Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Take the watch

You are completely shocked by this turn of events, and would react accordingly if you didn't feel kind of DEAD INSIDE. You wipe your eyes on your shirt to remove what is absolutely, definitely not a TORRENT OF TEARS, and approach the WATCH. What kind of TIME SHENANIGANS is everyone up to now? Or maybe it was your SIS that brought it and you were just too caught up in yourself to notice. Stupid SIS, always beating the shit out of you then having your back when you need her.

You pick it up and read the NOTE.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Try do do something to remember Beth.

God, you don't know what to do! What could you do tha-Wait. Your pirted copy of Postal 2 was a gift from Beth, and you could still use some 'heroic duds' as Chas would put it. You know what you must do.


You take the Postal 2 disk, your sunglasses, and your keys into your PIP-ventory. You head downstairs, pick up all the grist in the front of your building. Now how much is that?


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Finish off Basilisk

You dodge and weave the attacks of the BASILISK using the skills your MOTHER taught you.Your glad to see they came in handy.And in no time at all the BASILISK is down.Looks like Lily weakened it a fair bit.

However there is still one more BASILISK hassling Lily.

While it is distracted,you sneak up behind it and attack.



Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: The NOTE does seem to be written in your SIS'S handwriting.
Is this really how you?re going to let it end? Crying in a ruined old temple?
Like it or not, you?ve got a job to do. If you don?t do it, then all of your friends are going to die. All of them.
If, on the other hand, you start acting like the dumb kid who doesn?t know when to give up, the moron who I spent the last 15 years growing up with, then you might still have a chance.
Look, it?s not in my nature to be encouraging. That?s not how I roll. So, be happy I?m saying this: I know you can do it. You can do what no one else can.
Don?t die.
Oh, and make sure that you give this watch to Chas; he?s going to need it.


>Chas: The IGUANAS continue to ignore you, for the most part. The one at the BAZAAR glances your way every once in a while, but beyond that you're pretty much ignored.


>Connor: You pick up a lot of Grist. More then such a low-level player should be able to hold; Sburb begins to distribute the excess among your co-players.

Yeah, I've kind of stopped keeping track of Grist totals. Just say what you're trying to make, and I'll decide if you have enough or not.


>Greg: You manage to take down the other BASILISK!

You are promoted to a level 8 Tough Tot! +16,000 Boondollars!

It looks like that's all of the tough enemies, all you can see now are a few IMPS.


>Xavier: Hey! TIMEY-WIMEY STUFF actually worked out! Yay!

