The Spoony One has been ejected from That Guy With the Glasses.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
infinity_turtles said:
renaissance_nerd said:
Lindsy will always side with a girl over a guy everytime
Lindsay has actually stayed completely out of this. JO, Todd, and Nash have done the same.
I know that I was just pointing something out. and JO didn't stay COMPLETLY out of it, but her involvement was much less then Lupa or the others.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
renaissance_nerd said:
yea but you didn't catch everything that was being said to him, as soo as Lupa released her Blog Spoony started getting bombarded with hate. It was really unfair. I don't blame him for lashing back honestly. was it right? no but damn when that many people start verbally assualting you, you got to do something.
And the same happened to JO, who aside from the joke had no real part of this, Nash, who aside from being with JO has no part of this, Lupa, Phelous, and several others. And they didn't explode at everyone, including the other contributors trying to get everyone to settle down or trying to be helpful. He exploded at his fans saying that maybe he should take a break from twitter and calm down. This is what caused the problem. He exploded at everyone, not just the people messing with him. He talks shit back all the time normally, it's when he started going after people trying to help that he got suspended and then fired.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
infinity_turtles said:
jimbob123432 said:
To be fair, what else was he to do? He apologized sincerely a while ago, but nobody listened. Honestly, I think that the repeated fake apologies were just a last resort and he had honestly "done everything".
Apologizing will not instantaneously fix everything. You apologize, and then give things time to cool down.
I fully recognize that, but having been in a similar situation (everyone ganging up on you for a bad joke/innocuous comment) it must have been pretty frustrating to see barely anyone acknowledge a sincere apology.

The internet is a pit of wombats on PCP and sometimes, that can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're not in a good mental state. Also, those Angel Dust-fueled rodents won't give a situation time to cool down; they want to see how far they can push it.

An outburst like Spoony's was fairly effective at accomplishing his goal (regardless of whether or not it was intentional): burning the fire out faster so that it wouldn't burn for a long time. "A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long".


New member
Oct 25, 2011
renaissance_nerd said:
infinity_turtles said:
renaissance_nerd said:
Lindsy will always side with a girl over a guy everytime
Lindsay has actually stayed completely out of this. JO, Todd, and Nash have done the same.
I know that I was just pointing something out. and JO didn't stay COMPLETLY out of it, but her involvement was much less then Lupa or the others.
She was the only one who actually acted like a God damn professional though. Everyone else thou acted like a petulant child.


New member
Nov 14, 2010

When i see shit like this, i start thinking spoony may not be the actual start of the problem.
It almost seems that people on TGWTG wanted him gone for a while.

And i dont care what someone dont fucking say that shit in that tweet, that is some cold evil speech right there.

i hope sage, linkara, joe and brad leave CA and join spoony, cool guys like that dont need to be associated with assholes.

kinda wish the Walkers would just lay down some law, but i think they're under contract or something.


New member
Apr 1, 2012
Jegsimmons said:
Spoony's joke was between good friends, him, Jesu, and Nash.
You forgot to mention the other people that joke was between: Everyone on the planet who has access to the internet. This was not some private joke told behind closed doors; it was made as publicly as he possibly could short of inventing a deathray to scorch it into the surface of the moon. When you expose something like that to the entire world, the entire world gets to weigh in on it as they see fit.

renaissance_nerd said:
Holly Christine, the Director of Human Resources at Channel Awesome, is the one drunk with power, and she has her feminist inner circle that will stand behind/with her and everything she does.
She has an inner circle that will stand behind her, huh? Regardless of whether she deserves the support or not? Meaning the people who support her are irrational?

