The Official Fallout 3 Thread.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
fish food carl said:
Damn. I didn't know that starting the final mission would end the game outright. I thought I could continue on and reach level 20, find every location.
I would've sworn I warned people to make a game-save just as you're given the "Take It Back!" mission because in that mission you reach a Point of No Return... oh well, it's a big thread. (Looks at page count; boggles.)

I still haven't taken the "bad ending" route yet; I'll have to do that some day, just to hear Ron Perlman chewing me out for my cowardice and lack of moral fiber.

-- Steve


New member
Dec 1, 2008
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Hey I've a question, does the Enclave keep on spawning in their little camps if I blow up their main base?
Because I'd like to do the quest by now but I don't want to cut them off the game, blowing up vertibirds over The Capital instills lots of fun times for me. And Dogmeat. And my gatling laser gun.
Hmm, very good question, this calls for an experiment!
*grabs lab coat and silly-looking safety goggles*

I have a save just before telling Lyons that I'm ready to rock+roll with the big Liberty Prime, after convincing good old Eden to wrap things up and make things go boom.

So I'll re-load that save some when and wander around to see if I can bump into any Enclave wanderers.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Hey I've a question, does the Enclave keep on spawning in their little camps if I blow up their main base?
Because I'd like to do the quest by now but I don't want to cut them off the game, blowing up vertibirds over The Capital instills lots of fun times for me. And Dogmeat. And my gatling laser gun.
Yes; they're like roaches, you think you've killed them all and then you come back a bit later and they're scuttling out of the wainscotting again.

Still, it kept me in spare parts for my Tesla Armour and plasma rifle so I guess I shouldn't gripe.

-- Steve

Spartan Bannana

New member
Apr 27, 2008
Anyone know why the Enclave soldiers are already showing up before I do the mission in the Jefferson Memorial?
Also, I went to fort Constantine and had all the keys to it, but it just says: "Pick Door: Bomb Shelter, Very Hard" Any idea why?


New member
Dec 1, 2008
Weeelll I've only had a quick wander around, but I DID run into some Enclave once I had left RR.

The thing is I believe this was one of the 'scripted' bases that the Enclave take up, after they overrun PP. No idea if any 'random' encounters would spawn, or whether these scripted ones re-spawn after a few days.

But to briefly answer your question, I've found some. And made them go boom, which was nice.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Hey, Fallout 3 know it alls... I found a satelite station garrisoned by some Talon Mercs and a female Ghoul scientist. The ghoul wouldn't fight me, but was hostile and kept running, so I shot her and looted some coords and codes from her. Then I went upstairs and signaled for the "high trousers" sattelite. I climb outside, and I see something fall from the sky and hit the ground with a boom.

So what the hell did I just do?

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
Richard Groovy Pants said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Hey, Fallout 3 know it alls... I found a satelite station garrisoned by some Talon Mercs and a female Ghoul scientist. The ghoul wouldn't fight me, but was hostile and kept running, so I shot her and looted some coords and codes from her. Then I went upstairs and signaled for the "high trousers" sattelite. I climb outside, and I see something fall from the sky and hit the ground with a boom.

So what the hell did I just do?
You set off an ICBM :x
Not sure about that, I was in a underground base and the USA computer there had the option "Launch ICBM". I still have no idea where it ended up.

Conqueror Kenny

New member
Jan 14, 2008
harhol said:
For those who are finding the game too easy, I would suggest three things:

1. Stop quicksaving before each and every action.
2. Stop reading GameFAQs in advance of each area/dungeon/town.
3. Pick a combat skill other than Small Gun.

Playing as a melee-only character is pretty challenging, even on Normal difficulty. I'm not looking forward to my Unarmed playthrough...
Unarmed + Power Fist = Tons of fun.
I mean tons. I could run around for days power fisting people in the face,

Spartan Bannana

New member
Apr 27, 2008
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Deathclaw gauntlet > Fisto! > Power Fist.
[img_inline captation="Yum yum"][/img_inline]
Bling Cat has taken to calling that thing THE EAGLE CLAW!, in memory of Argyle's super awesome move.
"Into the corner boys, and no funny buisness!"
"I'm offended, miss, there's nothing funny about THE EAGLE CLAW!"
"By jove Argyle, you've ripped her heart out!"


