Welcome to Sburb! (Dead and Over)


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:plan next course of action

You slowly open your eyes,the ceiling above your bed being the first thing to greet you.You slowly rise and shake off the grogginess,giving the ROOM a quick look around as you awake,and find it in the same state as you left it,though a few books do seem to be missing.You just chalk that up to either Lily or one of the IMPS/SALAMADERS.

You slowly rise,head out past the DOOR and down into the LIVING ROOM.You find that it too is much the same as you left it,though a bit messier.You make a mental note as you head into the KITCHEN to make sure that that is cleaned up before your MOTHER gets back.You may be the Knight,but she could still probably kick your ass!

Now that you are in the KITCHEN you go through your usual routine of cleaning out Perrywinkle's FOOD and WATER BOWLS,and filling them up with fresh,well,food and water.How that CAT isn't fat from all this is a mystery to you.Probably a NINJA thing.

With that done you walk over to the small TABLE and pull up a CHAIR,siting down and hold your head in your hands.The events of the last few hours swim before your eyes,replacing over several times.

Another friend lost you mutter,more to yourself then anything,as you remember the conversation you had with the trolls a short time ago,a deep feeling of sadness overtaking you.He had something important to tell you.And you yelled at him.And now Connor is dead.The tears start to pour as this fact runs by you.


After a few minutes of sobbing,you clean yourself up,and stand up.Another friend lost.And by your right as the Knight of Space it will be the last one.

Those who have fallen shall not be forgotten.

A quick search of the HOUSE,and having to swipe back a few from mischievous IMPS/SALAMANDERS,rewards you with a set of COLORED MARKERS.You pick out the blue and black MARKERS,giving the rest back,and return to the table.You remove the GLOVES from your ARMOR and write in a circle around the RAVEN EMBLEMS on the back of the GLOVES the names of your dead friends,Bethany James on the left hand and Connor Lonske on the right.

Once that is done you look at your handiwork.Not much,but the best you can do for them right now.Or Maybe not...


With another copy done,its time to make your real items.




Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Kick that fire's ass

All right, you know that this thing can be killed now. All you have to do is properly wound it. You're not... really sure how you're going to do that. But as it comes close you get an idea. An idea just crazy enough to work! Or get you killed. You hope it's the first one.

You dive down, JETPACK propelling you as you go, and head into a SPIN as you fall. You hold BUSTGUTS out in front of you, and turn yourself into a HUMAN PROPELLER. You shoot down towards the FIRE LAKE BEAST, hoping your moment lets you carve straight through the thing.

>CJ: Continue battle, and not react to Pappy yet because you had these pictures done before he posted and you're just lazy, you swear.




Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Greg: You create the ZANGETSU ETERNAL, a pitch-black blade that blazes with unseen flames!

You create the CALEDFWLCH REBORN, a beautiful hand-and-a-half blade that can never be broken! Made in Drogskol. Probably not possessed by some wandering spirit.

You also deplete most of your Grist.


>Dirk: Your SPINNY-DEATH-TWIRL-THING lets you carve through the heart of the flames, extinguishing a great portion of them en mass. As you land on the stone floor of the arena, what few tongues of fire remain consolidate into one blazing mass.

This seething conflagration begins to change its shape once more, shifting its size and extremities until it has rearranged itself into a form much like your own, one of its hands grasping a massive chunk of flames roughly in the shape of BUSTGUTS. Neither of these forms remains perfectly still; being comprised of pure fire, both of them constantly flicker and and writhe as they face you.

Of course, you kind of fail to notice most of this, as you're currently attempting to not puke your guts out. The SPINNY-DEATH-TWIRL-THING may have been an awesome attack, but you are dizzy as hell now. Please stop the room, you're ready to get off now.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Barf

No, not yet! You can do that when you're finished here. Right now there is a flaming red sonuvagun who's getting all uppity. You think you should go ahead and put him down, for his own sake. That is, once you figure out what the hell is going on around you. You decide to take a TIME OUT of sorts. Your POCKET WATCH deposits you about 15 seconds into the past, where you take a moment to reorient yourself while PAST YOU rips the FLAME BEAST a new one.

Once your old self has traveled back in time to become YOU, you face down your FIERY DOPPELGANGER. This WOULD be an even match, but the fire has forgotten one thing. If fire can forget, that is, or even learn in the first place really. The point is, you have TIME POWERS and you CHEAT LIKE A ************.

