Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011


Your MOTHER begins by dropping a SMOKE BOMB. In the resulting fog, it's impossible to make out her movements. PERRYWINKLE, however, jumps up and PUNCHES YOU IN THE FACE. For such a little guy, he's pretty strong.


>Dirk: x2 STRIFE COMBO!!!!!

Alright. Time to end this! You attack your SIS with your RAD KATANA. Sadly, her AUTO-UNCANNY-DODGE keeps you from landing any hits.

SIS counters with GUARDIAN RUBRIC: CHARACTER SWAP. She switches from her rouge class to a much more suitable barbarian one. This next hit's gonna be a big one.

I kind had the same idea for SIS. I got a BRO template, but I really can't get it the way I wanted to. Your version looks pretty similar though. Very nice!


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Calm down, think rationally.

NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NO-Oh hey, somebody's pestering you.

Strange, you've never seen that handle before. Oh well, anything to distract you from DEATH BY SPANDEX POISONING.

>Answer strange being.
<spoiler=show pesterlog>-- unopressedAgitator [UA] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 19:14 --
[07:14] UA: why is youR Gu@Rdi@N wE@RiNG thE hidE of @ smoothskiN?
[07:14] TC: Wait, how do you know about that?
[07:15] UA: oh RiGht
[07:15] UA: disREG@Rd th@t foR @ momENt m@N, just tEll mE how you c@N suRvivE with such @ dEtEst@blE Gu@Rdi@N
[07:15] UA: killiNG thE smoothskiNs i mE@N yEEz
[07:16] TC: I know, right? Walkin' around, showin' his package to the world.
[07:16] TC: Sometimes, I wonder if it's just to piss me off
[07:17] TC: the jerk
[07:17] TC: Oh, man oh man oh man he's got something for me
[07:17] UA: you doNt GEt to bE pissEd off, oNly i h@vE thE RiGht to th@t >:I
[07:18] TC: You, uh, own the right to be pissed?
[07:18] TC: Have you ever seen a man in spandex?
[07:19] TC: It's pretty off pissing
[07:19] UA: you kNow i doNt EvEN kNow why you thouGht this w@s @ Good idE@
[07:20] TC: Come again?
[07:20] UA: NEvER fuckiN miNd

Well That was certainly strange!

In any case, you are no closer to solving your current dilemma. You have already assessed that you are going to have to get past your uncle, somehow. You just need a distraction. Perhaps a loud noise'll do the trick?

>Play music loudly and obnoxiously
You are not entirely what you thought that would accomplish. The loud noise shouldn't bring him right to you! Stupid, stupid, stupid! You'll have to think harder.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: Your UNCLE, after hearing your LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS MUSIC, finally loses patience and ceases his knocking. Sounds like he's going running without you.


Also, what is up with this STRANGE BEING ON PESTERCHUM? You wonder if anyone else is having troubles with TROLLS.

But, who cares about that now; you can finally go get your copy of SBURB!


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008

The SMOKE BOMB you expected,the CAT PUNCH not so much,but you should have anyway.Of course the CAT'S STRONG PUNCH is just a distraction,knocking you down a bit of health(92%),but as it stands your MOTHER has the ADVANTAGE.You can not hope to STRIFE with your MOTHER in such conditions but you still need to get the GAME PACKAGE out of here and you know the ONLY possible way to do that,though this ENCOUNTER could still end badly you will try anyway.

>Ask your Mother for a batch of Pancakes


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
> Dirk: Unwaveringly face your SIS! Show no fear!

Oh holy shit you are so scared. Last time she went to BARBARIAN MODE was when she broke your hand. Still, you guess if she's planning on letting you play SBURB at all she won't be breaking anything important. You raise your RAD KATANA in defiance, and charge her with your devastating PLEASE LET THIS WORK SWING!


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: Now that you've got SBURB installed, you can finally start playing! Wait, what's this say...

SBURB server is running.

Waiting for host to establish connection...

Huh. Looks like you're gonna have to wait for someone else to get on. FFFFFUUUUUUU............


>Greg: Your MOTHER appears out of the smoke. In her hand, you see... you see... a PLATE OF PANCAKES? Huh. Did not think that would work.

