Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jul 7, 2009
In primary school we had changing rooms to get ready for PE (nothing odd there). Although they weren't rooms and had an open wall that went right onto the main corridor. The girls got a nice curtain to pull across so they couldn't get spied on but the boys did not. We literally had to get undressed so anyone walking down the main corridor would see us. The sexism didn't stop there, as all the teachers (including the head teacher) were females they would favour girls in every respect, girls were allowed to play football but us boys couldn't play netball. They soon stopped the boys playing football altogether - I think we were having too much fun!

Good ol' Wix Primay School!


New member
Jul 2, 2008
Two years ago a thick blazer became part of my compulsory school uniform. A rule was made so that you were not allowed to take them off(no matter how hot it was) unless the teacher said you could.

Quick Ben

New member
Oct 27, 2008
Woodsey said:
Akai Shizuku said:
pirateninj4 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
Err, isn't Communist Russia like the poster child of uniformity and obedience? I think you're just being obnoxious and looking for confrontation. You'd do better by just going about your day and not paying attention to the fact that you're already doing the same shit as everyone else.
Communist Russia never existed. The USSR was trying to start a communist society (and made it to the socialist phase), but as soon as Stalin rolled in, it was turned into a totalitarian dictatorship...which is the very opposite of a communist society. In fact, communism when fully executed is actually a form of anarchy. This is an honest mistake on your part, and I understand; the government did a very good job with its anti-communist propaganda.
Communism is anarchy? Communism is the symbol of pure uniformness: you can't say what you want , you can't really do what you want, you have less choices and opportunities, and you're payed very similarly no matter what you do.

And a shit bit of stitching is just attention seeking.
I just have to correct you here. Akai is right. Let me quote Wikipedia for you:
Communism (from Latin: communis = "common") is a family of economic and political ideas and social movements related to the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, and stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general, as well as the name given to such a society.

Emphasis mine.

On topic: Some of you people have/have had some really shitty school rules. The worst I've had to deal with was a prohibition of bringing bottles or water guns to school on the last day before summer break (for quite obvious reasons.)


New member
Oct 29, 2008
When I was in High School (by the way I fucking love being able to talk about it in the past tense now :D) we had a power-crazy headteacher who wouldn't let your hair grow past your collar, who would give you detention if your top button on your shirt could be seen, and if you had the top button un-done...and if your shoes looked too much ike trainers...

Then we got a nice one who's like "I don't give one about your hair length and as long as you're not wearing clown shoes I won't be bothered. He focussed on rewarding people who were normal and punishing the idiots.

Now in College though we wear whatever we want and are treated like adults. Finally.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Quick Ben said:
Woodsey said:
Akai Shizuku said:
pirateninj4 said:
Akai Shizuku said:
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
I refuse to wear a uniform; to me it symbolizes subservience and being like everyone else...two things I am against.

I stitched a hammer & sickle into my mp3 player's wrist strap thing. I'm going to start arguments if anyone tells me to take it off, fascist bastards.
Err, isn't Communist Russia like the poster child of uniformity and obedience? I think you're just being obnoxious and looking for confrontation. You'd do better by just going about your day and not paying attention to the fact that you're already doing the same shit as everyone else.
Communist Russia never existed. The USSR was trying to start a communist society (and made it to the socialist phase), but as soon as Stalin rolled in, it was turned into a totalitarian dictatorship...which is the very opposite of a communist society. In fact, communism when fully executed is actually a form of anarchy. This is an honest mistake on your part, and I understand; the government did a very good job with its anti-communist propaganda.
Communism is anarchy? Communism is the symbol of pure uniformness: you can't say what you want , you can't really do what you want, you have less choices and opportunities, and you're payed very similarly no matter what you do.

And a shit bit of stitching is just attention seeking.
I just have to correct you here. Akai is right. Let me quote Wikipedia for you:
Communism (from Latin: communis = "common") is a family of economic and political ideas and social movements related to the establishment of an egalitarian, classless, and stateless society based on common ownership and control of the means of production and property in general, as well as the name given to such a society.

Emphasis mine.

