The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
In other still-related news, LordKat just apologized to his fans on his site, also saying that "telling Noah that he should take his own life was a terrible thing, but that's not what I'm apologizing for right now".

Well, I guess nobody's exactly healthy when it comes to mentality.

What I still don't understand is how they got all up in knives on this. I mean, I remember Spoony and LordKat played a streamed D&D session, and it was a pretty damn long session, with laughs and jokes. This doesn't mean they're BFFs, but it still looked like they're friends.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Zulnam said:
In other still-related news, LordKat just apologized to his fans on his site, also saying that "telling Noah that he should take his own life was a terrible thing, but that's not what I'm apologizing for right now".

Well, I guess nobody's exactly healthy when it comes to mentality.

What I still don't understand is how they got all up in knives on this. I mean, I remember Spoony and LordKat played a streamed D&D session, and it was a pretty damn long session, with laughs and jokes. This doesn't mean they're BFFs, but it still looked like they're friends.
Lordkat maintains that after Spoony's Epic "BETRAYAL" scream at E3 2010 that he was denied interviews with the Xcom team because he was associated with Channel Awesome.lordKat has held this against noah ever since (if it is in fact true)

but funny that never stopped Joe and Spoony from getting any interview they wanted. Lordkat is a giant opportunist and he saw all this come down so he decided to stir the pot to generate more visitors to his own site.

went off on a tirade and managed to get his own community pissed at him, saying that if you enjoy Spoony's videos you had no right watching his (lordkat's) stuff.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Zulnam said:
In other still-related news, LordKat just apologized to his fans on his site, also saying that "telling Noah that he should take his own life was a terrible thing, but that's not what I'm apologizing for right now".

Well, I guess nobody's exactly healthy when it comes to mentality.

What I still don't understand is how they got all up in knives on this. I mean, I remember Spoony and LordKat played a streamed D&D session, and it was a pretty damn long session, with laughs and jokes. This doesn't mean they're BFFs, but it still looked like they're friends.
Lordkat somehow blames spoony for "ruining" his career as a video game reviewer because according to lordkat spoony ruined his chance at an interview on E3 back in the day...

And not the fact that he was even to lazy to make his cheap production value "until we win" vids.

I mean all he did in those videos was pretty much read of a walkthrough for a game over endlessly repeating footage of said games levels... thats hardly any work involved on his part but he still ended the series because it was "just to much work for him to be bothered"

If he cant even keep a schedule with such an easy project then im sorry but his "career" was not ruined by spoony but by his own asshattery..

Lets just say lord kat believes hes to awesome to do any real work but still demands to be seen as a professional.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Karadalis said:
Zulnam said:
In other still-related news, LordKat just apologized to his fans on his site, also saying that "telling Noah that he should take his own life was a terrible thing, but that's not what I'm apologizing for right now".

Well, I guess nobody's exactly healthy when it comes to mentality.

What I still don't understand is how they got all up in knives on this. I mean, I remember Spoony and LordKat played a streamed D&D session, and it was a pretty damn long session, with laughs and jokes. This doesn't mean they're BFFs, but it still looked like they're friends.
Lordkat somehow blames spoony for "ruining" his career as a video game reviewer because according to lordkat spoony ruined his chance at an interview on E3 back in the day...

And not the fact that he was even to lazy to make his cheap production value until we win vids.

I mean all he did in those videos was pretty much read of a walkthrough for a game over endlessly repeating footage of said games levels... thats hardly any work involved on his part but he still ended the series because it was "just to much work for him to be bothered"

If he cant even keep a schedule with such an easy project then im sorry but his "career" was not ruined by spoony but by his own asshattery..

Lets just say lord kat believes hes to awesome to do any real work but still demands to be seen as a professional.
he put his reputation on the line and accepted the challenge to beat The Adventures of Bayou Billy. he did but Spoony called him out for using an emulator and save states, which if your supposed to be this dire hard "until we win" guy thats kind of a no no.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Sutter Cane said:
So spoony just said on twitter that his doctor says he has Bipolar II disorder. Thought this was relevant. Hopefully he'll have an easier time managing with this knowledge.
Oh my god... This is so much worse that I thought, yet at the same time, this does give relative explanation to a lot of things. At least he has the good sense to at least have gone to the doctor in the last few days after his mental break.

EDIT: In retrospect... yeah... this makes this whole situation even more pitiful, when only one person in this entire debacle is diagnosed with a severe and self-destructive depressive disorder, yet everyone involved decided to act just as childish and stupid as the next person, even the ones in their right mind.

