We Are Our Avatars IV (Uh, closed for real now)

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
"Oui, I can see you clear as day." The rider said as he began to lead Couleuvrine by the reins. Then he shook his head and grinned before sweeping off his hat and bowing.
"Ah, but where are my manners? I am Capitan Jaques Leveque, master of the warship Craquer and loyal servant of the French Crown, at your service."


New member
May 18, 2012
Tao gets thrown but lands on her all 4's then keeps running. "You forgot to say Tag! Meow!" She said as she continued running like a normal cat.


New member
Jan 29, 2012
The girl quickly and quietly treats Vergil's wounds completely.

The girl tells the collector that she does not have a species name.

The girl admits that she does not know what the old man is talking about, though she does it very politely, as she follows him.

Roland's things are all taken care of.

OOC: Unfortunately I have to go for a bit. I give you all permission to god-mod my cat-girl to do simple things (bring food, show characters to their rooms, clean things up, things like that). Be back in an hourish.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
"....." Yu doesn't know what to do as Tao runs off and is crowded by tiny blue creatures. She at least looks like she can handle herself so she let's her go on. Yu continues to wander around the mansion searching for someone that will make sense of his situation.

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
The Gunslinger took in what was going on around him. The old man that exuded a calm wisdom. The tiny creatures with the nigh incomprehensible accent. The hooded creature with the childlike behavior and speech.

If this was a trap set by the Man in Black, it was certainly the strangest. He glanced at the old man. Something about him in particular reminded him of Marten, his father's court magician. He didn't like that.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
@All: HHHeeeerrreeeeeee'sssssssss ROSH! Now a recap...
[HEADING=3]Transport Ship Everything Under the Sun[/HEADING]​
A transport ship quietly zips through the Void, as it should. The Void is cold and mysterious, only the Super Soldiers known as the Vanguards and Wardens have been able to harness the powers of this plane of existence or rather plane inbetween existence. A universal membrane gently presses against the cargo hold of the ship as a single pod, iced in the glass disappears.
[HEADING=3]The Day After...[/HEADING]​
Two people, a man and a woman, stood by the cargo ship as it docked with another asteroid, a resupply area of most commerce. One of the people, clearly a superior angrily looked at other. "You lost her?! How many of the Magus Satellites does she have control of?" he barked.

"Magus' 0 through 5." the female replied.

The superior's eyes became slanted as he gritted his teeth. "You do realize that when she finds out about this, my head is going to held for her on a silver platter right?"

"Connection is still established, and she can directly contact her, but... finding a way back. It's not possible as of now."

"God help wherever she is now... Aurora-1... The PERFECT clone of the legendary founder of the Alopex Unit, Winter Madelynn Anderson...."

A Void portal opened up in the skies above, crackling purple sparks of electricity as alpha, beta and gamma radiation was emitted from it. A silver casket like object, the size of a normal human shot out of the portal as it closed up.

The casket impacted the ground with a loud thud, as dirt and snow was immediately kicked up from the ground.

The pod itself was emitting heat and smoke...


Sexually identifies as Tiefling
Sep 13, 2008
The Feegle didn't pay much attetion to the man speaking in fae and each of them said a battle cry. Among them was "They take oor lives! But Noo oor TROUSERS" And charaged at the cat with their swords drawn

Kyr Knightbane

New member
Jan 3, 2012
The assassin hops down from the ceiling landing gracefully on his feet, white cloak settling around him.
"Now seems as good a time as any to introduce myself" He said, bowing gracefully to the cat-girl who was playing the part of apparent hostess
"I am Ervice"

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Vergil stood as his wounds were healed, grudgingly thanking his healer. He put his coat back on, then left the room. Something about this manison was off... he decided to explore.

OoC: Off for a bit, back soon.


The memes, Jack!
Mar 25, 2012
The woman looked down at the man now identefiable as Jaques and figured it would be impolite to not tell her name also. She opened her mouth but merely gasped softly as she realized that she, for some reason, did not know her name. Distraught by this, the woman sighed and looked down.

I am Harbinger

New member
Dec 2, 2010
Harbinger mused to himself. All of these lesser creatures, gathered in one place. Surely one of them must know what happened tot he sentient population of this planet. However, before he could being to inquire, his body gave out and went down on one knee, no longer able to withstand it's own injuries and his direct manipulation. Knowing he could not afford to lose his puppet, he placed it in a seated position against a wall, and released control of it's motor functions, retaining control only of the head. The rest of it's body went limp, and went to work repairing itself.


New member
May 18, 2012
OoC: @Rosh, welcome back buddy :D

Tao ran for a good while, then noticed no one was chasing her. "I told you Tao was good at this game..." She said to herself gleefully, then walked back Yawning. "All this playing and eating has made Tao tired...*yawn*....nap time! Tao then lays down and curls up in the hall, quickly falling asleep.


Sexually identifies as Tiefling
Sep 13, 2008
The Feegle seemed to lose the cat bigjob and went to somewhere in the mansion


New member
Jul 22, 2011
OoC: @Iam, the DM is no longer online, talk to someone else.

The ghost nodded, "I'm Bernard... and are you sure? Maybe you're delusional."

D-Class 198482

New member
Jul 17, 2012
The escapee peered at Tao, unnerved by how odd the creature was. He had seen worse, and escaped from them. The only problem being if they followed shortly after.
"A bridge I'll cross when I get there. Or, more or less, a bridge I'll cross when it gets to me."

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Finishing his food, Roland goes to bring his horse into the stables. As he leaves the building itself, he sees a huge metal plated entity sat against the wall. He watches it, his mind racing. What was it? He doubted it was one of the 12 Guardians, as it didn't conform to any animal he recognized. It could have something to do with them, though. That made it dangerous. He gave it a somewhat wide berth of about fifteen feet. Enough of a distance that if it attacked him, he could draw, aim and empty the guns slung about his hips, as his training had taught him.

Old Father Eternity

New member
Aug 6, 2010
Mh, so many beings of peculiar origin.
*the old man walked to a open window, not long before a raven came and landed on his shoulder*
Now I see, thank you my friend, at least you have stayed.
*but even with the new found knowledge, he still pondered, how could this have come to pass*

Not many recognize my presence, it is perhaps for the better.

*he sends the bird back*

*notices a rather unusual sight*
You, I have seen you before. Were you not killed in the witch-child incident?