What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Mar 28, 2009
Believe it or not, a hip-hop song (This is really weird for me, since I hate most hip hop/rap).

It's the "Restrung" version of Hilltop Hood's Stopping All Stations

Last verse never fails to kill me


New member
May 27, 2011
Judgement101 said:
I'm okay with everything (except MLP) as long as they don't hate Nyan Cat!

The thing that always gets to me is when I'm playing Call of Duty or whatever and the voice coming over my headset is that of a thirteen year old and they're spouting all manner of profanity, racial slurs, and other garbage. And my anger isn't directed towards them, it's the parents. Because:

-CoD, Halo, Crysis, Killzone, and Bad Company are all M rated games. That means that someone had to buy them the game. Someone had to buy them the games that delve heavily into psycho-conditioning and communism, Man's place in the stars, government conspiracies interspersed with the invasion of earth, Nazi's in space, and blowing crap up and murdering slavs as CENTRAL GAMEPLAY/ PLOTLINE MECHANICS.

-The fact that these children are living in a household where no one has sat them down and said how awful it is to tell ANYONE "I raped your mother last night." There's much more creative things to say or you could just be quiet or coordinate with the time but instead you sling THAT.

There's other things but gaming-wise its the implications surrounding children suddenly participating in swearing contests while trying to blow people's heads off online.


New member
Apr 22, 2009
i really get angry at people that judge people that they haven't met, because of what other people have done. that is one of the few things that gets under my skin.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Since it doesn't happen much, anyone who insults me and genuinely means it will offend me.

I don't mean people who just want to be aggressive and are saying things to make that happen. I mean anyone who knows me, and has judged me to be stupid or bad at something and feels a need to say it to me.

However, most of what people say doesn't fall under that category.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Feralcentaur said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Somewhat related to this quote: People who refuse to admit that religion has caused at least some Human suffering in the world.
When people who when trying to mock someone who disagrees with them they misquote them and will say it in a silly sounding voice or purposely misspell words in attempt to make the other person seem stupid instead of actually addressing their argument and giving a counter argument.
...And people who are passive aggressive in their posts. [sub]Hypocrisy ftw?[/sub]
It's fine admitting that. The problem is, both sides have this argument.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
If people ever call me stupid or an idiot, I pride my self on my intelligence so that always gets to me.
People who stereo-type Metalheads and say stupid and often offensive things about Metal music and the people involved, to be fair I hate intolerance of any kind.
Also if people ever tell me that I'm never going to make it as a musician, that is also a very emotional pride hurter. :'(


Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
People who make fun of someones dead. Especially if said "someone" is a person they didn't even know. Now, that doesn't mean the same thing as "being glad about someones dead for a good reason", it means joking about it in a tasteless manner. A... few months ago there was a thread in a different forum about... well, a porn actress who did when getting breast surgery. And yeah, i probably wouldn't have had anything nice to say about her when she was still alive. But the users of the forum joking about it made me very very angry. And i'm not a person who's easily offendet but it really got under my skin.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Being talked down to by people who have no idea what they are talking about or are completely misinformed. If a conversation like this arises (IRL) I can usually last about 30-60 sec before I have to walk away.

This encompasses everything from someone who is persistent in falsely accusing me of something to someone who supports their argument via circular reasoning and continues to do so once it is pointed out.

That is the only thing I can think of that gets me upset beyond what I would deem appropriate.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
SL33TBL1ND said:
Ninjas. Those bastards are damn sneaky and get passed even my ridiculous defences.

But seriously, I can't really think of anything.
Damn ninja'd on the subjects of those pesky ninjas!

Also people who say "/end thread" about their own posts, its just incredibly arrogant.

People who complain they are so hard done by because they are white, male, middle class and heterosexual, please STFU.

Death Carr

Less Than 3D
Mar 30, 2011
There are a few things that really quite get under my skin. One of the major ones is racism the colour of peoples skin doesnt matter. Another is well, atleast in the town i live in that alot of the people on centrelink payments (welfare for all you Americans) heavily chain smoke, have bridges stacked with beer, and still complain about how the governments taxes are too much so they cant live. That really pisses me off if they stopped smoking and cut down ther beer they would be able to clean themselvs up and get a job to support themselves. and the last thing and this one makes me see red is when people stereotype other people based on their look i.e. they have dark hair/clothes so they must be emo, those guys just hugged they must be gay etc etc etc.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
People who use "/end thread" as if noone could possibly think further than they.
Also the unspeakable arrogance these people must posses...

