Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

It combines the weight of a full length sword with the ungainly grip of a pistol.

....Why would you make this?


>Connor: While you sleep on the roof of your apartment building, waiting for death by METEORS, you begin to hear a voice. It sounds like it's coming from inside your head...

"Bard. It is time to wake up."

Suddenly, you wake up. Not on the roof, however. As you look around, you notice that you are in what seems to be your room, except with purple wallpaper. You glance down, and notice that your clothes have been replaced with purple robes, emblazoned with a violet crescent moon on your chest.

You're not sure where you are, but it's defiantly not in Kansas.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Remember what is going on.

Wait, you know this place. You have been here before. Your dreaming. Well, whatever.

>Connor: Examine room more closely.

There is a computer, similar to yours but black. Cool, you guess. A closet, empty. A electronic looking sax, with a extra key that you remember turns it into the MEGA SAX, which contains a chip tune player and a full synth and demo drums.

>Connor: Play something epic to warm up.

You walk over to the sax and press the mega key, it opens up the two keyboards. You use 5 arms to hold it and start playing.



Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Contact Rich

After a moment of staring at the ALCHEMITER that is now in your KITCHEN,you contact your SERVER PLAYER,or whatever he is,and ask him to place the last item you will need.

[10:37:06] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 22:37 --
[10:37:11] GK: Hey Rich
[10:37:16] TC: Hey!
[10:37:20] GK: I know that time is of the essence and all but....why did you put the Alchemiter in my kitchen? >.>
[10:37:40] GK: Granted there was never alot in there to begin with but....
[10:38:15] TC: Oh, it seemed like it was meant to be there.
[10:38:18] TC: I felt it.
[10:38:27] TC: Or I ran out of room.
[10:38:32] GK: I see
[10:38:34] TC: Either way.
[10:38:47] TC: There's just one more thing to place down...
[10:38:56] GK: The card I believe?
[10:39:14] TC: Yep. Out of curiosity, how good are youat archery?
[10:39:53] GK: Archery?I use swords >.> and when I was younger playing cards....or I tried to anyway...why?
[10:40:41] TC: Well, um... maybe you should just take a look at the card.
[10:41:20] GK: Ok....is that an archery target....why did I get an archery target card...
[10:42:12] GK: An orange archery target now that I look closely
[10:42:37] TC: Yes. It is certainly orange.
[10:42:57] TC: Speaking of... that thing. floating behind you?
[10:43:09] GK: Lovely...oh well I guess that is the...card...that fate dealt me...
[10:43:14] GK: And what about it?
[10:43:52] GK: Other then the fact it is now a Dummysprite apparently
[10:44:10] TC: This may surprise you, but it isn't normal to have a rabid ghost trailing you.
[10:44:14] TC: Dummy or no.
[10:44:45] GK: Well it hasn't tried to kill me yet...or anything other then follow me...I think i might have to prototype it again
[10:45:07] GK: But yes this thing is my "familiar"if you will
[10:45:26] GK: We all will get one apparently
[10:45:39] TC: And you are going to throw something at it and hope it will change?
[10:46:21] GK: Yes,maybe Lily,but not right now...time is ticking until meteoric death
[10:46:27] TC: Right.
[10:46:47] TC: Better get moving!
[10:47:05] GK: Yes I should have everything I need now,thanks for the help Rich
[10:47:34] TC: No problemo, m'buddy
[10:47:37] GK: and I wish you luck on your attempt to avoid a meteoric death as well /bow
[10:47:50] TC: I'll be around, moving things as I see fit.
[10:48:10] TC: OH wait crap I need a server player now
[10:48:14] GK: Yes,do becareful and try not to delete anything else if you can help it
[10:48:19] GK: and yes,yes you do
[10:49:36] TC: Hoo boy, better get crackin' on that. Good luck!
[10:49:59] GK: Yes good luck and later /bow
[10:50:07] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 22:50 --

With that conversation over you can't help but look back at the CARD.You wonder after awhile if these CARDS and their ITEMS have some deeper meaning,some kind of TEST.You shrug and decide to try to figure that out later as time is ticking away.You start the process that you saw Dirk go through.But first you must find that CRUXITE DOWEL thing.Now where did that thing end up.