-- parrotLibraian [PL] began pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 10:30 --
LA: Hi.
PL: Gah! You startled me.
LA: Sorry.
PL: Please don't do that.
LA: May I see that tome?
PL: ...
PL: Can you read it?
LA: ...
LA: I hope...
PL: It's written in the language of birds.
LA: Tehn, no.
PL: Wait a minute, who are you exactly?
PL: I've never seen you around here before.
LA: Xavier, one of the players.
PL: Wait, you're one of the Heroes!?
LA: Yes.
PL: Excellent!
LA: Really?
PL: Yes! We have great need of your services!
LA: What can I do?
PL: Well, you see, our Land is being torn apart by its Denizen.
LA: Denizen?
LA: Speaking of which, what is this land?
PL: Yes, a being of immense power. The strongest creature in the Land of Cloud and Feathers.
LA: Awesome...
PL: Indeed.
LA: So, Clouds and Feathers?
PL: Yes. Clouds and Feathers.
LA: Sounds nice.
PL: Normally, it is quite nice.
LA: Without the Denizen of course.
PL: Exactly. The Denizen is brewing a massive storm, one that currently covers about half our Land.
LA: Wow, he must be stopped!
PL: Indeed.
LA: Do know anything about my title?
LA: Or role or something like that?
PL: Yes, of course I do.
LA: Awesome!
PL: You, Xavier, are the Mage of Life.
LA: Sounds awesome!
LA: Do I get to bring people from the dead?!
PL: I'm not too sure about that...
LA: Well, darn...
PL: My studies have allowed me to learn your title, but not your abilities.
LA: I'll figure out my power though!
PL: I certeinly hope you will.
LA: Thank you.
PL: Now, if I might offer some advice:
PL: You're going to need a way to traverse the clouds that cover our land.
LA: Ok.
PL: If you travel downwards, to the ground that is far below us, you might be able to find someone to help you with that.
LA: Sounds easy enough.
PL: You may also find the next Gate, which will help lead you to your goal.
LA: The Denizen?
PL: Yes.
PL: However, make no mistake, you will encounter many hardships.
LA: Cool.
LA: This game wouldn't be fun if I didn't.
PL: Well, that's one way of looking at it...
PL: Now, do you have any other questions for me?
LA: Yes, it is.
LA: Do you know anything about the GodMonster?
PL: What GodMonster?
LA: Darn.
LA: I know he's real1
LA: !
LA: I will find him!
PL: ...
PL: If you say so.
LA: Sorry.
LA: You have been very helpful.
PL: Well, that's my job.
PL: I'm the libraian. I'm here to spread knowledge.
LA: Thank you.
PL: Of course.
LA: I think I have a present for your kindness.
PL: Thank you, Xavier, for being the Hero we so despretely need.
LA: No problem.
PL: Oh? What's that?
LA: An oujia board.
LA: You can contact the dead!
PL: Oh! Well, uh, thank you.
PL: I suppose.
LA: No problem.
PL: This will make a nice addition to the... occult section I guess.
PL: Well, goodbye then.
LA: Again, no problem.
LA: Goodbye.
-- parrotLibraian [PL] ceased pestering lionizedAnon [LA] at 10:46 --


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Tell Imps to flee

The last BASILISK falls with little effort thanks to Lily.

You whip your KATANA around to the IMPS in the area and tell them to leave.NOW!

With that done you check on Lily to make sure she is ok.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: React to note.

You do not know why there was a pile of BARBASOL CANS by the door, but damn if it didn't make a nice EXIT. As much as you hate to admit it, your SIS is right. Nothing going to be accomplished sitting around being a WIMP. When KAMINA died, did his bro SIMON sit around and mope? Okay, actually yes he did. For several episodes in fact, but damn it the point is that that was the wrong thing to do, he was supposed to move on and fight in remembrance of him! And you'll do the same! You tell your BASILISK friend, SNAKE EYES, to follow you to the IGUANA CAMP and damn it he had better be on his best behavior. You've got a world to save.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: LILYSPRITE says that she's fine.


>Chas: The IGUANA shows you his stabs. And by stabs, I mean wares.



>Dirk: I... You... Temple... Awesome.

You step out of the TEMPLE, with SNAKE-EYES timidly following you. In front of you, you see some kind of weird, spiny blue spirograph, similar to your Gates.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Sigh a breath of Relief

You give Lily a smile,glad that she is ok.Well atleast everything is ok now....wait someone is pestering you.

