The Old Republic Collectors' Edition Might Cost You $210


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
John Funk said:
The Old Republic Collectors' Edition Might Cost You $210
Jesus. That would be an insane amount of money to expect... from anything other than Star Wars fans. Remember, this isn't just being marketed to BioWare fans or MMO fans. This is being injected straight into the eyeballs of people who have had decades (in some cases) to build the necessary addiction.

As for some of the rewards being unbalancing, I haven't really seen that happen yet... but, of course, the focus of this game is on the "epic, story-driven experience." This, of course, translates to single-player (or several single-player games going on at the same time, creating the illusion of multiplayer).

The group and PvP content are essentially going to be be afterthought or "in-betweener." Yeah, it's fun to take out that droid factory, or whatever, with your group. The first six times. After that?

And one of the great things about dealing primarily in a solo-PvE frame of mind? You don't have to worry about item balance. Johnny having a helmet that lets him run faster doesn't impact Susie's game at all... unless Johnny and Susie are competing for something.

These rewards, if confirmed, could go a long way toward confirming my worst suspicions about The Old Republic. You might even say I *puts on shades* have a bad feeling about this.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
John Funk said:
... about $212 at current exchange rates.
are you fucking kidding me? maybe if that included me starting the game at max level with easy access to a death star (or two), i might consider it.

over $200 for a computer game. any one who buys that needs their head examined regardless of how much disposable income they may (or may not) have.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Ascarus said:
John Funk said:
... about $212 at current exchange rates.
are you fucking kidding me? maybe if that included me starting the game at max level with easy access to a death star (or two), i might consider it.

over $200 for a computer game. any one who buys that needs their head examined regardless of how much disposable income they may (or may not) have.
If it costs 150 euros, it will cost 150 USD in America. That's how it always works.

Companies pay around 20% VAT (a form of tax), which in turn is charged over the counter and then the customer gets screwed over for a couple % on top of that.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
animehermit said:
Do you normally assume this much or is today just a good day for you? Please look up information on the game before you go and post false information.
Easy, sport.

I've followed all the information, and I'm fully aware of what has been said about the game by those developing it. I just happen to think it doesn't line up with what has been shown about the game.

Don't make the rookie mistake of thinking that anyone who has access to all of the information you have will automatically agree with you--or that someone who doesn't like the thing that you like just doesn't have all of the information.


New member
Oct 23, 2008
But who's gonna fly it kid?, you?

Really tho this sounds absurdly over priced and some of the in game items seem a bit unfair I'm fine we a free mount or pet but giving people their own vendor with special items and a combat droid who may or may not be a big help is just rewarding people for paying more and those kind of games are terrible.


Probably your average communist.
Oct 4, 2008
Throw in a copy of KOTOR 3 and give you $300 and my left testicle.

Dalek Caan

Pro-Dalek, Anti-You
Feb 12, 2011
While all the stuff is good the only thing that stands out is the in-game recorder. Surely people who want to record their games will have already?

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
If true, that's pretty good bundle. This game may actually have a chance to sit on the armrest of WoW's MMORPG throne.
Apr 5, 2008
I love BioWare. I love (original) Star Wars. I can't wait for TOR. I have plenty of disposable income. I will not be spending $200 on a collectors ed. $100 I would call frikkin expensive and I'd still find it hard to justify.
Apr 5, 2008
King Toasty said:
This game may actually have a chance to sit on the armrest of WoW's MMORPG throne.
That is the idea. The amount of money they (EA) have already spent on it, the strength of the license and the fact BioWare are behind it mean that if this game doesn't take a significant amount of players away from (or at least attract and keep numbers comparative to) WoW, then nothing ever will.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Um, wow. No. I would not pay that much. Still have my eye on Secret World as at least somewhat different then the other MMOs.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
KingsGambit said:
King Toasty said:
This game may actually have a chance to sit on the armrest of WoW's MMORPG throne.
That is the idea. The amount of money they (EA) have already spent on it, the strength of the license and the fact BioWare are behind it mean that if this game doesn't take a significant amount of players away from (or at least attract and keep numbers comparative to) WoW, then nothing ever will.
It'll be the ultimate Sci-Fi vs. Fantasy showdown. Which is better? Where with the MMORPGers go? What will happen to the MMO market? What will Korea choose!?

All this and more, coming soon.


New member
Mar 15, 2004
Meh - I usually get CEs but since I am way too bitter about LA dumping SWG, I have no plans to play this game in any edition. That said, nothing in the CE offer looks like it is worth $200.


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
They're charging that much because they know people will still pay for it.