The moment your childhood died


New member
May 28, 2009
I guess it was the moment when I could see the negative things in the world too.


Vi Britannia
Aug 1, 2009
Childhoods die? University reinforced my one, still going strong after 23 years


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Age thirteen I reckon, I don't want to talk about it, but I reckon that was about when I lost my childhood innocence. Obviously I'm a teenager at that age but y'know what I mean, there was a specific catalyst where it changed my growth and personality, where I would likely be a completely different person where it not for that.

Chrono180 said:
I've been without a childhood pretty much all my life, but if I had to pick a particular moment...

When I was in first grade one of the other students made it a special point to pick on me all the time.At one point during recess, about midway through the semester, he caught me on the playground slide. He then grabbed my head and began slamming it down onto the metal surface. When two of my front teeth fell out of my skull he was (I think) surprised enough that his grip loosened and I was able to run away and hide. I made the first of many suicide attempts a few days later, so I think that was the moment that really "killed" my childhood.
Shit man...first grade? That is really bad, I feel for ya.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I don't remember what caused it, but when I was 14 I was suddenly overcome by waves of bitter cynicism, which have not left since. So...Puberty killed my childhood, I think.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
I think it was during the early days starting high school that during lunch time I went to the nearby shops (we are allow to go there on break time) to buy the latest Beano comic (a British). As I walked out holding it, some older pupil (what a prick) had make fun of me of still getting it. Not wanting to make fun off again, I stop buying it the week later.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
I think I still have a few shards of childhood hidden away somewhere, but the thing that dealt the biggest blow was probably when my first dog, Yoshi, died. My parents had gotten him a year before I was born, so he'd been there my whole life, protecting me and comforting me. Then, one day when I was 12, he had a heart attack in the middle of the night. My dad tried to call a vet, but there weren't any close by, so he just sat with Yoshi and comforted him. He told my sister and I what happened the next morning, and we had his body cremated.

The really sad thing is that while we were moving a few years later, we stopped for the night at a motel. The next morning, we found that some guys had broken into our truck and stolen some boxes, one of which contained the small box of Yoshi's ashes. Never forgave the motherf***ers.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
It was in first grade when I just moved from out of state to the one I'm currently in, and I was made fun of because I was 'foreign' and wasn't with the Kindergarden crowd. It was either that or watching my older brother have a nervous breakdown when I was 9, not that I'm keeping track or anything.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Scarim Coral said:
I think it was during the early days starting high school that during lunch time I went to the nearby shops (we are allow to go there on break time) to buy the latest Beano comic (a British). As I walked out holding it, some older pupil (what a prick) had make fun of me of still getting it. Not wanting to make fun off again, I stop buying it the week later.
I wouldn't worry, From what i've seen its gone downhill since about 2005, its basically a magazine about farts now.


New member
Jan 19, 2008
Souplex said:
We all have that moment in our life when we lose some of our innocence, and the world becomes a much darker place. What was yours?

I have several, but my favorite was in Kindergarten when we were told to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. All the other kids drew wholesome things like bakers, and firefighters.
I drew a giant robot destroying a city.
My teacher told me I would never be a giant robot.
Suddenly all the magic and wonder in the world was gone.
I think the whole thing of asking young children at school to say which job they want to do when they grow up is pretty much designed to kill childhood. It's a big childhood-killing machine.

Of course, you could just develop a giant mecha suit, find your teacher's house and stamp on it. That'd learn her, eh? :D


Dec 25, 2008
Never had one as far as I recall, so I guesss I was too young to remember it. Or maybe I'm an alien from space, that would explain why I turned into a supervillain about to take over the world with an army of killer ninja robots.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
When I walked in on my mom and dad doing it, I guess I was 8 or 9 years old.
Can't remember anything else if that ain't bad enough, not sure if that is a good or a bad thing.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Souplex said:
We all have that moment in our life when we lose some of our innocence, and the world becomes a much darker place. What was yours?

I have several, but my favorite was in Kindergarten when we were told to draw what we wanted to be when we grew up. All the other kids drew wholesome things like bakers, and firefighters.
I drew a giant robot destroying a city.
My teacher told me I would never be a giant robot.
Suddenly all the magic and wonder in the world was gone.
Teachers do that don't they. Just kill dreams. Why do such miserable people become teachers


New member
Feb 8, 2010
I guess it should have been when my dad left when I was 8 but funnily enough it happened 6 years later when I was once again being bullied at school and I realised that literally no-one can ever help you in that situation and that you have to, NEED to help yourself. Weirdly enough, it's never been as bad since then, I'm now 16 and I never get any shit. I should have learned that lesson earlier. Would have made my first 3 years of ho=igh school A LOT easier.


New member
Sep 11, 2007
Probably the time that my Kindergarten teacher yelled at me for coloring my T-Rex red, and my stegosaurus blue. She told me that it was all wrong because dinosaurs were only earth tones, like brown and green, and that coloring them red and blue was downright stupid and childish. I got so angry at her that I screamed "BUT LAVA'S RED!!!", and she got pissed and held me in from recess for the rest of the week.

Or y'know, when I was twelve and realized that the "funny smelling room" at my mom's friend's house was where everyone was getting high as fuck.