[02:45:31] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 14:45 --
[02:45:44] EC: \/ i think you deserve to know as group mediator
[02:45:53] GK: Huh?
[02:46:01] EC: \/ there might be a lot of group mediating in the near future
[02:46:26] GK: ...I'm afraid to ask why..
[02:46:45] EC: \/ your female teammate avouLeance - or beth as i heard she is called - has died
[02:46:54] GK: wait...what?.....
[02:47:24] GK: ....are you sure?.....
[02:47:26] EC: \/ chas is spreading the word about this as team leader but you as general auspice probably need to know to let people deal with issues
[02:47:40] EC: \/ and yes this is a fact that cannot be mistaken
[02:47:58] GK: I...I don't...I don't know what to say...
[02:48:30] GK: No..I do know what to say...I need to see to the others
[02:48:42] EC: \/ if it helps
[02:48:50] EC: \/ i really am sorry for you all
[02:49:15] GK: It is not your fault...atleast i don't think it is :/
[02:49:28] EC: \/ no this isnt anything we had a hand in
[02:49:49] GK: I thank you for telling me...if that means anything :(
[02:50:40] EC: \/ it was not needed but regardless
[02:50:46] EC: \/ it is appreciated
[02:51:14] GK: Do you...do you know who...killed beth? :(
[02:51:35] EC: \/ she was initially killed by a game construct
[02:51:39] EC: \/ an agent from derse
[02:51:48] GK: I see....
[02:51:54] EC: \/ her planet was torn up in the emotional outburst of her guardian
[02:52:45] GK: ..hmm...I'm at a loss for words....
[02:53:09] EC: \/ do i have to make UA talk to you
[02:53:18] EC: \/ i heard you two got off on the right foot
[02:53:45] GK: No...I don't want to bother him,or you,with my problems...but I thank you for the offer
[02:54:19] EC: \/ it might be good for the auspice to have a matesprit for once
[02:54:24] EC: \/ but if you dont want to thats fine
[02:54:59] GK: ...I would ask you what auspice and matesprit mean...but now is not the time for that
[02:55:16] EC: \/ oh um
[02:55:24] EC: \/ for the listener to have someone who listens
[02:56:31] GK: I must ask a favor...please let me know this stuff...after this whole thing is resolved...I need to forcus on this right now...I hope you understand :(
[02:56:59] EC: \/ you mean expanding on matesprits and whatnot
[02:57:34] GK: Yes...please...that way I can maybe help you and UA with any problems as well...
[02:57:48] EC: \/ woah um
[02:57:54] EC: \/ im fine with expanding on the problem
[02:58:16] EC: \/ but
[02:58:28] EC: \/ you know never mind
[02:59:13] GK: Again...I thank you for all of this...but I must see to the others...until next time EC /bow :(
[02:59:27] EC: \/ stay sane please
[02:59:28] -- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 14:59 --

You blink several times as you try to process this....It seems like it is harder to breath now....Beth...Dead?...You need to check how everyone else is doing before you worry about yourself...

