What always manages to upset you, thickness of your skin be damned?


New member
Jun 22, 2010
I hate it when people generalize.

"All women are..." "All men are..." "All Democrats/Republicans/Atheists/Religious people/etc, etc..."

It drives me insane. Just because you have an opinion of people, does not make it correct.

Also, close your mouth to chew your food. Please.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Well, you KNOW what I'm going to say, don't you? 'Cause I'll never stop saying it when a question like this is put to me.

The answer is stupid people.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
People who try to argue against other posts in what is obviously an opinion thread.

Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
In other words, everyone who posted a response to this guy^

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
1.) Baseless mass generalizations about any gender, race, religion, political affiliation, or country.

2.) People who go off on a tangent comparing marriage to slavery every chance they get. That I must be some rolling pin wield mega-***** money-sucker, and he's the victim in all this who I have caught with my vagina. I get it. You like being single, or unmarried, and you've probably had a bad experience. But really, if you start ranting.... could you fuck off - you're ruining my day.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
Romidude said:
werewolfsfury said:
Romidude said:
Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
Well, it would be, if you think about it.
OT: People who hate things just because they don't understand it.
no just no
Oh, quite. There'd be a lot less genocide and hate.
Nah, there wouldn't, just different reasons for all the genocide and hate.

Unless you admit that the world would be a better place if people didn't have differing ideals and opinions? In which case, you not a hypocrite, just insane.



New member
Dec 25, 2008
Men who bypass me at work because girls don't have a clue what videogames are 'cool' or how to plug in an Xbox. I'm fed up of telling someone to sync their controller to their Xbox/Wii/PS3, having them brush me off as being stupid, only for the manager to tell them the exact same thing.

I also hate the whole fag/gay insult thing too, so seeing so many of you defending the LBGT community makes my little lesbian heart sing.
Jun 23, 2008
Flailing Escapist said:
I know, that is why I used words like SOME and MOST and FEW to NO exceptions. All of the people I mentioned ^ way up there were guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. And all of them admitted to and even gloated about their crimes.
Here's the problem: The best degree of judicial proof[footnote]By best, I mean the strongest level of forensic evidence required for a conviction, even in the most heinous of crimes, worthy of the most severe of sentences.[/footnote] we have is beyond reasonable doubt [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reasonable_doubt]. Anything that sounds proofier (e.g. guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt) is hyperbole and meaningless above this gauge.

While you, personally, may be certain to absoluteness of the guilt of a particular convict over a particular crime, there is no way to convey that certitude to me, to a given judge, or to the State, and the people thereof who are ultimately responsible for the administration of justice and corrections, and if decided, the execution of the convict. Hence the reason that each and every one of us in the US has innocent blood on our hands.

That said, people confess to crimes they didn't commit (and will gloat about them gleefully) for a variety of reasons. Our primary source of evidence even in 2011 remains the human witness[footnote]Witness testimony accounts for about 85% of all evidence used in court, a fact that enrages many a student of criminology and forensic science, including this one.[/footnote], which is fallible in oh so many ways.

I never said I thought "public corrections is intended to exact vengeance"

It's not about vengeance it's about you raped, killed and ate little Susie Somebody: then you shot her parents on the way out. You destroyed an entire family and [committed] some of the worse acts against nature and the law possible: your LIFE is forfeit opposed to your TIME is forfeit. The line they draw between LIFE and TIME is too minimal; especially when there is NO doubt.
This sounds an awful lot like an appeal to emotion [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_spite], since in dwelling on heinous nature of the crime, you're suggesting that capital punishment is warranted. This would imply you believe that public corrections should exact vengeance, if a crime is terrible enough. Yes?

Would you care to toss out some actual standards of practice? Does one raped-and-murdered child warrant execution? Two? One plus parents? What if the child was just quickly murdered? Does it matter if the child was black or white?[footnote]Statistically in the US, abusers and predators of black children receive lighter sentences than those of white children. Still. In 2010.[/footnote] What if the child was male and the predator was female?[footnote]Male on male predation receives the heaviest sentences, statistically, followed by female on female, followed by male on female, followed by (the very rarely convicted incidence of) female on male. Today.[/footnote] Should it matter if the evidence is strong (e.g. a clear video of the whole affair, viewed and confirmed by a judge) or circumstantial (someone saw someone that looked like him in the area)?[footnote]In the US, so long as the Reasonable Doubt marker is attained and a jury convinced, the same standards that convict plenty of innocents, yet allowed OJ to walk [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O._J._Simpson_murder_case], sentencing doesn't usually take into consideration the solidity of the evidence.[/footnote]

And I also never said I thought "that a conviction guarantees certainty of guilt"...
So, then, what percentage of executions being falsely-convicted innocents is acceptable to you, to make sure the guilty ones we catch are properly eradicated? One percent?

