Video Games can be art? PROVE IT!


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Any game good or bad is a form of art. When a 2 year old rubs crayon onto a blank page, that's art. There once was an artist (cant remember his name) who painted a massive canvas solid black. That was art too.

Skullkid4187 said:
No video game, book, or movie can be art >.<
so what can be art?


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Actually I can prove games arte art without naming a specific game. By showing that every part of a game is art I can prove that the game as a whole must be art (since its an artistic arrangement of art). The scripting is artt since as any programmer can tell you there is a beauty and elegance in good code. Levels are art since the designer crafted them to express a beautiful scene and a puzzle. The Music is art since as we all know Music is already established as art. Even the interface when done properly has a sort of wonderful flow and elegance that can qualify as art. The interconnections and seamless working of the various pieces into a one unique whole is art. Games are an artistic expression of an idea. I don't give a flying fuck if you think its sucks as art or you think it doesn't count it fits the definition and that makes it art, its quality is not up for question. A child's macaroni sculpture may suck but its still art and its still loved by the right people and so to are games (although they beat any kids macaroni art).

As for the D-bag who called me out I'm pretty sure his mind is made up and he's not going to change so my response would be to say "lets me show you, here" and punch him directly in the face as hard as possible.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Macgyvercas said:
I wouldn't, because someone that ignorant can't be conviced by any type of logic.

However, if pressed, I would say BioShock. The depth, the story, the plot twist...but mostly because of the emotional response the game invokes.

And isn't emotion what art is about in the first place??
The ironic thing about Bioshock is that if you've played video games all your life you may have a had a different response to that game. The whole time I was playing he kept asking me to do things and I didn't want to. I was thinking 'this is just a stupid video game convention expecting me to do what ever the game suggests'. I wanted more freedom (like at the start where I tried to swim away from the island and just hit an invisible wall). Then it got to the point of it all (the plot twist) and I realised why they had been doing it. But I had not been sucked in by the plot at all so it didn't work on that level for me (although it was an okay game to play).

As for art would say Shadow of the Colossus. Because the game controls mimic the emotion they are trying to evoke, the pacing, but mainly the idea and execution - it works on a thematic level above most games, and it does it all in a way only the medium of video games could do. I still don't feel it's art but it's a step in the right direction and a glimpse of the potential of games if they were free from financial concerns.

Team Ico did the same thing with Ico - the thematic idea of connection comes through the way you must grip the controller to hold on to Yorda. But overall Shadow of Colossus was more consistent in making its point - Setting it in a spartan landscape so that you feel a need for connection. Forcing you to observe the Colossus so that you form some sort of bond with them. Giving the Colossi fur so they are easier to empathize with. Leaving the back story unexplained allowing the player to inhabit the character etc...


New member
Jun 10, 2010
I hate to be generic and say BioShock or Okami, so...

The World Ends With You. I wish I could just completely erase my entire memory of the game, so that I could play it again and experience the whole thing all over again.


New member
Apr 6, 2010

Silent Hill 2 is a good one, too, but this is where it's at if you like arty games.


New member
Feb 11, 2010
BlazBlue Continuum Shift.
It's just beautiful, I mean look at it!

It's just... amazing.


New member
May 28, 2010
I could pick three


Final Fantasy 13 (bad gameplay but you can't deny its beauty)

Okami, not only is it art, you make art


New member
Mar 19, 2010
I think I would pick either A.) Okami, for the amazing stylistic art design, or B.) Red Dead Redemption. Why RDR? 'Cause to me, it really was a psychological mind%&*$. EVERY SINGLE side story or mission you did that involved other people was depraved, twisted. Pretty soon I started feeling like the only sane, slightly moral person in the entire game. Anyone who did something admirable was blown away. It kinda started to make me feel terribly alone, and the ending was just.. wows.

But... I would only argue over artistic qualities in games with someone who actually cared to enter into adult conversation. Petty jabs like the one you mentioned don't seem worth fighting about. Unless.. you really like debates. In which case, I dig your style. xD


New member
May 2, 2010
Why do you guys care about this?

Why does it matter?

Is there ever gonna be a museum of video games? That would be fucking stupid. Video games are entertainment, pure and simple, and any game that tries to be more than that is no longer a GAME.

I don't want to play any 'game' that calls itself art. And neither should you.

All the games listed here, none of them called themselves art. That is a label that we, the gamers, applied to them. Every game listed here is a game first and foremost. They are centered around gameplay, around creating an enjoyable experience for the player.

Art can be beautiful, yes, but it can also be ugly, it can also hurt to look at or hear, and still be called art by many. Games do not enjoy that luxury. No one in their right mind is gonna say that Superman 64 was art. Games HAVE to be enjoyable to be considered art by even the gamers, therefore they are not art. They are fucking GAMES. And that's how I like them.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
The short answer, I would use Shadow of the Collossus to illustrate my point.

My point, however, (long answer) would be that art needs a design. (That is my definition) Honestly, art is subjective. But the problem with that is that it allows this to be art:

My remote sitting on my desk could be art. The condensation ring left on a table could be art, instead of my laziness to grab a coaster. As art it makes the price of my table go up, otherwise it ruins the value of my table.

Design needs to be implemented and the splatters on the picture above were not guided. Just the main black one. And even that, only somewhat. It takes no talent to create the image above. And it sold to someone for an undisclosed amount. This is not art and I challenge anyone to prove to me how it is without using the word "subjective".
Video games go through excrutiating design procedures and also have alot of passion invested in them. Unfortunatley, in the business world of today, they tend to be released before the artist is done. So it is like selling the Mona Lisa before Devinci is done painting the background, but at least she is painted. But all the ingredients to making a movie, song, or painting go into making a game. Passion, design, fine-tuning what works and what doesn't, hours and hours of labor, etc. And To boot they all have a message and impact in a way. Even as far back as Pong provokes and compels our competative nature. I am not saying Pong is definatley art just that using the subjective arguement everything is art thus video games are.
Even if you don't use subjective, video games involve all the major faucets of art. Especially today where they are trying to emulate reality to an extent. The term graphic artist was coined appropriately. I would even go so far as to say that some coding out there is art. It is like poetry in computer laguage sometimes. What is Windows other than an artisic implemented design of DOS?

I will call Windows 95 Art before I call that crap image I posted art.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
I'd just ask what a loser who runs around calling people nerds and losers could ever know about in the first place.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
There you go. Conclusive evidence. Now leave me alone, Mr. Bully, and play your B-Ball with your gangsta friends.
Skullkid4187 said:
No video game, book, or movie can be art >.<
Sorry, the >.< makes it hard for me to know if you are being serious or not, I'll assume the former.
What's the difference between ink on a canvas and ink on a page?

Aura Guardian

New member
Apr 23, 2008
Gigaguy64 said:
Aura Guardian said:
Gigaguy64 said:
Metroid Prime.

Really, it mixes Beautiful Environments, Awesome Creatures, Incredible Music, and an Atmosphere of being all alone and Badass and creates one of the best games iv ever played.
Then id would show him the Designs for the Environments and Creatures.
There really good.
I concur with this and my original post. The one that is above that you cannot play Gigaguy64 :)
I also agree with your earlier post.
Muramasa looks AMAZING.
And i will play it one day.
But first...Metroid is coming.....
Looks amazing? LOOKS!?!?!
And woot about Metorid


New member
Sep 4, 2008
Muscle March, just to screw with him, besides you cant tell me it makes less sense than a jackson pollock.