On topic: Some of you people have/have had some really shitty school rules. The worst I've had to deal with was a prohibition of bringing bottles or water guns to school on the last day before summer break (for quite obvious reasons.)
Look I've just had an entire lesson on communism today and a double one yesterday. I know that hardly makes me an expert but it's pretty fresh in my mind, and I think 2 history teachers who have been teaching for at least 20 years and have degrees on the matter might know what Communism is.

Communism isn't stateless. Everything is run and owned by the bloody state. And everyone being the same is hardly anarchic, is it?


New member
Oct 29, 2008
OH I have another thing. The school changed their computer operating systems and they had this thing on it that blocked swear words, which is fair enough. But this also blocked "meths", and therefore "method", it also blocked "terrorist" and "bomb", so Year 10 history students doing the Terrorism essay were screwed. It also blocked "link" (...) and "penis" (that's the SCIENTIFIC term for god's sake!) It was ridiculous. It blocked a crap-tonne of words that weren't swear words.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Move to Maine. We don't have stupid rules. The ones that we DO have are sensible,

except for the fact that just being accused results in a punishment most of the time, because the teachers are too damn lazy to ask for more than one side of the story.


New member
Feb 15, 2008
Well all schools I went to had nearly no rules. 'cept against bullying and that kind of stuff. The sensible rules. BUT my first school did something very very wrong.

An artist released his music. His song were VERY provocative and he used some "terrible" words. Kids thought it was great but one teacher ***** and her ***** the principal lady didn't. They figured songs about cocks, pussies, sex, parties, muffins, weird people who likes to smell panties and whatever would fuck kids up.

They banned this music. Hip-hop an such was still allowed. The difference was that this guy was funny and had a funny accent also his songs were catchy.

This was a public school. The government heard of this and for the first time ever the government actually supported the freedom of speech and the law ruled in favor of freedom.
The music was unbanned and the teacher and the principal got fined. Music is considered art ***** and is even better protected by the freedom of speech.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Hamster at Dawn said:
They have a stupid one way system at my school that means you have to go around half the school to get to another point that was two meters away from where you started. (Only if there are teachers there of course)
Basically this at my school but I don't get annoyed much by stupid rules when there are plenty of stupid people that could make me feel more disgusted. :(


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Hmm... Our school doesn't have a dress code or some stupid bullshit like that, but last year they made up one of the most annoying fucking things EVER!! Here it goes: There's a FUCKING SCHEDULE for when the wardrobe is open and when it's closed. That is so annoying when, say we only have 4 periods and the wardrobe doesn't open till after the 5th period. So you have to wait 45 minutes just to go home! That's fucking bullshit and it's COMPLETLEY FUCKING USELESS!!! It's just they annoy you. And even when it DOES actually open after 5th period, it's only open for the 5 min break. And if you miss that, guess what? Another 45 min down the fucking toilet!!! Another thing that's really annoying is that you can only go to lunch after 12 o'clock. So, again, if we only have 4 periods (which ends at 11:45), we have to wait another 15 min!!! And I go to lunch (fucking parents) and almost all of my friends do too, so when we have 4 periods, we have to wait 15 min, go to fucking lunch, eat the fucking food, wait another 20-30 fucking min and then we CAN FINALLY GO HOME!!!

But wait, there's more :O
Since a lot of kids [supposedly] don't eat breakfast before they go to school, so there's a little 'lunch' break between 2nd and 3rd periods. The whole ''process'' goes like this:

We wait 5 min for the teacher to come and unlock the damn classroom (we eat in the classroom of the 3rd period subject) and then we go in. Then, 2 or 3 selected kids (we change every 2 weeks) go downstairs to the cafeteria to get the tray with all the fucking food on it-- But wait, there's something they have to do before they go to get the food... they have to take this 'cupon' thing with them. Otherwise they can't take the tray. And that's really damn annoying when they can't find the fucking cupon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whoa, I gotta slow down... There's also A WHOLE FUCKING HEAP of these little 'annoyance' rules, but I'm not gonna go into detail, for some reason...