This is frighteningly similar to the stance that It is acceptable for us to abduct and subject some innocent civilians to imprisonment, enhanced interrogation and disappearance without either due process or humane oversight so long as a greater number of innocent civilians are saved from terrorist attacks, prevented by information extracted from the same program.[footnote]Here in the States, some people actually think like this. Yes.[/footnote] Sooner or later, we have to discuss that target ratio of sacrifices[footnote]That's what these guys are, whether or not we blame them, they certainly pay for our illusions of greater security.[/footnote] to lives saved.

We don't have a magic guilt detector any more than we have a magic terrorist detector. Advocates of capital punishment and extraordinary rendition seem to not realize, or just ignore this truth.



New member
Aug 30, 2010
Naix99 said:
People who makes noise when eating.

/end thread
for me is specifically excessive smacking of lips when not appropriate and slurping. also, frequent mispronunciation of a number of words (not for comedic effect) often bugs me.

a slightly more personal one is whenever i accidentally hurt someone and they take offense, or if i personally piss someone off when i did not mean to. it isn't really enraging, but it hurts me inside a whole lot whenever i do, and oftentimes i will go to the end of the earth to make it up to them regardless of how well i know them.
only applies to in person though. don't really care on the internet


New member
Nov 1, 2007
TheDrunkNinja said:
People who try to argue against other posts in what is obviously an opinion thread.

Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
In other words, everyone who posted a response to this guy^
To be fair, it's not like these atheists would have hundreds of years (longer than that even) of the middle east following their abandoning of science for faith as evidence for that statement.

I mean after all, it wasn't all that good there before they turned their backs on science. They barely named nearly all the visible stars and only made a marginally popular numeral system.

See I posted a response to your post about that guy...so I think that keeps me safe ;).



New member
Apr 8, 2011
Whenever someone holds something out of my reach. Mainly because I'm a bit small for my age. So when they get annoyed with me they hold something out of my reach and even if I did or didn't deserve it I still get angered by this. I can take jokes or insults fine though.


New member
Feb 5, 2009
orangeban said:
Second thing that pops up is people hating on welfare and benefits. This more upsets me than angers me. It's generally the "poor people don't deserve anything" type thing that gets me the most. I see this as grossly insulting to poor people, it is often a view-point born of ignorance (e.g. "poor people wouldn't be poor if they paid attention in school!") and I think shows blatant lack of empathy, care and respect for the right to a decent life in a fellow human being.
Capitalism has corrupted human beings making them even more greedy than before. It seems that the sole reason "evil" as defined by us exists is because of greed. Instead of attempting to extirpate the sole reason billions of lives were lost and millions are being lost every day we encourage it by creating a system based solely on it. How can people live in this world and not be sickened by it? How can we live in a society that is based on a system which encourages us to not care for our fellow man?

You want to know what upsets me the most? Greed and greedy people. I am guilty of this conviction myself and I'm ashamed of it even though most of the times I feel nothing. Like you, those who are against providing a human being with basic human fucking aid are just plain disgusting.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Excessive elitism, fanboyism and a failure to appricate flaws with their views and strengths with the other side of the confict. Also ads. Espcially ads before videos, although that's mainly because RvB and TGWTG video's have them. I don't mind the escapists ones, since I know the way to avoid them, but having to pay up? No thanks...
Jun 23, 2008
believer258 said:
People who assume.

You should know one thing: I have been poor for most of my life. Only in the past few months has any real luck come up, like my father finally landing a job after a few years of unemployment, and me landing my first 40-hr/wk job at my colleges' IT Help Desk.

