Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Contemplate Findings

Stupid SIS, who does she think she is, jumping off cliffs and trying to steal your thunder? A GLORY-STEALING THUNDER HOG, that's who. You realize that the IGUANAS aren't all that smart, and based on what Chas has told you you're certain that YOU'RE the real Hero here, not your SIS. Fuck that woman anyways, a REAL HERO would have stopped to help these poor little guys anyway. You figure these ELDERS will set the story straight, but to get to them you have to protect these guys from any IMPS in your way.

And you will do so. LIKE A HERO.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: You are able to find several more groups of IMPS running amok in your house. They attack you.


>Dirk: Any IMPS that see you guarding the IGUANAS decide against attacking you. They leave the IGUANAS to their work.


>Chas: You encounter a few IMPS, and easily defeat them. +50 Build Grist, +10 Chalk, +7 Shale.

As you reach the Second Gate, you notice a medium sized crowd of GECKOS crowding around it. Although you can't make out anything they're saying, they seem to be quite distressed.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH! You step through the Second Gate, and find yourself... at the foot of a GICLOPS.

The enormous monster glances down at you with its single eye. Strangely, unlike the other monsters you've encountered, it doesn't appear to be affected by you and your friends' prototyping. It seems a bit surprised to see you.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Continue... defending?

Okay. You continue DEFENDING THE IGUANAS, but frankly there seems to be nobody that would dare get on your bad side around these parts. These little green guys sure are taking a long time to write down whatever is on those ruins. You wonder if they're going to FINISH sometime in the near future. Oh gogdammit you just realized that you're WAITING again. Damn you, SBURB, and your PATIENCE-ENFORCING MORAL LESSONS.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Encounter Imps

As you search the house for IMPS you,to no surprise,find more IMPS.Where the heck are these guys getting in from?This HOUSE is locked up tight.Must be teleportation of some kind.Oh well,you will worry about that later.

As these IMPS are attacking you,fighting back would be in self defense once again.And they are invading your HOUSE.Time to test out your new KATANA.

>Greg:Dispatch Imps


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: Your TACTICAL OGLE reveals that you, and the GICLOPS, are on top of a large hill. It appears that the hill has been hollowed out and turned into a stronghold of some kind, judging by the windows that appear to have been carved into the sides of the hill.

Surrounding the small fortress is a moderate sized group of IMPS.


>Dirk: The IGUANAS soon finish with their work. They begin walking back to their CAMP, and tell you to follow them.


>Greg: You easily defeat the IMPS. You are now a level 6 Springy Youth. +4000 Boondollars. You also get 143 Build Grist and 83 Rust Grist.


>Xavier: You create the SHOES OF THE HEDGEHOG! -100 Build Grist, -30 Rust.

It looks like wearing these will allow you to increase your speed. You won't be breaking any world records, but you can definitely move faster.

Hey, you're probably kind of screwed considering that your server player dropped out. For now, go ahead and assume that Beth was able to deploy the machines you needed and helped to release your kernalsprite. You'll have a new sever player soon, but that should at least get you into the Medium.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Follow

Well, it's about time, you think to yourself. These IGUANAS sure do love their etchings if it took them that long just to freaking copy them down. You can't help but wonder what those symbols are all about. You didn't get a very good look at them but maybe these ELDERS, in addition to giving you to lowdown on this place, will also allow you to take a look at their copies. The IGUANAS couldn't figure it out but, no offense to them, you think you've got a better shot at figuring it out.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Collect Spoils

More IMPS fall before you,dropping more GRIST and BOONDOLLARS which you collect.While you take no pleasure in killing these creatures,you have to admit you are liking the feel of your new weapon.You have a feeling it will come in very handy.

You decide to take a breather and return to your ROOM.When you get there,you shut the DOOR behind you and jump onto the bed.

You take out your JOURNAL and TWO SHARPENED PENCILS and decide to start write some stuff down so that you don't forget anything important.One the first page,with all of the CHUMHANDLES of your FRIENDS and their NAMES you add unopressedAgitator under the CHUMHANDLE column and ?? under the NAMES column.You also add troll girl under the NAMES column.As you don't know her CHUMHANDLE you put ?? there.

With that done you decide to continue your game of SOLITAIRE from earlier while you wait patiently.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You deal some damage to the GICLOPS, but he's still standing. If you could see his health bar, which he doesn't have, you'd notice that it's now about 3/4 full.

Your FLASH, however, has blinded the monster. Its clumsy attacks are quite easy for you to dodge. You take no damage.


>Dirk: As you follow the IGUANAS, they take a winding path through the many ruined buildings. As you pass other IGUANAS, they merge with your group. The begin chatting about the arrival of the GREAT HERO, and how their task may finally be at an end.