[03:00:28] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 15:00 --
[03:00:32] GK: Hey Chas...I know.....about Beth.....:(
[03:00:40] SS: who told you?
[03:00:47] GK: EC
[03:00:54] SS: huh.
[03:01:05] SS: yeah.
[03:01:17] SS: i've been sending out the team alder obituary for a while now.
[03:01:21] GK: How are you feeling?about this?
[03:01:32] SS: you want me to be honest?
[03:01:54] GK: I always do
[03:02:24] SS: i'm upset at myself for not being as upset as i should be about beth's death, and moreso about my own preventing to stop it.
[03:03:11] SS: what's really keeping my head a little forked up is having to tell everyone about the death.
[03:03:18] GK: As to the upset...Its alright...We all handle death in our own ways....and as to the second...I don't think we could have prevented it
[03:03:37] SS: i figured i'd let her figure out her adventure on her own.
[03:03:38] SS: and then she died.
[03:03:44] SS: i'm not letting this go.
[03:04:09] SS: i told dirk that i would never let it happen again, and he noticed that i was saying that like it made up for the first time.
[03:04:19] SS: and that drove some sort of point home.
[03:04:45] SS: the point is, i'm going to do whatever it takes to keep you guys safe.
[03:05:13] GK: Chas...don;t do anything stupid...we still need to complete this "game"
[03:05:48] SS: i won't do anything to risk your lives.
[03:05:52] GK: I'm not saying lets forget about Beth...
[03:06:42] SS: right now, i just need everyone to keep together.
[03:06:45] GK: If Beth was killed by a Agent of Derse like EC said..then our beef is with the leader of Derse
[03:07:12] SS: you could say that.
[03:07:35] SS: i need to get the rest of this morbid shit out of the way so i can keep my image together.
[03:07:55] SS: derse is my target.
[03:08:04] SS: i'm not ready yet.
[03:08:12] SS: but i'll be there to kill the black queen personally.
[03:08:41] GK: What part of don't do anything stupid?
[03:09:15] SS: i know what i'm doing.
[03:09:27] GK: If you say so...
[03:09:43] SS: seriously, greg. i have this together.
[03:09:55] SS: you need to trust me here, i won't get anyone else killed.
[03:09:58] GK: I'm just worried you are going to hurt those of derse who did nothing wrong :/
[03:10:10] SS: they're game constructs.
[03:10:14] SS: they're here to kill us.
[03:10:36] GK: That doesn't make it right
[03:11:05] SS: they're not people, greg, get it through your head.
[03:11:23] GK: You would call the pople of Prospit game contructs...but considering I heard one of them scream as he was falling to his death...they are as real as you and I
[03:11:52] SS: there's a big difference between prospit and derse.
[03:12:21] SS: derse is out to destroy everything we've been assigned to protect.
[03:12:45] SS: just leave this to me. you keep going where the game points you.
[03:13:17] GK: Chas...don't take this too far..
[03:13:35] SS: nothing's going to happen.
[03:13:42] SS: you don't even know what i'm going to do.
[03:13:50] SS: perhaps that's what's worrying you.
[03:13:56] GK: No..but I can guess what I would do
[03:13:58] SS: but this is my own mission.
[03:14:41] SS: just don't try and coerce me into letting this go.
[03:14:54] SS: waste of time.
[03:15:07] SS: speaking of time, you need to get going.
[03:15:09] SS: through your gate and all.
[03:15:16] GK: I will try...its why I do what i do...
[03:15:38] GK: And once I see how everyone is doing I will worry about my Gate...this is more important right now
[03:15:57] SS: you need to get stronger.
[03:16:02] SS: everyone needs to get stronger.
[03:16:31] GK: Strengh is nothing unless we have the willpower to see this through
[03:16:49] SS: i really don't need your inspiring anecdote of the day.
[03:16:55] SS: i'll talk to you later.
[03:16:56] SS: get moving.
[03:17:05] GK: Later Chas.../bow
[03:17:09] -- snickeringSurrogate [SS] ceased pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 15:17 --

You hope he won't do something rash...Oh who are you kidding of course he is...

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Remember your friend in the only way worth remembering.

You head up to your roof. Not caring that the gate is so close to you, you combined your clothing with the sunglasses, strip, put your outfit on a card, do the same with the Postal 2 disk, combined the two using WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Investigate

You look at the weird GATE-LIKE object. You want to take a CLOSER LOOK, but you're worried it will TRANSPORT you somewhere. You feel you really need to go find Chas quickly, but at the same time you cannot simply leave what is potentially a chance to get even more POWERFUL right there in the sand. You inch closer and gently touch it, trying to get a feel for what it will do.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: Yeah, he's definitely going to.


>Chas: You purchase the CANTEEN and some water for 250 Boondollars. You feel slightly refreshed.


>Connor: You create the DUDE'S DUDS! It looks just like the outfit from Postal 2, except with your Sax symbol pin instead of a smiley face pin. Neat.


>Dirk: As you touch the RETURN NODE, you suddenly find yourself back at your house, right below the First Gate. You also see a smaller Gate orbiting the First Gate, of the same blue color as the RETURN NODE.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: "Oh"

You guess that was PRETTY CONVENIENT. You don't have time to CHAT, but you poke your head in the DOOR and yell for KAMINASPRITE and tell him to keep an eye on the COMPUTER, that way you two can COMMUNICATE if need-be. You then rush out the door and back through your FIRST GATE. You really, REALLY want to jump down like your SIS did, but you don't feel you're ready for that quite yet. You and SNAKE EYES, who you obviously weren't dumb enough to leave on the other side, move at a breakneck pace to get to the VILLAGE.

