FoxParadox said:
Wow, why aren't they gathering to complain about half life 2: episode 3? Getting mad for a game coming out too soon rather than one not coming soon enough?
They're getting mad because the bought L4D based on the promise of theoritical added value that the title would have at some point in the future. These people are, what I like to call "silly" as they purchased the IDEA of a product rather than the product itself.
More to the point - not only do I not feel that "the developer didn't give us what they promised" bits hold even a thimble of water (because the the price tag was clearly affixed to a product of known quanties and variables, and anything else is a bonus) but they complain about things that honestly do not matter to me as a gamer.
The visual aestetic has changed, but let's face it the gritty surival horror style that we have been delivered already clashes with the actual gameplay, as any sense of fear I might have is utterly dashed when I realize that my firepower alone is enough to kill mighty hordes of the run-o-the-mill zombies and I have three chumps. . . er . . . friends helping keep me alive from the more durable or dangerous types.
The fiddle music bit may hold some water, but I fall into that odd crowd that actually enjoys many of the kinds of music the various members of the string family are capable of producing. While some zany fiddle and banjo based chase music might be a bit out of place, who hasn't been engaged in a brutal close quarters fight with a Tank and thought to themselves "Man, if only a fiddle were playing a jig, this would be 10% more awesome!" The music that currently exists may serve to help build tension, and discounting the fact that the fiddle is perfectly capable of being an instrument of audience torment, I'd also point out that said tension wears off after the first few times you play the game, only to be replaced inevitably by a team of people griefing your team for the enjoyment of all.
While I do belive there is a certain logic that work directed towards one project will naturally reduce the total work available for another project, I do not offer any sympathy for people who feel as though they've been cheated. I was satisfied with the content I got in the box (known hereafter as the content I paid for). The content delivered later served to give me several more hours of entertainment and it was free. All told, I've probably wrung a few dozen hours of fun out of the title with what I've gotten so far, and that seems worthy of the price of entry that I paid. I shall not begrudge valve for making more content available in the future for a price, because that is in fact where the problem lies for most people. How these people expect valve to remain in business without charging for content that takes many man hours to produce (and those man hours are provide by people I assume, and if my trend analaysis serves me correctly I suspect they feel the need to eat and have shelter meaning they require some sort of compensation) is beyond me.
Finally, the fact that a complaint is "the relese date is too soon to do a proper job" is a delicious combination of the customer getting what they want (a product right now) and an assertion made by a bunch of uninformed losers. Valve has never had a history of producing a game that did not meet their own high standards of quality, and they have also had a history of producing two games. This alone seems to make them supremely qualified to determine when the launch date will be, and moreover, if it proves to be an insufficient amount of time, Valve has proven that they are more than willing to keep it in the hopper until it's done. Given all of this, the game will either be delivered on the date told and (again if trend analysis is worth a damn here) consumers will be able to purchase a new known quantity of content that meets valve's expectations of quality without being forced to wait for a change, or the game will be delayed until it is worthy of release.
I don't begrudge them for choosing to boycott the game, for a number of reasons. First, people are free to disagree with me no matter how wrong they are and second, 3,000 people is such a laughable portion of the install base that their effort is more or less wasted effort at this point. If they could get a significant portion of the current install base to jump on board, then maybe they won't be wasting their time, but until then they may as well be vagrants holding signs heralding the apocalypse and shouting incoherent warnings that my hedonistic ways will be the doom of all mankind.