The Stupidest Thing You've Ever Heard

May 5, 2010
One time, two of my friends were arguing about evolution, and one asked the other, "If people evolved from monkeys, then why are there still monkeys?"


New member
Sep 24, 2009
One time we were talking about having a solar power fridge in the middle of the field so we could get food and drinks. Then I tried to sound smart and said,"You'll need a lot of extension cords or batteries to make it work."


New member
May 30, 2009
stupidest thing iv'e ever heard is someone saying that global warming causes earthquakes by heating up the earths mantle and causing the tectonic plates to move.

i think i'd be hard pressed to find something more idiotic than that.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
MCDeltaT said:
My Sister (14): "When I get a pet I'm going to get a dragon"

Me: "Dragon's are fictional"

My Sister: "Yeah, that doesn't mean they aren't real"
That's like when someone was talking to my mom about how satanical Pokemon is and she just looked at them and said 'Dude... they aren't real...' to which he asked 'How do YOU know they're not real?!'

Or in one of my classes...

Teacher: Why is it ok for two girls to be together but not two guys?!
Dude: Because two guys thats just, like... GAY.
Me: *facepalm*


New member
Mar 10, 2010
AIDS is not a disease, HIV is, AIDS is a side effect
That kind of reminds me of when this one girl I know thought that you shouldn't take it in the arse because, apparently, AIDS is now the equivilent of cancer... I was so confused for a second... then wondered 'wait... WAT?'


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Three stupidest and funniest things people have ever said to me, both over MSN:

1) "How do you spell amaizing?"

2) "I want a Turian, even if he is peeing in my bathroom."

3) "is born not, you want the glaçage with this jam or maybe just of the butter with of the this ham, there are a good number of cakes and of feasts of wonderful one to consume voraciously here in the magic."

Also, a girl tried to convince me that she'd once been bitten by a venomous snake she found in her back garden.... I live in Scotland. Seriously.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
catalyst8 said:
"it is often trumpeted as the end all, be all solution for where life came from" The Theory of Evolution doesn't address where life came from, it addresses the diversity of existing life. To misunderstand that is to demonstrate an utter ignorance of both the theory & of basic biology itself. 'Abiogenesis' is the name given to the hypothesis presented by Dr. Szostak (Professor of Genetics at Harvard Medical School & Distinguished Investigator in the Department of Molecular Biology at the Massachusetts General Hospital), who has successfully demonstrated a process where self-catalysing enzymes create replicating hydrocarbon polymer vesicles undergoing mutation.Oh, this should be fun. First off, you've tried to throw this man's logic out the window because he doesn't know about abiogenesis. How mature of you. Second, Dr. Szostak made replicating vesicles, as you put them, but at what point does it become definably life?

"[...] has merit, as a theory and a theory alone." this demonstrates what can only be considered a tragic ignorance of the simplest scientific terminology. In a scientific context a 'theory' is a systematic and formalized expression of all previous observations, and is predictive, logical, and testable. In common use the word 'theory' actually refers to a hypothesis, a supposition made on the basis of limited evidence. Other theories are the Theory of Gravity, of Electro Magnetism, Copernican Theory (sun at the centre of the solar system), Atomic Theory, Germ Theory, Genetic Theory, Kinetic Theory, etc.See, you went wrong when you named a bunch of easy-to-demonstrate theories as silly, yet lauded a non-proven (I'll get to that in a moment) one as undeniable. For example, if I were to punch you and you were forced back, that's kinetic energy in action. If I threw you across the room and you hit the ground, the theory of gravity. If I spit on you and you got a disease, germ theory. If I threw you into space and you orbited around the sun, bam! Copernicus was right. Yet if I sat here for millenia, punching you, your children, your children's children, etc. I would not see any increased resistance to the pain I inflict.