You check the LIVING ROOM.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: You create some truly EPIC JAMS, the likes of which the Incipisphere has never known.

Somewhere, a single solitary tear flows down DEATH'S cheek.


>Greg As you examine the LIVING ROOM, you see the orange CRUXTRITE DOWEL lying near the CRUXTRUDER. DUMMYSPRITE follows you around.


>Beth: It doesn't appear that you can interface WINSTON'S SUIT with the KERNALSPRITE. If you had seen either Chas, Dirk, Xavier, or Greg creating their SPRITES, you would have known that they had thrown an object into their KERNALSPRITE in order to prototype it.

Of course, you didn't see them do this, so this statement is completely ridiculous. It's quite silly.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Why would you make such a shitty weapon?

Because even though it's kind of shitty at swinging there is one great benefit to it. You can't use GUNKIND, for you do not have the right STRIFE SPECIBUS. But you CAN use SWORDKIND. And the HYPERION GUNBLADE is still technically SWORDKIND. So yeah.

>Dirk: Lay the long-range smackdown on those cheeky imps!



Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Pester Beth before its too late!
[12:44] -- lionizedAnon [LA] began pestering avouLeance [AL] at 12:44 --
[12:45] LA: DON
[12:45] LA: 'T
[12:45] LA: FUCKING DO IT1
[12:46] LA: JUST
[12:46] LA: THROW
[12:46] LA: WINSON IN THERE!!!1
[12:46] -- lionizedAnon [LA] ceased pestering avouLeance [AL] at 12:46

> Xavier: Cross your fingers
I do so.
C'mon! Don't turn out a bullshit sprite!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Beth: Congratulations! You made a WRENCHSPRITE!



>Dirk: Despite the inherent flaws of such an item, the HYPERION actually proves to be quite an effective long-range weapon. You easily wipe out the IMPS.

+73 Build Grist, +54 Shale, +27 Chalk, +12 Amber.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Locate Cruxite Dowel

You look around the ROOM,the DUMMYSPRITE still you following around,and spot the orange CRUXTRITE DOWEL laying next to the CRUXTRUDER.You pick it up and take it over to the TOTEM LATHE,setting the DOWEL on the spindle and insert the PRE-PUNCHED CARD into the only slot you see.

After a second the DOWEL'S shape is changed.You grab the new SHAPED DOWEL and take it over to the ALCHEMITER in the KITCHEN.You set the DOWEL onto the little platform that you guess is for it and push the button.


Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Take a break and go on your PC

You stop playing, not like your tired, the electronic Sax doesn't need real air, and it's a dream so whatever.

Chas Pesters you on your PC.

-- snickeringSurrogate [SS] began pestering backroomSix [BS] --
BS: I'm alive
BS: I'm just dreaming and stuff
SS: oh fork i was so worried.
SS: wait, what?
BS: I when to sleep somewhere and now I'm dreaming
SS: right on, you're crazy.
BS: Cool
SS: you have gone off the batshit.
SS: you are deep in the shallow end of the swimming pool.
BS: It doesn't mater cool guy
BS: Do you have the server disk?
SS: and the pool is made of rock-solid lsd.
BS: Hello?]
BS: Server disk?
SS: yes, i found the server disk in my father's room!
SS: it was there.
SS: in the room.
SS: along with a LASER FORK
BS: Ok, i'll wake up now
SS: still crazy.
BS: Whatever cool guy
BS: brb
SS: oh, i'm also wearing some pretty rocking duds.
BS: I don't care
SS: yes you do.
SS: i made them out of a problem sleuth game.
BS: just let me wake myself up please.
BS: brb
-- backroomSix [BS] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] --

>Connor: Wake up, Mr. Lonske, and smell the ashes.

You start spinning around your room in place, and after one minuet, you fall on your bed.

