Stupidest rule in school...


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Elementary School- Fingers on Lips to make us look stupid. Also no outdoor recess in the perfectly nice field out back with playground stuff and everything.

Middle School- the Id crap.

High School- Just awesome. Not Awesome Face awesome, but still awesome.


New member
May 16, 2009
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell.
Agreed. Although "burn in hell" doesn't seem harsh enough for some reason.


New member
May 16, 2009
skywalkerlion said:
Julianking93 said:
"All students must refer to superiors as either Sir or Ma'am" I refused that one.

If you missed one homework assignment, you were forced to go to detention. If you didn't go to detention, you were sent to Saturday School. I never went to either and I was sent to both at least 30 times.

Boy's hair couldn't be past the collar. I had hair down to my chest at this time. Long, curly, light brown hair and no asshole was gonna tell me what to do with it.

Girls must always wear their hair in pony tails. What kinda bullshit is that??

Any food or drink was strickly prohibited in class rooms. Including water.

Girls may not have nail polish. I had polished nails. Dark blue. Rules didn't say anything about boys wearing nail polish.

And the worst one of all. (actually, 2 worst but their listed together) No backpacks are allowed on school grounds and lunches brought from home must be inspected before consumption.


This was all in Middle School. I don't even want to see the High School rules.

You had it pretty screwed, bro. Glad I'm not you :)

I, basically would be instantly shot in your school.

And teh chicks look better without pony tails.
I thought I [i/]was[/i] going to be shot. I disobeyed all of those rules.


New member
Apr 6, 2009
skywalkerlion said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. tolerance for what?
zero tolerance policies are basicly these things that schools are doing. It means that if a kid makes a certain kind of offence than he made the WORST kind of offence. Like if a kid takes a gun shaped eraser to school, than he's punished like he brought an atomic freaking bomb.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
A random person said:
In middle school the principal decided to mandate collared shirts. It was supposedly part of a dress code revamp, but apparently the only real change was the collared shirt thing. I still have no idea why having collars was so damn important.
Maybe just the name collar equates you to an animal who is forced to wear a collar. Therefore sublyminally programming you to believe you actually are like said domesticated animal. Or they just like preppy clothing. Either way. I think my first thought was cooler.

I Stomp on Kittens

Don't let go!
Nov 3, 2008
Crimson_Flag said:
In my High School rulebook it says if we cause a avalanche we get suspended for 10 days and our school is in the middle of a field...
Haha that would be awsome in my school! (I live in Iowa)

You can't dance naked. (not really a rule)
We don't have any dumb rules really.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
clicketycrack said:
skywalkerlion said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. tolerance for what?
zero tolerance policies are basicly these things that schools are doing. It means that if a kid makes a certain kind of offence than he made the WORST kind of offence. Like if a kid takes a gun shaped eraser to school, than he's punished like he brought an atomic freaking bomb.
OHHH yeah :)

I had my encounters with those.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell.
Wait, so there would be zero tolerance policies on those that created zero tolerance policies. I suppose you'll be burning next to them.


New member
Feb 18, 2005
I once got told to stop tapping my pen in an exam or my paper would be 'destroyed'..
They thought I was doing morse code or some shit -.-


New member
Jun 22, 2008
skywalkerlion said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell. tolerance for what?
Zero tolerance for anything practically.

The idea is that if they intimidate you with an extremely harsh punishment, you won't do wrong again. Which only serves to piss off the upstanding students, and it is mostly irrational. Most of them have a policy revolving around zero tolerance to drugs. EVERY DRUG. Even the free and legal ones like advil and ibuprofen, a notable case to illustrate this was that time where a girl was strip searched after a locker search turned up nothing. The search was for 400mg ibuprofen. While prescription, ibuprofen is practically impossible to OD on enough to kill you. You just end up bleeding out of your ass, bowels, and yeah.. You end up looking like a retard.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
In elementary our mascot was Chester Cheetah, but we weren't allowed to eat Hot Cheetos. Even though I hate Hot Cheetos, it was still a stupid rule.


Senior Member
May 25, 2009
Back in elementary school, whenever we would move between our class and somewhere else (be it the rec room, the cafeteria or whatever) we had to walk in single file in silence with our hands behind our back. I always though it was a tad draconian, especially the hands part.

There was also this latin teacher in high school who would do some lovely "surprise vocabulary quiz" once in a while. She would ask a question to everyone in the class and if you missed it you had detention that night.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
martin said:
clicketycrack said:
ZERO TOLERANCE POLICIES. Whoever came up with that idea should burn in hell.
Wait, so there would be zero tolerance policies on those that created zero tolerance policies. I suppose you'll be burning next to them.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
wow okay, no glasses in the halls. we could have them in class and out side but not in the halls.

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
You know that thing you do with your hand and you put your thumb and middle finger together to make that snapping sound? they banned that for some reason. And the word Emo...and words that sound like emo. I don't get idiots. Thank christ high school came when it did. Grade 8 was bullshit.


New member
Jun 21, 2009
(whitty name here) said:
You know that thing you do with your hand and you put your thumb and middle finger together to make that snapping sound? they banned that for some reason. And the word Emo...and words that sound like emo. I don't get idiots.
Other than the emo part, that's what our school did too. My friend, Daniel, came to school with a cast on his finger. After doing that snappy thing for a few days, the teacher immediatly decided that that's what happened to his finger, and he got in big, senseless trouble for it.

open trap

New member
Feb 26, 2009
our dress codes are gay, the vice principle made my frind cover up his iron maiden shirt because it was "inapropriate"