Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: You step inside the TEMPLE, and see that its condition hasn't really improved. It still looks pretty old and ruinous, and your EXPLOSIVE EXIT ESCAPADES are still smoking. Man, that was a lot of BARBASOL. On the plus side, there aren't any enemies in the first room.

You examine your DUNGEON MAP, and find that it has updated to keep track of your current progress.


>Greg: Your SNEAK-ATTACK sadly does not work; the BASILISK sees you coming, and is able to take your attack. He lashes back at you, injuring you. Your HEALTH VIAL is reduced to 77%.

However, this distraction is enough for LILYSPRITE and Perrywinkle to deal some more damage to the BASILISK; it looks like he's on the ropes.


>Chas: You briefly wonder what the other rules of being a salesman are, but decide to worry about that later.

Oh, looks likes Dirk's up to something. You follow him into the TEMPLE ENTRANCE.


>Connor: ...Alright, let's fast-forward a bit here.

Anyway, there's a big island, with a village of TURTLES.

You talk to the old TURTLE, who's also the only one who talks in a rational manner.

Turns out you're the Bard of Mind. There's a DENIZEN on the Land of Sea and Crystals that's creating a giant whirlpool, one that's slowly sucking up all the islands on the land. It's allied with the dark moon Derse, created a lot of underlings. Bad things, and you need to stop them.

The TURTLE gives you a MAP and a SMALL SAILBOAT to help you get around. He points you on the way to the next Gate.

Oh, there's also a small SOUVENIR SHACK.


Good Gamzee, best friend.

Also, Connor, sorry if I'm not going fast enough for you. At the same time, don't get mad at me when I don't advance you when you don't post for days at a time. I'm willing to put exactly as much effort into developing your character's situation as you are. Trust me, I've got awesome stuff laid out for everyone.

But, I can't get to the awesome stuff without putting you through some mundane stuff first. Since we're not using any rule-based system here, I'm putting a hell of a lot of emphasis on story development instead, and yes, you have to get through the exposition before you can reach the climax. So, if you stick with it and get through the mundane crap, then I promise you that you're going to run into some great stuff later on.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>what items you got bro/

Postal Dude's Clothing; WH 5
Omnitool; WH 1
One star Agency Club; WH 4.5
Unidetified Adventure Time Based Bat; 7
Deck of unused cards; WH 2
Item_set=Punched Cards; WH 0
Item_set=Item Cards; WH 0

19.5 out of 37
>and how much money/

Shit, you haven't been keeping track, well you probably have enough to buy some cool stuff, most likely...

You head into the SOUVENIR SHACK.

OK, sorry for getting a little mad, it's just I have to go though mundane shit for everything, but I see your point.

It's the pointless shit in Homestuck I like more than anything about it, so I understand why it's in the RP.

Still, it's annoying trying to do the same thing over and over again. So, if anything, if you want to do something funny or plot like, than I understand, just don't ignore my post please.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Deal with Basilisk

You try to SNEAK ATTACK the BASILISK but as you get close to do so it wipes around hard striking you with its tail,sending you flying back a bit.Your HEALTH VIAL is reduced to 77%. Well that was unexpected.

You spend a few moments sitting there until everything stops spinning.When the world finally returns to normal you stand up,abit very wobbly.

You see that in the time that you were on the ground,Lily and the CAT have managed to deal some more damage to the BASILISK.It looks like it won't last much longer.And yet....

You walk over to the fight and tell Lily and the CAT to stop attacking the BASILISK.

You point your STEEL KATANA at the BASILISK and give it THREE OPTIONS.

ONE:It will be allowed to leave,on the pretense that it never returns.

TWO:It can continue to fight and will probably lose.

THREE:It will be allowed to go into your HOUSE and rest,provided it doesn't make a mess of your HOME or try to hurt your friends again.

You let the BASILISK make it's choice.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Connor: You check your PORK-HOLLOW, and find that you have about 32,000 Boondollars to spend. Nice!

The TURTLE running the SOUVENIR SHACK shows you his wares.



>Chas: You go NORTH, and find yourself in an empty room. There is an exit to your NORTH and SOUTH.


>Greg: The BASILISK shoots you a hate-filled glare. He stands still for a few moments, his claws grinding at the ground.