So when you feel the need to label them as feminists, you're saying that feminists are irrational. Right, then. Good to know I wasn't totally off-base thinking most of these conspiracy theorists sound blatantly misogynistic.
mizi said:
renaissance_nerd said:
Thank you Spoony, that was the most awesome thing I've seen in days.
Um...Maybe I'm being too literal here, but "I wonder if peace can be made" does not mean the same thing as "I want to make peace." It doesn't even imply that. If anything, I'd take from the passive nature of the statement--the way he talks about peace being made without ever even alluding to his own participation in the process--that he thinks it's hopeless to even try.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
MrMan999 said:
renaissance_nerd said:
infinity_turtles said:
renaissance_nerd said:
Lindsy will always side with a girl over a guy everytime
Lindsay has actually stayed completely out of this. JO, Todd, and Nash have done the same.
I know that I was just pointing something out. and JO didn't stay COMPLETLY out of it, but her involvement was much less then Lupa or the others.
She was the only one who actually acted like a God damn professional though. Everyone else thou acted like a petulant child.
she got in a few comments that were not the most polite but backed off in a hurry so shes not 100% innocent either.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
jimbob123432 said:
I fully recognize that, but having been in a similar situation (everyone ganging up on you for a bad joke/innocuous comment) it must have been pretty frustrating to see barely anyone acknowledge a sincere apology.

The internet is a pit of wombats on PCP and sometimes, that can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're not in a good mental state. Also, those Angel Dust-fueled rodents won't give a situation time to cool down; they want to see how far they can push it.

An outburst like Spoony's was fairly effective at accomplishing his goal (regardless of whether or not it was intentional): burning the fire out faster so that it wouldn't burn for a long time. "A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
You abandon twitter for awhile and they'll move on. And as I said above, people started harassing JO, Nash, Phelous, and Lupa in mass too. The first two(maybe three, I kinda ignore Phelous) there was no reason for, but all four handled themselves better under that pressure then Spoony did.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
Jegsimmons said:

When i see shit like this, i start thinking spoony may not be the actual start of the problem.
It almost seems that people on TGWTG wanted him gone for a while.

And i dont care what someone dont fucking say that shit in that tweet, that is some cold evil speech right there.

i hope sage, linkara, joe and brad leave CA and join spoony, cool guys like that dont need to be associated with assholes.

kinda wish the Walkers would just lay down some law, but i think they're under contract or something.
Nah. They're on vacation. They're gonna have a hell of a cleanup on their hands.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Um...Maybe I'm being too literal here, but "I wonder if peace can be made" does not mean the same thing as "I want to make peace." It doesn't even imply that. If anything, I'd take from the passive nature of the statement--the way he talks about peace being made without ever even alluding to his own participation in the process--that he thinks it's hopeless to even try.
See? dammed if he does, dammed if he doesn't.

most would consider this an olive branch but I see the Pro TGWTG among us takes it as another half hearted BS attempt.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
infinity_turtles said:
jimbob123432 said:
I fully recognize that, but having been in a similar situation (everyone ganging up on you for a bad joke/innocuous comment) it must have been pretty frustrating to see barely anyone acknowledge a sincere apology.

The internet is a pit of wombats on PCP and sometimes, that can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're not in a good mental state. Also, those Angel Dust-fueled rodents won't give a situation time to cool down; they want to see how far they can push it.

An outburst like Spoony's was fairly effective at accomplishing his goal (regardless of whether or not it was intentional): burning the fire out faster so that it wouldn't burn for a long time. "A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
You abandon twitter for awhile and they'll move on. And as I said above, people started harassing JO, Nash, Phelous, and Lupa in mass too. The first two(maybe three, I kinda ignore Phelous) there was no reason for, but all four handled themselves better under that pressure then Spoony did.
I guess you're right. Phelous... was kind of a dick too, calling Spoony names and agreeing with Lupa (I couldn't find the tweets, but I remember a couple being there). JO and Nash deserve no flak for this since JO was uber-professional about this and so was Nash. Aside from Spoony, Nash, and JO, the only other person I feel sorry for is Kyle (Oancitizen). He tried to calm Spoony down, but there were too many trolls and Spoony snapped.

I think Spoony's tweet where he's waving that white flag is the best thing he's done for this situation. If anything else happens now, it's really not his fault.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Jegsimmons said:

When i see shit like this, i start thinking spoony may not be the actual start of the problem.
It almost seems that people on TGWTG wanted him gone for a while.

And i dont care what someone dont fucking say that shit in that tweet, that is some cold evil speech right there.

i hope sage, linkara, joe and brad leave CA and join spoony, cool guys like that dont need to be associated with assholes.

kinda wish the Walkers would just lay down some law, but i think they're under contract or something.
You're right, people shouldn't say shit like that, but there were a lot of people egging everyone, including many not involved, on. Lupa, Phelous, Nash and JO have gotten people screwing with them too.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
infinity_turtles said:
jimbob123432 said:
I fully recognize that, but having been in a similar situation (everyone ganging up on you for a bad joke/innocuous comment) it must have been pretty frustrating to see barely anyone acknowledge a sincere apology.