Your MOTHER calls PERRYWINKLE. He jumps onto her shoulder, and your MOTHER FLASH-STEPS out of the living room, leaving you with the SBURB PACKAGE and a TASTY BREAKFAST.


>Dirk: Your PLEASE LET THIS WORK SWING gets through your SIS' AUTO-UNCANNY-DODGE, dealing 1% damage to her HEALTH VIAL!

It also allows her to use GUARDIAN RUBRIC: BERSERKER. Crap. This is gonna hurt.

A few BULL-RUSHES and TWO-HIT-COMBOS later, your HEALTH VIAL is at a measly 22%. You're bruised all over, but it doesn't feel like anything is broken. In addition, your SIS is finally done hurting you. As she walks out of the DUNGEON, she drops a couple of SBURB ENVELOPES.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Be glad that worked

You didn't think that would work but atleast you have the SBURB PACKAGE and now you have a PLATE OF PANCAKES.You decide it might be wise to EAT the TASTY BREAKFAST as you have a STRANGE FEELIING that today is going to be a LONG DAY.You stuff the SBURB PACKAGE into your MODUS and head into the KITCHEN to eat your TASTY BREAKFAST.With TASK:EAT TASTY BREAKFAST and TASK:ACQUIRE SBURB PACKAGE complete you decide to head back into your ROOM to begin the process of downloading this game.You also remember to grab the BOOK of yours laying on the TABLE as it is rude to leave things lying around.

>Return to Room.

You return to your room,after cleaning your PLATE of course,and close your DOOR,though you know that it won't stop that CAT from entering if HE wants to.You return the BOOK back to its proper place on your SPACE/TIME BOOKSHELF and retrieve the SBURB PACKAGE from your MODUS.Inside the PACKAGE you find two DISCS for SBURB.Before you do anything else however you check to see if any of your CHUMS are on.

>Pester Chums

-- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 21:13 --
[09:13:23] GK: Greetins my friend,how has your day been so far? :p
[09:13:53] TC: Woken up by a spandex-clad uncle
[09:13:54] TC: You?
[09:14:33] GK: Awoke by a cta,who I still think is a ninja,meowing
[09:14:37] GK: the usual
[09:14:46] TC: Of course
[09:15:16] TC: Man, I'm setting up SBURB right now, have you gotten your copy yet?
[09:16:07] GK: I got lucky and have aquired my copy with little trouble.Glad my mother has a thing for making pancakes or it could have not gone in my favor :/
[09:16:28] TC: ._.
[09:16:38] TC: Pancakes...?- Actually no
[09:16:47] TC: never mind. Don't wanna know
[09:17:10] GK: I too have given up on that question long ago as well
[09:17:33] GK: I still think she killed a man once with a pancake...though I have never got around to askin :/
[09:19:10] GK: Anyway,off of this strange train of thought we have going
[09:19:24] TC: YES, GOOD IDEA
[09:19:48] TC: How 'bout that SBURB
[09:20:15] GK: As it stands I haven't installed it yet,though I plan on doing so soon.You?
[09:20:34] TC: It's in my computer as we speak.
[09:20:49] TC: Hold on a sec, someone's pestering me
[09:20:56] GK: Ok
[09:28:34] TC: So that was sS
[09:28:37] TC: the original
[09:28:49] TC: Er, Dirk
[09:29:02] GK: Original?What are there two now or something :/
[09:29:52] TC: Yeah, Chas just changed his name
[09:30:59] TC: It's a bit ridiculous.
[09:31:10] GK: That couldn't have gone well knowing those two....Oh well,I'll have to break up their squabble as always later
[09:31:47] GK: As it stands i have installed the first SBURB disc and am installing the other now
[09:32:02] TC: Oh, hey, before I forget, Dirk's trying to set up a group game
[09:32:09] TC: Want to get in on that?
[09:32:52] GK: Sounds good,assuming there will be no infighting :/ but then what am i not here for but to act as mediator :/
[09:33:02] TC: OH SHIT
[09:33:20] GK: >.>
[09:33:27] TC: VIRUSES.
[09:33:56] GK: How did that happen :?
[09:34:11] TC: GRABBED DISKS
[09:34:18] TC: WEREN'T SBURB
[09:34:57] GK: So....they were your Uncles.....what was on those discs...actually no I don't want to know
[09:35:50] TC: Man, who even knows.
[09:36:21] TC: Uh, I'm going to have to try and fix this, then ACTUALLY find my disks.
[09:36:30] TC: Talk to you later, hopefully?
[09:36:45] TC: Assuming my computer doesn't blow up.
[09:36:45] GK: Ok,sounds good.Good luck Rich /bow
-- tenaciousConifer [TC] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 21:37 --

