The world is going to end on May 21, 2011


New member
Mar 13, 2010
1: Not at all.
2: I'd sit around doing the things I loved most (video games, drawing, writing, etc.).


New member
Jul 21, 2009
It cant end now, its not 2012 yet.... but seriously, there have been literally thousands of "last days" and not one has been true or based off any real or credible evidence, secondly, the whole point of christian afterlife mythology is that your not supposed to know when or where the rapture will happen because then you can cheat the system, just no

If the world was definatly ending, probily sell all my stuff, see lots of cool stuff, and on the last day, steal a submarine and see if i could ride it out under the sea.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
1. No
2. Watching the last few episodes of Star Trek that I haven't seen yet, doing my GCSEs or losing my virginity... can't decide which though.


New member
Nov 14, 2008
blaqknoise said:
Doesn't the Bible say no man will know the date of the end of the world?
Yes yes it dose, and for that reason I would say no.

If it were and I somehow knew, Id likely do something fun like race or sky dive.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
Every few years you get a new apocalypse scare. The Heaven's Gate idiots thought their souls were going to be whisked away by aliens traveling in Comet Hale-Bopp's tail. The Mayan calendar (source of the 2012 apocalypse hype) does not end at 2012 but rather ticks over into a new cycle, like the odometer on your car. Around the millennium there was all sorts of crap about the end of the world. I'm sure around the year 1000 there was madness of the same kind. Some people aren't happy unless they've got some sort of huge, unavoidable, and entirely mythical impending catastrophe to justify whatever crazy behavior they feel like perpetrating. It's an excuse to abandon responsibility. These people have been universally wrong. Look around you. The sun rose this morning, I hear birds, I'm pretty sure we're all still here (except the idiots who killed themselves, of course). The world will keep ticking on, anyone who says differently isn't paying attention.

This wasn't hard to find:


Mwee bwee bwee.
Feb 4, 2009

2. I'd ask to spend the rest of my time with that one girl. Even if she doesn't feel anything for me, at least we're still good friends. We'd be watching Death Note together XD


New member
Oct 20, 2009
CM156 said:
According to the source below, the world is going to end on May 21, 2011.

The Holy Bible gives several additional astounding proofs that May 21, 2011 is very accurate as the time for the Day of Judgment. For more information on this subject, you may request a copy of We Are Almost There, available free of charge from Family Radio.
Fellow Escapists, I have two questions for you:

1: Do you think this is really going to happen?

2: If it were, how would you spend your last days?

Personally? I firstly don?t think it was going to happen, but if it were, I would buy a DeLorean. I?ve always wanted one of those cars.

EDIT: If it were true, I would try to dig a fallout shelter. That may be hard, considering I live in an area of Missouri where we have about 8-14 inches of dirt above rock and clay.

EDIT 2: Matthew 24:36 has been cited several times, just so you know.
I hope you have Christopher Lloyd's DeLorean so you can take it back to the mid-80's when DeLoreans were for sale :)

I was part of the Pentecostal Assembly of God church in 1989, when they released a publication entitled "10 Reasons Why the Rapture will happen in 1989." Curiously enough, we are all still here.

Other claims made by fringe Christian groups during my upbringing (specifically, the late 80's and early 90's): the Catholic Church will produce the antichrist, and the New World Order that everyone is speaking of is the organization of all world governments under The Beast (not the X-man, unfortunately), or, alternately, the U.N. will produce the anti-christ. Also: Katrina and 9-11 happened because god hates homosexuals.

There is nothing in the bible that says the date of the rapture, the second coming, or a marker for the "end times." The bible does state that there will be such things as "earthquakes, wars and rumors of wars." Apparently the biblical prophets could not foresee the internet, but nevertheless, there have been natural disasters and armed conflict since before recorded history. The bible also says that no one but God The Father knows when Christ will return, and says that he will come "as a thief in the night."

This is dogma epitomized.

Lazy Kitty

May 1, 2009
CM156 said:
Personally? I firstly don?t think it was going to happen, but if it were, I would buy a DeLorean. I?ve always wanted one of those cars.
Are you gonna use it to go back in time?

1. Not unless my plans can suddenly be executed way earlier.

2. Start renting out apartments in my residential space stations/ships.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
1. Nah.
2. To quote Michael Swaim of
Michael Swaim said:
Bone. Bone-city. Bone-central. Anything to take our minds off out impending doom for a few hours, minutes for some of us. We're gonna die and soon, and if you'll excuse me I'm going to spend the remainder of my time mercilessly hitting on every woman I see. "Hey, the worlds is ending tomorrow but that still leaves us all night long." "Have you seen TV lately, all sports are canceled and the news is just video of people crying. PUT ME IN YOU!" "Hey, no one's gonna judge you, who cares if you get pregnant and you're not going to work tomorrow GET IN MY GODDAMN VAN!" Sex is the last way to scream "I AM ALIVE" and to make a connection with another human being. Maybe even make a connection with someone in the butt.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
Eugh...when will these things end?
1. No....heck no
2. If it were gonna happen I'd head to the nearest few sporting good stores, loot them of their guns, steal a truck like a Uhaul or something, load that up with the guns, food [also possibly looted], and a few commodities. Then grab the closest family and friends [who've hopefully been doing something similar], load up, and head either to my old home town; secluded and my uncle collects guns, or my fiances grandparents; also secluded, small farm space, lots of land, and her grandfather not only keeps but builds guns. Basically all the same as my zombie plan.
Mar 28, 2011
1. Ha!

2. Laugh at the rest of the disgusting human race as it panics, loots and cries itself to its inevetible doom.

Wait, I do that now.

Teenage angst at its finest.

1. Meh, no.
2. Repent like hell.



lol teenage angst.

i'm 25... just cynical as all hell :)


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
1. No.

2. Rage to an unimaginable extent that the world will end six days after my birthday and then buy more New Phyrexia.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
1. Bull. Fucking. Shit. As in: No. I don't think it'll happen; because God's already flooded the Earth because of the sins of mankind, and he promised never to destroy the world again.

2. If it did happen, just play Guitar Hero all day. Better than going outside and being trampled on by a swarm of panicking Christians.


New member
Mar 1, 2011
1. Fuck no.
2. If it were to happen, I'd drive over to my gf's place and spend the rest of my time there.