Stupidest rule in school...


New member
May 16, 2009
Corpse XxX said:
Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.

If you missed one homework assignment, you were forced to go to detention. If you didn't go to detention, you were sent to Saturday School. I never went to either and I was sent to both at least 30 times.

Boy's hair couldn't be past the collar. I had hair down to my chest at this time. Long, curly, light brown hair and no asshole was gonna tell me what to do with it.

Girls must always wear their hair in pony tails. What kinda bullshit is that??

Any food or drink was strickly prohibited in class rooms. Including water.

Girls may not have nail polish. I had polished nails. Dark blue. Rules didn't say anything about boys wearing nail polish.

And the worst one of all. (actually, 2 worst but their listed together) No backpacks are allowed on school grounds and lunches brought from home must be inspected before consumption.


This was all in Middle School. I don't even want to see the High School rules.
Sounds like you've been to jail, or in a extremelly religious school.. I would never tolerate those rules, they are ignorant..
No. It was a public school run by a bunch of idiots who think they're in a private school. And I didn't tolerate their rules, I outright refused.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I'm not sure if this counts, because i was at camp. but I had this magazine that listed all the yugioh cards available and showed and figures and stuff you could buy. In the back was a single comic strip that I thought was pretty funny. When I showed it to my counselor, he confiscated it because it was, and I quote, a "Comic Book". when I asked how it could be a comic book if there was mainly lists in it he started flicking the page to ADVERTISEMENTS, of all things and saying comic book to each one. that was because we weren't allowed to have brought "Comic Books". Well, after explaining my story to the other counselor I got it back, but boy was I pissed at that prick


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Boaal said:
Actually the stupidest rule I had in my secondary school was 'don't talk back'.

If I or anyone else, had a relevant point, we couldn't voice it without being reprimanded for it.
When we went ahead and flawed any accusations with, holy fuck, logic - we were yelled at.
Oh, I'm sorry, did I just make you like like an utter twat infront of 30 kids? Yes I did. And you fucking deserved it.
This would happen over and over again. Basically 'don't talk back' is 'you can't defend yourself'
And while I didn't get into trouble that much, i outright refused to listen to that one.

Thing I liked about getting out of secondary school, and going in 6th form, was that the teachers actually fucking listened to you. You can actually talk to them. if they had a problem, they'd be courteous about it, and they'd listen to you if you had a valid reason, or argument against anything that you thought was unjust. Well... that or I just went to a better school when I did my A levels.
Yeah, my first school was like that. Secondary was pretty reasonable. The 6th form was even better, since the rules boiled down to "don't stand on the smaller kids. if you have to sneak out of school, don't make a big deal out of it.". Jeans were banned as part of the dress code, but this was pretty much "don't ask, don't tell". If they couldn't tell they were jeans with a quick glance, it didn't matter.


New member
Apr 7, 2009
My school banned pinstripe trousers a few days ago. And in my old school bands that a lot of kids were wearing got banned. It wouldn't be so bad but the bands were for cancer research.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I just can't wear an uniform I can't dude that thing looks so...a damn it...I skipped lots of school days because of that thing :D


New member
May 20, 2009
Excluded for self defense. It happened to me even though I had no choice since everyone was gathered around. There's no way they would have let me go, and all I did was defend myself and floor the guy.

Another one is that the head of maths made a "one and a half minute rule." If you didn't get to your maths class within one and a half minutes. Big trouble.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
At my school we arent allowed to wear our own sweater over our uniform even if its freezing cold and snowing outside, they'll make us take it off. I see no reasoning in this rule. I asked the head of my school why and she said it was because it made us look like hoodlums -_-

Broady Brio

New member
Jun 28, 2009
Doubt it counts but it's a unique one I think. It was a powerpoint slide to Biology. It said "Have homework done." and other boring but necessary stuff then came "HAVE FUN!" Wow you just know the teacher has no humor if she has to try that hard.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
pimppeter2 said:
crudus said:
pimppeter2 said:
Talking back to a teacher.

"What if the teacher is very fucken wrong"
You I have had that happen. I argued with her for 10 minutes about how you can die from drinking too much water(which you can). And again when she said something stupid about why helium makes your voice a higher pitch(she was saying something like because helium is less dense than air it diffused quicker into the room and carrying the sound waves with it). I got in school suspension for both of those. It was worth it; my 8th grade science teacher was a moron.
My most famous one was a teacher said the plural form of you is y'all. The word "you" is supposed to be enough for both singular and plural uses. Anything else is just slang, even if it is in a dictionary. It resulted in me calling her a dumb **** and getting switched out of her class. She was a fucken English teacher. She should know that.

Another famous time is me writing a 20 page narrative (she said it had to be at least 6 pages), I went overboared because I really liked my story. She gave me an F becuase it was too long and she didn't read it. /Facepalm for teachers of America.
that has too be the worst excuse and grading in the history of history of history. if i were you, id kicked her squarely in the face. FALCON KICK!

DRADIS C0ntact

New member
Mar 26, 2009
V8Drinker said:
Okay now schools seem to be getting dumber and dumber with all their stupid rules. I'm asking for your stupidest rule that you can remember.
I went to a private school, and my school actually created a rule specifically for me. It didn't apply to anyone else, only me. I wasn't exactly a goth, but I did wear all black clothes every single day. The vice principal noticed it and began keeping tabs on me. He eventually called me into his office and said that I had to get counselling for wearing all black, and if I didn't, I would be expelled. He also said that if I ever wear all black again, even for one day, it would also be grounds for expulsion.