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Primary school: We had a slope to the side of the school, it was about 6 tiers of flat, slope, flat, slope, etc. The school were kind enough to put up this shiny, sexy new adventure course/playground thing on the all bar the bottom tier. That's a 5 tier adventure playground. Yes, it was fucking awesome. Then some little runt breaks his arm on it, so no one's allowed on it. Next year they decide to let us on it on some days, read as we were told on the day "You can play on the slope". The kid got hurt again. We spent the next few years looking at it longingly.

Secondary school: We had an admirabley sized field. Nothing special, but it was ours and it was flat. We were only allowed on it during the summer. Not during the nice days of Autumn, certainly not during winter in case someone fell over on the frozen mud (When tarmac is so much better). There was also "The sixth form area". The sixth form couldn't give 2 shits for it, but the teachers threw a fit and a half when we were on it. Thing is, they didn't learn, they'd whine, we'd be there. Weeks later they'd see us and whine. This continued for the whole day with several different teachers. Let's not even get started on the head of sixth form, Hell, this guy deserves a whole paragraph to himself.
Me and my friend were prefects, and god damnit we were the best. The school rules were so ridiculious that we took up the one role that would let us avoid them. If that statement sounds insane, you see how bad things were. During one duty a group of pikies who, honestly, shouldn't even have been in the school show up. They start somethign with my mate. The head of sixth form blames US for it. This is the same head of sixth form who wanted us to stop stopping people coming through, aka, OUR JOBS, because 2 of his favourite sixth forms thought we were being harsh becaue the kids claimed to need the toilet (They always did this. Believe me. I'm not saying that to excuse myself, they genuinely said that just to be let through so they could brag as they left. If you wanna call us cruel, then you're a dissilusioned fool who doesn't know that there are many 3 other bathroom batches (and it was a small school). His sixth forms had no idea what was going on so they just decided we were opressing the kids. He sided with them over us, because whereas they only saw it from the stairs and gave us an earfull themselves, we weren't his precious little pets. In fact, any time he found out that you weren't staying on to continue education there, he'd pretty much mark you as a lost cause. And of course there were assemblies. I think we all know that pain.

Am I the only one shocked that no other british escapists have mentioned citizenship lessons? A lesson where, honestly, the school don't even know what they're meant to be teaching.

Edit: Uniform. I don't object to uniform, after all, I'm not some whiny, anti conformity child who think that other people need to know just how different I am to them, but the trousers... School trousers, from a school supplier, from a manufacturer who doesn't understand that some people are really bloody skinny. I have insanely long legs, and a tiny waist. I can either wear spandex if I get trousers for my waist, or I can look like MC Hammer if I get them the right length for my legs. I'm pretty sure it played a serious part in my now having a rather hgih pitched voice.

To cheer things up, I'm now going to have myself a fond memory. One of the ways around the internet blocking, Smart Filter as it was called at my school, was to use words they could not have considered. Foreign words. Igre was czech or something for games, so we'd go to for flash games some of the time. One time, we forgot if it was spelt igre or igra, and we also forgot to use .cz rather than .com. The result? We spent a lesson on

Back to unhappiness, apart from the year 10 english teacher who'd make a child look like a doctor, there was a science teacher who really, really, REALLY had it in for me and my mate. To the point where after half term, due to rotors and crap he hadn't seen us for a month or 2 and the first thing he does before we've even gotten comfortable in our seats is gives us one of those cliched warnings... This is somewhat made up for by the biology teacher who poured ethanol onto the table to clear up some ink and with whom we spoke to about Viagra, the origin of AIDS and many other interesting things, and the 70 year old nutter who, for one of the computer lessons spent 5 minutes walking around making sure that we had all found the start menu. I think the fact that we were all playing the same zombie survival game told him everything he needed to know about our technical prowess.

Edit Edit: OK, the link doesn't work, but if you type in the adress yourself, it'll be right there.


New member
May 25, 2009
"Be on time to class."
God I hated that one... There was honestly no point to coming to class on time.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Radeonx said:
Don't kill people. Sigh, I'm so sick of "laws" and "Rules for protection".
Yeah those stupid laws..

Are you being sarcastic or have I finaly found someone who thinks alike?


New member
Mar 7, 2008
One rule was that we weren't allowed to wear black trousers which sucked but then everybody complained so they removed it.