Suddenly sensing possibility, you grab SNAKE EYES and activate your HASTE FRAY MOTIF, using your enhanced speed to shorten the journey.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Pester someone cool.

Well there's no one cooler than that red troll guy! You pester him.

-- backroomSix [BS] began pestering unopressedAgitator [UA] --
BS: This is so awesome
UA: whAt is
BS: My outfit
BS: Look at it's awesome ness
UA: wAit GottA scRoll bAck foR A smAll whilE
UA: whERE you At
BS: What time is it?
UA: yEAh thAts whAt im AskiNG
BS: About 4 in the afternoon EST
UA: No stupid
UA: i mEAN whERE iN thE timEliNE ARE you
BS: I guess I'm about to go though the first gate
BS: After I craft one last thing
UA: fuck thAts A loNG timE AGo
BS: Hey, whatever cool guy
BS: What did you say about them when you first found out?
UA: it kiNdA EscApEd my NoticE to bE hoNEst
BS: What!?
BS: But there so awesome
BS: I look just like postal dude!
UA: yEAh okAy i cAN sEE you Now
UA: humANs cERtAiNly ARE A fAshioNAblE RAcE lEt mE tEll you
BS: Is that a complement?
UA: fuck dudE
UA: tAkE it As it is =:p
BS: Hey, can you like, view me from any angle?
UA: Not REAlly
BS: Your camra is fixed?
UA: i cAN just kiNdA sEE you Not movE ARouNd oR somEthiNG
UA: yEAh
BS: *face the camra*
BS: OK, am I facing you?
UA: yEAh
BS: Cool
BS: OK, so that's...
BS: East
BS: Acording to my omni tool
BS: So If I ever want to piss you oof
BS: and do something stupid
UA: you ANd youR stRANGE humAN wAys
BS: All I have to do is face east
BS: Hey, why did Xavier say we are suposed to have snoo snoo?
BS: You woun't happen to know anything about that?
UA: oh hE sAid you wERE kismEsisEs
BS: What's that?
UA: hAtElovERs
BS: ...
UA: i fuckiNG told you this mAN
UA: No wAit
UA: i told xAviER
UA: hE told you
BS: He didn't say kism-whatever
BS: well maybe
BS: I don't remember
UA: hAtEsNoGGiNG is AN EssENtiAl pARt to hAtElovE
UA: doNt lEt ANyoNE tEll you othERwisE
BS: Man, do all Trolls have hate sex?
BS: When they hate eachother?
UA: sEx
BS: Snogging
BS: Sex is our word for that
BS: ok
-- unopressedAgitator [UA] used TROLLIAN TRANSLATE "SEX" to TROLL from HUMAN --
UA: ...
BS: What?
UA: God you ARE A sick RAcE - do you AlwAys quEstioN mAtiNG RElAtioNs with stRANGE cREAtuREs
BS: Wait, snogging isn't sex?
UA: sNoGGiNG is mAkiNG out bRo
BS: Well, I'm not doing that with Xavier
BS: He's not even gay
UA: GAy?
BS: Gay=Wanting a relationship with same gender
UA: you hAvE woRds foR thAt
BS: What, it's common for trolls to have gay relations?
UA: whAt doEs GENdER hAvE to do with RomANcE dudE
BS: Luckly sons of bitches
BS: In human cluture, being gay is bad usaly
UA: thAts hEllA fuckEd up mAN
BS: That's what I think
BS: Man, I'm starting to wish I was a troll
UA: yEAh bEcAusE hAviNG to fill FOUR quAdRANts is REAlly EAsiER thAN oNE
BS: I don't want to understand what you just said
BS: Then again
BS: Maybe I do
UA: Ask xAviER
BS: Don't toy with me
UA: im Not
UA: i just tAlkEd A fuckiNG lot About this
UA: i doNt likE REpEAtiNG this shit
BS: Wait, are you implying that me and Xavier do really make out on our timelines?
UA: im Not implyiNG ANythiNG
BS: Good
BS: Cause we're not going to
UA: suRE bRo
BS: Man, I still feel iffy about beth's death
BS: But wearing this outfit, It feels like I'm still caring the fire and shit
UA: sEEms likE A fuckiNG Good idEA mAN
BS: Yeah
BS: If I find the son of a ***** that killed her
UA: oh bRo
BS: There gonna wish it was the real postal dude who killed them when I'm done
UA: it wAs just A pEoN who killEd hER
BS: What?
BS: Who.
UA: if you wANt to do somE REAl fuckiNG dAmAGE Go foR thE blAck quEEN oR kiNG
BS: In the dream world?
BS: Can I get there with out dreaming?
BS: Cause If I go in dreaming
BS: I'll get my ass kicked
UA: yEAh i kNow
UA: doNt woRRy About thAt dudE
BS: Your implying that I do kill them?
UA: i doNt imply whEN mEssiNG with timE
UA: stop AskiNG foR thAt shit im Not tElliNG
BS: Sorry
UA: but thERE ARE wAys to GEt to dERsE whilE stAyiNG REAl fuckiNG powERful
BS: But your not gonna tell me?
UA: Not timE foR thAt shit yEt
UA: you cAN GEt youRsElf killEd whEN RushiNG iNto shit
BS: Fair enough
BS: But when I'm ready, you'll tell me?
UA: suRE
UA: EithER i oR lEtAGE
BS: The blue troll?
BS: The one you hate
BS: You should make out
BS: Snoog
BS: Whateve
UA: *sNoG
BS: r
BS: Whatever!
BS: Still, why don't you
BS: If you hate each other so much
BS: Using troll logic here
UA: yEAh...im GEttiNG thAt fiGuREd out Atm
BS: OK, now to make that Adventure time bat and to go though the first gate, wish me luck cool guy!
UA: luck
BS: ...
UA: ANd disREGARd pAst mE
UA: hEs A dick
BS: It's OK
BS: I'll remember that
UA: cool
BS: Bye cool guy
-- unopressedAgitator [UA] ceased trolling backroomSix [BS] --