Well,that didn't go as expected but atleast you have installed the SBURB SERVER and CLIENT now.And you hope your friend will be well on his adventure.

Still trying to think of what Modus would fit my guy,probably something like a Backpack Modus which works like the Array Modus and the Wallet Modus but unsure :/


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Investigate.
You curiously peek through your door. Yup, he's gone.

>feel remorse.
Poor guy. He only wanted a PARTNER. Still, though. SPANDEX? You mean, come on! Oh well, he'll get over it. It's SBURB time!

> go get SBURB disks
You grab your DISKS off the SHELF IN THE HALLWAY, exactly where you had left them. It's a good thing nothing ridiculous had happened to them! You imagine how much it would suck to lose them, and all of the SHENANIGANS you would have to do to GET THEM BACK. Oh well. You grab them uneventfully and head back to your room to INSTALL.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Rich: As you begin INSTALLING SBURB, you remember that you didn't leave the DISCS on the SHELF IN THE HALLWAY. After all the game didn't arrive until earlier this morning. There was no way you could have possibly known where the discs were. In fact, now that you think about it, you aren't INSTALLING SBURB at all. No, these discs are actually full of horrible, terrifying COMPUTER VIRUSES. Which are taking effect right now.

You hurriedly do all you can to get rid of the viruses. Seems to have worked alright. You're sure that this won't become AN IMPORTANT PLOT POINT later in the day, which you're sure will be just as non-life-threatening as any other day. I mean, what are the odds of your COMPUTER CRASHING AT A POINT WHEN SOMEONE'S LIFE IS RELYING ON YOUR ACTIONS THROUGH SAID COMPUTER? Probably quite low.

The moral of the story is, never grab the treasure until the GM tells you where it is. Or bad things happen. *Devilish grin*


>Greg: Congratulations! You have successfully installed both the SBURB CLIENT and SERVER discs!


>Xavier: You engage your FATHER in STRIFE!

You SHOW YOUR FATHER YOUR STABS, but his AUTO-PEEK-A-BOO proves to be an impenetrable defense. Your KNIFE does nothing more than leave a few scratches on your FATHER'S BOXING GLOVES.

Your FATHER counters with GUARDIAN RUBRIC: HAYMAKER. But, after years of daily training, you know your guardian's style just as well as he does yours. You easily YOUTH ROLL out of way of his attacks.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
<spoiler=OOC +edit> ...oops? This is going to get rather awkward rather quickly.

>Rich: Brag. brag a lot.

Confident in your SBURB IDENTIFYING SKILLS, you proceed to have the following conversations.

