Ubisoft Eyeballs THQ


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Come on Gabe don't let this happen, look in the couch for some spare change.

At least EA and Activision see PC as a legitimate platform to develop for.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
DrunkOnEstus said:
Wow, there's some information I didn't know. I never saw a point to the limits other than to sell you the game more than once because you like to format often. So with Max Payne 3, you're locked out if you change your video card or something? Fuck. That. I guess we still have a ways to go...
Not quite sure how Max Payne does it, but "Hardware Locking" usually refers to MAJOR hardware changes, specifically the Motherboard, even more specifically the chipset. Windows is the biggest example of hardware-locking DRM that I can think of. Changing a video card is fine. Oftentimes changing a motherboard as long as a new one has the same chipset is fine. Changing the mobo and processor at the same time WILL cause issues, and changing the mobo out entirely (different chipset, mainly) will cause Windows to require activation again. I'm assuming MP3's hardware locking is similar.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
... Maybe Nintendo should buy them? I dunno. It would give people more reason to yell at/support Nintendo.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
CrossLOPER said:
Repeat after me: At least it is not EA or Activision.
That's not a very good comparison. Would you be okay with a kick in the balls because at least it's not eye-gouging or fingernail-pulling?

Either way, of those three companies, Ubisoft is the most anti-PC company of all. Considering the the popularity of Warhammer and of Metro being PC titles, Ubisoft can only do harm.
Remember, this is the company that took an indie title, put it on Steam, put additional DRM or it anyways, and then ended up locking out paying customers for the first few days due to a server glitch.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Mr.Mattress said:
... Maybe Nintendo should buy them? I dunno. It would give people more reason to yell at/support Nintendo.
I don't have a Wii U, I don't want a Wii U currently. Even if THQ games went to the WiiU I couldn't justify myself buying one. I'd rather they keep the games they have open to most consoles then exclude it to a single one.


New member
Aug 4, 2008
I for one like Ubi. I mean, the DRM stuff with them is bullshit, but they don't screw over people like EA or Activision. They haven't gone anywhere near the shit that happened with Zampella and West. And unlike EA, they are not known for ripping up and eating the corpses of IPs and Devs.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
I actually quite like Ubisoft so screw all da haterz. Granted I'd rather THQ stood on it's own but lesser of two evils and all that.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
I just hope that something happens that will ultimately mean another Darksider's game. I've only played the 2nd one (for the life of me I can't find a copy of the first xP) and really enjoyed it. The only buzz-kill about it was that you could only New Game + once, which SEVERELY limits it's replayability. But I'll be damned if I haven't thought about going out and actually buying it (rented it the first time) because damnit, I enjoyed it. :p


New member
Feb 22, 2011
RJ 17 said:
I just hope that something happens that will ultimately mean another Darksider's game. I've only played the 2nd one (for the life of me I can't find a copy of the first xP) and really enjoyed it. The only buzz-kill about it was that you could only New Game + once, which SEVERELY limits it's replayability. But I'll be damned if I haven't thought about going out and actually buying it (rented it the first time) because damnit, I enjoyed it. :p
I recomend getting the first one if possible. The gameplay style is slightly different, the second game is a lot more combat oriented. Not to say the first isn't, but the way it's executed is different. I'd try amazon for about 21 bucks, or Gamestop for god knows how much. Even Steam is having a sale if you want to try it on PC (if you have a gaming PC that is) warning though that I've heard it may require a controller to play, and even then the controlls are buggy at best.


New member
Oct 22, 2007
Hurry Square-Enix, buy them before the other bad publishers take them! You've been known to take risks over things people want, why not this? :3 Besides, as usual your next Final Fantasy game will pay off any money lost!


New member
Mar 13, 2012
I.. don't know what to think. Ubi getting their grubby mits on everything THQ? That is a little worrisome. Yet at the same time, Ubisoft seems to be the only one of the big three that makes non-FPS games these days.

Then again, my only real interest is, who is more likely to make a new Homeworld?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse, It could be worse.....

*rocks back and forth in a corner clutching a copy of Darksiders and Dawn of War 2*

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
So the most vehemently anti PC publisher of the big bad triumvirate wants to buy out the guys who own one of the best PC developers out there? What would happen in an Ubisoft owned Relic studio? We'd have yearly Space Marine games, each focusing on a different chapter on slightly different colored Forge Worlds, and Dawn of War would be scrapped while PC ports of Spess Mahren were stripped of functionality.

And then they would blame the poor quality on the consumers again.

Ed130 The Vanguard

(Insert witty quote here)
Sep 10, 2008
Ubisoft isn't the worst Publisher out there but a kick in the balls is still a kick in the balls.

Still at least it isn't castration (ie EA).


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Ubicrap, who hate PCs with a vengeance owning Relic ?!?

The end is nigh, repent all ye sinners lest thee fall in the pit of Ubicrapdom and suffer DRM infested late ports of console versions of PC franchises with a fuck tonne of DLC added for more suffering.

The studios under Ubicrap may make good games, but Ubi is a expert in stepping in and ruining a good party, of adding the sour to the spice of life, the crap in the a good day.

... that and I would hate to pass up on Homeworld 3 because of .... Ubicrap.


Ravenous Gormandizer
Oct 23, 2008
Kumagawa Misogi said:
Vigil Games - Darksiders (I bet will be closed because darksiders 2 underperformed)
Depends on how well Dark Millenium does. I don't anticipate it somehow saving THQ, but if they can get it out, it may save Vigil.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
Not bad, aside from Ubisoft's terrible PC ports, they seem to be relaxing on their DRM, and their games are usually of a pretty high quality. Assassin's Creed may be getting done to death, but then you have games like Rayman and Far Cry which aren't given a yearly release schedule and definitely are the better for it.

So i don't see the Ubi hate, and i don't see it as a problem if they were to aquire THQ. It could keep some peoples' jobs, and we could see THQ's great franchises continue simply under a different name.