One malicious application of SLOW later, and your clone is ripe for the picking. You ponder which move to take. You could always use CHRONOMNIS--no, wait! That move is special. You will only use when it really, really matters. It's more dramatically effective that way. For now, you go for the TIMEGORE SLASH. You activate HASTE on yourself, and charge forward with the intent to impale the thing on your blade, raise him into the air, and slam him back into the ground with the blade's edge. You REALLY hope your ARMS are up for that.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Admire your brand new toys

You retrieve the weapons,a solemn look on your face,and give them a few swings,as well as go through a few of the moves that your MOTHER had taught you.It seems like a lifetime ago when you had thought all of that useless.But now,not so much.

Once you have a good feel for them you put them away and,after a quick and unsuccessful search for Perrywinkle to see if he is ok,you head out of the HOUSE.There seems to be a lot more,umm,people then when you were here last.You can't help but feel hopeful and smile about this.Chas was wrong about the Dersites indeed.

Atleat this place is still safe.But for how much longer?And if the Black Queen where to find out about this place...

You go off looking for Lily.You need to get some advice.

And to do something you really don't want to.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Look out the window
It really hurts your heart to see all this destruction happening. It hurts even more knowing you can't physically stop it. And all of this, was started by a game, a simple game played by friends.

And Beth, oh dear Godmonster, Beth. Her death was completely unjust and you hate yourself for not even having the common decency to check up her and at least saying "Hey! Watch out for the with the scowl and bloody knife in his hand!" You're so stupid!

>Xavier: Calm down
You try to look on the bright side of things. You still have at least 5 team mates alive, presuming Connor is still alive, two semi-omnipotent trolls helping you out, enough grist to choke a Horrorterror, you killed two denizen with no fraymotifs, your fucking overpowered as shit and you're going to kill the fucking Queen!

>Xavier: Get on with your plan
"GS!" you yell to your cohort, "Set the ship on autopilot so we can jump out. Operation: Ursa's Claw of Mass Destruction can't really continue with both agents dead or caught."

>Waffles: Join the fight
What, no, fuck that shit. I can't draw nor write worth'a beans and non-canonical events aren't really my cup of tea.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Well, happy April Fools everybody. Sorry about the slow week; kind of hard a tough project that just got wrapped up last night. Getting back into the swing of things though.

>Dirk: Your plan of attack, though sound in its basic concept, neglects to account for one important variable: It's kind of difficult to impale fire on the end of a sword.

BUSTGUTS tears through the center of HI-BUNSHIN DIRK without resistance, leaving a large hole in the middle of the walking inferno's chest. However, that same lack of resistance, and the significant amount of force it takes to charge forward with BUSTGUTS ensures that you pass through the blaze yourself, the flames clutching at your hair and clothes.

Unsurprisingly, you begin to...

feel the heat.


No, but in all seriousness, fire hurts. Luckily, your general knowledge of OLD-TIMEY PSAs allows you to quell the raging tongues of flames eating at your person by stopping, dropping, and rolling about. You quickly rise from the ground, singed but mostly unharmed, just in time to realize that your HASTE and SLOW motifs have effectively been dispersed by your slightly panicked rolling about.

Your foe swings at you with a blazing Zweihander.



Feel free to pester me whenever you see me online; I should be mostly open for the next couple days.


>Xavier: "Nah, I got a better idea. Hold on."

Grinning maliciously, GS guns the engine, throwing you back into your seat as the airship charges forward at a dangerously steep angle. You hurtle towards the purple walls of the Palace, going faster and faster as you continue to descend. If you didn't know better, you'd say that GS was trying to ram through the walls!

Oh. That is what he's trying to do.

With the scream of tearing metal and roar of breaking rock, you and GS tear through a wall, being thrown roughly through the windshield as the airship collides with the ground. Picking yourself off the ground, you find that you're pretty much uninjured; GS is in a similar condition.

On the wall across from you, you can see a series of signs. Odds are if you follow them, you'll end up wherever you'd like to.

Where would you like to go?


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Dirk: Stop sucking, damn it!"

