Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Aug 15, 2009
this isn't a rule but they did this in my school and now it annoys me:

we have a separate school for the girls and one for the boys (always have alway will ever since the school was founded) but that's not what bothers me, you see last year (i was in year 8, not sure of the american equivelent) they deicided to put up a metal fecne between the girls school luch-break area and the boys school lunch-break area, they then drew a lign on the ground about ten meters on the boys side and forbid us from going over that line! all the teachers that patroll it, even the nice ones, turn into evil frothing at the mout nazi when you get near that line!!! It's really annoying!!!

Bass Guitarist

New member
Sep 9, 2009
My school strictly prohibits the murdering of another student. On the referals it says "Homicide, ten days suspension"

I also got a referal for walking across the road. It was freaking ridiculous.

And (this ones not really a rule but it made me crack up) in my P.E textbook (inorite?) it says that sex before marriage WILL lead to premature death. Not unprotected sex, but Pre-marital sex in general is gonna kill us.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
If you aren't a student or a teacher in my school, in order to get into the school you have to get a visitor's pass by going through the office and ask them for one. At this point they say that they don't give out visitor passes anymore.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
Wow my school (N. Irish Secondary Catholic School) seems fantastic compared to the rest on here.. the only silly rules I can think of is no hair below eyebrows/below collar/around face/spiked up at top or back. And no wristbands.


New member
Feb 3, 2009
Our high school wouldn't let us carry any kind of bag throughout the day, including book bags or backpacks. Girls could carry purses, but that was it. I promptly said "To hell with this" and carried around the biggest duffel bag I could find. Part of this had to do with the fact that my locker was down a hallway that was in the back of the school as far from any of my classes as possible. Every time one of the admin told me to put my stuff away, I'd say "Okay, here I go" and then never do it. If I was feeling particularly cheeky, I'd say "But this is my purse"


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Epifols said:
darksusano said:
Epifols said:
Our school specifically mentions no rocket launchers.
I think I get it, no RPG equipment on school grounds?
Or is it actual rocket launchers?
Those are the exact words, "rocket launchers". We got the updated handbook today and thats still in it.

The explanation for it it is "now you can't say we didn't tell you."
For some reason I want to avoid your school...


New member
Jan 25, 2009
No ps3s or Xboxes in school

How the fuck am i going to sneak one of those in my pocket for godsake?


Aug 3, 2008
I'm in sixth form, so they're a bit more leniant and I can't think of any stupid rules.
Though every website is bloody blocked and we can't Google 'analysis' cos it has 'anal' in it.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
"No running in the Playground."

The fuck, we're 10 year old kids, the only thing that keeps us going through a school day is thinking about how much we're going to run at lunch-break. Fuck you school.

EDIT: Just thought I'd point out, I'm 17, this WAS a rule in my primary school, I didn't do much running around in 6th form.

Bass Guitarist

New member
Sep 9, 2009
Fbuh said:
Our high school wouldn't let us carry any kind of bag throughout the day, including book bags or backpacks. Girls could carry purses, but that was it. I promptly said "To hell with this" and carried around the biggest duffel bag I could find. Part of this had to do with the fact that my locker was down a hallway that was in the back of the school as far from any of my classes as possible. Every time one of the admin told me to put my stuff away, I'd say "Okay, here I go" and then never do it. If I was feeling particularly cheeky, I'd say "But this is my purse"
Me and my friends used to do that when our middle school enforced the same rule. The APs and Guidance counselors would tell us to put away our bags and we would always reply "But this is my murse." (Man purse) They thought we were gay and left us alone about it xD.


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I've only read a few posts but man some sound like George Orwell kind of did predict the future in 1984 for a select group of schools.

I can't really think of anything to complain about in my school. I remember back in third grade we had a substitute, and our regular teacher always did Mad Libs at the end of the day so she agreed to do one but we weren't allowed to laugh how the fuck do you expect a bunch of third graders to not laugh at the phrase "They put make-up on Scooby's bladder" (It was a Scooby Doo Mad Lib by the way)


New member
Aug 30, 2008
darksusano said:
Epifols said:
darksusano said:
Epifols said:
Our school specifically mentions no rocket launchers.
I think I get it, no RPG equipment on school grounds?
Or is it actual rocket launchers?
Those are the exact words, "rocket launchers". We got the updated handbook today and thats still in it.

The explanation for it it is "now you can't say we didn't tell you."
For some reason I want to avoid your school...
Well, there are were around 3,400 students last year. You can bet there are plenty of dumbasses for all kinds of crazy stuff.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
This isn't required but I don't like it when everyone does the pledge. Makes me feel like I've wandered into some sort of national cult or something them all saying this jingoistic crap in unison. I just stand there. Don't put my hand on my heart or anything. Sometimes I don't even stand, like if I'm working on writing something.

Oo Rev oO

New member
Aug 27, 2008
The "no hats" policy must have been written in order to irritate every single person in highschool
Nov 28, 2007
My high school had a campus-wide ban on chewing gum, because everyone just spit it out on the ground. Went over about as well as The Prohibition.


New member
Jan 27, 2009
A random person said:
In middle school the principal decided to mandate collared shirts. It was supposedly part of a dress code revamp, but apparently the only real change was the collared shirt thing. I still have no idea why having collars was so damn important.
Never understood dress codes. I can understand being washed and dressing fashionably, but I've NEVER understood dressing uncomfortably.

2012 Wont Happen said:
This isn't required but I don't like it when everyone does the pledge. Makes me feel like I've wandered into some sort of national cult or something them all saying this jingoistic crap in unison. I just stand there. Don't put my hand on my heart or anything. Sometimes I don't even stand, like if I'm working on writing something.
I can understand that. How is it freedom if you are required to pledge your allegiance to somebody's flag?


New member
Jun 21, 2009
Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.

If you missed one homework assignment, you were forced to go to detention. If you didn't go to detention, you were sent to Saturday School. I never went to either and I was sent to both at least 30 times.

Boy's hair couldn't be past the collar. I had hair down to my chest at this time. Long, curly, light brown hair and no asshole was gonna tell me what to do with it.

Girls must always wear their hair in pony tails. What kinda bullshit is that??

Any food or drink was strickly prohibited in class rooms. Including water.

Girls may not have nail polish. I had polished nails. Dark blue. Rules didn't say anything about boys wearing nail polish.

And the worst one of all. (actually, 2 worst but their listed together) No backpacks are allowed on school grounds and lunches brought from home must be inspected before consumption.


This was all in Middle School. I don't even want to see the High School rules.

You had it pretty screwed, bro. Glad I'm not you :)

I, basically would be instantly shot in your school.

And teh chicks look better without pony tails.