Also we wern't allowed to have extreme hairstyles so basically any form of hair colour that wasn't a naturally occuring colour was banned even if it was just a streak of it.

We wern't allowed to have ipods or phones or items like that in school.

There were quite a few stupid rules but that's all i can remember right now.
Jan 11, 2009
darkless said:
Project_Omega said:
Also the idea of unifors annoys me badly!
My school had uniforms and you clearly have no idea just how much trouble the prevent, It practically erases a whole aspect of bullying, in that you cant get slagged for what you wear because everyone is wearing the exact same thing.
How about having to get the train home and getting shouted at and physically assaulted because of your uniform by people from another school calling you stupid shit like "posh twat INIT!". State school chavs attacking me because I go to an independent school.

EDIT: OT: My school has the following; NO hair over the collar, over the eyes or covering the ears for boys, no highlights of dyes in the hair, blazer must be worn at ALL times unless the Deputy Head decides it's too hot (usually a month or 2 into summer), shirt must be tucked in at all times (even at lunch). Yeah I pretty much hate the governing body of my school. Although I have broken all of the hair rules and not been caught, I guess it's because I'm a good student. Also what can they do if I refuse to cut my hair?

katie monsterxRAWR

New member
Aug 3, 2009
This is probably a rule in many others school but: No ICP (ie. Hatchetman) related clothing, school supplies, accesories, etc.

I don't like ICP at all, but I think it's stupid. To go off of Yahtzee's Manhunt review, some kid shoots up a school and is linked to listening to music at somepoint in his life.

I'm not saying ICP has good morels or are even good people, I'm just saying I know good people who listen to them and who won't shoot up the school.

Also, back in middle school, I got suspended for writing on myself. On Halloween. I was a zombie and had "Walk The Dead" 'carved' into my neck. Not my chest, my neck. My principal said it was inappropriately placed. Not the content, she didn't even care about the fake blood or bruises or anything. Apparently the neck is very sexual. But though there maybe have been some that day, I did not see a single vampire. But I got suspended when I refused to change into a school provided outfit {so then my costume would have been my mom circa 1973} and I was told I had to write a letter of apology to the principal. I did not. My mom thought it was ridiculous that I got banned so I had a week vacation. The principal kept telling me to write an apology. Then I left to High School. Then I heard she died. Zombies unite. {No, I'm not a fangirl}.

And also back in middle school I was crying for some reason and I got pulled aside by an office worker who told me, not comfortingly, harshly, that there is "no crying allowed". I'm not sure if this was a real rule or not but the way she said it, it seemed like it was. I asked her "Is this Baseball? You think I'm crying on purpose?" then she stormed off. My mom got a call. I was being insubordinate.

And my last one, back in elementary school I was reading up on Alchemy and Pagan religions and I drew a pentagram, fully knowing the history, and a student saw it and reported me. I had to go to the conselor. Over 2 hours of him telling me that Satanism is bad even though I explained that I wasn't religious, and I even started to tell him the history of those symbols. Religious tolerance? Bullshit. Either way, detention for defending myself.

Yeah, that was my rant. I know there are worse schools with even dumber rules but this was my chance to vent.


Quite Dutch.
Mar 30, 2009
In our school there were too few chairs to go around, so during recess & lunch break, a lot of children would sit on the floor. Some parents complained that there were to few chairs, and that theirs children were forced to sit on the floor. Our school's brilliant reaction, a new rule, nobody was allow to sit on the floor anymore. (they didn't provide us with any more chairs however)


New member
Aug 5, 2009
Some of these rules are mad.

In my school the 2 weirdest are

1) Don't eat take-away food whilst wearing the school uniform. (i mean wtf!!! on my way home im hungry!!!)
2) Don't adress a teacher or member of staff while leaning against a wall or with your hands in your pockets... this is really mad.


New member
Aug 30, 2008
darksusano said:
Epifols said:
Our school specifically mentions no rocket launchers.
I think I get it, no RPG equipment on school grounds?
Or is it actual rocket launchers?
Those are the exact words, "rocket launchers". We got the updated handbook today and thats still in it.

The explanation for it it is "now you can't say we didn't tell you."