I'm pretty interested in what the theme will be, guess we won't know until November. The dollar bill makes things pretty vague - it'll be about money? That's pretty much all of them? The next likely guess is it means it'll be in D.C., which will certainly be rife with political commentary unfortunately.
I'm definitely interested in who the new protagonist will be. I'd be very surprised if they tried a female protagonist.
The dollar-bill like 5 does make it extremely unlikely it'll take place outside the U.S., because then it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever. But maybe it's a feint! Who knows.
Father Time said:
The only race they haven't done is Arab.
Well, as mentioned, they also haven't done Native American. They haven't had an Indian either. They have done multiple white guys (Lost and the Damned, Vice City, GTA3, GTA4). If it IS a white guy, they've already done the immigrant thing to death so it'd have to be someone local, but for GTA5 having a generic white guy just doesn't seem their style.