Just when it looks like he might attack, he begins shuffling backwards, moving towards the edge of the tower. Once he reaches the wall, he begins climbing back down.


Level up! You become a level 10 Pawn Bane. +96,000 Boondollars.

Guys. Guys! Klangfarbenmelodie is a real word. It's German, but still. Is anyone else amazed by this?


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Watch Basilisk leave

You watch the BASILISK as it climbs down from the tower you are on and out of your sight.You can't help but sigh to yourself.You hope you did the right thing.You think you did the right thing.

You look over to Lily and ask her if you did the right thing.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
>Rich: Fondly regard creation(s).

Oh man, you REGARD your creations so hard. With Your NEW friggin' sweet MACINTOSH, you can probably keep in touch with your BUDS, and other things, probably. You don't know. You'll figure it out later.

You're more impressed with the MUSICAL GARROTE. Oh man, these IMPS aren't gonna know what hit them. Unless you allow them to, what with your SICK TUNES BLARING. You can't wait to try it out.

>Head on back outside.

No time to PLAY AROUND; You're going ASSASSINATING.

<spoiler=OOC> Okay, I know we've already gushed about the comic once today, but:

Dat new album. Oh man, dat new album.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Ask about the vest.

OK, you ask the TURTLE about the VEST, specifically if it has a DR increase.

Can I talk to the store vender in pesterchum?
Edit: Going to bed, talk to turtle tomorrow, too tired...


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: LILYSPRITE tells you that you did the right thing.


>Greg: You sneak outside, attempting to remain hidden. You soon spot a small squad of IMPS. They don't notice you, and kind of just prowl around, causing mischief and whatnot. Looks like they're spreading graffiti on your house.

You also hear some banging noises from your UNCLE'S STUDY. Was that a shout?


>Connor: The SHOPKEEPER has no idea what you're talking about. They don't use no fancy acronyms round these parts. You'd best remember that.

He then tells you that the PALM LEAF VEST is just a VEST made out of PALM LEAVES. It's good for preventing SUNBURN, and not much else.


>Chas: You head NORTH again. You enter a room that looks like it used to have some WEIRD PUZZLE SHIT, but that looks like it's all been wrapped up. There's an exit to the WEST and to the SOUTH.


Yeah, I'm probably not going to do a consortlog for someone like a shopkeeper. They'll probably only happen if you're talking to either an Elder or a consort with a quest or something.

Of course, you can have spritelogs whenever you want. Assuming you can contact your Sprite, naturally.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008

You smile at Lily,glad to know she thinks you did the right thing.After all,if you abandoned your moral code now where would that leave you?

You take another deep breath and exhale.Oh well,no need to cry over spilled milk.What is done is done.Time to get on with your quest.

You look up at your HOUSE and see that while Rich has added alot to your HOUSE,it still doesn't quite reach to the GATE.So thats out for the moment.

And there seems to be no more critters running around,though you doubt that will last.

Seems like this may be the best time to go back to PROSPIT and check on LS.After all,who knows when you might find the time once you go though the GATE?

You tell Lily that you are going to put yourself in a trance so you can return to PROSPIT and to wake you if trouble pops up again.

With that,you sit on the ground zen like and begin the process of going into a light sleep.Good thing you practiced this enough.Its proving to be invaluable today.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
Rich: Angrily Assassinate.

Ooooh no. Nobody GRAFFITIS your HOUSE! Except for your UNCLE, when he is in a GRAFFITI mood. Speaking of which, you briefly wonder how he's doing. You don't have to wonder long, because you soon hear a scream coming from his STUDY. That can not be GOOD.

>Check on uncle.

You can't! These IMPS will hear you, and the last thing your UNCLE needs is IMPS chasing after his NEPHEW. No, you'll have to get rid of them, and QUICKLY.

You decide to GARROTIFY the IMP closest to you. If the rest spot you, you can at least use his corpse as a SHIELD/BATTERING RAM. If not, you'll get the lot of 'em SILENTLY.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Go east

You see your LEADER Chas go NORTH, but you've already been that way. You don't really feel like dealing with that yet, so you wave SNAKE EYES to follow you and head into the EAST CHAMBERS. That's, what, half the TEMPLE? There must be some awesome stuff in there for you to find.