<spoiler=show pesterlog>
[09:41] GK: -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 21:13 -- [09:13:23] GK: Greetins my friend,how has your day been so far? :p
[09:13:53] TC: Woken up by a spandex-clad uncle
[09:13:54] TC: You?
[09:14:33] GK: Awoke by a cta,who I still think is a ninja,meowing
[09:14:37] GK: the usual
[09:14:46] TC: Of course
[09:15:16] TC: Man, I'm setting up SBURB right now, have you gotten your copy yet?
[09:16:07] GK: I got lucky and have aquired my copy with little trouble.Glad my mother has a thing for making pancakes or it could have not gone in my favor :/
[09:16:28] TC: ._.
[09:16:38] TC: Pancakes...?- Actually no
[09:16:47] TC: never mind. Don't wanna know
[09:17:10] GK: I too have given up on that question long ago as well
[09:17:33] GK: I still think she killed a man once with a pancake...though I have never got around to askin :/
[09:19:10] GK: Anyway,off of this strange train of thought we have going
[09:19:24] TC: YES, GOOD IDEA
[09:19:48] TC: How 'bout that SBURB
[09:20:15] GK: As it stands I haven't installed it yet,though I plan on doing so soon.You? [09:20:34] TC: It's in my computer as we speak.
[09:20:49] TC: Hold on a sec, someone's pestering me
[09:20:56] GK: Ok
-- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 21:19 --[09:22] SS: =]=> Morning TC
[09:23] TC: Mornin'
[09:23] TC: ...SS?
[09:23] SS: =]=> stabsSalesman
[09:23] SS: =]=> You know Dirk
[09:23] TC: It's a bit confusing
[09:23] SS: =]=> Yeah well take it up with SS
[09:23] TC: You know, with two out there now
[09:23] SS: =]=> I mean
[09:23] SS: =]=> Chas or something
[09:23] SS: =]=> I was SS first
[09:24] SS: =]=> The point is I was checking on everybody's status on Sburb
[09:24] TC: Oh man, my uncle just left and I'm installing it as we speak
[09:24] SS: =]=> That's great
[09:24] SS: =]=> I just got a tooth knocked loose by my big sis
[09:25] SS: =]=> And then she dumped the disks on my motionless body as she walked away
[09:25] SS: =]=> So
[09:25] SS: =]=> I guess I'm installing it too
[09:25] TC: You might wanna get that checked out, bro.
[09:25] SS: =]=> Well obviously but who's going to take me
[09:26] SS: =]=> Not sis
[09:26] SS: =]=> She'd just knock out another one on the way home
[09:26] TC: Fair enough.
[09:26] TC: Greg just got his copy going too, apparently
[09:26] SS: =]=> Anyways this is going pretty fast, so I'm gonna talk to the other SS about starting up a group game
[09:27] TC: Sounds fun man, I'll see if Greg wants to get on it.
[09:28] SS: =]=> All right this is gonna be sweet
[09:28] SS: =]=> Or it'd better be after the shit I went through
[09:28] SS: =]=> Oh damn it it looks like one of those trolls is on my ass again I'll talk to you later TC
[09:29] TC: Oof, good luck
-- tenaciousConifer [TC] changed their mood to OFFLINE &#65532; --
[9:28:34] TC: So that was sS
[09:28:37] TC: the original
[09:28:49] TC: Er, Dirk
[09:29:02] GK: Original?What are there two now or something :/
[09:29:52] TC: Yeah, Chas just changed his name
[09:30:59] TC: It's a bit ridiculous.
[09:31:10] GK: That couldn't have gone well knowing those two....Oh well,I'll have to break up their squabble as always later
[09:31:47] GK: As it stands i have installed the first SBURB disc and am installing the other now
[09:32:02] TC: Oh, hey, before I forget, Dirk's trying to set up a group game
[09:32:09] TC: Want to get in on that?
[09:32:52] GK: Sounds good,assuming there will be no infighting :/ but then what am i not here for but to act as mediator :/
[09:33:02] TC: OH SHIT
[09:33:20] GK: >.>
[09:33:27] TC: VIRUSES.
[09:33:56] GK: How did that happen :?
[09:34:11] TC: GRABBED DISKS
[09:34:18] TC: WEREN'T SBURB
[09:34:57] GK: So....they were your Uncles.....what was on those discs...actually no I don't want to know
[09:35:50] TC: Man, who even knows.
[09:36:21] TC: Uh, I'm going to have to try and fix this, then ACTUALLY find my disks.
[09:36:30] TC: Talk to you later, hopefully?
[09:36:45] TC: Assuming my computer doesn't blow up.
[09:36:45] GK: Ok,sounds good.Good luck Rich /bow -- tenaciousConifer [TC] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 21:37 --

Okay. this is NOT good. False memories are a *****. You're going to have to sit and wait, and hope your memories will be sorted out.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
> Dirk: Get to installing!

Hoo... hooray! You WON! T... take that, SIS!

You hobble out of the BASEMENT-DUNGEON, and get back to your ROOM. You sit down at your COMPUTER and get to work finding a chum to pester.

