The moment your childhood died


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
If you are a big fan of Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy, then click this link at your own peril:-


New member
Apr 17, 2010
There are two main suspects for that paricular crime, one would be my first encounter with rule 34 (PLEASE don't ask for specifics). The other is when I was about 15 and figured out how horrible the Star Wars prequels really were. Which in turn lead to me realizing that I had been living an empty LIE for the last few years (I suspect it's a similar feeling to discovering that a beloved childhood friend had secretly murdered your pets the last few times he had come around).


New member
Feb 1, 2011
The moment my childhood died was the day I dreamt that santa claus kills me with a machine gun.I was pretty young and it scared me for weeks. I always wondered why I had such an insane dream like that


New member
May 5, 2009
nothing really, i started watching porn when i was like 12
but i've still been known to sit down and enjoy old cartoons and maybe play some Pokemans


New member
Feb 10, 2008
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Actually, very fe-, oh never mind, the thread would be derailed faster than a Loli can do something cute. Which is always. o_O

But, it is somewhat ironic because, legally speaking, I am still a child myself. So they act hypocritical. Oh joy to the human race for hating someone whom they have no understanding of. :p

So... yeah. :l
Meh, percentages don't matter much for parents. They'll see the convicts, hear about the crimes and that's all that's needed for that good ol' primal parental instinct to kick in.

*looks at age*

Well that changes things a bit indeed, though there was one kid close to where I live that did some...rather nasty things and was about your age. I hope your willpower never falters.


New member
May 14, 2010
Finding out Santa wasn't real, realizing my parents sucked at being parents and when they divorced all took a toll on my childhood but I'd always had a special place of nostalgia to fall back to, at least until I saw Spider-Man 3. That was the final nail in the coffin of my childhood.
Murais said:
Probably the time that my Kindergarten teacher yelled at me for coloring my T-Rex red, and my stegosaurus blue. She told me that it was all wrong because dinosaurs were only earth tones, like brown and green, and that coloring them red and blue was downright stupid and childish. I got so angry at her that I screamed "BUT LAVA'S RED!!!", and she got pissed and held me in from recess for the rest of the week.
WTF? Since when is it a teacher's responsibility to crush children's imagination and creativity?


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Probably when I moved out from home, responsibility and exposition to society at large have a way of slowly strangling playful innocence.


New member
Mar 23, 2010
When I realised I was the Chosen One...The Arbiter Of Destiny; The only hope for this planets survival.
My chilhood hasn't been the same since =(


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I spent most of my pre-highschool graduation days thinking my school was completely free of drug abuse, drinking and sex (Cost me dearly on my statistical health exam). It was only after graduation that I found out that it had all been happening around me for years without me noticing.


New member
Sep 10, 2010
When I joined secondary school, I really wasn't as grown up as everyone else. I went to a small and sheltered Church of England Primary School where things like swearing (even just 'damn') and being rude to teachers were frowned upon a lot. when I got to secondary school, lots of people had done all sorts of stuff I had never dreamed about doing at my age, I guess I started off as a teacher's pet.

Fortunately, it sort of straightened me out and burst my bubble of a perfect society.I guess it made more cynical but on the bright side, I got a lot more interested in politics, political history and maths and I started reading the news for the first time ever.

So I guess about aged 11/ 12 was when it died.


New member
May 6, 2009
All I remember is that it happened before I was seven. Shame that. At least I've blocked out whatever it was.

Leg End

Romans 12:18
Oct 24, 2010
United States
Cowabungaa said:
LegendaryGamer0 said:
Actually, very fe-, oh never mind, the thread would be derailed faster than a Loli can do something cute. Which is always. o_O

But, it is somewhat ironic because, legally speaking, I am still a child myself. So they act hypocritical. Oh joy to the human race for hating someone whom they have no understanding of. :p

So... yeah. :l
Meh, percentages don't matter much for parents. They'll see the convicts, hear about the crimes and that's all that's needed for that good ol' primal parental instinct to kick in.

*looks at age*

Well that changes things a bit indeed, though there was one kid close to where I live that did some...rather nasty things and was about your age. I hope your willpower never falters.
(Continuing at the risk of derailing)
Which is why I plan to have a bunker built underneath my house and buy many guns in the event I am attacked by a mob.

My willpower will not. I watch too much Gurren Lagann, FLCL and Cardcaptor Sakura for that to happen.

[sub]I think we should stop. :p[/sub]

Lonely Swordsman

New member
Jun 29, 2009
Tearing down my old treehouse. Realizing I had grown taller than a Blastoise. Looking up at fireworks at New Year's and thinking "stop with the noise, dammit".
It's a gradual thing, really. It didn't leave me in one swift motion, but a piece at a time.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
In alot of ways it still hasnt, there was no big death of a pet or relative, no traumatic event- if anything im still a big kid with the only reason for my current cynicism being natural weathering from life.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
1. The moment my father decided to disappear from the world with no warning or explanation (that I have been informed of so far)
2. The first girl to whom I said "I love you" decided she never wanted to speak to me again.

What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. And as of yet I don't appear to be insane so it's all well and good


New member
Apr 26, 2009
DuctTapeJedi said:
I'm 22, and it's still going strong.

Radeonx said:
Probably when my mother started the 8 year sequence of telling me how much of a gigantic failure I am going to be and why I am a waste of space.
Fun times, indeed.
Dude, been there, done that, bought the tee shirt, wore said tee shirt so much it wore out, and am now using it as a rag in my workshop.

It gets a lot better once you move out, just try to hang in there.
Oh I know.
I stopped talking to her when I was about 15, but when I finally moved out and went to college it was a fantastic feeling. Now that I'm moving across the country for my job, I'm so happy that I will barely ever have to see/interact with her.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I'd say it was in the late part of high school when I was in a 4 credit full semester course with my friend. I was getting teased and picked on a lot by the other jagoffs in the course (outdoors course in a small town, ugghh why did I ever think that it'd be a good idea) and my "best friend" of many years sold me down the river to save himself. That was pretty much it for my childhood right there. Innocence and having fun pfffff, people are assholes, welcome to real life.