The internet is a pit of wombats on PCP and sometimes, that can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're not in a good mental state. Also, those Angel Dust-fueled rodents won't give a situation time to cool down; they want to see how far they can push it.

An outburst like Spoony's was fairly effective at accomplishing his goal (regardless of whether or not it was intentional): burning the fire out faster so that it wouldn't burn for a long time. "A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
You abandon twitter for awhile and they'll move on. And as I said above, people started harassing JO, Nash, Phelous, and Lupa in mass too. The first two(maybe three, I kinda ignore Phelous) there was no reason for, but all four handled themselves better under that pressure then Spoony did.
yes but considering his diagnosis today, Spoony has been in a hypomania episode, His mind wouldn't let him abandon it for good or ill.


New member
Apr 8, 2011
MrMan999 said:
Jegsimmons said:

When i see shit like this, i start thinking spoony may not be the actual start of the problem.
It almost seems that people on TGWTG wanted him gone for a while.

And i dont care what someone dont fucking say that shit in that tweet, that is some cold evil speech right there.

i hope sage, linkara, joe and brad leave CA and join spoony, cool guys like that dont need to be associated with assholes.

kinda wish the Walkers would just lay down some law, but i think they're under contract or something.
Nah. They're on vacation. They're gonna have a hell of a cleanup on their hands.
It's like the Cat in the Hat except the Cat sets the house on fire and fucks off before the parents get home instead of cleaning up.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
jimbob123432 said:
infinity_turtles said:
jimbob123432 said:
I fully recognize that, but having been in a similar situation (everyone ganging up on you for a bad joke/innocuous comment) it must have been pretty frustrating to see barely anyone acknowledge a sincere apology.

The internet is a pit of wombats on PCP and sometimes, that can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're not in a good mental state. Also, those Angel Dust-fueled rodents won't give a situation time to cool down; they want to see how far they can push it.

An outburst like Spoony's was fairly effective at accomplishing his goal (regardless of whether or not it was intentional): burning the fire out faster so that it wouldn't burn for a long time. "A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
You abandon twitter for awhile and they'll move on. And as I said above, people started harassing JO, Nash, Phelous, and Lupa in mass too. The first two(maybe three, I kinda ignore Phelous) there was no reason for, but all four handled themselves better under that pressure then Spoony did.
I guess you're right. Phelous... was kind of a dick too, calling Spoony names and agreeing with Lupa (I couldn't find the tweets, but I remember a couple being there). JO and Nash deserve no flak for this since JO was uber-professional about this and so was Nash. Aside from Spoony, Nash, and JO, the only other person I feel sorry for is Kyle (Oancitizen). He tried to calm Spoony down, but there were too many trolls and Spoony snapped.

I think Spoony's tweet where he's waving that white flag is the best thing he's done for this situation. If anything else happens now, it's really not his fault.
Spoony is actually the highest targeted guy for trolls i ive ever seen that makes a living off the internet professionally. to be honest, he handled this about as well as i could have possibly imagined.

But yeah, JO and Nash stayed out probably because they didnt think it was a big deal and probably have some common fucking sense.

And phelous....serious pussy whipped to a girl who was set up to be with him by the execs and have RUINED his videos, seriously, ever since he started crossing over with lupa he's tanked....HARD. Lupa hasnt been better either.

Though i cant help but imagine Block Buster Buster logging on to find all his heros are abunch of deviant drama queens who can be seriously fucking cruel.
Actually that would be sad, BBB is a nice guy, chatted with him on youtube a few times.

Those british guys must be fucking confused as hell at this point though.


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Jegsimmons said:
jimbob123432 said:
infinity_turtles said:
jimbob123432 said:
I fully recognize that, but having been in a similar situation (everyone ganging up on you for a bad joke/innocuous comment) it must have been pretty frustrating to see barely anyone acknowledge a sincere apology.

The internet is a pit of wombats on PCP and sometimes, that can be difficult to deal with, especially when you're not in a good mental state. Also, those Angel Dust-fueled rodents won't give a situation time to cool down; they want to see how far they can push it.