And hypocrites!
/end thread


New member
May 23, 2010
Religious extremists, pro-life activists, creationists...
I think it's a pretty weird situation I'm in where all the major groups of people that annoy me are situated overseas (mainly in the US).
Sep 8, 2010
Tdc2182 said:
tofulove said:
circumcision, im very anti circumcision and is the only topic i am unable to discuss in a reasonable way. ether your on my side or fuck you.
Eww. Do you know why circumcision is recommended these days? Very nasty germs get under that excess skin and has very detrimental risks to your one eyed snake.
Not to change stray from th topic, but the foreskin actually collects and directs bacteria and viruses t the immune system for processing. The only time circumcision is strongly recommended is in areas with high HIV rates, because HIV takes advantage of this.

As far as "getting under the excess skin", it's called hygiene. They do make soap, water, and washcloths for a reason.

OT: I get pissed when I argue with someone who has no thought behind their arguments. I tend to be a liberal person, but I think about every issue and I can respect a differing opinion as long as there is solid reasoning behind it. For example, I HATE Obama "birthers" (i.e. racists). I won't even talk to them, because it will just end in me screaming obscenities at them.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
People who get upset over words.

Words in themself have no meaning. A word is only insulting if you chose it to be insulting. If someone calls someone a fag, he/she might not mean anything bad by it, it might be an inside joke or something between the two people.

Also, the very fact that you acknowledge calling someone a "fag" is derogative, as you imply that being a homosexual is a bad thing, WHICH IT IS NOT.

Words only have the meaning we acknowledge them to have. If you don't WANT to be insulted, don't BECOME insulted when someone yells a word at you.
Sep 8, 2010
Discon said:
People who get upset over words.

Words in themself have no meaning. A word is only insulting if you chose it to be insulting. If someone calls someone a fag, he/she might not mean anything bad by it, it might be an inside joke or something between the two people.

Also, the very fact that you acknowledge calling someone a "fag" is derogative, as you imply that being a homosexual is a bad thing, WHICH IT IS NOT.

Words only have the meaning we acknowledge them to have. If you don't WANT to be insulted, don't BECOME insulted when someone yells a word at you.
Eh, words still have context and attached meaning in society. Most people can't just ignore what they find offensive. "fag" is derogatory because it was used as a slur against homosexuals, and homosexuals took the word and made it their own, much like the black community took "******". Which I think is great. The best way to drain the power behind words is to own them. But you can't just choose to be offended or not. It's a pretty knee-jerk reaction. You can control whether or not you show offense, but that's about it.


New member
Sep 11, 2009
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
This , just that its the opposite side


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Quite a few, mainly:
- People who are arrogant however don't admit it / believe they are. (I mean, I'm arrogant but at least I admit it and try not to let it get in the way of proper debate).
- People mocking non-native English speakers for grammar.
- Related to the above, native English speakers who don't try to use correct grammar. (Showing a lack of effort, and not really helping the forementioned people to become better with their use of English.
- People who actively argue in a completely hypocritical way.
- Those that take jokes about stereotypes offensively. (For the last time, making fun of a stereotype, doesn't mean you are making fun of the people it references. Instead, it turns serious (and often hurtful) beliefs in it into a mockery. Touchy subject, but I am in belief that the only way to deal with the difficult and often horrible situations of different members of the human race is to make it funny.
- Those that exempt certain groups / organisations from a basic standard of operation / morals. (Primarily free services, and charities), Using guilt tactics isn't good in my book.
- People who disregard any person under the age of 16 to be completely immature and have no valid opinions.
- Finally, people who talk down to others about anything. Especially if they are misinformed (I read someone saying this and I agree wholeheartedly)

So yeah, a lot of things in this world get under my skin, it's so thin it can't even stop alpha particles.