[09:19] -- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 21:19 --
[09:21] -- stabsSalesman [SS] changed their mood to DISTRAUGHT --
[09:22] SS: =]=> Morning TC
[09:23] TC: Mornin'
[09:23] TC: ...SS?
[09:23] SS: =]=> stabsSalesman
[09:23] SS: =]=> You know Dirk
[09:23] TC: It's a bit confusing
[09:23] TC: You know, with two out there now
[09:23] SS: =]=> Yeah well take it up with SS
[09:23] SS: =]=> I mean
[09:23] SS: =]=> Chas or something
[09:24] SS: =]=> I was SS first
[09:24] SS: =]=> The point is I was checking on everybody's status on Sburb
[09:24] TC: Oh man, my uncle just left and I'm installing it as we speak
[09:24] SS: =]=> That's great
[09:25] SS: =]=> I just got a tooth knocked loose by my big sis
[09:25] SS: =]=> And then she dumped the disks on my motionless body as she walked away
[09:25] SS: =]=> So
[09:25] SS: =]=> I guess I'm installing it too
[09:25] TC: You might wanna get that checked out, bro.
[09:26] SS: =]=> Well obviously but who's going to take me
[09:26] SS: =]=> Not sis
[09:26] SS: =]=> She'd just knock out another one on the way home
[09:26] TC: Fair enough.
[09:26] TC: Greg just got his copy going too, apparently
[09:27] SS: =]=> Anyways this is going pretty fast, so I'm gonna talk to the other SS about starting up a group game
[09:27] TC: Sounds fun man, I'll see if Greg wants to get on it.
[09:28] SS: =]=> All right this is gonna be sweet
[09:28] SS: =]=> Or it'd better be after the shit I went through
[09:28] SS: =]=> Oh damn it it looks like one of those trolls is on my ass again I'll talk to you later TC
[09:29] TC: Oof, good luck
[09:37] -- tenaciousConifer [TC] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 21:37 --

Oh shit, it's a TROLL now. You guess you'll see what he wants.

-- madMixmaster [MM] began trolling stabsSalesman [SS] at ????

MM: S0,
MM: T0day is the day you destr0y all reality. I guess that is pretty impressive.
SS: =]=> Shit and here I thought I could go one day without seeing any zeros
SS: =]=> That shit is just heartless man
MM: It's n0t my fault y0u've taken a disliking t0 my typing quirks.
MM: Then again y0u've been the whiniest 0f all y0u pink little m0nsters s0 far.
SS: =]=> Oh do not bring up Little Monsters that was the worst movie I have ever seen
MM: Als0 the most imp0ssible t0 deal with. At least the 0thers cared t0 talk.
SS: =]=> Well sorry if I don't have time to deal with your shenanigans but right now this game is calling me
SS: =]=> And I am about to answer back with a might roar so just go ahead and leave
MM: 0h I see, y0u're trying t0 channel 0ne 0f y0ur preci0us "anime" characters. A nice attempt, but leave Kamina t0 Kamina
SS: =]=> You know I would love to stay here and chat about my completely awesome shows
SS: =]=> But right now I'm in the middle of not giving a fuck so I guess we'll talk later.
-- stabsSalesman [SS] has BLOCKED madMixmaster [MM]

God you hate that TROLL. At least you can block him for a day every once in a while. It never seems to stick though. Oh well, you decide to check in with another chum of yours.