New member
Dec 1, 2008
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Knight Templar said:
Richard Groovy Pants said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Hey, Fallout 3 know it alls... I found a satelite station garrisoned by some Talon Mercs and a female Ghoul scientist. The ghoul wouldn't fight me, but was hostile and kept running, so I shot her and looted some coords and codes from her. Then I went upstairs and signaled for the "high trousers" sattelite. I climb outside, and I see something fall from the sky and hit the ground with a boom.

So what the hell did I just do?
You set off an ICBM :x
Not sure about that, I was in a underground base and the USA computer there had the option "Launch ICBM". I still have no idea where it ended up.

That's Fort Constantine, he's talking about the 3 satellite array dish type facilieties on the northwest part of the map, if you look at the computer again where you launched the ICBM from it says that the missile got stuck or something and nothing was launched.
On this however something was launched.
Indeedy, I rushed outside as son as I had launched the high-trousers thingy, and saw a lovely line of Nukes going off outside. No idea if they actually killed anything, but it was a rather nice touch.
Richard Groovy Pants said:
conqueror Kenny said:
harhol said:
For those who are finding the game too easy, I would suggest three things:

1. Stop quicksaving before each and every action.
2. Stop reading GameFAQs in advance of each area/dungeon/town.
3. Pick a combat skill other than Small Gun.

Playing as a melee-only character is pretty challenging, even on Normal difficulty. I'm not looking forward to my Unarmed playthrough...
Unarmed + Power Fist = Tons of fun.
I mean tons. I could run around for days power fisting people in the face,

Deathclaw gauntlet > Fisto! > Power Fist.

[img_inline captation="Yum yum"][/img_inline]
Deathclaw Gauntlet is insanely yummy. Bye bye enemy DR....*slices+dices*
My Evil character focused on Unarmed, Heavy Guns and Medicine. Worked out rather well surprisingly enough. The money made by selling all those Small Guns ensured that I had enough caps for the Big Guns ammo + Stims that my character ate through like candy.



New member
Dec 1, 2008
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Spartan Bannana said:
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Deathclaw gauntlet > Fisto! > Power Fist.
One of my Friends has taken to calling that thing THE EAGLE CLAW!, in memory of Argyle's super awesome move.
"Into the corner boys, and no funny buisness!"
"I'm offended, miss, there's nothing funny about THE EAGLE CLAW!"
"By jove Argyle, you've ripped her heart out!"
I absolutely love the stories of Dashwood and Argyle, 'Always with the dames boss',I felt so bad when I
found him dead in Rockopolis :/. Not to go onto a spoiler orgy here but what exactly happened to him? Anyone knows?
It seems that he was either killed by the people of Rockopolis (even though it was Dashwood's fault), OR he was killed by the Slavers as they overran Rockopolis.
The Herbert 'Daring' Dashwood series does add a bit of variety to GNR which rocks. It's even better that it matches up to things you can find in the game-world, not just some random addition. I'm one of those random people that like to chase up things like this, to see if it leads to anything. In most cases it's just something to add a bit of depth, but in some cases like the Dashwood stories it's great to see that it's been thought out and put into the game not just as a story.


New member
Sep 22, 2008
Oh man, I love the Adventures of Herbert "Daring" Dashwood. It's like some hilarious serial radio drama from the 1930s but coupled with ridiculous and modern jokes/innuendos/euphamisms/etc. I wish it came on more often and that there were more than just a few episodes.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
Richard Groovy Pants said:
Knight Templar said:
Richard Groovy Pants said:
TsunamiWombat said:
Hey, Fallout 3 know it alls... I found a satelite station garrisoned by some Talon Mercs and a female Ghoul scientist. The ghoul wouldn't fight me, but was hostile and kept running, so I shot her and looted some coords and codes from her. Then I went upstairs and signaled for the "high trousers" sattelite. I climb outside, and I see something fall from the sky and hit the ground with a boom.

So what the hell did I just do?
You set off an ICBM :x
Not sure about that, I was in a underground base and the USA computer there had the option "Launch ICBM". I still have no idea where it ended up.
That's Fort Constantine, he's talking about the 3 satellite array dish type facilieties on the northwest part of the map, if you look at the computer again where you launched the ICBM from it says that the missile got stuck or something and nothing was launched.
On this however something was launched.
I perfer to think I distroyed some city in china.