>Dirk: Pester UA

You have a sudden urge to go ask your TROLL BUD what his beef with TIME POWERS is, but for all your effort you can't imagine why you would want to do that. He has TIME POWERS, so he of course would know how kickass they are. He would surely never think any differently.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
Sweet buttery fuck, its been an eternity, I apoligize, my power shut off and I couldn't get near a computer, I'll write a post in one second.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Chas: You enter the room WEST and NORTH of your current location. You see a few IMPS hanging around.

The DOOR at the far end of the room is closed.


>Greg: After a few moments of concentration, you feel your surroundings slide away, fading into blackness. After a few moments, however, you gradually return to your senses.

You find yourself back on Prospit's moon, sprawled just outside the HOSPITAL. There is a sizable crowd gathered around you. You can see LS at the front of the pack, as well as the tall Prospitian who helped you get him to the HOSPITAL.

As you gradually awaken, you get the feeling that someone IMPORTANT is standing right behind you...

Suddenly becoming completely aware, you sit up and spin around. There before you, stands the White Queen, ruler of Prospit.

Standing head and shoulders above the rest of her subjects, she is pure white, and clothed in a modest robe made of... green spandex. Despite the inherent sleaziness of such a material, she still manages to wear it in a regal manner, making the garment somehow seem dignified. In any case, it's far from the most unusual thing about her.

Wrapped around her neck is a long, flowing white scarf. It's easily five feet in length, but some strange force keeps it constantly floating in the air, bending and curving in a non-existent wind. She also clasps a long wrench in her right hand, holding it like some kind of scepter.

Beyond her accessories, the Queen's hair (You guess it's supposed to be hair; it's kind of hard to tell when her entire body is one carapace.) is rather frizzy. On a less imposing figure, it could be called a small Afro, but the Queen wears it with such an elegance you can't help but be entranced by it. Most of her body seems to be comprised of machinery or plastic; you can see metallic plates covering her right arm and shoulder, and her left arm and shoulder seem to be a few pieces of hardened plastic, covered with a few scraps of black cloth.

Finally, you can't help but notice the ring she wears on her right hand. It is composed of a single golden band, with seven white orbs circling it. Each orb is glowing brightly; they pulse with energy.

When the Queen sees that you have awaken, she offers you her left hand. She says that it is good to meet one of the Princes.


>Greg: You manage to sneak up on one of the IMPS, who is a little ways away from the rest of his group. Luckily, you're sneaky enough to GARROTE him, and pull him away from the other IMPS without them noticing.

Although the IMP struggles, the lack of oxygen gets to him soon enough, and he passes out. He's not dead yet, but his Grist supply drops out all the same.

You hear a crashing sound coming from your UNCLE'S STUDY.


>Dirk: Going EAST puts you and Snake Eyes in a pretty empty room. There are what look like a few bottomless pits along the edges of the room, but nothing you can't easily avoid. There aren't any enemies, and the NORTH wall has a wide opening in it, one you can easily pass through.


Waffles, no worries. Post whenever you're ready.

Also, page 22! Woot!

And yes, the end of act 5 is going to be awesome. So awesome. But, it looks like we're going to have a pretty long wait. Sigh.

On an unrelated note, fuck fire drills. Hate them so much.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Lead into glory

You see the OPENING and it is so blatantly obvious you cannot help but prepare. You grab yourself a SHADES BATARANG before taking the 10 longest pieces of string from your JACKET as you can get and wrap it all into a knotted pair of GRAPPLING SHADES, ready to swing to safety from any TRAPS. You tell SNAKE EYES to stick close for safety as you head through the opening in the NORTH wall.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Gawk at the Queen.

You take a few moments to get a good look at her and you can't help but gawk.You have never in your life met a Queen before and you never thought you would.

As thoughts seem to shoot through your brain,it dawns on you that she is holding her hand out to you.

You slowly reach out and grab hold of her hand.

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
>Connor: Buy some cocoanuts

Well seeing how your system is based on Fallout: New Vegas, fruits and water based items should do extra healing. Ask the vender for 10 cocoanuts and give him the correct amount of money.