[09:21] -- stabsSalesman [SS] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 21:21 --
[09:26] SS: =]=> Oh
[09:26] SS: =]=> My
[09:26] SS: =]=> Fucking
[09:26] SS: =]=> God
[09:26] SS: =]=> I got the disks
[09:26] SS: wow, did you have to go through a bunch of bullshit to get it too?
[09:26] SS: wait, there's more than one disk?
[09:27] SS: =]=> Yes there are two disks
[09:27] SS: =]=> And hell yes I had bullshit
[09:27] SS: =]=> Specifically a solid steel d20 to the eye
[09:27] SS: =]=> And then a kick to the mouth
[09:27] SS: oh, that sucks. are your sunglasses okay?
[09:28] SS: =]=> Fuck no they lost a lens
[09:28] SS: =]=> It's a miracle it didn't get into my eye
[09:28] SS: =]=> I had to bust out my spare
[09:29] SS: good.
[09:29] SS: if you lost those glasses, it would have been a total tragedy.
[09:29] SS: anyway, i managed to get the disks.
[09:29] SS: it was no small feat.
[09:30] SS: i installed them, but it just says that it's looking for a host.
[09:30] SS: also, i feel like it's worth mentioning that beth has probably robbed a bank at one point.
[09:30] SS: =]=> That is terrifying and yet not surprising in the leasts
[09:31] SS: =]=> And that's probably because you only have the client disk
[09:31] SS: =]=> I just finished the host disk by some convenience
[09:31] SS: oh.
[09:31] SS: =]=> I found you I think
[09:31] SS: so basically this is mp-only?
[09:31] SS: oh, cool.
[09:32] SS: =]=> I would assume it's MP only did you read the GameBro review
[09:32] SS: =]=> SoloBro was nowhere to be seen
[09:32] SS: fuck no, gamebro is a pile of shit and you know it.
[09:32] SS: =]=> GameBro is the funniest rag on the whole damn newsstand
[09:32] SS: hey, the game thing is responding.
[09:33] SS: =]=> OK cool
[09:33] SS: it looks like you found me, yeah.
[09:33] SS: =]=> By the way I talked to TC and I guess he and Greg are gonna try and join us
[09:33] SS: =]=> So I guess it works out you don't have the host disk yet
[09:34] SS: sounds good.
[09:34] SS: =]=> OK, connected
[09:34] SS: =]=> Whoa wait
[09:35] SS: =]=> I appear to have been mistaken
[09:35] SS: this is a pretty trippy loading screen
[09:35] SS: =]=> This is not the host disk apparently it is the fucking Sims
[09:36] SS: =]=> Except wait
[09:36] SS: what?
[09:36] SS: =]=> Is that you
[09:36] SS: =]=> Wave or something
[09:36] SS: okay.
[09:36] SS: =]=> Oh sweet
[09:36] SS: what?
[09:36] SS: =]=> It's like I've got a camera feed on your house or something
[09:36] SS: woah!
[09:36] SS: =]=> I can see everything and the layout is like some kind of home builder
[09:37] SS: this is kind of crazy.
[09:37] SS: =]=> Wait I can click on stuff
[09:37] SS: =]=> Let me find something to move
[09:37] SS: =]=> Oops
[09:37] SS: what was that!?
[09:37] SS: =]=> Nothing
[09:37] SS: =]=> Nothing at all
[09:38] SS: =]=> And you should definitely wait there while I make sure this game is safe
[09:38] SS: what did you do.
[09:38] SS: =]=> Well you see
[09:38] SS: =]=> I was testing out the controls when suddenly
[09:38] SS: =]=> Your bathtub flew into the hallway
[09:38] SS: ...
[09:38] SS: =]=> And now it won't go back
[09:38] SS: wow you are such a piece of shit at this.
[09:38] SS: =]=> Shut up I never played the Sims
[09:38] SS: =]=> This is new to me
[09:39] SS: my bathtub is in the hallway.
[09:39] SS: usually my dad would have said something, i don't even know what his reaction will be.
[09:39] SS: he will probably sell the bathtub a collection of tupperware.
[09:39] SS: =]=> I wish my sis was a salesperson
[09:39] SS: =]=> That's the kind of job that mellows somebody out
[09:39] SS: =]=> In fact
[09:39] SS: =]=> I'm not sure my sis has a job come to think of it
[09:40] SS: =]=> She leaves to get groceries and to play at other people's houses
[09:40] SS: =]=> But otherwise she never leaves home
[09:40] SS: your sis is kind of a sadist.
[09:40] SS: have you ever wondered if she's just sort of there to beat you up?
[09:40] SS: =]=> Sometimes
[09:41] SS: =]=> Usually when she's beating me up
[09:41] SS: and is actually some adult lady belonging to another family down the street?
[09:41] SS: like she has a family and a husband and kids
[09:41] SS: and she just comes here to mellow out.
[09:41] SS: =]=> I don't know what family would willingly accept that psycho ***** first of all
[09:41] SS: =]=> And second she's gone maybe six hours a week
[09:41] SS: =]=> That is one stressful family if she needs all that time to mellow out
[09:42] SS: i don't know, man.
[09:42] SS: =]=> Well anyway I need to start researching what all this shit does
[09:42] SS: =]=> You get back to whatever you were doing and I'll work on this
[09:43] SS: okay, cool.
[09:43] SS: hey, tell me if you find my phone.
[09:43] SS: and just sort of toss it to me.
[09:43] SS: =]=> All right I'll look around for it


