Things that scare the shit out of you.


New member
Apr 30, 2010

If I woke up to that over my bed, I'd just take a god damn lighter and can of hair spray to my house, because it's better than having them screech and come toward me when I lit them on fire. You'd also find a trail of piss I'd leave behind while I screamed in terror.

Also, I don't like the movie called "Arachnophobia" because it gave me a whole new fear of spiders when I first saw it. If it's a small spider, I'm not scared of it, but if it's bigger than my hand.. yeah, I'll be pretty afraid.

Dr Snakeman

New member
Apr 2, 2010
I can't be the only one whose prepubescent psyche was irreparably scarred by the first Spy Kids movie, can I?

God, the Thumb-Thumbs? And the spies who met horrible "And I Must Scream" fates as deformed, paralyzed freaks? Yeesh. I was creeped out for a week.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
The image of someone without a face is very scary to me. In fact that's the reason I'm posting in this thread since I just had a nightmare about being stalked by a man without a face. It also involved being swept away by a wave while in class. I can't say that's a fear of mine.

An exception is made for "The Question" as he's awesome.

P.S. The dream also involved Richard Dean Anderson so it wasn't all bad.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
Blaghman said:
Blindswordmaster said:
Spiders. I Fucking hate spiders.
Aww, but they're so fuzzy wuzzy adorable, there's this massive huntsman that sits outside my room and OH MY GOD IT IS WATCHING ME SLEEP. WHY DOES AUSTRALIA HAVE FRICKIN SPIDERS LIKE THIS, WHO THE HELL WAS THAT CRUEL.

But uhh, this is a fear I picked up from a friend, but marionettes terrify me, it's the whole uncanny valley combined with something that has no control over what it does.
No, it controls what YOU do. Did you know that the man who owned the largest collection of dummies actually died while on his boat with 5 of them. The dummies washed up on shore unharmed... creepy.


New member
Jul 23, 2010
I'm afraid of heights, bycicles, rattlesnakes, scorpians, large spiders that are not tuarantulas, puppets, dolls, and nursery ryhmes.

other than that, pretty much nothing, last time a piece of media ever got me genuinly scared was when i was 5 and watched IT. I guess i kinda got creeped out in dead space where you went into that room with all of the dead bodies who's heads were wrapped up and had candles everywhere, with twinkle, twinkle, little star playing in the background.

I still think it would've been creepier had it it would've been creepier had it included a narrow walkway that you have to go across on a bycicle, with a giant casm beneath you with people sized sydney funnel web spiders at the bottom, flying puppets that pop out of nowhere but dont actually attack any part of you except your sanity, and gigantic scorpians that shoot rattlesnakes at you through their pincers.

No human being could ever recover.


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Any type of parasite just freaks the shit out of me, unfortunately being that I?m ecology I have to learn about them quite a bit and the more I know the creepier they are. Like for example the fly that lays eggs in living tissues (people are not exception) and when the maggots hatch they eat their way out
Especially since some can alter behaviour like a type of worm that uses snails as an intermediate host. It changes the snails behaviour so that instead of hiding/only coming out at night it will climb a tree or a blade of grass and sit there out in the open. Then the worm will go in and out of its freaking antenna to attracted bird. Can you imagine what it would be like if there was a human equivalent to that?
Seriously how can anyone not be completely freaked out by this shit!

Also dolls...I never could play with them as a kid, they just freak me out. Especialy the porcelain ones. I was given one once and it scared me so badly I locked it in a draw and then turned it around to face the wall lol


New member
Jul 23, 2010
I dont know how someone couldn't be terrified, especially when you consider that the snail is still alive after it's eye stalks have been eaten. also, about the maggot that bore out of living human flesh, it has been recorded that they have eaten peoples brains. While they are alive. And concious.

Parasites = pure evil and proof that there is a devil. Just like nearly everything that lives in australia.

Instinct Blues

New member
Jun 8, 2008
Any kind of posinous insect, being judged/talked about behind my back, making a fool out of myself, the future, and dying/losing a limb.


Senior Member
Mar 25, 2009
Urgh76 said:
Turning around at night.

It's weird because as soon as you turn and see nothing, you think (well I think) Oh dear's behind me...

Like opening up the fridge door and closing it only to see someone behind it.
This. A thousand times, this.

I deliberately avoid looking at windows, and I have to turn on every single light in my path whenever I leave my room at night for any reason. Gotta make sure every corner of the room is lit.

Probably doesn't help that I have a terrible habit of reading copious amounts of Creepypasta directly before I plan on going to sleep.

Bohemian Waltz

Senior Member
Oct 3, 2010
My fears Biggest fears in order:
-Tape Worms or the idea of a parasite living inside of me.
-Our government,social,economic system suddenly breaking down and the anarchy that would follow.
-Deadly diseases most notable (Aids & Cancer)


New member
Dec 19, 2008
Centipedes. Ever since one had the gonads to just walk across my chest in the middle of the night, I've become really fucking paranoid and terrified. Also, the thought that anything can do whatever it wants to you while you sleep. A tarantula could be partying on you in the middle of the night, and you'd have no idea.


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
For some reason sometimes I get really scared when I'm washing my hair in the shower because I'm afraid something will be in the shower with me when I open my eyes.


New member
Sep 28, 2010
For some reason sometimes I get really scared when I'm washing my hair in the shower because I'm afraid something will be in the shower with me when I open my eyes.