> ==>

You sit up, your on a roof of a building and stuff. You open up your lap top and pester Chas.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Get trolled
[01:42] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 13:42 --
[01:42] EC: \/ you
[01:42] LA: Not you
[01:42] EC: \/ you are the server of the girl arent you?
[01:42] LA: Yes...
[01:43] EC: \/ make sure she does not prototype her guardian
[01:43] LA: Why?
[01:43] LA: How do you know anywya!!!1?
[01:43] EC: \/ later
[01:43] LA: I want answer dammit!!!1
[01:43] EC: \/ just know that whenever the guardian is prototyped you and your companions will die
[01:44] LA: Oh
[01:44] LA: Well...
[01:44] LA: Thank you...
[01:44] LA: I guess...
[01:44] EC: \/ no problem
[01:44] LA: Damn trolls
[01:45] EC: \/ damn trolls who just saved you from possible complete annihilation
[01:45] LA: ...
[01:45] LA: Whatever
[01:45] EC: \/ this conversation does not speed up our mutual cooperation
[01:45] LA: Hell no.
[01:46] EC: \/ um
[01:46] LA: Is that it
[01:46] LA: ?
[01:46] EC: \/ i am not versed in the ways of this strange human emotion called friendship
[01:46] LA: It's a simple concept
[01:47] LA: Believe it or not
[01:47] EC: \/ perhaps for you
[01:47] LA: Perhaps...
[01:48] LA: Describe your apperance.
[01:48] LA: For me, if you would.
[01:48] EC: \/ woah what
[01:48] LA: I'd like to know appearance of oru 'savior'
[01:49] EC: \/ does appearance have anything to do with establishing friendships?
[01:49] LA: Know it'
[01:49] LA: s just curiosity
[01:50] LA: *No
[01:51] EC: \/ i guess just a common appearance? hair, teeth, horns, eyes
[01:51] LA: Horns?
[01:51] EC: \/ uhu
[01:51] LA: Huh...
[01:51] LA: Weird
[01:51] EC: \/ also currently in my Maid outfit, which is perhaps the only extraordinary about it
[01:52] LA: ...
[01:52] LA: Maid outfit?
[01:52] EC: \/ oh wait
[01:52] EC: \/ are you in the medium yet
[01:52] LA: Yes.
[01:52] LA: I think
[01:52] EC: \/ have you talked to your sprite yet?
[01:52] LA: The place with all the clouds and feathers?
[01:52] LA: Ut just growled at me.
[01:53] LA: That's it.
[01:53] EC: \/ the medium is more than just clouds and feathers
[01:53] LA: Really?
[01:53] EC: \/ but you need to consult your sprite about game specifics
[01:54] EC: \/ i dare not interfere with the timeline
[01:54] LA: All it did was growl and flip the fuck out
[01:54] LA: Timeline?
[01:54] LA: You trolls have a lot of explain to do.
[01:54] EC: \/ trolls? have you been in contact with UA?
[01:54] EC: \/ i forbade him to do that O_0
[01:54] LA: No, I don't think so...
[01:55] EC: \/ oh
[01:55] EC: \/ thats good then
[01:55] LA: Which is he?
[01:56] EC: \/ the redblood; he types in rust red.
[01:56] LA: ...
[01:56] LA: Ok...
[01:56] LA: I'll be on the look out for him
[01:56] EC: \/ as you are blueblooded, perhaps it is best not to
[01:57] EC: \/ he does not react well to highbloods
[01:57] LA: Blueblood?
[01:57] LA: Highblood?
[01:57] LA: ...
[01:57] EC: \/ you type in blue do you not?
[01:57] LA: Yes.
[01:57] LA: ....
[01:57] LA: ...
[01:57] EC: \/ does...does that not indicate your blood colour?
[01:57] LA: No my blood is red.
[01:58] LA: Your ranking is based on blood?
[01:58] EC: \/ what
[01:58] EC: \/ you dont
[01:58] LA: color
[01:58] EC: \/ but
[01:58] LA: ...
[01:58] LA: So you'd be close to a 'highblood' right?
[01:59] EC: \/ one tier under royalty yes
[01:59] LA: Huh.
[01:59] LA: Congrats then
[01:59] EC: \/ thank you
[01:59] LA: You trolls sure are interesting.
[01:59] EC: \/ you humans are curious
[02:00] LA: We always love something new.
[02:00] EC: \/ you certainly are more timid than i originally thought
[02:00] LA: How so?
[02:01] EC: \/ i witnessed one of your compatriots guardian wearing the skin of a smoothskin
[02:01] LA: ...
[02:01] LA: Wha...?
[02:02] EC: \/ a smooth, shimmering, tight outfit?
[02:02] LA: Oh!!!1
[02:02] LA: That might be Connor's dad.
[02:04] EC: \/ well i think i have learned a lot during our conversation
[02:04] LA: I have to
[02:04] EC: \/ thank you for sharing but now i have to take my leave
[02:05] LA: Bye.
[02:05] EC: \/ remember the prototyping
[02:05] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 14:05 --

