The Gaming World would be a better place without....

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
Awexsome said:
Sometimes I do think it would be a better place without Half-life. Would get rid of a heck of a lot of fanboys/trolls on this forum. I played it and wasn't impressed anyway. So I have no reason to believe that episode 3 will be anything special.
But then there'd be no Freeman's Mind! D:


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Final Fantasy X-2.

You know why.

Also, even though I still haven't finished FF XIII, and this game still isn't out yet, I'm going to premptively say Final Fantasy XIII-2.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Frenger said:

Most of them. Especially the vocal ones.
Wait so it's wrong to be a fan of a game? Guess I should stop playing games altogether along with the rest of the community. I am aware that you said most.

The Gaming World would be better without immature people with high voices. I find it to be flawed saying 'all 12 year old gamers' as there are countless 12 year olds who don't play multiplayer and don't use their mic.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Halo fans.

Not Halo itself. It's just a game, and there wouldn't be much in the way of hilarious Machinima without it. No, just the fans of it, the ones who are entirely obsessed and made me not want to approach Halo.

Now that I've said that, commence the beatings. I'm prepared.


New member
May 31, 2009
Nouw said:
Frenger said:

Most of them. Especially the vocal ones.
Wait so it's wrong to be a fan of a game? Guess I should stop playing games altogether along with the rest of the community. I am aware that you said most.

The Gaming World would be better without immature people with high voices. I find it to be flawed saying 'all 12 year old gamers' as there are countless 12 year olds who don't play multiplayer and don't use their mic.
Yup, and by most I mean allmost everyone.

I'm a fan myself, however, I don't wear spectcals that would envy Elton John, like some do. Not that being critical of an new direction is a bad thing, but even you must admit that it goes out of hand most of the time. Just look at any any thread concerning any well respected dev recently. They quickly derail into shitthrowing contests without any purpose. Those "fans" can fuck off.


New member
Jul 29, 2010
Love interests...sorry let me rephrase that,BORING POINTLESS UNINTERESTING UNBELIEVEABLE LOVE INTERESTS,ones that have no importance or drive in a game and are just shoehorned in so teenagers can masturabete to the "hawt women".
And maybe so the designers can stick a woman on the the front of the box and get lucky with a few guys buying the game because of tittays.

Oly J

New member
Nov 9, 2009
A Weakgeek said:
9_6 said:
DLC, DRM, Games for windows live, jiggle physics.
This also Electronic Arts and every other bullshit company that fills their customers harddrives with spyware. Though those jiggle physics are impressive....
Oly J said:
Arnold Schwarzenegger
What did you just say?! Wanna go outside punk? (I keed)
Oly J said:
competing consoles...seriously can you imagine if all companies got together to create one console? that would be epic
Also after quoting you 2 times don't think that I have something against you since i don't, but let me explain: If there would be only 1 major console there would be no competition, therefore companies could dish out really bad stuff since you have no alternative. Your idea is beatiful sure, but contest is necssecary(did i spell that right?) to keep the quality of games good.
actually that's a very good that I have made in other arguments, I wonder why I didn't think of it...oh well

also back on topic...the fact that shenmue 3 has not been released, that is something I've wanted to go away for so many years lol...Yahtzee...if by some miracle you happen to read this, as futile as my saying this is...PLEASE make a mock review of Shenmue 3 in the same way you did Duke Nukem might get results lol


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Frenger said:
Nouw said:
Frenger said:

Most of them. Especially the vocal ones.
Wait so it's wrong to be a fan of a game? Guess I should stop playing games altogether along with the rest of the community. I am aware that you said most.

The Gaming World would be better without immature people with high voices. I find it to be flawed saying 'all 12 year old gamers' as there are countless 12 year olds who don't play multiplayer and don't use their mic.
Yup, and by most I mean allmost everyone.

I'm a fan myself, however, I don't wear spectcals that would envy Elton John, like some do. Not that being critical of an new direction is a bad thing, but even you must admit that it goes out of hand most of the time. Just look at any any thread concerning any well respected dev recently. They quickly derail into shitthrowing contests without any purpose. Those "fans" can fuck off.
I'm sorry but that's just cruel in my perspective, just because that a few threads get out of hand doesn't mean that most fans in the gaming world should be eliminated.
"Hey are you a fan of Mario Kart?"
"Oh no I'm not a fan! I just like the game!"


New member
Oct 2, 2010
Dizeazedkiller said:
Ok i got carried away and made this WAAAAY too long, so if you don't want to read my opinionated ramblings just read the firsts sentence of every paragraph and thats what i think gaming should be without.
Sir.. I always love to read a good ramble. Well done!


New member
Jan 17, 2011
fanboys, fragheads, racists, fake psychologists/lawyers/politicians, douchebaggy little kids, games having only one save slot, purists, rude noobs (or roobs), Sauron-like admins, Bobby Kotik, whoever keeps filing all suggestions and complaints from fans in the paper shredder (I'm looking at you Activision, Lucasarts, Infinity Ward, Treyarch, others)


New member
Sep 14, 2009
1. Quick time events
2. Escort missions
3. Annoying kids on xbox live
4. Parents not checking what actually suitable for there kids.
5. Fanboys (Nintendo, xbox, playstation etc........)


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Bobby Kotic and DLC

Seriously! I've been playing Dead Space 2 recently, I got close to the end and realised i'd been uding exactly the same combination of weapons i'd used in the first one... I asked myself "where are all the new weapons!?" and then I looked on the store... they're all in four quid DLC packs... come on...


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Fan boys?

CoD/Halo/GoW (Gears, not god, though after the first God there wasnt too muhc spectacular).

Version exclusivity (ME, not that I care about playing you).

Broken Mechanics would be another one I suppose.