And I didn't think it could have gotten any more pathetic.


New member
Feb 22, 2010
renaissance_nerd said:
Lordkat maintains that after Spoony's Epic "BETRAYAL" scream at E3 2010 that he was denied interviews with the Xcom team because he was associated with Channel Awesome.lordKat has held this against noah ever since (if it is in fact true)

but funny that never stopped Joe and Spoony from getting any interview they wanted.

I was just about to point that out. This E3 both spoony and joe interviewed the devs for XCom:Enemy Unknown, and that's being published by 2K (who's also doing the FPS), so... How was this bad? I actually thought the "BETRAYAL" scene was pretty funny.

Well, I guess it just goes to prove: some people are misunderstood, some are hot-headed and some... are just douches. Kind'a feel bad for linking his website earlier, now.


New member
May 8, 2010
renaissance_nerd said:
Karadalis said:
Zulnam said:
In other still-related news, LordKat just apologized to his fans on his site, also saying that "telling Noah that he should take his own life was a terrible thing, but that's not what I'm apologizing for right now".

Well, I guess nobody's exactly healthy when it comes to mentality.

What I still don't understand is how they got all up in knives on this. I mean, I remember Spoony and LordKat played a streamed D&D session, and it was a pretty damn long session, with laughs and jokes. This doesn't mean they're BFFs, but it still looked like they're friends.
Lordkat somehow blames spoony for "ruining" his career as a video game reviewer because according to lordkat spoony ruined his chance at an interview on E3 back in the day...

And not the fact that he was even to lazy to make his cheap production value until we win vids.

I mean all he did in those videos was pretty much read of a walkthrough for a game over endlessly repeating footage of said games levels... thats hardly any work involved on his part but he still ended the series because it was "just to much work for him to be bothered"

If he cant even keep a schedule with such an easy project then im sorry but his "career" was not ruined by spoony but by his own asshattery..

Lets just say lord kat believes hes to awesome to do any real work but still demands to be seen as a professional.
he put his reputation on the line and accepted the challenge to beat The Adventures of Bayou Billy. he did but Spoony called him out for using an emulator and save states, which if your supposed to be this dire hard "until we win" guy thats kind of a no no.
What's funny is that when he explained how he was going to do his "Until We Win" series he even said he wouldn't use save states.

Sep 9, 2010
renaissance_nerd said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
renaissance_nerd said:
Patrick_and_the_ricks said:
renaissance_nerd said:
I enjoy discussing it, I guess I'm just that nosy. I enjoy posting to a 3rd party site because I know the subject won't be stomped out like it has been on TSE and TGWTG.

should he have left well enough alone absolutely, but there is only so much a guy can take.
So both sites are still in ban mode?
yep if you even mention it at TSE or TGWTG you are banned.
I take it you were a casualty?
yep I was banned from TGWTG on the day it happened.
Wow.... fucking assholes. I'm entirely serious about not watching shit on their website anymore. I'll find a way to view Lindsay and Linkara's stuff, but I ain't doing it through their site.

JimB said:
renaissance_nerd said:
I made one post just pointing something out without using foul language and was banned the next day.
Here is a list of offenses that will get you banned from the forums at There is a link to these rules at the top of every subforum.

the terms of use for said:
Class A: Instant Bans

Links to porn sites or other related material will result in immediate bans. (will also result in your account being deleted)
Do not troll or bait flame wars among members.
Uploading pornographic avatars or signatures. (will also result in your account being deleted)
Do not post threads advertising services and/or products. (will also result in your account being deleted)
Embedding poronographic and/or violent material in posts is unacceptable. (will also result in your account being deleted)
Spamming. Just no.
If you were banned but not deleted, your post must have been considered to fall under either the prohibition against trolling and flame baiting, or else spamming.
Yeah because it's completely out of the realm of possibilities for them to try to cover up their fiasco at the expense of banning people who talk about it.

Really dude, are you think that people that make the rules so clearly follow them themselves? Can I live in your version of Earth?


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I really hate to see people spouting off things and being wrong. I mean, LordKaT was way over the line and was/is a major dick, but what the hell did accuracy do to you people?!