OK, you finally build that ADVENTURE TIME BAT.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008

[06:29:13] -- ghostKnight [GK] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 18:29 --
[06:29:17] GK: Hey Rich,you busy?
[06:29:48] TC: Uh, hey. A bit, but I've got time.
[06:29:52] TC: What's up?
[06:30:10] GK: Just wanted to know if you know about...Beth ....yet?
[06:30:27] TC: ...Yeah.
[06:30:31] TC: Chas told you too?
[06:30:44] GK: EC did
[06:30:54] TC: Ah.
[06:31:13] GK: Wanted to see how you felt about this....
[06:31:33] TC: It sucks, man. Really sucks.
[06:31:37] TC: But..
[06:31:40] TC: .
[06:31:43] GK: That it does :(
[06:31:59] TC: There's not much that can be done about it now, y'know?
[06:32:07] TC: Just gotta keep moving forward.
[06:32:10] GK: Mmhmm I agree
[06:32:48] GK: Beth will be avenged..that much is true...but we should focus on this "game" for right now
[06:33:10] TC: Yeah. I'm about to upgrade the crap out of something.
[06:33:21] TC: Dunno what yet, but it's happening.
[06:33:46] GK: Well thats good
[06:34:05] GK: Well I just wanted to make sure your Ok and all
[06:34:30] TC: Yeah, I'm fine. Sorry I haven't been building up your house much.
[06:34:50] GK: Its all right,take your time..I'm in no rush
[06:35:16] TC: I'll try to improve on that in the near future, once some free time shows itself.
[06:35:16] GK: One of the trolls might contact you about it though...just so you know...
[06:35:45] GK: I'll let you get back to what you were doing...if any need someone to talk..you know how to find me :)
[06:35:55] TC: Thanks, man.
[06:36:02] TC: Seeya later.
[06:36:08] GK: Good luck Rich /bow :)
[06:36:10] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 18:36 --

As you continue to pester your CHUMS you feel it.Th urge to cry.The urge you know you can't hold back forever.You might as well get it out of the way now....Wow that sounded more cold to you then it should have.