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Continue to Pester

[09:59:21] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 21:59 --
[09:59:43] GK: Greetings my friend,I hope your day has gone well so far :p
[10:00:11] SS: =]=> That's great of you to say but it's not really turning out so great
[10:00:15] SS: =]=> I mean
[10:00:18] SS: =]=> I got the disks
[10:00:27] SS: =]=> But I had to go through my sis to get them
[10:00:32] GK: Ouch
[10:01:13] GK: But first I feel we should get this out of the way...Rich told me that there were two SS now :/
[10:01:36] SS: =]=> Yeah I'm getting that a lot today but I'm the first damn it
[10:01:48] SS: =]=> Chas is the other SS and he fucking stole it from me
[10:01:58] SS: =]=> So I'm not changing.
[10:02:22] GK: I see....I hope this won't cause a major problem between you two :/
[10:02:49] GK: Here we have a new game and you two spend the whole time fighting :/
[10:03:03] SS: =]=> No it's not a big deal
[10:03:09] SS: =]=> Or it wouldn't be if people would stop bringing it up
[10:03:29] SS: =]=> Speaking of the game though how are you doing on those disks?
[10:04:20] GK: I have gotten them,no in large part thanks to my mother and her pancake love,and have installed them without fail...unlike Rich
[10:05:47] GK: Apparently he grabbed the wrong discs and now his computer is bugged...literally and figuratively
[10:05:53] SS: =]=> Oh wow
[10:06:01] SS: =]=> I just talked to him and he sounded fine
[10:06:03] SS: =]=> Guess he lied
[10:07:02] GK: /shrug It only started when he tried to download the discs,or what was ever on them anyway,when he was talking to me
[10:07:13] SS: =]=> Well that's weird
[10:07:31] GK: I hope he has better luck next time :p
[10:07:35] SS: =]=> Gonna talk to the other SS now and see how he's doing on his disks
[10:07:37] SS: =]=> Yeah same here
[10:07:51] GK: Ok i will talk to you later my friend /bow
[10:08:31] SS: =]=> Bye
[10:08:42] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering stabsSalesman [SS] at 22:08 --

Well,you have gotten in contact with TWO of your CHUMS so far.Of course there is still more to PESTER.Of course as you turn your CHAIR around,you see that that bloody CAT is standing at your DOOR and staring at you.With the DOOR being closed.You ignore the CAT and start surfing the the WEB for more BOOKS to buy.

[10:29:40] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 22:29 --
[10:29:57] GK: Greetings my friend,i hope your day has gone well :p
[10:30:04] SS: uh.
[10:30:08] SS: it's kind of complicated greg.
[10:30:14] GK: How so?
[10:30:29] SS: well, see, i got up, and i went to get the disks, and then shenanigans happened.
[10:30:37] SS: but i got one of the disks, so that's okay.
[10:30:55] SS: so i installed the disk, which i would later find out was the server disk.
[10:31:03] SS: and dirk installed the client disk.
[10:31:17] SS: basically the game works in pairs, and we are the first ones in.
[10:31:22] GK: I see
[10:31:27] SS: then dirk threw my bathtub into the hallway.
[10:31:34] SS: and then you messaged me.
[10:32:02] GK: Is it strange that when you said"threw bathtub into hallway"I wasn't phaed by that
[10:32:11] SS: yeah, probably.
[10:32:18] SS: what's the status with everyone else's disks?
[10:32:21] GK: It must be all the book reading
[10:33:27] GK: Oh well as it stands i have installed both discs and Rich 'tried to'only to find out the discs he grabbed were the wrong ones....the ones he grabbed were loaded with viruses apparently
[10:34:13] SS: wow, there's no way that's coming back to haunt us!
[10:34:55] GK: What have I told you about saying things that are tempting fate? :/
[10:35:31] GK: Answer:you don't :/
[10:35:54] SS: yeah, i guess, but he's pretty efficient with computers.
[10:36:05] SS: it's not like the virus will pop up at the moment we need him most.
[10:36:08] SS: that's ridiculous.
[10:36:14] SS: almost as ridiculous as meteors wiping out the planet.
[10:36:21] SS: i'm using that expression a lot today.
[10:36:32] SS: probably because it's so ridiculous.
[10:36:37] GK: i see
[10:37:17] GK: I have had a feeling that today was going to be a long day...but its probably nothing
[10:37:38] SS: yeah, we should all be prepared for things to get too hot to handle.
[10:39:22] GK: I always am,and I will be havjing my good luck charm and awesome phoenix shirt with me....I feel this is a special occasion :p
[10:39:22] SS: anyway, i figure i'll wait for a few things to unfold. dirk's exploring the interface, and i'm sort of waiting to see what's going to happen with my dad.
[10:40:29] SS: i guess i'll talk to you later. i need to make sure he doesn't blow up half the house or something.
[10:40:47] GK: Yes,good luck with that :/
[10:40:56] GK: Talk to you later /bow
[10:41:00] SS: ok.
[10:41:04] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 22:41 --