JoeThree said:
What's funny is that when he explained how he was going to do his "Until We Win" series he even said he wouldn't use save states.
And in the beginning he did do that. Eventually he told everyone on his site he was going to use savestates because it took a long time to get the footage, and he raged really hard on more then one occasion when he lost said footage after having beaten the game the hard way. Pretty much everyone was cool with that, because the fact that he was using savestates didn't change the videos except mean he got them out faster. It's canceling Until We Win because he hates editing the videos that pissed everyone off.

renaissance_nerd said:
Lordkat maintains that after Spoony's Epic "BETRAYAL" scream at E3 2010 that he was denied interviews with the Xcom team because he was associated with Channel Awesome.lordKat has held this against noah ever since (if it is in fact true)

but funny that never stopped Joe and Spoony from getting any interview they wanted. Lordkat is a giant opportunist and he saw all this come down so he decided to stir the pot to generate more visitors to his own site.

went off on a tirade and managed to get his own community pissed at him, saying that if you enjoy Spoony's videos you had no right watching his (lordkat's) stuff.
Zulnam said:
I was just about to point that out. This E3 both spoony and joe interviewed the devs for XCom:Enemy Unknown, and that's being published by 2K (who's also doing the FPS), so... How was this bad? I actually thought the "BETRAYAL" scene was pretty funny.

Well, I guess it just goes to prove: some people are misunderstood, some are hot-headed and some... are just douches. Kind'a feel bad for linking his website earlier, now.
It was actually Mojang's Notch at GDC he lost the interview with. Different companies. One didn't care if one of the many people checking out their game was crazy, another wouldn't let their head dude be interviewed by a guy associated with the people who ran around asking to choke people on camera and yelling out things at a previous convention. Totally understand why Lordkat is pissed about that, because that was around when Mojang was really taking off. Notch agreed to an interview, which he doesn't do very often, but others at the company cut it off due to hearing LordKaT was connected to Blistered Thumbs, That Guy with The Glasses gaming related brand. An interview with Notch at the point would've meant pretty much every gaming site would've been linking to him as the source. That was a huge chance he lost.

*editted for clarity*

Sep 9, 2010
infinity_turtles said:
I really hate to see people spouting off things and being wrong. I mean, LordKaT was way over the line and was/is a major dick, but what the hell did accuracy do to you people?!

JoeThree said:
What's funny is that when he explained how he was going to do his "Until We Win" series he even said he wouldn't use save states.
And in the beginning he did do that. Eventually he told everyone on his site he was going to use savestates because it took a long time to get the footage, and he raged really hard on more then one occasion when he lost said footage after having beaten the game the hard way. Pretty much everyone was cool with that, because the fact that he was using savestates didn't change the videos except mean he got them out faster. It's canceling Until We Win because he hates editing the videos that pissed everyone off.

renaissance_nerd said:
Lordkat maintains that after Spoony's Epic "BETRAYAL" scream at E3 2010 that he was denied interviews with the Xcom team because he was associated with Channel Awesome.lordKat has held this against noah ever since (if it is in fact true)

but funny that never stopped Joe and Spoony from getting any interview they wanted. Lordkat is a giant opportunist and he saw all this come down so he decided to stir the pot to generate more visitors to his own site.

went off on a tirade and managed to get his own community pissed at him, saying that if you enjoy Spoony's videos you had no right watching his (lordkat's) stuff.
Zulnam said:
I was just about to point that out. This E3 both spoony and joe interviewed the devs for XCom:Enemy Unknown, and that's being published by 2K (who's also doing the FPS), so... How was this bad? I actually thought the "BETRAYAL" scene was pretty funny.

Well, I guess it just goes to prove: some people are misunderstood, some are hot-headed and some... are just douches. Kind'a feel bad for linking his website earlier, now.
It was actually Mojang's Notch at GDC he lost the interview with. Different companies. One didn't care if one of the many people checking out their game was crazy, another wouldn't let their head dude be interviewed by a guy associated with the people who ran around asking to choke people on camera and yelling out things at a previous convention. Totally understand why Lordkat is pissed about that, because that was around when Mojang was really taking off. Notch agreed to an interview, which he doesn't do very often, but others at the company cut it off due to hearing LordKaT was connected to Blistered Thumbs, That Guy with The Glasses gaming related brand. An interview with Notch at the point would've meant pretty much every gaming site would've been linking to him as the source. That was a huge chance he lost.

*editted for clarity*
Doesn't that really mean Notch is the one to blame?


New member
Jun 25, 2012
TheDrunkNinja said:
Sutter Cane said:
So spoony just said on twitter that his doctor says he has Bipolar II disorder. Thought this was relevant. Hopefully he'll have an easier time managing with this knowledge.
Oh my god... This is so much worse that I thought, yet at the same time, this does give relative explanation to a lot of things. At least he has the good sense to at least have gone to the doctor in the last few days after his mental break.