An outburst like Spoony's was fairly effective at accomplishing his goal (regardless of whether or not it was intentional): burning the fire out faster so that it wouldn't burn for a long time. "A flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long".
You abandon twitter for awhile and they'll move on. And as I said above, people started harassing JO, Nash, Phelous, and Lupa in mass too. The first two(maybe three, I kinda ignore Phelous) there was no reason for, but all four handled themselves better under that pressure then Spoony did.
I guess you're right. Phelous... was kind of a dick too, calling Spoony names and agreeing with Lupa (I couldn't find the tweets, but I remember a couple being there). JO and Nash deserve no flak for this since JO was uber-professional about this and so was Nash. Aside from Spoony, Nash, and JO, the only other person I feel sorry for is Kyle (Oancitizen). He tried to calm Spoony down, but there were too many trolls and Spoony snapped.

I think Spoony's tweet where he's waving that white flag is the best thing he's done for this situation. If anything else happens now, it's really not his fault.
Spoony is actually the highest targeted guy for trolls i ive ever seen that makes a living off the internet professionally. to be honest, he handled this about as well as i could have possibly imagined.

But yeah, JO and Nash stayed out probably because they didnt think it was a big deal and probably have some common fucking sense.

And phelous....serious pussy whipped to a girl who was set up to be with him by the execs and have RUINED his videos, seriously, ever since he started crossing over with lupa he's tanked....HARD. Lupa hasnt been better either.

Though i cant help but imagine Block Buster Buster logging on to find all his heros are abunch of deviant drama queens who can be seriously fucking cruel.
Actually that would be sad, BBB is a nice guy, chatted with him on youtube a few times.

Those british guys must be fucking confused as hell at this point though.

almost 30,000 followers yea that is some serious troll eyes. People do that to, follow someone just to troll everything they say.


New member
Apr 17, 2010
renaissance_nerd said:
See? dammed if he does, dammed if he doesn't.

most would consider this an olive branch but I see the Pro TGWTG among us takes it as another half hearted BS attempt.
Not really a damned do/don't kinda thing. I'd say it looks more like he thinks things can't be mended between him and ThatGuy, which isn't saying anything bad about him. I'll also go out and say I'm not a fan of Lupa's, finding her pretty annoying, and find Phelous utterly bland and ignorable. Hell, I think leaving it alone for now at least is a smart thing, I just think he should've done it much much sooner.

jimbob123432 said:
I think Spoony's tweet where he's waving that white flag is the best thing he's done for this situation. If anything else happens now, it's really not his fault.
I agree. just letting things go and having things take their course and maybe much later trying to reconcile if at all is his best bet.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
infinity_turtles said:
Jegsimmons said:

When i see shit like this, i start thinking spoony may not be the actual start of the problem.
It almost seems that people on TGWTG wanted him gone for a while.

And i dont care what someone dont fucking say that shit in that tweet, that is some cold evil speech right there.

i hope sage, linkara, joe and brad leave CA and join spoony, cool guys like that dont need to be associated with assholes.

kinda wish the Walkers would just lay down some law, but i think they're under contract or something.
You're right, people shouldn't say shit like that, but there were a lot of people egging everyone, including many not involved, on. Lupa, Phelous, Nash and JO have gotten people screwing with them too.
Nash and JO dont deserve it though. Lupa and Phelous should apologize. and lordkat already apologized, but i thought lord kat wasnt even associated with TGWTG anymore.

damn, i hope the walkers enjoy that vacation, because it isnt going to be an easy return. And the Walkers are usually chill about stuff.
Nov 28, 2007
MrMan999 said:
Jegsimmons said:

When i see shit like this, i start thinking spoony may not be the actual start of the problem.
It almost seems that people on TGWTG wanted him gone for a while.

And i dont care what someone dont fucking say that shit in that tweet, that is some cold evil speech right there.

i hope sage, linkara, joe and brad leave CA and join spoony, cool guys like that dont need to be associated with assholes.

kinda wish the Walkers would just lay down some law, but i think they're under contract or something.
Nah. They're on vacation. They're gonna have a hell of a cleanup on their hands.
Vacation, nothing. Doug's on his honeymoon. This is going to be a brutal return to work.