Another CHUM down.You decide to trade your WHITE tee for that AWESOME PHOENIX SHIRT that you wear SPECIAL OCCASIONS.You feel TODAY will be one more then ever.You also pat the LITTLE ANGEL DOLL sitting atop your monitor.SHE will be there as well,the MAIDEN to your KNIGHT.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Alright, two things. First, Benndak showed me a good way to post full pesterchum conversations, including text-color and whatnot.

Go to C:\Pesterchum\logs\yourChumhandleHere\PersonYouJustTalkedTooHere\bbcode. There, you can find a log of the pesterchum conversations you've had with that person. If you just copy them, you can past them into this thread with everything intact. It's pretty nifty.

Second, senorcromas, no need to apologize. But getting the Sburb disks is not going to be quite that easy. It's all in good fun though; I'm not going to mess you up too much for it. Just a little bit.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: After successfully connecting to Chas' client program, you immedietly get up to some bathtub related shenanigans. Oops.

You then proceed to examine the controls.

As you've already discovered, the SELECT control allows you to pick up and manipulate items in your client player's environment. It appears to have a fixed range though, which centers around Chas.

The REVISE control looks like it'll let you edit Chas' stuff. A bit of testing reveals that you can do stuff like extend his room. Man, this game is awesome!

Your impromptu construction triggers a notification: -4 Build Grist.

Scrolling over to the Grist Cache tab, you see that you now have 16 out of 20 Build Grist. There are also a bunch of other open slots, presumably of other types of grist you haven't discovered yet. No doubt you'll find them as you continue to play.

You then check out the DEPLOY control. It looks like using this control allows you to set up equipment found in another tab, the PHERNALIA REGISTRY. Examining this tab reveals four items that can be deployed for free, the TOTEM LATHE, the CRUXTRUDER, the ALCHEMITER, and a PRE-PUNCHED CARD. There are again a bunch of other slots, but it doesn't look like you can access them yet.

There's only one more tab, labeled ALCHEMY EXCURSUS. It's completely blank.

There are also a few camera controls, that allow you to zoom in and out on Chas. You can also rotate your view to see everything in his house.

You have no idea what's going on, but you kind of like it!


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
> Dirk: Make stuff happen

This is a pretty confusing interface. Look at all this shit to do! You decide you might as well take a look at those weird BUILDINGS. You select one that looks interesting, the CRUXTRUDER. You take a look and see it's pretty fucking huge, and yet, it costs no resources. At least, none of that BUILD GRIST crap you wasted expanding rooms where Chas wouldn't notice.

You find a nice place to plot down the building, specifically the doorway to his KITCHEN, so as not to crush any of the VARIOUS ITEMS in his home.


You admire your craftsmanship and type a quick message to Chas to go check it out.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Remove obstruction

You see that the CRUXTRUDER is apparently blocked by the COVER on the top of the device. You know just how to deal with that.


You toss the BATHTUB down through the ceiling, sending it crashing into the CRUXTRUDER and knocking the cover off. It slowly dawns on you that that was a TERRIBLE IDEA. But at least it worked.