You may not be a master swordsman, but you've learned enough in your adventures to have a few unique ideas. You're a master of chanpuru. As the blade comes in, you draw your HARUHARA BLADE to deflect the blow, and immediately do a front-flip, swinging down with BUSTGUTS on top of your DOPPELGANGER'S head.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Puke
Oh sweet Sburb equivalent of Jesus, your body was not ready for that. You run to the back ship to vomit profusely. After the last of it has been discharged, you stumble back to GS, "Never do that again." You say dry heaving all the while. You carry GS and float to the wall.

>Xavier: Choose
It's kind of an obvious choice where you want to go. You the route that leads to the queen's throne room.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Say goodbye to Lily

You find Lily in her usual spot,keeping a close eye on the assortment of critters running around.She gives a gentle smile when she sees you.

[04:17:28] -- lilySprite [LS] began pestering ghostKnight [GK] at 16:17 --
[04:17:36] GK: Hey Lily
[04:17:38] LS: Ah, hello Greg.
[04:18:00] GK: Things are going well here I see.
[04:18:29] LS: Yes; the Underlings and Consorts seemed to have settled into their own patterns.
[04:18:34] GK: Thats good.
[04:19:02] GK: I'm glad to see all of this.It gives me hope for the future.
[04:19:21] LS: Yes. It is quite nice.
[04:19:42] GK: And it is for that very same hope that I have come to a decision.
[04:19:53] LS: Yes?
[04:20:02] GK: After this visit I will not be returning.
[04:20:13] LS: Alright.
[04:20:25] GK: I think it is for the best.
[04:20:40] LS: Yes, it likely is.
[04:21:08] GK: I don't want the Black Queen finding out about this place.The people here deserve to live in peace.
[04:21:25] GK: And I will not allow them to come to harm because of me.You included.
[04:21:49] LS: If that is your reason, then so be it.
[04:23:05] GK: I just hope this place stays safe...
[04:23:28] GK: I have seen enough death today as it is.I don't want anymore.
[04:23:39] LS: It will be safe; that I can promise you.
[04:24:00] GK: I know this place is in good hands.
[04:24:34] GK: I guess this is goodbye then,huh?
[04:24:58] LS: Yes. I will be releasing myself then.
[04:25:33] GK: I...I want to thank you for everything Lily.I don't know where I would be without you.
[04:25:55] LS: I'm sure you would be doing just fine.
[04:26:50] GK: And here I thought you would never be wrong.After all what is a Knight without his Maiden? :)
[04:27:18] LS: A Knight, I believe.
[04:27:53] GK: Maybe.But that is not a Knight I would have ever wanted to be :)
[04:28:06] LS: I am glad to hear it.
[04:28:22] GK: Do take care of yourself Lily.
[04:28:48] LS: And yourself, Greg.
[04:29:03] LS: Farewell.
[04:29:30] GK: Goodbye Lily.And good luck wherever your path finds you.
[04:30:00] -- ghostKnight [GK] ceased pestering lilySprite [LS] at 16:30 --

You give Lily a hug,for perhaps the very last time,then head off back toward the HOUSE.There is on last person to see before you leave.

When you get back inside you call out for Perrywinkle,then go looking for him.You might as well say goodbye to him.Its the least you can do.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Dirk: Although your HARURHARA BLADE takes the brunt of the blow, you still find yourself knocked back a ways due to the sheer force of your foe's attack. By the time you manage to regain your footing, FIRE-DIRK has also recovered from his attack, and is able to deflect your swing with his imitation of BUSTGUTS.

The two of you trade blows for a few rounds, neither of your massive blades able to get through the other's defenses. Eventually, your enemy gets fed up with this exchange, and hops back a few meters. A hole appears in the middle of his face, a rough facsimile of a mouth, far wider than any person should be able to open their mouth. HOTBLOODED-DIRK swallows his copy of BUSTGUTS, the sword quickly disappearing down his throat.

After a few seconds, another sword, a blazing katana, emerges from his right hand.


>Xavier: I believe that would be Jegus.

Following the signs, you and GS make your way through the labyrinth of hallways, drawing closer and closer to the THRONE ROOM. As you traverse the corridors, you can hear the sound of metal clashing against metal, growing louder as you near your destination.

Eventually, you emerge into a massive room, easily half a mile wide. In the center of the room is what you suppose was an incredibly tall throne; it's kind of hard to tell how high it stretched when half of it is lying on the floor, smashed to pieces.

