The Gaming World would be a better place without....


New member
Nov 19, 2009
A constant flow of violent videogames.
Don't get me wrong, I love blowing zombies and faceless terrorists to pieces just as much as the next guy, but it doesn't change the fact that if videogames are going to become a respected medium, games focusing less on combat and more on interactive storytelling are going to have to become the norm. Even Bioshock, a game praised for its story (and one of my personal favorites) was still 95% shooting people in the face.
I'm not saying that mostly nonviolent games with good storytelling and messages don't exist, I'm saying that they have to become the norm.


New member
Jun 10, 2008
DLC. They've always had DLC, but it used to be called an update, or they'd pack it all into an expansion pack. Now they somehow get away with charging full price for something that would be slammed if it were released as a full-fledged expansion.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
People that insist gaming should be art and therefore demands that games that don't deliver a good story, good characters or anything associated with multiplayer be erased from existence.

People that refuse to accept that other people don't want a good story and seeks something else and therefore act like elitist assholes by condescending on people who have different preferences.

People that demand gaming must be focused on one thing and one thing only.

Hypocrites that talk about how ignorant and "stupid" their CoD-playing friends are when really, they are exactly the same as them only replacing CoD with another game/genre, or maybe their friends are not as ignorant and stupid as that guy makes them out to be, it is just him/her.

People that complain about a game being too easy when they're playing on the easiest setting.

People that complain about a game being too hard despite knowing that fact beforehand and demands that the game be lowered down in difficulty to suit them instead of themselves adapting and learning to be better (See: Demon's Souls)

People who demonize companies they don't like by nitpicking at every detail from their games and exaggerating their flaws while at the same time, the companies they are loyal to performs a similar flaw but they pass it as something minor or acceptable.

People who uses a certain video/video series to back up their arguments despite the fact that said video probably does not have any more merit than the poster themselves (See: Zero Punctuation or Extra Credits).


New member
Feb 1, 2011
Fps's in general. I can't stand being killed by someone I can't see half the time and the other half of the time getting into a decent gunfight. Not to say they aren't fun, but I like to see who I'm fighting and have my opponent see me. Since the influx of Fps's originated with Halo or CoD, I'll say whichever one of them developers jumped onto the bandwagon for.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Ok i got carried away and made this WAAAAY too long, so if you don't want to read my opinionated ramblings just read the firsts sentence of every paragraph and thats what i think gaming should be without.

MW2, all halo games, GoW games and many other generic shooters that have something in it that allows players to easily kill the majority of average gamers. In MW2, commando knifing and duel model 1887 made it alot easier to kill people with only an average skill level. i havn't played halo that much, mainly because when i did play it their were no aussie servers and i was lagging like hell. it still had a shitty sort of feel to it though. And of course, shotgun in GoW. I havn't played it in ages but last time i did that was the majority of kills against me.
collecting and achievements that don't take skill to get, just a huge amount of time being wasted.
cut scenes. HL2 cutscenes (if you can call them that) are how its meant to be done. you have control but the story still unfolds around you. u can't really call it a cut scene but meh, its a good system.
balance issues and the way they are fixed. Seriously Blizz, the way you fix balance issues is NOT by making another classs unimaginably powerful to counteract your first mistake.
Again for WoW, games that listen to the people who complain. The reason why the game has balance issues is because the people who don't know what they are doing think its unfair that they fail at the game.
bad voice acting
lack of character development, for games that need it.
milking. as in all newer mario games, all newer sonic games, the cross overs,and everything else.
a game that is meant to make you fit.. .go exercise properly you Wii fanatics, please!
Final Fanasy... 1 was enough.
a game that focuses on muscle size, body type and breast size more than the actual gameplay. yes I'm talking about Soul caliber 4. As if my armour wasn't skimpy enough, it just got smashed off -.-
Boss battles that are easier than the normal, run of the mill enemies.
Boss battles that don't seem like boss battles, and you don't realise it IS a boss battle until afterwards when you get an achievement for it, and wonder why there is an achievement for something so easy.
Releasing games for profit, not for artistic design and audience entertainment. although this can go both ways. looking at the aussie film industry, we have alot of 'artistic' films that have no popularity rating and are only enjoyed by critics. there needs to be balance between the two. or maybe their are 2 many gamers that have been bred to acknowledge shit as entertainment. I know it comes down to personal opinion with gaming, but also peer pressure. and when all the cool kids say something like fable 3 is good, some people go and buy it and no matter how bad it is, keep mentioning how great it is.
Quick time events.
Games that are more about whats on your character than how you play it. I know this makes me a hypocrite because i play WoW, but WoW is my mellowing game. as long as i don't do PvP, it calms me down cause its so damn easy.
Realism over enjoyment. Call of duty, battlefield etc. Its more about shiny graphics and the bullets doing more realistic damage, than actually having fun. Games like HL2 deathmatch and TF2 are great because they don't give a damn about realism.
Not young players, but immature players. most of these are 12 or under, but one does find the occasional 40 year old prick who acts like a 6 year old.
Releasing a game in parts on 6 month intervals. The sims, need i say more?
Games that have multiple parts but seem to only really focus on one of those parts. This mgiht just be my hate for retarded multiplayer (although this game is alot better in that aspect than its predecessors) but in black ops i find that, as a result of gameplay, it should be renamed. It should be called nazi zombies 2, as really thats the only thing that really keeps me interested.
Horror games that arent really horror. amnesia is the only game i've ever played that has ever been scary, although half life 2 scared me a bit as well, especially the fast crawler zombies while i was out of ammo and in a small vent sort of area trying to not get killed by the big alien outside. Amnesia does it alot better, tho, with good pacing ,good sound effects and music. Fairly lit halls for the first bit, then the first time you meet a monster and it attacks its bloody invisible, and you have to jump from box to box to survive. Introducing the other monster in overly dark rooms etc etc. every time i play the game i come out exhausted cause i was so enthralled.
REDOING STORYLINES. again, WoW. I absolutely loved the warcraft 3 reign of chaos and frozen throne storylines, and what to they do in WoW? Change half of it >.<
Most protagonists being cliche, muscled, manly named men. and when it is a women, its always about how she looks.
Whats happening to RTS. SC2 and warcraft 3 reign of chaos in particular. both games have more custom games going than the actual game itself. if you've never playd these games, basically theres the rts then map maker, and people go around using map maker and their magical skills to make games like Dota, footies and other such things, games that are contained on maps and played in SC2, instead of playing SC2 itself.

