Valve Confirms DotA 2 for 2011


Me, I'm Counting
Sep 24, 2008
I never liked DotA in Warcraft 3 and i won't like this.

Why, Valve? Why won't you release some new IP or focus on Episode 3?


New member
Feb 5, 2009
Half Life Episode 3 is the new Duke Nukem Forever, so stop waiting for it.

I thought DotA was a WCIII mod... Wait, TFC was originally a Quake mod and look at how TF2 turned out. This will be glorious delicious cake.


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
Deeleted said:
So... HoN and LoL has an engine crafted for the game itself, while Dota 2 will be using an allready existing engine that has been used for FPS games in the past.

Say what?!
If people can use an RTS-engine (a la Starcraft 2) to create a third-person shooter, I don't see why the reverse isn't just as applicable.


New member
May 19, 2008
I always wanted to get in to DotA, but entering as a newbie is such a bad experience that after the first few times I tried I just gave up. With Valve behind this it'll hopefully have a much larger fanbase so I won't have to be the only newbie entering. Plus with the community tools that encourage helping new players I'll hopefully have a much more positive time.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
This is bad, I hope that Valve doesn't claim the rioghts to this otherwise League of Legends will be shut down as well as Hero's of Newerth


New member
Sep 11, 2007
100+ characters to balance? Good luck with that.

The market is also kind of flooded with these kinds of games. I think one of them also has a DotA developer. Although Valves way above average support for their games is going to help a lot.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Tom Phoenix said:
Also, am I the only one who finds it funny how DotA 2 is avoiding the constraints of the WarCraft III engine by replacing them with the constraints of the Source engine? XD Although, on a more serious note, it remains to be seen whether or not the Source engine really is all that fitting for RTS-like games.
I've seen a number of RTS-styled games/mods running on the Source engine and they were exquisite. Or, in the very least, workable. The mods had very little to no actual modifications to the engine to make the RTS gameplay work. Hell, with just a few scripts running (of which I had written), I was able to turn Left 4 Dead into a pseudo-RTS game without modding the engine. You could move about in spectate mode, highlight/select survivors or infected, and point-and-click where you wanted them to go. I was working on getting them to pick up items and shoot at objects you clicked on, but I had a harddrive failure and lost all of my scripts.

While I'm not all that shocked at this official announcement, I am somewhat happy. Not because it's DotA, but because it's good to see Valve branching out to other genre's and ideas. As well as seeing them supporting the modding community once again. Something more developers need to embrace.

I didn't really care for DotA. I've tried it and it wasn't all that....great? But, I saw some potential in it. Sadly, I never saw any of that potential realized in any of the various version or spin-offs. (LoL & HoN) Perhaps Valve can remedy that.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
I'll be interested to see if they can match the cunning business model and the innovations of League of Legends, which is like Dota or HoN TF2ized into a much more accesable, colorful, immediatly open game. As far as i'm concerned, LoL has been pioneering that field pretty brilliantly, I don't want to think about how much microtransaction money i've sunk on that game for new skins and champions since it's come out. Probably somewhere around 300. For an ostensibly "Free to Play game", that I would do that without complaint or remorse, is impressive to say the least.

What LoL lacks that DoTA 2 could capitalize on, is NEW MAPS. because LoL still only has two. Of course, thats twice as many as DoTA or HoN has.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
"Further, DotA 2 adds integrated voice chat"...

Really? Did anyone noticed that DOTA has one of the worst online communities?

Note* I'm judging this from personnal experience.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Random Argument Man said:
"Further, DotA 2 adds integrated voice chat"...

Really? Did anyone noticed that DOTA has one of the worst online communities?

Note* I'm judging this from personnal experience.
True, but integrated VoIP is a huge step, even if it's team locked. How I wish LoL had it, typing out MiA's too slow can be life or death.
Mar 16, 2009
*clears my throat, stands on a soapbox (I have no educated opinion, actually... moar of a rantbox)* Fuck DotA 2. More like DotA: Source. All they have done is prettied up the original game and ensured that they could lose no money by changing nothing and sticking "Valve" on the box. Heroes of Newerth is doomed, since it is basically what Valve is already offering (but better). League will be fine since they've changed the god damn formula and have fans outside of the DotA community, but I'm still against Valve here. *gets off rantbox*


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Grilled Cheesus said:
Trademarking a fan made IP. Fucking douchebags. I do not even care if they do a good job with the game. The fact that they are now trying to take control and possess a fan made series is just the worst kind of douchebaggery behaviour and is something I would expect from Kotick.
If it is not released for absolute FREE and fans being able to do with the name as they please then Valve will be dead to me.
Um....what are you talking about? Did you even read the article? The guy that created the damn game is working at Valve. It's his project, his title, his IP. He pushed Valve into trade-marking the brand. They aren't trying to "take control". They hired the guy and gave him free choice of what project he wanted to do. He chose this.

Maybe get off your high horse and read up on the topic before you go bitching and cursing about it. Hmmm?

AstorSapolsky said:
*clears my throat, stands on a soapbox (I have no educated opinion, actually... moar of a rantbox)* Fuck DotA 2. More like DotA: Source. All they have done is prettied up the original game and ensured that they could lose no money by changing nothing and sticking "Valve" on the box. Heroes of Newerth is doomed, since it is basically what Valve is already offering (but better). League will be fine since they've changed the god damn formula and have fans outside of the DotA community, but I'm still against Valve here. *gets off rantbox*
Likewise, where is this coming from? They've only just announced the game (and even listed a slew of features being added that none of the other spin-offs have) and you're immediately assuming it's just a straight port with touched up visuals.

Bitchy people gonna *****.


New member
May 24, 2010
I must say I was pessimistic about it being ep 3 but it still leaves a bitter taste in my mouth none the less. Still I am a kinda excited to see what Valve has cooking in the pot, it just won't be as tasty as I hoped it be :(


New member
May 15, 2009
Tom Phoenix said:
You know, for the longest time, Valve and Blizzard have had a sort of peaceful co-existance between one another. Valve did it's own thing with FPS games and digital distribution while Blizzard did it's own thing with RTS and MMO games.

With this move, however, Valve has effectively entered Blizzard's territory. It will be interesting to see if Blizzard will provide any sort of response.

Also, am I the only one who finds it funny how DotA 2 is avoiding the constraints of the WarCraft III engine by replacing them with the constraints of the Source engine? XD Although, on a more serious note, it remains to be seen whether or not the Source engine really is all that fitting for RTS-like games.
The source engine did Alien Swarm well, fantastically, in fact. I'm sure they'll pull it off.