> ==>
Well that was fun, trolls are interesting creatures. You cannot wait for your next encounter with EC, or UA.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

Time for some WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT.



>Connor: Your blue KERNALSPRITE floats around.



>Chas: You're simply amazed by how much Build Grist Connor has. 2,000,000 units as opposed to your measly initial 20. Some guys have all the luck you suppose.

As you prepare to deploy the PRE-PUNCHED CARD, you note that the item upon appears to be a... piece of paper? There's some kind of writing on it, but you can't make it out.


>Beth: In response to your question, WRENCHSPRITE proceeds to bang its "head" on a nearby wall. You'll take that as a no.

Well, on with the WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT.


>Xavier: After your INTERESTING CONVERSATION, you suddenly hear a shout coming from outside. Looking out a window, you see a large crowd of IMPS standing on the clouds surrounding your house.

In the middle of the group, you see... is that your FATHER? It looks like he's sparring with the IMPS. And winning too. Good for him.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Stare at Target

As the flash of light recedes,a CRUXITE TARGET sits upon the platform of the ALCHEMITER.Now what in the heck are you supposed to do with this?You were never any good at hitting ranged targets with your sword.You think there might be some SHURIKEN around that you could use as a weapon.You also have your DECK OF 52,though you wonder how useful of a ranged weapon a playing card would be.

You give it a moment of thought.You look at your DUMMYSPRITE and ask if it has any suggestions.You doubt so but it never hurt to ask first.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Beth: That does absolutely nothing. The DOWEL isn't damaged in the slightest.

It would appear that the only object capable of altering the DOWEL is the TOTEM LATHE.


>Greg: DUMMYSPRITE slams itself against the CRUXTRITE TARGET. The TARGET cracks slightly.

It looks like DUMMYSPRITE is trying to break the TARGET; maybe you should join in.



Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Admire your GUNBLADE

Oh yeah, you know how to pick 'em alright. Let's take a look at your SYLLADEX.

CARD 3 (LUCKY STAR): empty
CARD 9 (FLCL): empty
CARD 10 (THE BIG O): empty
CARD 12 (DURARARA): empty
CARD 14 (LUPIN III): empty
CARD 15 (MAZINGER Z): empty

Wow. There sure are a lot of GIANT ROBOT RELATED CARDS in this deck. You'll have to think OUTSIDE THE BOX for those. But at the same time you are ECSTATIC that you received a BOBOBO CARD! This thing is a WILD CARD of sorts, since the source material is so insane literally anything can be placed inside it. You're certainly looking forward to trying it out, but your first step is MAKING A SECOND SWORD. The HYPERION is a nice long-ranged weapon but it will be damn near useless up close.

In anticipation of this, you go FISHING THROUGH YOUR CLOSET and come up with two possibilities. The first you'll try is placing HARUKO HARUHARA'S RICKENBACKER BASS GUITAR in your FLCL CARD, and combining it with the RAD KATANA. One BATSHIT ANIME's TRADEMARK WEAPON combined with the PREFERRED WEAPON of a MAIN CHARACTER from another BATSHIT ANIME. If the result isn't absolutely incredible you will strangle an IMP to death with your HEADBAND.

But wait, before you do that someone is PESTERING you.