i havn't mentioned alot of what i wanted to, but i can't think of what i wanted to say at this point so i guess thats it.


New member
Jun 29, 2010
Vault101 said:
bad games
Oh come on, the best lulz in gaming come from bad games. The world would be a far less funny place without that Big Rigs flying - I mean racing game. Also, where would Yahtzee get material from?

My contribution:

Please get rid of ragdoll physics, at least for realistic, gritty games. It blows the immersion of games like Max Payne 2 and Hitman when dead guards have one leg locked straight in air and the other wrapped around their necks. I would much rather see a return to canned death animations; they can be done well, like was the case in Modern Warfare.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
You can't rally say one console is better than the other in the first place. its like trying to compare different genres. Wii is motion senser family fun, xbox and and PS3 are similar but they both have their own games and types of people who play them, so there is no comparing or saying which one is better.

In short i agree with you, but throwing retards off of bridges probably won't be looked kindly upon :)


New member
Feb 11, 2011
Wouldn't a leg wrapped around his head mean BAD ragdoll physics? i Don't see anything like that in Half life 2 deathmatch, its ragdol physics work really well. And i seem to remember Star wars battlefront having some good ragdoll physics. i mgiht be wrong though i havnt played that in ages.
Then again you did say at least for realistic games, and those two were definitely not designed for realism xD.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
The Gaming World would be a better place without ...... !

-Kids under 17 playing multiplayer M games.




Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Sometimes I do think it would be a better place without Half-life. Would get rid of a heck of a lot of fanboys/trolls on this forum. I played it and wasn't impressed anyway. So I have no reason to believe that episode 3 will be anything special.


New member
Aug 28, 2010
1. faux news / fox noise
2. profit focus / bureaucratic devs (activision, EA)
3. kids on VC
4. oversimplification of games, making games too easy
5. easy ass MMOs (Wow, derp. I want '99 EQ back!)
6. lack of experimentation, artistic exploration
7. multiplayer focus
8. BOBBY FUCKING KOTECK or whatever (and also anal parenting groups)


New member
Feb 11, 2011
I'm sorry that i can't think of many other examples for what i'm talking about other than HL cause i don't play many games. But in all seriousness whats the point of getting rid of HL just to get rid of trolls and fanboys? If you wanted to get rid of them why not take out fable, halo, WoW and all the other widely popular games?
I guess theoretically speaking I'm saying that its not the games fault, its just how some people are.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Stupid parent's who think everyone but themselves should raise their children.


Less companies not willing to take a chance.

People who take games too serious.