EDIT: In retrospect... yeah... this makes this whole situation even more pitiful, when only one person in this entire debacle is diagnosed with a severe and self-destructive depressive disorder, yet everyone involved decided to act just as childish and stupid as the next person, even the ones in their right mind.

And I didn't think it could have gotten any more pathetic.
yea i mean this doesn't make Noah an innocent saint but in this whole drama only one had a documented medical condition. Kinda sad.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
SaneAmongInsane said:
infinity_turtles said:
I really hate to see people spouting off things and being wrong. I mean, LordKaT was way over the line and was/is a major dick, but what the hell did accuracy do to you people?!

JoeThree said:
What's funny is that when he explained how he was going to do his "Until We Win" series he even said he wouldn't use save states.
And in the beginning he did do that. Eventually he told everyone on his site he was going to use savestates because it took a long time to get the footage, and he raged really hard on more then one occasion when he lost said footage after having beaten the game the hard way. Pretty much everyone was cool with that, because the fact that he was using savestates didn't change the videos except mean he got them out faster. It's canceling Until We Win because he hates editing the videos that pissed everyone off.

renaissance_nerd said:
Lordkat maintains that after Spoony's Epic "BETRAYAL" scream at E3 2010 that he was denied interviews with the Xcom team because he was associated with Channel Awesome.lordKat has held this against noah ever since (if it is in fact true)

but funny that never stopped Joe and Spoony from getting any interview they wanted. Lordkat is a giant opportunist and he saw all this come down so he decided to stir the pot to generate more visitors to his own site.

went off on a tirade and managed to get his own community pissed at him, saying that if you enjoy Spoony's videos you had no right watching his (lordkat's) stuff.
Zulnam said:
I was just about to point that out. This E3 both spoony and joe interviewed the devs for XCom:Enemy Unknown, and that's being published by 2K (who's also doing the FPS), so... How was this bad? I actually thought the "BETRAYAL" scene was pretty funny.

Well, I guess it just goes to prove: some people are misunderstood, some are hot-headed and some... are just douches. Kind'a feel bad for linking his website earlier, now.
It was actually Mojang's Notch at GDC he lost the interview with. Different companies. One didn't care if one of the many people checking out their game was crazy, another wouldn't let their head dude be interviewed by a guy associated with the people who ran around asking to choke people on camera and yelling out things at a previous convention. Totally understand why Lordkat is pissed about that, because that was around when Mojang was really taking off. Notch agreed to an interview, which he doesn't do very often, but others at the company cut it off due to hearing LordKaT was connected to Blistered Thumbs, That Guy with The Glasses gaming related brand. An interview with Notch at the point would've meant pretty much every gaming site would've been linking to him as the source. That was a huge chance he lost.

*editted for clarity*
Doesn't that really mean Notch is the one to blame?
Mmmmmm-I wouldn't say blame is the right word since Mojang can choose who and who not to have an interview with, reasons be damned... Then again, Notch is also known to blow things out of proportion and act like a petulant child over trivial matters.

Eh, there are like four different versions of LordKat's story anyway, so I'd pretty much say this version has as much validity as the others. I wouldn't be surprised if the exact opposite of this account were true. Same goes for if it turned out this story was actually the true account. It's all up in the air at this point until some actual confirmation is presented which will probably never happen.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
SaneAmongInsane said:
Doesn't that really mean Notch is the one to blame?
That's one way to look at it, but I wouldn't really agree. It wasn't actually Notch that cancelled, it was others at the company. It was a PR thing. Both Joe and Spoony talk a lot about being game journalists, but they mostly hoisted everything but a few big game interviews onto the less popular guys and goofed off at the conventions. Roo from 16bit gems, LordKaT previously, and a fair few others were the ones doing the work, and their antics had a tendency to make it a lot harder for them to talk to anyone. They were the faces of the Blistered Thumbs, and their fuck-ups caused a lot of problems for everyone associated with it. The Notch situation was just the biggest lost chance that resulted from it.

But that's one of the dangers of being low on the totem-pole but still associated with a group. LordKaT left TG over it, because at that point he had plenty of his own connections and being associated with TG was hurting him far more then helping. While I'm sure he's pissed that those two's goofing off cost him an interview that he'd gotten through his own connections, he maintained decent and often good relations with other ThatGuy contributors, and didn't really bring it up until Spoony's latest tirade where he started attacking LordKaT's fans. I've been watching LordKat for awhile, primarily because while I don't find him very funny some of his friends are fucking hilarious, and shit with Spoony has been brewing for a long while. He started venting, saying this would be the last they talked about Spoony, but built himself up into a rage where he was spouting shit and attacking anyone who didn't agree with him. Shitty behavior that there's no excuse for, but the reasons behind it being totally mischaracterized and either lied about or totally gotten wrong bugs me.