[04:04] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 16:04 --
[04:06] SS: okay so some other shit just went down.
[04:06] SS: first of all, two forking million.
[04:06] SS: =]=> Two fucking million what
[04:07] SS: second of all, i'm bs' server player.
[04:07] SS: =]=> Oh good so he's done bitching about how he's gonna die now I assume
[04:07] SS: i'll give you a hint.
[04:07] SS: check out gristtorrent.
[04:07] SS: =]=> Oh shit
[04:07] SS: well, he's semi-done with the dying thing.
[04:07] SS: kind of insane.
[04:07] SS: =]=> I am taking ALL of that grist as soon as I have the room
[04:07] SS: keeps talking about how he's dreaming and needs to wake up.
[04:07] SS: =]=> Wait what
[04:07] SS: =]=> Who BS
[04:07] SS: yeah.
[04:08] SS: =]=> Oh damn it
[04:08] SS: =]=> Have you checked in on Beth yet
[04:08] SS: =]=> Made sure she hasn't been flattened by space rocks
[04:08] SS: no, i've sort of had tunnel vision on all this. got caught up in my heroic duds quest. i haven't talked to xavier or rich in a while either.
[04:09] SS: =]=> Yeah I still need to talk to my server player about reaching the gate at some point
[04:09] SS: but anyway, i'm just sort of having some revelations and making a boat.
[04:09] SS: =]=> A boat
[04:09] SS: yes, for the post-apocalyptic world.
[04:09] SS: i am making a ship of hope.
[04:10] SS: i'm working on a way to incorporate a boondollar fee so my zombie descendants can live well-off.
[04:10] SS: =]=> The world is being given a caramelized coating of fire and brimstone buddy I think that ship's gonna sink
[04:10] SS: the SHIP
[04:10] SS: will hold off the forking meteors
[04:10] SS: and it will be a COLD DAY IN HELL
[04:10] SS: before she SINKS
[04:10] SS: =]=> Well maybe she can hold off the meteors above it
[04:10] SS: =]=> But what's it gonna do about the ones that have already landed
[04:11] SS: sail over them.
[04:11] SS: =]=> And spewed fire ash and fuck you into the sky
[04:11] SS: that is what boats do.
[04:11] SS: =]=> Another thought
[04:11] SS: =]=> This fire
[04:11] SS: =]=> Is probably going to evaporate most of the water on the earth
[04:11] SS: =]=> Where will this boat sail
[04:12] SS: fork you is where, it runs off dreams.
[04:12] SS: =]=> Oh never mind about that ship sinking then
[04:12] SS: =]=> It is already coated in barnacles at the bottom of the goddamn ocean
[04:12] SS: did boats do something to you?
[04:12] SS: is your sister secretly a boat?
[04:13] SS: =]=> They killed my parents
[04:13] SS: i always figured.
[04:13] SS: =]=> When I was a baby and too young to remember shit our family yacht sank on the lake and they drowned
[04:13] SS: =]=> Apparently only my big sis was smart enough to grab me and fucking swim to the shore
[04:13] SS: truly a tragedy.
[04:13] SS: but this is different.
[04:13] SS: =]=> I'm fucking serious
[04:13] SS: =]=> This is a true fucking story
[04:14] SS: imagine some dude, in the desert.
[04:14] SS: the desert.
[04:14] SS: in india.
[04:14] SS: and he's deaf.
[04:14] SS: just to keep the theme going.
[04:14] SS: and he's like, well, i'm going to die.
[04:14] SS: what am i going to do with my last few precious boondollars.
[04:14] SS: honk honk, here comes the uss fork.
[04:14] SS: here to take you on a ride to freedom world.
[04:14] SS: where everything is okay.
[04:15] SS: =]=> I am spilling my guts over here on the tragic origin of why I live alone with my sister and you are here talking about deaf tools out in the desert riding on the Scam-Titanic
[04:15] SS: =]=> It fucking terrifies me that we are comparatively the ones with our shit together out of this group
[04:15] SS: if you call the uss fork a scam i will go over to your stupid house and punch you in the mouth with my leader-fist.
[04:16] SS: that is a low blow.
[04:16] SS: also, i got a laser fork.
[04:16] SS: this is worth noting.
[04:16] SS: =]=> You said the boat was some sort of scheme to fuel your zombie family's hedonistic lifestyle
[04:16] SS: =]=> I'm just following up on that
