Video Games can be art? PROVE IT!


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Mr.PlanetEater said:
Oh and of course Bioshock, because Sander Cohen is The master of class and art.
Not to mention a complete and total homocidal psychopath.

Maybe that's why I liked him so much...


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Some people say bioshock and all that, but meh, it's too commercial. lol, MY experience with the jerks who are like "games aren't art" are total art snobs so main-stream = bad. So I'd go with a lesser known, but still good, indi title that gets the point across. Like Penumbra, especially in the last penumbra game when they got really pretentious, art people seem to like that. OR my choice for best game ever made, Grim Fandango, it?s REALLY hard to deny that game is art considering its artistic style of graphics.

IN SHORT for peeps who skim:
Penumbra and Grim Fandango

EDIT: rereading this I want to stress that I DID like bio-shock my only thought was it's a bit commercial for art snobs.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
Rez HD. Art is best in my eyes when it reaches you on multiple levels, and the synesthetic experience of playing Rez achieves that completely.


New member
Jul 28, 2010
This thread is silly. The very definition of art is vague and indistinct, and at best what is considered art (and even more importantly what is considered good art) is relentlessly subjective, therefore asking anyone to prove what essentially cannot be proven is the mentality of someone who spends too much time with their head in their rectum.

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
Hell, if rap music ([small]haha oxymoron[/small]) is a form of art, then tell me how video games aren't.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
AnOriginalConcept said:
I would say, "Give me a definition of art that does not involve subjectivity."
The best answer I think. It's pretty much impossible to convince anyone anyway. They likely already have their minds made up to refuse anything you show them anyway.


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Limbo. It's a game with a great art style and is open ended so that it'll leave players to interpret it for themselves.

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Gigaguy64 said:
Metroid Prime.

Really, it mixes Beautiful Environments, Awesome Creatures, Incredible Music, and an Atmosphere of being all alone and Badass and creates one of the best games iv ever played.
Then id would show him the Designs for the Environments and Creatures.
There really good.
I concur with this and my original post. The one that is above that you cannot play Gigaguy64 :)

Captain Epic

New member
Jul 8, 2010
Macgyvercas said:
I wouldn't, because someone that ignorant can't be conviced by any type of logic.

However, if pressed, I would say BioShock. The depth, the story, the plot twist...but mostly because of the emotional response the game invokes.

And isn't emotion what art is about in the first place??
I second. HOWEVER! I haven't played many "artsy games." The only other true work of art in gaming I've played is Red Dead Redemption. I'm planning on getting steam just to get psychonaughts, and I might download Silent Hill for my Ps3. Also I became interested in Eternal Darkness after watching the Spoony One's review.

Knight Templar

Moved on
Dec 29, 2007
Before I can deal with "are games art" I need to ask a question: How does one define art?
If you can define art in such a way to exclude games yet retain all traditional forms of art I'd like to hear it.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Assassin Xaero said:
Hell, if rap music ([small]haha oxymoron[/small]) is a form of art, then tell me how video games aren't.
Probably because people keep making sly comments about the nature of video games based on their own dislike.
[small]Yes, just like your rap comment.[/small]


New member
Aug 21, 2010
I would tell him to think about this: Think about the truly great pieces of art you've seen (including music, paintings, sculptures, etc.) For every truly great piece of art in any medium, you're going to get about one hundred horrible pieces. For every Mona Lisa or Michelangelo's David, you're going to get one or two products that are... well, junk.

It's the same with games, I think. For every Shadow of the Colossus, Portal, or Okami, there's a Shadow the Hedgehog, Superman 64, or Custer's Revenge.

And the one game I'd pick to show him? I can't really say. Enjoyment of individual video games is subjective, I think. I'd have to pick a game he'd enjoy.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
Irridium said:
I would pick none, tell him I don't care, then laugh at him for trying to get me angry over such a petty and pointless argument that neither side will ever win.
You have spoken pure poison for the trolls who throw these questions at everyone. Good one!

OT: I would point out Bioshock. The storyline is so good, when you play it, you feel genuinely betrayed when you know who says that certain line that makes you do whatever he wants. No one can disprove that game as art.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
1. Can movies be art? Video games simply add interactivity to cinematic experience.
2. Can photographs be art? Movies are made of millions of these strung together, in a manner of speaking.
3. Can paintings be art?
...You see where I'm going. Art is a question of execution, not medium. A game can be a training program, but most of the time it's art. A movie can be a documentary, but most of the time it's art. A photo can be for any reason whatsoever, including art. A painting is art in most cases. So the question I present is: convince me that video games aren't art, because if you can't play a game and feel an emotion either there is something wrong with you or video games aren't your thing. Like some people don't watch movies. Or give a rat's ### about paintings. There, I said more than just "subjectivity." Thank you very much.

Shadow of the Colossus.
Silent Hill 2.
Metroid Prime.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem.

Goodnight all.

Blue Musician

New member
Mar 23, 2010
Housebroken Lunatic said:
Silent Hill 2

This, along with The Path, The Void and Shadow of the Colossus, but I doubt your little enemy would manage to even play them. The Void is specially difficult, maybe as Demon's Souls.
but other than that just ignore him.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Metroid Prime.

Really, it mixes Beautiful Environments, Awesome Creatures, Incredible Music, and an Atmosphere of being all alone and Badass and creates one of the best games iv ever played.
Then id would show him the Designs for the Environments and Creatures.
There really good.
I concur with this and my original post. The one that is above that you cannot play Gigaguy64 :)
I also agree with your earlier post.
Muramasa looks AMAZING.
And i will play it one day.
But first...Metroid is coming.....

Heart of Darkness

The final days of His Trolliness
Jul 1, 2009
Z(ombie)fan said:

Im sorry, everyone, but I just won the thread.
Allow me to /thread that for you. The closest video games have come to literature, and yet so few people have actually played it.

Although this thread is silly, anyway, and probably should end soon. These "GAMES ARE ART HURR HURR" threads are getting a little annoying, to be frank, full of people desperately trying to legitimize their hobby of choice when, in reality, it doesn't need legitimizing. Ah, well.