You walk over to Lily and ask for a hug.You need one badly right now.

And then the TEARS come.....


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Finish extermination.

Oh, what's this? Now, where does he thinks HE's going? You don't recall saying he could leave. Now, what should you do?

>Let him go.
Not quite. Still, You're kind of getting an itch to talk to some friends...

You tie him to the DOORKNOB with your EARBUDS, and go check on your computer.

Oh, you guess you don't have to pester anyone. Somebody's already pestering you.


<spoiler=show pesterlog>
-- equilibricConcilate [EC] began pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 16:20 --
EC: \/ hello
EC: \/ i know we havent talked that much but for the moment you have to trust me okay
TC: Hell. Why not.
EC: \/ wow that was easy
TC: You aren't exactly the most improbable thing I've encountered anymore.
EC: \/ i almost feel saddened by the lack of gravity that our appearance now have
EC: \/ have you talked to chas yet
TC: No, not yet.
TC: Wait, yet?
TC: Am I supposed to?
EC: \/ i think you should talk to him before we continue this dialogue
EC: \/ he has some dire news
TC: Hoo boy. Has he renounced his leadership, or something?
EC: \/ its more serious than that
EC: \/ seriously go talk to him and ill continue this a little later
TC: I'll take your word for it.
-- tenaciousConifer [TC] ceased pestering equilibricConcilate [EC] at 16:25 --
That's strange. Why would they want you to talk to Chas? Why couldn't they just tell you themselves? Something's up, and there's only one way to find out what.

>Pester Chas
<spoiler=show pesterlog>
-- tenaciousConifer [TC] began pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 16:26 --
TC: Hey Chas, one of the trolls just pestered me.
TC: Told me to talk to you?
TC: I guess it's dire.
SS: oh, you're finally around.
SS: i was sort of hoping i'd get to you last so the news could spread around.
SS: but i guess i need a pick-me-up anyway.
SS: beth's dead.
TC: W-what?
TC: How can she be dead?
TC: She- she set up everything here.
SS: killed by an agent of derse.
SS: probably dealt with what you needed, then buried her head in a new invention or whatever.
TC: ...
SS: then, somehow, an agent got into her house and murdered her.
SS: now, we could have found and revived her, but her planet's dust.
SS: literally.
SS: it's space debris.
TC: ...Damn...
SS: her robot thing blew it up.
TC: I-I might have been the last person to talk to her...
TC: I... wow.
SS: i'd love to say there's nothing we could have done.
SS: that's bullshit, of course.
TC: Oh come on. You know how she gets when she's inventing.
TC: She wouldn't hear an elephant trample her front door.
SS: this discussion doesn't need to go on.
SS: i've already beat myself up about it, so has everyone else.
SS: it's done.
SS: the point is, you need to get through the gate.
SS: there's a bit more to your story.
SS: see, her planet blew up, as i said.
SS: a chunk of it headed across the medium and was picked up by the horrorterrors.
SS: through some cosmic chain of events, it ended up in another side of the universe.
SS: where it made its way to an asteroid.
SS: containing our troll friends.
SS: your environment is now at their behest.
TC: So BEth's dead AND I get to be controlled by Trolls.
SS: they're out to help us.
SS: you're going to have to trust them.
SS: you - and everyone else - needs to get going through the gates and get stronger.
TC: If you say so... I guess we can't dwell on the past.
SS: no more fucking around in the houses for several hours.
TC: Right.
SS: she won't be forgotten, and i won't let this happen again.
SS: the trolls will be building up your house soon.
SS: get yourself a new weapon and maybe if you feel the need for it, a new outfit.
TC: I'll be ready. Don't you worry.
TC: Guess I'll do it for Beth.
TC: Thanks for telling me, Chas.
SS: it's my job.
SS: still need to tell xavier.
SS: i'm about to meet up with dirk in person, so we should be able to get some sort of ball rolling here.
TC: Alright. I gotta get back to the troll.
SS: okay. good luck.
TC: I'll talk to you later!
SS: bye.
-- tenaciousConifer [TC] ceased pestering snickeringSurrogate [SS] at 16:38 --