Two forms zip around the room, moving so fast that you're only able to catch blurs of color. The first, pitch black, seems to be appearing from behind various chunks of rubble and decorations, swinging some type of club at its foe. The other shape, mostly white with a few streaks of black, flashes around the room, seemingly in pursuit of the black form, spinning a pair of weighted chains as it dashes across the battlefield.

"Well. You don't see that everyday."


>Greg: You can't find Perrywinkle here! Unbeknownst to you, your MOTHER's cat is currently on Derse, kicking ass and taking names. Or, whatever cats do when they're bored.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Xavier: Request timeout
You mutter to several different plans of actions. After a moment, you press your index and thumb together, you gently place the formation on the tip of your tongue and blow. "PFOOOOT-TWEEEEEEET!!!!" You whistle to get the two's attentions. You then wave your arms, telling GS to do the same, "I request see the Queen! " You yell. "It's very important!"


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>Bring the thunder

Oh, hellz no. That *****-assed fire did NOT just try and bring out a KATANA on the OTAKU MASTER. You know JUST how to deal with this fucker. Still wielding the HARUHARA BLADE, you perform its ultimate technique: CRAZY SUNSHINE FOREHEAD SMACK! The hidden powers of the blade awaken, once again summoning the SILHOUETTE OF HARUKO HARUHARA from its depths. Using BUSTGUTS as your primary weapon, you and the crazy shadow girl perform your most powerful TAG-TEAM FRAY MOTIF: MOBIUS CHAOTI-TIME DOUBLE REACHAROUND.

As the shadow swoops in from above, you use your HASTE MOTIF to zip behind the fire, and tick yourself back about FIVE SECONDS to stay in time with your team-mate. The both of you bring down your weapons at the same time from two directions against the BOSS.

My mouse is laggy, so I can't draw the picture I really, really wanted to go with this post =(


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
>Greg:Try unsuccessfully to find your MOTHER'S CAT

You search around the house for Perrywinkle,checking all his usual spots,but come up empty handed.You scratch your head as you wonder where he could have gotten to.Did he leave perhaps?And if he did where did he go?

You shudder alittle as the thought of facing your MOTHER'S WRATH over losing her CAT doesn't sit well.You just sigh and shake the thought away.You will just have to keep an eye out for him on your travels.

Well,it looks like its time to go.You have everything you really need on you already so you don't need to grab anything.

You walk one last time through out the HOUSE,taking it all in.This place had been your HOME,a place of safety.You linger in your ROOM,taking in everything that remained in there.Books were missing from your once carefully organized shelves,which you chalk up to the critters running around.You thumb through some of the books,memories of what seem like a life time ago coming to you.Hard to believe that so much has changed.

You walk to the KITCHEN then through the LIVING ROOM before leaving the HOUSE entirely and beginning the slow descent to the GATE above.You tell yourself all the while that it is all for the greater good.

You step onto the platform,the GATE before you.You pause,and give last look.This place was your HOME.But thanks to you it is HOME for others as well.

You find happiness in that thought as you smile,turn around and jump into the GATE.


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
>Pappytech: Be unable to write a satisfactory update. Well, it's less that I can't write an update that I'm happy with, and more that I just can't write one. Seriously. I'm just sitting here, staring at my monitor, waiting for some idea to hit me. I've got nothing. No idea why.

I guess I've got writer's block? From hell, I suppose.

I just... I'm tempted to actually put this on hiatus for a while, until finals finish up here in a few weeks, and I get some other stuff sorted out as well. Sorry guys, life's just been fucking with me as of late; I don't think I'll be able to GM decently for a while. I'll still be on the Escapist and pesterchum, but don't expect any updates from me for a while.

Of course, if you guys want to, feel free to just continue on without me for a bit. Hell, maybe start throwing stuff out for an Alpha session.

Sorry everyone; I should be back in a few weeks, max. Probably sooner. Maybe.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>CJ: Discuss Alpha Session to pass time

Now, hold on. That seems a bit hasty. Let's slow this down a bit, and mention a few things I think need to be mentioned.

I'm not sure, but I think I've unintentionally kind of been the one bringing up this idea of an Alpha Session. If I'm right and that's pretty much me then I'm sorry, because that's not what I was intending. I am a guy that likes to speculate. I like to come up with ideas, spinning off of other ideas into a big tangled web of fuck. That has no bearing on what I think of the ideas those ideas I bull up come from. I love this RP, Pappy, it's one of my favorites by a long shot. I just like to think, "Hey, what if we reset and played as our guardians to throw us all for a loop? That would sure be interesting, I wonder what it'd be like?" It doesn't mean I am in any way dissatisfied with the current material.