Evolution is documented in existing species from Italian wall lizards in Pod Mrcaru over the last few decades, the mosquito during the Blitz, to the peppered moth in England during the Industrial Revolution, & to numerous bacterial strains (e.g. Sphingomonas) around the world. Then there are transitional fossils like Proterogyrinus, as well as a wealth of genetic corroboration such as human Ch2 corresponding (even down to the join/splice) to Chs12 & 13 in chimps.Never even heard of Italian wall lizards, and I've debated this with more well-informed men than you. As for the peppered moth, that did not show evolution in any way. The population ratios shifted because birds saw one color easier at given times. At no point did a new species of moth occur. I don't have problems with the similarity part, but choose your words wisely. I could use that same strain of logic to say that since all life is based on carbon, we all came from TREES.
There is no peer-reviewed paper which contradicts Evolution.Ever wonder why that is? I'll give a hint: the scientific community stifles anyone that disagrees with evolution (which you capitalize as if it's your bloody god) and refuses to let any real debate occur.
The above-quoted text demonstrating ignorance of utterly basic science is my candidate for stupidest thing I've read or heard this week, possibly this month.

savageoblivi0n said:
you take a bow :D
And you. Stop encouraging this sad fuck. If he's going to be misinformed, he should at least have his not-facts straight.

Iron Lightning

Lightweight Extreme
Oct 19, 2009
Drakmeire said:
when I got in a 7 minute argument with a girl who claimed Europe was a country and that Britain Spain Germany and every other area in Europe are states. way to go public school system.
Well at least she seems able to fucking LOCATE Europe. I talked to a girl once who wasn't even able to accomplish that modest feat and had to ask me for assistance.


New member
Nov 2, 2009

I've also heard of SOMEONE who believed Digimon was a total ripoff of Digimon -.-
Spark <_<


New member
Sep 21, 2009
For the moment I'll have to go with all kinds of scientific ignorance.
I'm not referring to Skylane's anti-evolutionism btw. What I mean is people saying things completely missing logic or experiences.

el_emmens said:
It was when I was in an argument with some girl about whether hot water froze faster than cold water
Just out of curiosity... what was your point?

Skylane14 said:
1. Lack of proof: While natural selection(changes within a species) is a documented and rightly respected theory, grand evolution(such as Darwin's example of a finch turning into an eagle)has no support in actual proof as of yet. It is riddled with "what ifs" and inconsistencies, and I believe that leaves it heavily up for debate.

2. Lack of debate: Evolution could be a much stronger theory, if it were actually discussed on a real level. "Iron sharpens iron". However, whenever detractors come forth, they are simply called ridiculous louts, and have their credibility stripped.
1. But that's the beauty of science. You don't have to actually prove theories, only disprove. As long as there is no opposing evidence or simpler theory the current one stays.

2. Ever considered that these other detractors may simply be louts and that their theories just don't withstand scientific invenstigations? Just a question, I know there are some idiotic ideas out there...
Apr 29, 2010
This girl in my Speech class asked me what I did my speech on. I said, "World War 2." She replied with this gem. "World War 2? Was that when France invaded America?" She was serious.


New member
May 8, 2010

Not just stupid but some of the funniest ignorance I've ever seen


New member
Mar 16, 2009
Health and Safety once closed a swimming pool because it was wet.

Thats by far the stupidest thing i've heard.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
twistedmic" post="18.195864.6290575 said:
I don't remember how we got started talking about this, but one of my old co-workers once claimed that AIDS was not a disease, it was a symptom of a disease.

Lol it is a symptom. the disease is HIV(human immunodeficiency virus) look it up.

chaos order

New member
Jan 27, 2010
my astronomy proff told our class that he got into an argument with one of his colleagues cause he said that the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere spin at opposite directions. and my prof tried to explain that that wasn't true or crossing the equator would be impossible seeing as the other hemisphere would be rotating at around mach 3 in the opposite direction


New member
Aug 7, 2008
CJ1145 said:
catalyst8 said:
And you. Stop encouraging this sad fuck. If he's going to be misinformed, he should at least have his not-facts straight.
hmm seems i might have to go with this for my example...yes sorry i have a sense of humor and try to break up tension with it...*rolls eyes*

Snarky Username

Elite Member
Apr 4, 2010
We were on the subject of reproduction and a girl asked "So if semen is half a person, if you swallow, does that make you a cannibal???"

Later on in the class the teacher said that semen is made up of a sugar, and the girl asked "How is it a sugar if it tastes so salty?"

That was a good day for everyone who wasn't her.