Soon, you arrive at a large group of tents, evidently the IGUANAS' CAMP. You can see dozens of small tents, as well as a couple large ones. One appears to be set up as some kind of BAZAAR, while the other is full of older IGUANAS.


>Greg: Your game of SOLITAIRE is suddenly interrupted by an incredibly loud smashing noise, followed by the sound of a wall crumbling. You hear a roar of pain or rage, and then more rumbling.

Sounds like something big is going on downstairs.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Talk to your sprite!

You do so.

OOC=SP is Commander Shepard Pie
SP: Hello.
BS: Um, OK what did i just do
BS: Should have made you into the crackdown agent
BS: Or something
BS: Anyways, shepard
SP: Yes?
BS: What's your first name?
BS: I always wanted to know that
BS: Everyone just calls you by your last name
SP: I believe it's Pinkie.
BS: Ah, well, your combined with that stupid MLP CD, so whatever
SP: It wasn't stupid!
BS: Anyways, what the fuck do i do now?
SP: Well, let's see...
SP: You've successfully entered the Medium. Well done.
BS: Um, thanks?
SP: I suppose that now you need to reach the First Gate.
BS: that fucking thing all the way up there!
SP: Yes, that fucking thing.
BS: Ok
BS: Chas, my server player has to get me up there?
SP: Correct. He should be able to utilize your sizable amount of Build Grist to build your apartment building up to the Gate.
BS: I have 2,000,000 or something
BS: Chas said so
SP: Yes. That is a very large amount. It should be more than enough for your current needs.
BS: He used a lot of it to make that fucking boat over there
BS: he abanded it by the way
SP: Huh. For a ship it doesn't seem very seaworthy.
SP: I don't think bathtubs float.
BS: He's not very creative
SP: So I see.
BS: Yeah, got anything else useful to say?
SP: That depends on your definition of useful.
SP: I can tell you how to stop a Reaper invasion.
SP: Or, how to throw the best party ever.
BS: Um, is that a part of this game?
SP: No. But that doesn't mean it's not useful.
BS: I played though your game already
SP: Ah, good to know.
BS: and I can party with out pony help
BS: So just go down and hand out with my dad and stuff
BS: he was really happy to of created you
SP: Alright.
BS: Thanks
SP: I'll be down there if you need me.
BS: Fine, now to craft shit

God, you hate MLP so much, at least she wasn't giggling as much.

>Connor: Craft stuff.

You start with your ALLOY BAT, need to make something reliable. You put the punched CRACKDOWN and ALLOY BASEBALL BAT cards together. You make the crafting block for that. Now your gonna need to craft the baseball bat. OK, ADVENTURE TIME seems like a good choice for a combo with a old bat. You put their cards together and make the block for that. Now for a badass computer, MASS EFFECT, definitely! You make that combo crafting block thingie. You start out with the first block you made and put it onto the spawnie plate and wait and stuff.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Enter the old iguana tent!

You consider heading to the BAZAAR, before realizing that you'd rather get to the bottom of the MYSTERY surrounding your SIS first. You'll take every opportunity to quell the rumors you can before risking hearing about the GREAT HERO again. You instead approach the TENT full of OLD IGUANAS. You step inside and INTRODUCE yourself, and ask for an audience.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Hear noise

Just as the game is starting to get good you hear an incredibly loud smashing noise, followed by what sounds like a wall crumbling then a roar of pain or rage, and then more rumbling..You sigh and pick up your DECK OF 52 cards,your JOURNAL and PENCILS and stuff them back into your BACKPACK MODUS.You jump up off the bed and,after a brief moment of hesitation, open the door to your room and head down stairs to locate the source of the noise,all be it very reluctantly.

>Greg:Locate source of noise


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: You can't create this yet. You need 50 Build Grist and 30 of a type no one's encountered yet.

You can't create this yet. You need 15,000 Build Grist and 1,000 Chalk Grist.

You create an OMNITOOL! Just like the holographic computers in Mass Effect, this thing is both small and powerful! It's like wearing a super-computer on your wrist! -100 Build Grist.

During your ALCHEMY BINGE, you begin to hear slight noises behind you.


>Chas: You continue to deal heavy damage, reducing the GICLOPS to half its health.

However, by this time, it's mostly recovered from your FLASH. It manages to strike very close to you, although it fails to directly hit you. Nonetheless, the shockwaves and shrapnel from the attack lower your HEALTH VIAL to 110%. Yikes, you DO NOT want to get hit by this thing.


>Greg: Going downstairs, you see that a large OGRE has broken through one your walls. Currently, it appears to be involved in a STRIFE with... Perrywinkle!??!?!!?!? Man, that CAT is tough!