So yeah. An Alpha session would be pretty awesome in my opinion. But I wouldn't want to stop this RP to do it.

With that said, I'm sorry to hear you're so busy and all Pappy. If you need to take a break, take a break. I'm sure something could be worked out in your GM-ing absence. Maybe we could do a good old-fashioned Intermission?


Invested all my Souls into Res
Jun 7, 2011
Miscommunication: The Bane of Posts.

Now, to be perfectly clear:

Sort of untimely death or long-term coma, I have no intentions of stopping this RP until it's come to its rightful conclusion. Which I assume will happen sometime after everyone gets their tigers, brings the Trolls over to this session, and either beats up or gets beat down by Lord English. Or possibly diverges into an Alpha session.

And, judging by what I've heard from pretty much all of over the past few months, I think you all feel the same way.

I was not suggesting that you guys suddenly start up a whole new RP while I'm trying to rewrite my plans; I was saying that you should find something to do for a while that doesn't need my very hands-on GMing. Talking about an Alpha session was just a possible idea I was throwing out there. Because, as you pointed out, speculation is fun!

That said, a good old-fashioned intermission sounds like it'd be fairly amazing.

Also: Did you seriously whip that picture up in less than an hour? Damn.


Inspired by Nonsense
Aug 25, 2009
>Waffles: Reveal yourself!!!!!

Anyway, as much as I'd hate taking a break from this RP, if we are having creative/production difficulties, I don't mind. Its best not force anything, because forcing it more often than not leads to shit, or in some cases no shit at all (hehe poop jokes). Plus, I have another RP with its own continuity, plot points and TV Tropes page to attend to, so no skin off of my bones.

Now, on the topic of the Alpha Session. Truth be told, I pretty much have a fleshed-out Alpha!Xavier's Dad, but given that the Condense will take over the Earth in the Alpha's future has thrown me for a loop. Simply put, if we have our own continuity will the Condense still come into play? Will there be someone equal to her? If we don't have our own continuity will we jump into the future along with Jane and Jake? If so, how? Will Letage's Ancestor pose as Alpha!Oprah and take over?

Even more simply put, we don't know how this shit will plan out, both our session and Hussie's session. We both are at the equivalent of crawling in the shadow of a giant, i.e. the Pre-Scratch Session, and I think its best to wait until we implement an Alpha Session, not only build up ourselves, but to watch the source material before we follow it.

EVEN MORE simply put, I think we need to wait until Act 7 or late Act 6 until we actually do the Alpha Session. I mean, we waited until late Act 5 until we started a Homestuck RP, because we knew what twist and turns that might go on. Sorry for getting off topic, I was just on a roll.


Senior Member
Apr 30, 2008
Nitemare:put in your two cents

Take as much time as you need Pappy.I'm quite happy with how this RP has gone and I would like to see it continue to the end.So burning out the DM would be bad for us.

As for the Alpha Session,if it were to happen I think it would be fun.I already have ideas for Alpha!Mother,though I wouldn't try to force the Alpha Session.If it happens,cool.if it doesn't,oh well.


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
>CJ: Actually discuss things this time

All right, all right! I just wanted to make it clear that I didn't think the original RP needed replacing! Sheesh, everyone's a critic.

So yeah. Alpha Session. I would enjoy it a lot, mostly because I think seeing what Sis would be like as an actual, fallible human being would be great. Plus, casting Dirk into the role of a big brother figure is begging for Kamina-moments. But I think you made a really good point, Waffles, in that we don't quite know the workings of the Alpha Session yet. We should let Hussie do his thing, and then let us figure out how exactly everything would work with our current situation. If we did do it, I think somehow tying into the Batterwitch-controls all style of continuity-welding would be for the best.

And also, if we were to do it, should we bring our Beta characters in, a la the official Kids and Trolls? It would allow us to not have to give up our work in making these guys, and would allow our new players to fulfill the less-often-used roles. Sis as a Hero of Heart would be fantastic.

In the meantime, while Pappy recuperates, I was thinking about my Intermission idea, and I was trying to think of what we should do. Something like the Midnight Crew, where we bring in new, vaguely plot-tied characters and go wild with comedy? Or maybe we could see who or what in the world our exiles are?