Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Bullshit imps.
You look over the imps attacking you, and laugh. Maybe they don't know who they're dealing with. You decide to tell them.

You say, Hello, there! I almost didn't see you! Now, let's not get hasty here. After all, have you seen that pile of grist downstairs? How about that captured imp? Is he still struggling? I hope not. It wouldn't bode well for him. Actually, it will bode about as well for him as it will for you lot if you insist on trying to attack. See, your safety doesn't concern me. I've just learned that a close friend has died, and I am NO LONGER in the mood to play games. Do you hear me? You've got a couple prototypings in you, surely one of them must have included brains.It's true that I have no weapon. Problem is, that isn't going to stop me. So why don't guys just go on back to Derse, forget this all happened. Go on, I'll let you leave. BUT, if you stay, I'm afraid you'll have no chance at avoiding a gristly death. Your choice.

You say, I am Rich Salvadore, level 2 tiny shrimp! Essentially... ABSCOND.

>Wave dramatically at trolls.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Get much needed hug

Ok,you very much needed that hug...and maybe the cry too.After a few minutes you pull yourself together.You thank Lily for the hug.Now you need to get back to what you were.....oh crap....you forgot your HOUSE was on FIRE!

You rush over to your HOUSE to see what you can do about it...but you know that you will be already too later.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Chas gets up, and walks towards you, his fist extended.


>Rich: The IMPS seem somewhat taken aback by your DRAMATIC SPEECH and DRAMATIC WAVE. Then, they remember that you don't have a weapon. They resume attacking you, lowering your HEALTH VIAL to 85%.


>Greg: As you run up to your house, you see that the fire has somehow not yet spread to the inside, and only covers a few portions of the outside wall. If you do something fast, you still have a good chance of putting it out before it spreads further.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:put out fire

Ok looks like maybe you aren't too late...Maybe some luck rubbed off on you during the hug.The fire doesn't seem to have spread to the inside yet.You will have to act fast...But what do you do....

You don't have anything on you to put it out with...

You will either need to find some WATER or something to remove the oxygen around it...

You decide to start with something simple first...

>Greg:Look for water


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Greet Chas

You extend your FIST in the same manner as your BRO, prepared for the customary greeting that you both seemed to have seen coming. Unfortunately, you miss your awesome bump entirely. You intruct your BRO that he is entirely wrong in his form, and he must FLIP IT TURN-WAYS. After much TRAIL AND EROGES you finally pull off a suitably awesome moment.


Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor:You are ready.

OK, live on the memory of Beth, check.

Desire to kill the Black Queen and King for revenge, check.

A means of reaching your goals, check.

You enter the first gate.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
> Xavier: Descend the clouds
It looks kinda high...Maybe you can find a ladder or something.

> Stabby One, jump!
Um, no, you said you'd find ladder. And your the Mage of Life, not Stabby One!

> 'Mage', jump!
No! Its too high!

> Do not make me use the Caps lock!
Use it, then! It wouldn't change anything!

God! Its to loud, alright, you'll jump, you'll jump!

> ===>
You CAPTCHA your CELLULAR GLASSES, you wouldn't want to mess them up, huh?

> ===> ===> ===>
Alright! Your going!

> Xavier: Jump
You have nothing to lose, its not you like you can really die in game, right.

> ===>
You jump.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: You look around, but sadly there isn't any WATER on top of your TOWER. You really shouldn't be too surprised.

Well, it looks like you're kind of screwed.

"Prince! Focus on the flames!"

Wait, where'd that come from?


>Dirk: You and Chas successfully BUNP. It is quite awesome. A few IGUANAS who are too close to the spectacle pass out.


>Connor: You enter the Land of Sea and Crystals. Looking around, you see that you are standing on a rather small island, about 100 yards in diameter. You can see several islands of similar sizes all around you. It looks like most of them are within swimming distance.

The entire area is brightly lit, as though you were on a tropical island back on Earth. However, you cannot see any sun.

You also notice that each of the islands has a large cluster of crystalline rocks in its center. The crystal in question is slightly transparent, and doesn't seem to reflect light.

With you on your island are a few IMPS and an OGRE, who begin advancing towards you. You can make out figures on some of the other islands, but can't see them well enough to know what they are.


>Xavier: You land on a cloud directly below you. Despite the 30 foot drop, you aren't injured at all. It appears that the cloud has cushioned your fall.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Keep Looking for Water

You keep looking for water but to no avail.

This looks bad.

And then from what seems like nowhere a voice calls out to you.

"Prince! Focus on the flames!"

You look around for the source of the voice but see no one...

Since you have no better ideas at the moment,you decide to follow the voice's advice.

You point your hands toward the fire,close your eyes, and try to focus on the fire and hope for the best.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: This place is cool.

Yeah it is, it's at a mildly comfortable temperature too. Oh, yeah, those IMPS and OGERS. You guess there is only one thing to do.

>Connor: STRIFE!


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: retaliate.

That is ENOUGH. WEAPON or no, you are about to cause some HAVOK. You guess the TROLLS are a bit busy progressing your house. That's good, you suppose. This way, they won't see your SECRET TECHNIQUE. Or, wouldn't, as the case may be. You don't have a secret technique.

As such, you decide to just start CHUCKING THINGS YOU SEE IN EVERY DIRECTION. Nobody had better come near you; you are CUATRO CRAZY.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk and Chas: pose as a team.

SHIT IS REAL NOW. You force your best BRO to do a GROUP PHOTO with you for your PARTY. You're a little disappointed that the OTHERS aren't there yet, but you can just PHOTOSHOP them in or something later. You've decided to name your group the SBURB SLAYERS, because that is absolutely awesome.

Now that that's done, you go to the BAZAAR to pick up that other FRAY MOTIF before you lead CHAS to the TEMPLE you came from.

Just for the hell of it, here's a group shot of everybody. Plus Beth, but I had no sprite to go on so I just sort of had fun with it.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
CJ... there are no words. Should have sent a poet.

So awesome.

Also, sorry about the fewer posts I've been putting up the past few days. Life got kind of crazy.

>Greg: As you concentrate, you think you hear a slight *pop*. When you open your eyes, you see that your house is no longer on fire, and that the flames have been transferred to the stone floor around your home. They quickly burn out.


>Chas: The ground you're standing on begins to crack, and blow away from the sheer amount of awesome you and your BRO are giving off. It is a sight to behold.

Somewhere, a single tear salty tear descends DEATH'S cheek.


>Xavier: You continue to travel downwards.

You reach the final layer of clouds, but are accosted by a group of IMPS and a pair of BASILISKS before you can finish your descent.


>Connor: While the IMPS are easy enough to defeat, the OGRE is giving you some trouble. You manage to deal some damage to him, but he also injures you, lowering your HIT POINTS to 87.


>Rich: You FLIP THE FUCK OUT. The IMPS are absolutely terrified, and quickly ABSCOND.


>Dirk: You got the SLOW FRAYMOTIF! Yay!

You also notice that a new FRAYMTOIF is now available for purchase. INTERMEZZO OF ILLUSION. LIGHT AND TIME. 10,716,000 BOONDOLLARS.

You and Chas are able to make it back to your Second Gate easily enough. Getting through the Gate, however, may be a bit of a challenge, as it is now guarded by a pair of GICLOPSES. Oh dear.