[04:16] SS: =]=> And a laser fork you say
[04:16] SS: =]=> That is almost as cool as my GUNBLADE
[04:16] SS: dude, come on, that is like the most unwieldy thing.
[04:17] SS: =]=> It is fucking awesome I am decimating imps here
[04:17] SS: i have a forking forksaber.
[04:17] SS: =]=> I shoot them in the face so they think "Oh he's gonna be a weak tool when we get close"
[04:17] SS: =]=> NOPE
[04:17] SS: =]=> I stab them in the face if they do that
[04:17] SS: i am like that flying used car salesman in the shitty star wars films.
[04:17] SS: except if he was not a bug, and also a jedi.
[04:17] SS: and used a fork.
[04:17] SS: =]=> Oh goddamnit man we are not having this discussion again
[04:17] SS: =]=> The prequels were shit
[04:18] SS: i am not arguing that.
[04:18] SS: it is a valid comparison.
[04:18] SS: =]=> The bug man was a flighty blue dick who kept slaves and also a coward
[04:18] SS: oh, right, he had slaves.
[04:18] SS: =]=> And techinically he sold one
[04:19] SS: =]=> You don't want to be a slave salesman do you man
[04:19] SS: that's crossing a few lines.
[04:19] SS: if those lines were crossed.
[04:19] SS: i would lose my cool.
[04:19] SS: =]=> Well the point of this is
[04:19] SS: =]=> I can shoot people and also stab them
[04:19] SS: =]=> And now I am making a bass guitar sword
[04:19] SS: two forking million.
[04:19] SS: why?
[04:19] SS: because of me.
[04:19] SS: yours truly.
[04:20] SS: =]=> Congratulations on your sale with a game that was going to give him that two fucking million anyway
[04:20] SS: the two million that you will now use to point my house SKYWARD
[04:20] SS: to the MOOOOOON
[04:20] SS: or the spirograph.
[04:20] SS: =]=> Fine I will make your house the most awe-inspiring skyscraper to ever grace the medium
[04:21] SS: now we're using the terminology.
[04:21] SS: =]=> But you're shit outta luck if you think I'm building you an elevator
[04:22] SS: i would never ask that of you.
[04:22] SS: or at least, not on the same day i asked you to write something down.
[04:22] SS: =]=> Thanks man you are the best friend I have ever seen
[04:23] SS: the boat story was still dumb.
[04:23] SS: =]=> Yeah especially when I'm over here talking about the tragic deaths of my parents
[04:23] SS: =]=> But that's not the point
[04:25] SS: =]=> The point is we really need to learn not to get sidetracked
[04:25] SS: =]=> And get back to leading the rest of these headless chickens through this nightmare
[04:25] SS: that is probably a good idea.
[04:25] SS: very well.
[04:25] SS: i apologize for the boat comment.
[04:26] SS: =]=> It's all right man not the first time somebody's taken a serious statement as sarcasm
[04:26] SS: i'll keep doing what i can as a leader.
[04:26] SS: =]=> All right then
[04:26] SS: the uss fork will be finished, and i'll get in contact with the others, touch base.
[04:26] SS: =]=> Your newest duty as leader is to figure out what's going on with Beth
[04:26] SS: =]=> Because there's no way in hell I'm doing that
[04:27] SS: co-leaders do not order leaders.
[04:27] SS: but fine.
[04:27] SS: i will do that.
[04:27] SS: on my OWN accord.
[04:27] SS: =]=> Whatever you say man go down your own path and all that
[04:27] SS: you make me a palace worthy of kings.
[04:27] SS: we need to figure out what the fork gates do.
[04:28] SS: =]=> Yep and I'll get back to my server player and make him help me with that too
[04:28] SS: it will be one.
[04:28] SS: big.
[04:28] SS: mobius.
[04:28] SS: double.
[04:28] SS: reacharound.
[04:28] SS: =]=> Hell to the yes bro all right I'm gonna go make a guitar sword and beat some imps down
[04:28] SS: =]=> Then use that grist to make you a tower
[04:28] SS: right on.
[04:29] SS: i will be here, with my laser fork, which is still a laser fork, and do the beth thing.
[04:29] SS: =]=> All right then I wish you luck
[04:29] SS: you too.
[04:29] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 16:29 --[/color]

All right, cool. Now where were you? Oh, right.