[Update] Your Pokemon Black & White Starters Could Evolve Like This

Chase Yojimbo

The Samurai Sage
Sep 1, 2009
As far as im concerned, there are two types of imaginations, a good imagination, and a 'huge' imagination. Pokemon just isn't like it used to be.


New member
Aug 15, 2010
Plurralbles said:
so... I could hav ea grassy dragonair?
Only if I get a grassy Dragonite...

EDIT: Actually no screw that, I want a giant on fire Dragonite that shoots lasers out of his eyes and destroys Tokyo on a regular basis. That's a real Pokemon!


New member
Jul 2, 2008
John Funk said:
ayvee said:
And yet, credible sources that have previously leaked accurate Pokemon B/W data say they're legit. Obviously we have nothing 100%, but I know which side I'm inclined to trust.
I don't trust Serebii, that site's been wrong on many occasions and with this art being so out of place I'm calling fake. It's more of a gut feeling than proof, but these starters just don't seem to be real. Looking at them, they don't seem to follow any logical evolution line. Obviously, Smugleafs and Wotters second evolutions are real because of the leaked beta art. But going from Wotter 2 to Wotter 3 seems like too radical a change. Pretty much every evolution shares at least some similarity with it's previous form. You'd probably bring up Dragonair -> Dragonite to rebute this point, but atleast they share a similar head. What do Wotter 2 and Wotter 3 have in common? I barely see anything, except for a slight resemblance of the shells on his legs. Plus, I doubt Wotter 3 could plausibly be water/fighting and I would really like a water/fighting starter so I'm clinging to the idea that it's fake.

Most of my points on Wotter's evolution line also extend to Emboar's. It's second evolution really seems odd, and out of place. When you link it to it's third, they seem like two completely different lines. Again, Dragonair -> Dragonite still applies, so that's kind of moot. The only line that seems plausible is Smugleaf's, and that one still strikes me as iffy.

I may not have any sources to back me up, but I'm still clinging to the idea that these are fake. I doubt Game Freak would produce such haphazard designs for starters.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Ugh the game comes out in Japan in just 2 weeks. I don't care to speculate anymore, pretty soon we'll get the real deal and this will all be moot.


New member
May 5, 2010
Cowabungaa said:
Nintendo, I am disappoint. I imagined the fire piglet Pokemon evolve in something like this:

But ON FIRE!!!

How awesome would thát be?!
John Funk said:
Because the 4th generation was the best generation yet? And 5th looks to be adding some awesome stuff too?
Eh I beg to differ. I always found the Pokemon starting to get more and more over-designed after the second generation. Too many bells and whistles, too many patterns and stuff, not animal-like enough.

That's not saying the first 2 generations didn't have some absolutely stupid designs. Magnetite...sériously? How does that...thing (can you even call it an animal?) reproduce?
Some pokemon are "man-made"
Grimer is just sewage that came to life. And Mewtwo is a lab made Mew clone.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Chase Yojimbo said:
As far as im concerned, there are two types of imaginations, a good imagination, and a 'huge' imagination. Pokemon just isn't like it used to be.
Doduo -> Dodrio
Magnemite -> Magneton
Diglett -> Dugtrio

Ponyta -> Rapidash
Grimer -> Muk
Nidoran <-> Nidoran

I have absolutely nothing against any of the generations, but ... less imaginative? Really?


New member
Mar 6, 2010
I don't get why people hate this gen so much....the final forms look rather impressive.

But I can't stop fawning over these fellas:
 and


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Woah man that water third form looks nothing like it. The grass one still looks to be the best. The fire one still contains it's really akward design.


New member
Feb 25, 2010
Honestly, I don't get all the new pokemon hate. None of the fifth gens I've seen so far look overly bad. The water starter is the only one that causes me to raise an eyebrow, but pokemon has had MUCH worse designed critters than that.

I've been playing since the very beginning, and I grew up with pokemon, so believe me when I say that there were quite a few "gems" in the first two gens. I mean, come on, the new starter look bad, yet somehow Wigglytuff, Hypno, and Jynx don't look goofy? It's nostalgia talking, pure and simple.

But more on topic, I do hope these truly are the final designs. I especially like the grass one, I was hoping he'd look something like that.


New member
Apr 19, 2010
I must be a different wavelength than everyone else, I don't think the grass one looks all that impressive.


Nov 24, 2009
United States
I think the fire evo second stage looks cool but I dont like wotters final form I was hoping for something cooler it just looks fake to me I really hope everything past the second evolution of all of them are fake please god let them be fake


New member
May 28, 2009
Ciran said:
And why is the grass starter ALWAYS a reptile, can't they get a bit more creative than that?
They've only had one reptile. Bulbasaur was a plant bulb, Chickorita was a leaf, Treeko was a gecko, and Turtwig was a turtle(amphibian, not a reptile).