You... wow. Just wow. You... guess you have to get back in contact with the troll now? You are pretty speechless, even more so than normal.

>Re-pester Troll
<spoiler=show pesterlog>
TC: Alright, I'm back.
EC: \/ you have been fully briefed?
TC: ...Yeah.
EC: \/ so you also now know that we are in the server position of your immediate surroundings
TC: Yup. I assume you'll be taking over Beth's duties?
EC: \/ pretty much
EC: \/ building up when you have the girst and assisting with furniture-related batterings when neccesairy
TC: Alright. I'll be upgrading and getting ready.
EC: \/ whenever you need a hand just wave or something
EC: \/ when you contact us you mess with time shennanigans
TC: Will do, I guess.
EC: \/ i hope you dont blame me for bringing the news of ALs demise onto you
EC: \/ i dont know if you were close or anything
TC: I don't blame you. She never was all that aware of her surroundings.
TC: I probably should've checked up on her, though.
TC: I should've known something was up when she never messed with my house.
TC: I... guess I just assumed she'd be fine.
EC: \/ i doubt that you messing with her would have granted her better protection than her guardian could
TC: You're right. Hindsight, and all that.
TC: Nothing I can do about it now.
EC: \/ precisely
EC: \/ can i ask for your name
TC: It's Rich.
TC: Rich Salvador
EC: \/ im letage
TC: My friends have told me all about you.
TC: Good things, if you'll believe it.
EC: \/ good things
EC: \/ i have been led to believe that the group distrusted me greatly
TC: WELL, it was less 'good', and more, 'they probably aren't trying to kill us'.
TC: Which is good enough for me.
EC: \/ oh
EC: \/ well i suppose that is as far as i could have hoped for
TC: Well, Letage, I think we've got our work cut out for us.
TC: Ready to plunder treasure and bash some skulls?
EC: \/ where doing this man
EC: \/ where making this happen
TC: Sounds good!
EC: \/ alright im going to build up
EC: \/ actually
EC: \/ UA is going to
EC: \/ his skills are greater than mine in building
TC: He was the angry one, right?
EC: \/ dont worry hes got an axe to the skull in case he gets any ideas
TC: Well that's good then.
EC: \/ if you need anything just wave
-- equilibricConcilate [EC] ceased pestering tenaciousConifer [TC] at 16:54 --

Well, you guess there's not time to lose! Just got to get your weapon back, then you'll get to upgrading. You're winning this game. This Black King messed with the wrong group of friends.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Using HASTE allows you to move faster, however SNAKE-EYES rapidly falls behind. So, you decide to slow down, and just run to the IGUANA CAMP. You remember the way, and reach it pretty quickly.

You see Chas sitting around, messing with his BRIEFCASE COMPUTER.


>Connor: You create that ADVENTURE TIME BAT. It looks like a white baseball bat. Nothing too special.


>Greg: LILYSPRITE hugs you back. Somehow, you begin to feel a little better.


>Rich: Seeing that you are currently unarmed, you are ambushed by another trio of IMPS. Oh dear.

On the plus side, your experience from the last STRIFE finally kicked in! You are now a level 2 Tiny Shrimp! +125 Boondollars!