Darkstar370 said:
ObsessiveSketch said:
You could point to most pokemon and think "okay, I see where they got that from." Back then it was more along the lines of 'what if our normal everyday animals were just a little more fantastic?'
Now it's just 'how many things can I think of and palette-swap before the pot wears off.'
Since when is a Dragon a 'normal everyday animal'? Have you ever seen floating magnets with huge eyes? Or boulders with hands?
Even the many evolutions were lazy. 'Lets put three Digglets/Magnetons together and call it an evolution'.
Don't take me wrong. I love the original Pokemon. I just think that you're looking at the older designs trough Nostalgia goggles.
And Scott was also making fun of the grumpy older players being stuck in the past.
At least a dragon is an established creature of folklore. Plus fire lizard -> dragon isn't that difficult a connection to make.
Hmmm, you've got me on that one. It's true that my nostalgia goggles are more potent than beer goggles in terms of reality alteration, but I didn't much mind every generation up to this one. Although diamond and pearl tested my patience. I suppose it's more the addition of unnecessary elements? I dunno. hmmm...
I think...I think it's the deviation from the simplistic/minimalist design than I don't like. If you look at these starters, and most pokemon after 2nd gen, they're all multicolored with unnecessary doo-dads and flourishes. Playing the news ones, I felt that this subtracts from any suspension of disbelief. The originals felt more like each pokemon had its own niche in the re-imagined world, and that you could almost picture many of them existing (excluding freaks like Jynx, of course). As pokemon got more complicated/obscure, they became more unbelievable, which I didn't like.
For example, the little blurb of info in the pokedex used to give some sort of justification or cause of that pokemon's existence, yeah? It was like its own mythology. I just feel that all the new designs don't mesh with the original concept.
And I wouldn't be the nostalgiafag I am if I didn't also gripe about the 'apps' for the pokedex, the poffin/pokeblocks, and the 'legendaries' that are 'discovered' every game.
PS I own both a GB and DS, I just prefer to side with my 1st/2nd gen old farts than the 4th/5th newbies. ;P
Tl;dr. Pokemon used to be like natural mythology, with the occasional odd ball. Now they're over-designed and purposeless. And
young 'uns don't know whut dey're missin' playin' wit' their new flasy pokaymans!