New member
Feb 7, 2009
person427 said:
Ciran said:
And why is the grass starter ALWAYS a reptile, can't they get a bit more creative than that?
They've only had one reptile. Bulbasaur was a plant bulb, Chickorita was a leaf, Treeko was a gecko, and Turtwig was a turtle(amphibian, not a reptile).
Um...no, Bulbasaur was a plant lizard (actually more of some generic reptile, but it was most definitely not just a bulb), Chikorita was a plant dinosaur, Treecko was a gecko, and Turtwig was a tortoise not a turtle, therefore a reptile.

EDIT: Even more evidence that Bulbasaur isn't a bulb is the pokedex entry from the first games: A strange seed was planted on its back at birth. The plant sprouts and grows with this Pokemon.

Therefore proving the being is separate from the plant.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
John Funk said:
You need only look at Mijumaru's final evo to know they're fake. First 2 are 2 legged otters. Suddenly, 4 legged furry rat. It's also Dialga's sprite with a horn.

If those were the real evo's, water/fighting wouldn't work because more than half the moves wouldn't be available to it like arm thrust, cross chop, sky uppercut etc.

Pukabu's first evo looks like a luchador, suggesting yet another fire/fight type. They wouldn't bring out a 3rd fire/fight starter in a row unless they seriously wanted to piss off fans.

As for Tsutarja's grass/dragon typing, it wouldn't have that or it would cancel its fire weakness, thus tipping the starter triangle.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Man you guys are gullable
Before we begin, please refer to this charecter sheet.
please compare the dragon and the bat to their revealed forms. You'll see that every detail down to the shading is perfectly insynch.

Here's another one.

Also, these gifs are coming to you from Suave Squirtal from the Serebii forms.

Bulbapedia stepped in during a discussion on /vp/ and made its official stance more clear

See the big unconfirmed and rumour things on there? Bulbagarden's staff are mixed in opinion on this one at the moment. We're reporting on it simply because a number of sites have been running it as confirmed, but I'm personally leaning towards false right now.

Here's the low-down on why this is all up in the air.
1. When our staff were discussing this with the staff of other sites, they said they got this info from an inside source. If they got it from someone separate to Melkor of PokExperto, then the question is who, and how reliable they are as a source. They're refusing to reveal exactly who these sources are.

2. Serebii mentioned to RexRacer (the EiC of Bulbanews) that he had a number of the in-game sprites himself, however that Melkor had all the sprites. We've yet to see the sprites ourselves, so we can't confirm or deny if these are legit based on the info we have.

3. Melkor did get a big scoop with the previous generation in getting a full list of the new Pokémon names well before release (apparently from the same source Serebii had, they had a huge fight on the issue back then as I remember), which gives this a bit more credibility than it might have had otherwise.

4. The instant that these got out, multiple people were already claiming that they were fake and that they had been the ones to fake them, including different pictures of inspirations, etc.
Also, some more gifs

Now excuse me while I tear apart your sources
The pokemon fansite from Spain is the main cause of all this. He allegedly has "insider information" and once claimed to have the full game via his twitter. He posted this image:

1. The HP on the final forum of pokabu is lower than that of pokabu.
2. The names are wrong and belong to already existing pokemon
3. This screen shot belongs to a previously linked screen shot.
4. After the obvious fake was pointed out, this was deleted off of his twitter. However you can still see his website in the background.

There are other issues with his site and his alleged source, and I question as to why he won't show his sprites in private to Bulbapedia. His "confirmed" typings also differentiate between the ones leaked by 2chan that came with the images. Basically I'm calling this guy a liar.

What about Serebii, the "source who is never wrong." Hahahaa, you guys don't know him. Serebii posted that Arceus wasn't real. He then would delete any post to anyone who brough him up on the site when signs started to point towards him being true. Serebii was also NOT ONLY WRONG about Shaymin's alternative form BUT CLAIMED TO HAVE AN INSIDE SOURCE. This is not the only time Serebii has faked having an "inside source." He was triced by someone into thinking that Shellos was a prevo too Lapras by an "inside source"

Serebii is a sociopath who strives to have the best pokemon fan site whatever the cost.
So, with our only two sources lacking in serious validity, and the art itself having HUGE problems, both from a manipulation point, as well as having HUGE basic artistic mistakes, I believe we can safely call these fake. Good day gentlemen.


Coxa no longer floppin'
Jun 22, 2009
This game would break my pattern of ALLWAYS picking the fire type, I'd go for the Grass.