The Material Sheep

New member
Nov 12, 2009
infinity_turtles said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Doesn't that really mean Notch is the one to blame?
That's one way to look at it, but I wouldn't really agree. It wasn't actually Notch that cancelled, it was others at the company. It was a PR thing. Both Joe and Spoony talk a lot about being game journalists, but they mostly hoisted everything but a few big game interviews onto the less popular guys and goofed off at the conventions. Roo from 16bit gems, LordKaT previously, and a fair few others were the ones doing the work, and their antics had a tendency to make it a lot harder for them to talk to anyone. They were the faces of the Blistered Thumbs, and their fuck-ups caused a lot of problems for everyone associated with it. The Notch situation was just the biggest lost chance that resulted from it.

But that's one of the dangers of being low on the totem-pole but still associated with a group. LordKaT left TG over it, because at that point he had plenty of his own connections and being associated with TG was hurting him far more then helping. While I'm sure he's pissed that those two's goofing off cost him an interview that he'd gotten through his own connections, he maintained decent and often good relations with other ThatGuy contributors, and didn't really bring it up until Spoony's latest tirade where he started attacking LordKaT's fans. I've been watching LordKat for awhile, primarily because while I don't find him very funny some of his friends are fucking hilarious, and shit with Spoony has been brewing for a long while. He started venting, saying this would be the last they talked about Spoony, but built himself up into a rage where he was spouting shit and attacking anyone who didn't agree with him. Shitty behavior that there's no excuse for, but the reasons behind it being totally mischaracterized and either lied about or totally gotten wrong bugs me.
See I'd believe that this person had some semblence of dignity... but he also told a severely depressed person to go kill himself over something that happened over a year ago.

Then made a half assed apology where he only recognized he was being shitty not actually apologizing for it.

Lordkat has NO excuse for his behavior which has been targeted and malicious in it's intent towards Spoony. While Spoony's stuff has been just as bad at times, it's sporadic and pointed in all directions. It's not malicious focused attacks on a person's character.

Stop defending Lordkat. He doesn't deserve it. No matter what Spoony might have done at that one E3 event (I've heard a few different stories on how it all went down), it DOESN'T excuse the man's down right childishly spoiled behavior. You should recognize what a child he's being. You should recognize what a terrible person he is being without any excuse. He's just a bad person, using this situation as a soapbox to get some attention back to himself.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
infinity_turtles said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
Doesn't that really mean Notch is the one to blame?
That's one way to look at it, but I wouldn't really agree. It wasn't actually Notch that cancelled, it was others at the company. It was a PR thing. Both Joe and Spoony talk a lot about being game journalists, but they mostly hoisted everything but a few big game interviews onto the less popular guys and goofed off at the conventions. Roo from 16bit gems, LordKaT previously, and a fair few others were the ones doing the work, and their antics had a tendency to make it a lot harder for them to talk to anyone. They were the faces of the Blistered Thumbs, and their fuck-ups caused a lot of problems for everyone associated with it. The Notch situation was just the biggest lost chance that resulted from it.

But that's one of the dangers of being low on the totem-pole but still associated with a group. LordKaT left TG over it, because at that point he had plenty of his own connections and being associated with TG was hurting him far more then helping. While I'm sure he's pissed that those two's goofing off cost him an interview that he'd gotten through his own connections, he maintained decent and often good relations with other ThatGuy contributors, and didn't really bring it up until Spoony's latest tirade where he started attacking LordKaT's fans. I've been watching LordKat for awhile, primarily because while I don't find him very funny some of his friends are fucking hilarious, and shit with Spoony has been brewing for a long while. He started venting, saying this would be the last they talked about Spoony, but built himself up into a rage where he was spouting shit and attacking anyone who didn't agree with him. Shitty behavior that there's no excuse for, but the reasons behind it being totally mischaracterized and either lied about or totally gotten wrong bugs me.
Sorry to sound like I'm discrediting your detailed account, but this thread has been rittled with realistic-sounding and believable stories that have been proven to be entirely false. Some with the intention of slandering someone else.

I said before that an actual confirmation of this event regarding LordKat and Noah was rather unlikely, but I'll ask for one anyway, or at least some public statements or any other proof that would back up your version.

