Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
You can't really have a conversation with your guardian. You can talk about what was said, however. Here's an example of what I mean:

You tell your guardian that it's time for maintenance. He says later. You insist that it has to be done now. With some reluctance, he acquiesces.

Does that make sense?

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor:Go to the door.

You go upstairs to the door, but when you reach to open your apartment, you find it is LOCKED. Damn it, you forgot your KEYS in your HASTE. Locked out of your apartment, holding a very important item, you must find a way in! You have a fire escape outside of your apartment building, but that would require going though another locked door you don't have the key to get back with. What do you do?

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Go up fire escape into your apartment and play Sburb.

You go outside your building, so no turning back now, you jump up to the fire escape and walk up the damaged stairs, very rusty due to age. You silently open the window(Good thing you tagged stealth skill) and walk past your dad's room.

It's QUITE, why? He should be watching My Little Pony, unless...

Your dad walks out of the kitchen bathroom and spots you.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Decide next action

You peek into the LIVING ROOM and spot your MOTHER in a meditative trance and,to no surprise you see that bloody CAT next to HER.You swear that CAT is a freaking NINJA yet no one believes you.
You do not see any PACKAGES that may be for you but that doesn't mean that your MOTHER have it and may be hiding it somewhere in the ROOM.While STRIFING with your MOTHER may not be a wise idea,most likely because that CAT would help HER,you also know that ABSCONDING will only delay an inevitable ENCOUNTER with your MOTHER.While SHE will now doubt catch you,or the CAT might as well,you decide to try to SNEAK by.

>Attempt to Sneak by.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Bethany: Your guardian looks towards you. Though typically emotionally void, you sense that it is a little annoyed with your TEASING MISCHIEF.

It appears to be waiting to hear your request.


>Chas: A quick glance around the DINING ROOM shows that your FATHER has finished his polishing. On the table lies an OPENED SBURB PACKAGE. Next to it, you see a SBURB ENVELOPE. It seems to contain a DISC.


>Connor: Your DAD is happy to see you awake. He wants you to come and watch some CARTOONS with him.

He's blocking the hallway; there's no way you'll be able to get back to your room with him there.

You could go back down the FIRE-ESCAPE, but that wouldn't help much. What do you do?


>Greg: Surprisingly, your MOTHER seems to be particularly ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE this morning. Lucky you, you SNEAK past her. PERRYWINKILE, however, opens his eyes and follows you around the room. He stays quiet though.

Suddenly, you see an UNOPENED SBURB PACKAGE... right behind your MOTHER. Wonderful. If you grab it, there's a good chance you'll disturb her. Then again, the games right there...

What to do, what to do?

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Start epic speech battle!


You start by saying that My Little Pony is a kids show and has no redeeming factors for a teenage boy. You also say that you need alone time, because you spend so much time with him.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

Your DAD responds by saying that My Little Pony is a show for all ages. Also, a father and son can never spend too much time together.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008

Damn, he's trying to bring you over with affection, time to step it up a notch.

YOU state that while spending time with him would be great, you always doing it on his terms, i.e. Watching MLP, so you ask that he and you play baseball together tomorrow! LYING, the perfect plan!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

Your DAD responds that BASEBALL is a great idea! He'd love to do that with you RIGHT NOW!

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor:Aw shit, resort to plan /b/!

Your not gonna call you dad a fag, not to his face, anyways.

So, now you have to think a of a good fake reason you can't go out to play baseball now. Fuck. YOU GOT IT!

Your internet friend just broke up with his abusive girl friend, and you want to comfort him in his time of need cause you really like the cool guy. You tell him he knows that getting in the way of friendship is bad, especially when you like them. You tell him that you need to do this alone in your room on the the chat box. You say you will defiantly play baseball with him tomorrow.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Spot package

You spot the UNOPENED SBURB PACKAGE,unfortunately it happens to be right behind your MOTHER.You also see that the CAT is watching YOU,which doesn't surprise you as that CAT always seems to know where YOU are.You stay CALM and RATIONAL,knowing that an ENCOUNTER with your MOTHER is still very likely.However with the PACKAGE right there you still have a chance to grab it and ABSCOND before she comes out of HER TRANCE.You ready your KNIGHT"S SWORD just in case.

>Try to grab package and Abscond


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

Your DAD is SO PROUD OF YOU. He allows you to pass through in the NAME OF FRIENDSHIP.



Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Stop being a waste of space and GET UP!
I lay on floor, in pain.
Naw, your good, you choose not to get up, you want to bleat like a goat ironically, but you decided against it.

> ==>
A page slowly falls on my face.
What's this?

> ==>
Astronomy for Fucking Retards Page 716
"OK, you fucking waste of air, there's something you need learn about space, that is, if your able to form a thought in that shrunken peanut, you call a brain. Asteroids, i.e. that red thing that's falling REALLY fast toward the Earth, are fucking dangerous. If you ever see on, STOP BEING AN IDIOT AND RUN! Also-"
Bluh, bluh, BLUH!

> Okay
I crush the page in my hands, angrily.> ==>
You've read this page several times and every-fucking-time you do, you get pissed off! It's like motherfucking magic!

> Throw the paper ball at your knife, dammit!
I do so, the knife gets dislodged and falls inches from my crotch.

> Stop fucking around and strife already!
I bear the pain of the fall and the shock of losing my canines, grab my knife and head out the door.
FUCK YEAH! The fires of determination burn hot in your soul! Your FATHER won't stand a chance , he'll pretty much beg you to take the disk!

> Notice that your father has been watching you for the past couple of minutes
You greet your father, he greets back. You ask about Sburb disk, he ask about a quick spar. You ask again more assertively, he asks again too, equally assertively.
There's only one thing to do at a time like this,
Hell y-AW FUCK!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011

>Greg: You gently grab the UNOPENED SBURB PACKAGE. Which, is suddenly an OPENED SBURB PACKAGE? Huh?

You then see the KUNAI in your MOTHER'S hand. This is not good...



So, as people probably guessed, that epic music battle between me and Connor was planned out ahead of time. If you want to do anything like that, let me know.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Assess the situation

You see that that while you have the PACKAGE,your MOTHER has a KUNAI in HER hand.You know that this will probably end only one way.

>Prepare for a possible Strife with Mother and possibly Cat.

Small post but that's basically all guy my had time to think up :p.Also Fun so far O glorious DM,keep it up :)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
I just drew a random idea of what Dirk's SIS might look like, sort of a femBro. Feel free to change it up if you want, since I don't know how hard making her sprite will be.

> Dirk: Ow

Ow! God fucking dammit! How does she always do that?! Oh, and look! She broke one of your shade's lenses, AGAIN! Thanks a lot, SIS! Luckily you have another pair of shades handy in a second GURREN LAGANN card in your SYLLADEX. You throw the new pair of shades on, covering your nasty new bruise, and draw your KATANA.

Time for ROUND 2, SIS. Or, ROUND 67, you guess if you count the other times you've fought and lost. The point is, IT IS TIME TO STRIFE DAMN IT.