He did this because, and I say this with a totally straight face, he believed that wearing all black was a sign of the devil. And he thought I was going to blow up the school.

I'm not kidding.

Not even a little.

My parents actually sent me to the counselling. The therapist told me that I need to wear brighter, because I thought this was the most idiotic thing I'd ever heard, I showed up to school in bright orange pants and a Hawaiian shirt.

Yeah, I turned some heads that day.

It didn't last long though. I purposefully wore all black again a couple weeks later, got expelled, and transferred to a public school where no one cared how I dressed. Some people are so dumb it should be a crime.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
DRADIS C0ntact said:
V8Drinker said:
Okay now schools seem to be getting dumber and dumber with all their stupid rules. I'm asking for your stupidest rule that you can remember.
I went to a private school, and my school actually created a rule specifically for me. It didn't apply to anyone else, only me. I wasn't exactly a goth, but I did wear all black clothes every single day. The vice principal noticed it and began keeping tabs on me. He eventually called me into his office and said that I had to get counselling for wearing all black, and if I didn't, I would be expelled. He also said that if I ever wear all black again, even for one day, it would also be grounds for expulsion.

He did this because, and I say this with a totally straight face, he believed that wearing all black was a sign of the devil. And he thought I was going to blow up the school.

I'm not kidding.

Not even a little.

My parents actually sent me to the counselling. The therapist told me that I need to wear brighter, because I thought this was the most idiotic thing I'd ever heard, I showed up to school in bright orange pants and a Hawaiian shirt.

Yeah, I turned some heads that day.

It didn't last long though. I purposefully wore all black again a couple weeks later, got expelled, and transferred to a public school where no one cared how I dressed. Some people are so dumb it should be a crime.
Remember, what you wear is more important than ANYTHING ELSE, according to educators. You could probably have spent the day snapping necks and got in less trouble.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
Girls couldn't have low-necked shirts. My God it made class so much easier to get through when you actually had something nice to look at.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
V8Drinker said:
Okay now schools seem to be getting dumber and dumber with all their stupid rules. I'm asking for your stupidest rule that you can remember.

For me its: our school has a very inforced ID policy, and will actually set up "traffic stops" in the hallways to check anyone walking through for their ID's. This often results in being late to class because they check EVERYONE!

Not chewing gum. Unless you're an idiot who is too lazy to walk to the bin to get rid of your chewing gum there's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to chew it during class. I would even go as far as to say that most people who stick their chewing gums onto the table chair are:

1. Afraid to be caught if they'd walk to the bin(so if it was allowed they'd go there).

2. Assholes who don't care if they're allowed to chew gum or not and damage property wherever possible(so it doesn't make a difference since they chew it anyway).


New member
Jun 13, 2008
The most annoying rule at my school are the uniform requirements

Blokes: Suits, two piece or three piece
Girls: Well, whatever the hell you please

Im not even kidding, its hillarious to watch the girls run around in basically bikinis in the summer- not joking there either, whilst the guys look like lawyers walking around, either freezing in the cold or roasting in the heat!


New member
May 19, 2008
Well, I've got two.
First, a large group of people [10] gets to beat on me and two friends just because one of them is dumb.
I get three weeks detention, everyone else gets two days.

Then, lo and behold, my class get our twelfth pizza party of the year for being amazing. Again.
I still have almost 2 weeks detention left. Dean O' Stupids comes in, bitching and hollering her face off, going "Why aren't you in detention?!" I calmly say that "Well, we have a pizza party, the whole school is stuck inside for recess, and you personally approved this party, fully knowing that we'd all be here, so WTF is the problem?" And she pitched a ***** that I didn't come tell them, when none of us was told on what day of that week we'd have the party.
She had known.

But that's behind me, I'm in college now finally.


New member
Feb 19, 2009
yeah, my complaints look kinda petty now, but here in holland, we now have a quotum of hours in lessons you MUST attend. this isn't weird, in fact, it's a reasonable thing to do. but they don't get it right in practice. what it means now is that we have to go to a classroom made for 20 students and wedge 30 of us in that classroom, to just sit there and make sure we get our quotum. if you miss one hour, you'll be cleaning up for 4 hours, and there is now way around it.

and we're not allowed pot
It's holland mutherfuckers! What do you expect?


New member
Sep 9, 2009
In middle school: specifically said "Bazooka" also you couldn't wear jackets... even the thinnest things, also no book bags.

High school... nothing really bad it was just a lot of things I hated about it.

Molten Water

New member
Apr 20, 2009
THIS IS COLLEGE and here are they're rules...

1. No Printed Shirts.
2. No Collarless Shirts.
3. No T-Shirts.
4. No Slippers.
5. Marks for Attendance(like 5 for 95% and 4 for 90% etc.)
6. Miss more than 25% classes and u FAIL the subject.
7. No Mobile Phones.
8. No Fancy Hairdos or Beards(the fanciness is decided by the faculty regarding you at said moment)
9. Girls to wear only Fully Covering Clothes.
10. You come more that a minute late for class and you are marked as absent.

Yeah right I'm in college...Stay in India BTW so that might be a matter to be considered.