Again, not trying to sound hostile, but there's far too much speculation and conjecture in this thread already to give something as detailed as this a free pass. You know how it is. We even needed to have Welshy confirm his identity before any of us took his claim seriously.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
th3dark3rsh33p said:
See I'd believe that this person had some semblence of dignity... but he also told a severely depressed person to go kill himself over something that happened over a year ago.

Then made a half assed apology where he only recognized he was being shitty not actually apologizing for it.

Lordkat has NO excuse for his behavior which has been targeted and malicious in it's intent towards Spoony. While Spoony's stuff has been just as bad at times, it's sporadic and pointed in all directions. It's not malicious focused attacks on a person's character.

Stop defending Lordkat. He doesn't deserve it. No matter what Spoony might have done at that one E3 event (I've heard a few different stories on how it all went down), it DOESN'T excuse the man's down right childishly spoiled behavior. You should recognize what a child he's being. You should recognize what a terrible person he is being without any excuse. He's just a bad person, using this situation as a soapbox to get some attention back to himself.
I'm not defending him. I'm pointing out people getting the facts surrounding the situation wrong. There is no excuse for what he said, which means people should be able to get their facts right when tearing him down. It's the lack of accuracy that pisses me off. On that note, having been at GDC that year and having asked those at the Mojang booth about the interview I thought Notch had done with LordKaT at that point, I'm pretty sure whatever other versions you've heard are bullshit.

Like the fact that LordKaT didn't apologize for telling Spoony to kill himself. Cause he doesn't seem all that sorry for that. He's apologized for erupting at his community. Or that there were a lot of other reasons besides what happened over a year ago, because those two have been having major issues for quite some time. He's still a complete ass for telling someone he knew had depression for telling them to kill themselves. But you can make that known just by saying he told a guy he knew had depression to kill himself.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
TheDrunkNinja said:
Sorry to sound like I'm discrediting your detailed account, but this thread has been rittled with realistic-sounding and believable stories that have been proven to be entirely false. Some with the intention of slandering someone else.

I said before that an actual confirmation of this event regarding LordKat and Noah was rather unlikely, but I'll ask for one anyway, or at least some public statements or any other proof that would back up your version.

Again, not trying to sound hostile, but there's far too much speculation and conjecture in this thread already to give something as detailed as this a free pass. You know how it is. We even needed to have Welshy confirm his identity before any of us took his claim seriously.
That's compeltely understandable. As I said above, I was at GDC that year and asked those at the Mojang booth about the interview I thought they'd done. I was given a pretty bland explanation that amounted to they'd found out he was with some guys who'd caused problems at E3 so they canceled.

Not really something I can show hard proof for though, so your call on if you believe it. That said, the rant where LordKaT talks about what happened is here [], and right after a higher up from That Guy comes on and while he avoids saying anything concrete, he says Spoony has been a problem for awhile and doesn't deny the claims LordKaT made, despite LOrdKaT having violated his NDA with ThatGuy by talking about it.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
infinity_turtles said:
TheDrunkNinja said:
Sorry to sound like I'm discrediting your detailed account, but this thread has been rittled with realistic-sounding and believable stories that have been proven to be entirely false. Some with the intention of slandering someone else.

I said before that an actual confirmation of this event regarding LordKat and Noah was rather unlikely, but I'll ask for one anyway, or at least some public statements or any other proof that would back up your version.

Again, not trying to sound hostile, but there's far too much speculation and conjecture in this thread already to give something as detailed as this a free pass. You know how it is. We even needed to have Welshy confirm his identity before any of us took his claim seriously.
That's compeltely understandable. As I said above, I was at GDC that year and asked those at the Mojang booth about the interview I thought they'd done. I was given a pretty bland explanation that amounted to they'd found out he was with some guys who'd caused problems at E3 so they canceled.

Not really something I can show hard proof for though, so your call on if you believe it. That said, the rant where LordKaT talks about what happened is here [], and right after a higher up from That Guy comes on and while he avoids saying anything concrete, he says Spoony has been a problem for awhile and doesn't deny the claims LordKaT made, despite LOrdKaT having violated his NDA with ThatGuy by talking about it.
I would believe that except that never stopped Spoony and Joe (the ones allegedly responsible) from getting any interview they wanted plus the guys at Xcom this year turned it all into a big joke laughing along with Spoony and Joe, even naming an achievement in the new XCOM "BETRAYAL".

and it was shouted in the lobby when everyone was leaving on the last day not at any booth, look at the vid (and joes reaction was priceless)