working hard, you've gotta let the fight last a little while.

Our school is perfectly fine besides the uniform restrictions. They're incredibly strict since the new headteacher came in. Sent 12 people home for incorrect dress on the first say of school.


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
My primary school (9 years ago roughly) banned Pokemon cards cause younger kids were getting screwed over by the older ones by trading their rare cards for cheap ones.


Big Brother
Sep 23, 2008
Random argument man said:
No hats....No hats...Why?

The answer was because it's not polite...How about my friend who has stiches...(Yeah, he did. Bike accident).


New member
Jun 29, 2009
dont help people. they would not let me help someone with a broken leg. it just felt sad to watch the guy limp away.


New member
May 28, 2009
A friend of mine has to buy leather bags and agenda's from school, and uniforms, the school is killing the freakin' free spirit.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
That ID station seems rather silly. Having one when entering the school makes sense, but in the hallway sounds odd.

The only one that comes to mind in my old secondary school is that the boys weren't allowed to wear white socks.
They had to have grey or black socks with the school uniform, even though you couldn't see them under the trousers.


New member
Jun 14, 2008
Our school tried to be [i/]SUPER[/i] politically correct. We actually had "rallies" (forced attendance, suspension for those who don't) for the black people (Called Black Student Union BSU) of the school to tell the rest of the school their woes. (There are 30 black people in a school of 2000 BTW, we're very white here).
Here are a few phrases said in these rallies.
"We shall bring down the white oppression"
"You have turned us into modern day slaves"
"You can't stop our pride"
Okay, this shit went on for 2 hours. And since there are almost no incidences of racism at our school, [i/]at all[/i]. Now because after the first one of these rallies people were incredibly annoyed, they tried to make a White Student Union and guess what? Those people who tried to make it were suspended for racism.