Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Ours had a rule that no one could wear shirts that exposed the belly button, backless shirts, or bare midriffs. This went into effect my junior year. While the rule made sense as it was very distracting. It still sucked for me as I was, after all, 16 and pretty girls was about all i lived for at that point.


New member
Sep 19, 2008
Random argument man said:
No hats....No hats...Why?

The answer was because it's not polite...How about my friend who has stiches...(Yeah, he did. Bike accident).
We were always told we couldn't have hats because

1)you can send signals with them during a test (Like you can't do that some other way)
2) People always snatch them off of other people's heads and it leads to fights.

I kind of believe the 2nd one knowing the typical middle schooler/high schoolers personality and temperment.

El Poncho

Techno Hippy will eat your soul!
May 21, 2009
When your not allowed to have snowball fights when it snows, It snows like once a fucking year here and we can't have snowball fights, oh and we can't wait until we go home because it's either almost gone or is very icey.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
On my first day at secondary school, we were proudly told that every student that had ever gone to the school had borrowed at least one book from the school library. At this point I decided to never borrow a book. About a week later, I was threatened with detention for not borrowing a book.

I remember being told by the scarf-wearing deputy headteacher that we weren't allowed to wear scarves.

About a year after I'd left school, one of my younger siblings once brought home a list of items that aren't allowed to be brought into the school, which included MP3s, not MP3 players. Had I been given that list, I would have absolutely brought in a portable music player with only WMA format music.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
At my last school, one of the dress codes was that you coulden't mear any clothing sporting anarchy. It might seem like a simmple rule. But promoting the idea of anarchy should be acceptable thing in society. As well as socialism, dissanence (Pardon the spelling) and communism.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
Not a rule, but the head of our Sixth Form reprimands people for playing cards. Not gambling or poker or anything related to the "bad" card games like that, but simple games with the medium of cards.

"It's a bad image for the school"
"Oh yes miss, you're completley right. Me and my mates will just pop up the Co-Op (shop), smoke, fight and joyride a car. Won't that be a wonderful way to spend break?"


New member
Mar 28, 2009
My principal once dropped the following line in a letter to parents:
'We aim to challenge unhealthy individualism inherent in our Western capitalist-driven society.'
Reads like something copied from a Communist pamphlet.

That was very strange. He should get these things proof-read, since he seems to write in a permanent state of religious fervour.

Other than the uniform, which makes life a living hell, school is not too bad. Grateful for my free education.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
Well in Any School around here students are not allowed to:
1. Leave school grounds before classes end (May sound reasonalbe but that means most students starve during lunch)
2. Male students are not allowed to have long hair,tatoos,jewelry.(Pissed me off a lot when I had to cut my hair)
3. Female students are not allowed to wear short skirts, jewelry. And pretty much show off skin other than arms.
4. ID checkpoints. You can't get inside the school grounds without your ID (Addmitedly nice but if you don't leave home early enough you'll be late)
5. Express religous or ethnical(?) identity (OK WTF?!)


New member
Dec 30, 2008
My secondary school had a pretty strict dress code. There was the whole 'you have to always have you top button done up unless we say you can loosen it' thing, which no one paid any attention to, and when asked to do it bck up, did it up for maybe the next five sconds before returning it to it's undone state.

The "Can't have hair past your ears" (it was all male apart from sixth form). I nearly got excluded several times for refusing to get my hair cut. When I did I just grew it back again. Towards the end of my time at the school I had my hair near my shoulders because it was pointless to get me to cut it with a month left. Now my hair's chest length :)

I hated uniforms. Repression of my individuality, telling me to look and be like everyone else is somthign I resent and I refuse to be part of it. So I go out of my way give that type of thing a big 'fuck you'. Did it stop people taking cracks at me, hell no. I just gave as good as I got, if not better. Didn't make any difference as far as 'bullying' was concerned.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Carbonel said:
OH I know this one. I like hats. I have a small collection of hats so when it is a free dress day at school I usually wear one. It's really annoying that when I am wearing a good looking fedora I get told to take it off but the kids wearing a sideways baseball cap that proclaims that "THUG LIFE 4 EVER" (A bit stupid considering I go to a spoiled rotten private school.) Doesnt get told to take it off. It really gets on my nerves.
The same for me! I have a very nice fedora hat that I actually got to match the clothes I started wearing, but noooo! I might be affiliated with a gang if I wear a hat! What gang?! The Broadway Stompers!? Actually that's a pretty cool name.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
Gfan_00 said:
My principal just recently died of very unexpected cancer. Serves her right, the stupid butch ****.
Are you fucking serious? You think she deserves to die because she searched your friend once for possibly having a weapon? Fucking low.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
MikeOfThunder said:
Gfan_00 said:
My principal just recently died of very unexpected cancer. Serves her right, the stupid butch ****.
Are you fucking serious? You think she deserves to die because she searched your friend once for possibly having a weapon? Fucking low.
Ladies and gentlemen, this little rain cloud is the prime example why L.A. has some of the lowest test scores in the country.

Akai Shizuku

New member
Jul 24, 2009
pirateninj4 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
Err, isn't Communist Russia like the poster child of uniformity and obedience? I think you're just being obnoxious and looking for confrontation. You'd do better by just going about your day and not paying attention to the fact that you're already doing the same shit as everyone else.
Communist Russia never existed. The USSR was trying to start a communist society (and made it to the socialist phase), but as soon as Stalin rolled in, it was turned into a totalitarian dictatorship...which is the very opposite of a communist society. In fact, communism when fully executed is actually a form of anarchy. This is an honest mistake on your part, and I understand; the government did a very good job with its anti-communist propaganda.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
We have the whole blazers thing at ours - and we're not allowed to take them off at break or even lunch, but we are in class.

They're uncomfortable fuckers and made of the same material as the trousers which can get pretty hot on your body. In Summer we're supposedly allowed to take them off for breaks and lunch, but now we're not (even though it is still summer) because it's 'not quite as hot' as it was before the holidays.

We have shirts, jumpers and blazers. The jumpers are a lot cooler to wear (and better looking), but if we're hot we have to take those of and the blazer stays on. Our corridors are like greenhouses when it's hot because of the clear plastic ceiling, so when you're down to a shirt and blazer and sweating, it's still fucking hot. Even then they really think hard before they're willing to let you take it off.

Just as well none of us wear them anyway but it gets a pain in the arse to be told to put one on constantly.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Zenode said:
I used to have a thirty centimetre rule at school

This meant you had to keep 30 cm away from the opposite sex at all times

So i tested this theory and while i saw a couple hugging and a teacher coming up i decided to non-queerly hug my mate that was next to me, they got a detention and all we got was a wierd look :p
Heh, so a school, that is trying to promote our puritan style of society by restricting anything that could lead to sexual deviance, is actually promoting homosexuality by only allowing people of the same sex to be intimate in anyway? Huzzah! (Not against homosexuality, shut up...)


New member
Apr 6, 2009
Gfan_00 said:
My principal just recently died of very unexpected cancer. Serves her right, the stupid butch ****.
That's a fucking horrible thing to say!

No-one deserves cancer.
You might not like her but that's no reason to wish a terminal illness on them!

AAANND back on topic, My school was ok, my teachers knew we smoked out on the playground and didn't really care, music wasn't a problem providing you didn't listen to it in class.
No stupid rules really.

Not that it would make much of a difference, the people at my school were all wannabe gangsters, the rockers were a minority there.