Deathfish15 said:
Infernal Lawyer said:
Rude or not, there's no denying that dropping development for an eagerly anticipated sequel simply because you had a shit-slinging match with someone is pretty fucking stupid.
No, what's rude is all the gamers and reviewers alike that decide that their entitled to be the know-all, end-all decision on the video games that the developers make. That this entitlement spews over into "boorish fuck" speak against the developers.
I applaud a person not putting up with bullshit anymore. I applaud them saying "no" to the entitlement generation. And, I applaud him for calling out those self-centered, opinionated pricks at for what they are: know-nothing judgmental voices.
Some may see it as "bad business", but really that needs to be the furthest thing to consider at all. How about some basic fucking humanity towards a talented individual? No wonder he went off the deep end. Sheesh!
As much as I hate to say it, no-one's going to see this is as 'saying 'no' to the entitlement generation, they're going to see it as "fuck you then, I'm taking my cool toys home with me". As I've stated elsewhere, this is pretty much a spat between two arseholes, with the only difference that one is actually producing something relevant to the industry (Oh fine, I'll say it's Phil so you don't take that the wrong way), and unfortunately people are going to see this as Fish 'ruining' the sequel by throwing a tantrum, rather than the reviewer for initiating it. Note that I'm stating what OTHER people will think; whether or not I agree with his 'Show it to the man' attitude is really irrelevant.
People have already stated not only that he should get off Twitter if he can't handle the abuse, but also that he's perfectly capable of dishing out his own shit on other people without much reason, regardless of his inability to take it, which is really fucking stupid when you're in the gaming world's public eye. This is not what I think, he literally has a REPUTATION for being an jerk and acting surprised when the favor is returned, or responding to shit with his own crap.
And he didn't call anyone out, he just called them NAMES, told them to kill themselves using a crappy Futurama reference, said 'we're not going anywhere'... and then ragequited anyhow. THIS is how you call someone out:
1337mokro said:
"The thing with us "tosspots" "hipsters" is that we're not beholden to media leeches like you, and you're right. we're VERY successful. And we're not going anywhere. Get used to it because you will be reporting on my success stories for a long while more."
There you go Philly. A snarky comeback where you applaud yourself, scoff at him for being a decrepit old media parasite and basically do take the high-ground whilst still denigrating him to nothing more than someone who will be heralding your achievements.
That is how someone would react if they weren't hipster tosspot douchebags. It's best if you keep to making games and not engaging in empty exchanges of excessive insults.
I'll be the first to agree that this could very well have been the straw that broke the camel's back, and that he has every right to stop development for Fez 2 if he damn well wants to, and finally that this reviewer was being nothing more than an aggressive tosspot... But noone else will. There're just going to see it as Fish saying "Because some stupid fucking retards, you know, the ones that populate EVERY community, especially this one, said some nasty words that I didn't like, you're not getting the highly anticipated sequel to my game, because I can't stay off Twitter or learn to ignore people who say stupid crap about me." Considering that the internet is literally currently ringing with the phrase "And nothing of value was lost", as much as I despise it, I seriously doubt that I'm wrong about this.