You should have also read the rest of my post a little more closely. I support the idea of welfare and helping the poor get on their feet as best they can. What I don't support is when perfectly decent people don't even try to go out and get a decent job. They expect every damn thing to be handed to them hand and foot by the government and taxpayers...
Speaking of people who assume, who decides who is perfectly decent people who should be cut off from benefits and told to just get a job[footnote]Wow, that phrase looks like such a dichotomy.[/footnote] in contrast to those suffering from genuine hardship that is properly worthy of welfare assistance? Do we hire jurists to make this distinction in every case? Do we create a magic worthiness detector?[footnote]What is with me and magic detectors, recently. I guess it's an easy assumption for folks to make that such things as guilt, worth and malintent are obvious to the naked human eye, or can be detected and gauged by some clever metric.[/footnote]

For now, we rely on the applicants themselves to be smart and persistent enough to wind their way through a complex maze of processes,[footnote]I suspect it is intentionally left complex to govern the rate of applicants. This part of the process certainly leaves plenty of confused, frustrated folks out in the cold.[/footnote] and the judgement of an untrained bureaucrat,[footnote]By untrained, I mean, not a social worker, nor someone who is necessarily chosen for the task thanks to a recognized talent for assessing people.[/footnote] who often determines by first impression whether an applicant gets stamped through, or requires more auditing. So where, I ask, is the point in which a great wisdom accurately assesses whether or not a given someone needs another month's survival pay (here in California, benefits are really pathetic, and will still leave one homeless), or a boot to the pants?

I find it simultaneously fascinating and grotesque that people can even question this sort of thing in our current economy, in which we still have a measured 10% unemployment rate[footnote]That is to say, the number of people collecting unemployment benefits (as opposed to welfare benefits) in comparison to our total national workforce in the US. This figure does not include those who can work, who want to work but are not collecting benefits, including those whose benefits ran out, those who got fired, those who don't apply out of principle (or because they simply don't know to do so), those whose self-employment enterprises have failed (and are not eligible) and those who fell through the cracks thanks to the system's poor ability to process intermittant contract work.[/footnote] Economist estimations put the actual national unemployment up there around 20%-25% of the workforce. So do you really want those in our welfare system, many of whom are on psych leave, back in the already-impacted workforce?

Incidentally, I hear the military is hiring. Rough entry program, and they don't pay well.

You know who else is hiring, does pay well, and is, by far, safer than participation in our War on Terror [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_terror]?[footnote]Seriously. While I cannot speak for American deaths in the campaign, the wounded are grossly underreported. Most casualties removed from action suffer from Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI for which treatments remain scant and ineffective. These guys are a special kind of retarded, which is to say, as smart as they were, but with conspicuous holes, like suddenly not being able to understand heard words (though they can still read) or not being able to recognize faces, or not remembering how to operate anything more complicated than a can-opener. Almost completely unreported are the countless suicides, which are not counted as KIAs or even deaths, since they usually happen after discharge, or during an extended leave back in the states. Those who are particularly unlucky will wax their family and friends first.[/footnote] Organized crime.

EDIT: Posted prematurely without proofing. Sorry, all.
PS: Regarding magical detectors, in one case, I stand corrected. [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malintent]


New member
Jun 12, 2009
theultimateend said:
TheDrunkNinja said:
People who try to argue against other posts in what is obviously an opinion thread.

Purple Shrimp said:
internet atheists who won't shut up about their whiny and poorly thought out beliefs that "THE WORLD WULD BE A BETTER PLAICE WITHOUT RELIGIN" are high on the list
In other words, everyone who posted a response to this guy^
To be fair, it's not like these atheists would have hundreds of years (longer than that even) of the middle east following their abandoning of science for faith as evidence for that statement.

I mean after all, it wasn't all that good there before they turned their backs on science. They barely named nearly all the visible stars and only made a marginally popular numeral system.

See I posted a response to your post about that guy...so I think that keeps me safe ;).

Yeah, that keeps you safe... for now.

Honestly though, it's a feat of human nature that we're talking about here. If people didn't have religion, they'd have some other reason to hate one another. Because it's what makes us different from each other, and it's pure natural instinct to fear the unknown or unfamiliar. Religion is just another thing that organizes us, like any other ideal or philosophy.

Saying that people would turn to science and the betterment of humanity if there was no religion is extremely shortsighted. For one thing, it just wouldn't happen, but mainly it's like saying if everyone believed like me, there would be peace. I mean, you could say same damn thing of any ideal or religion, and it wouldn't be right either way. I'm an advocate of choice, I guess is what I'm trying to say.

I will say this, science isn't the only ideal or study that projects us forward to the betterment of society and the growth of our species, and it certainly can't be titled the most important.

EDIT: Just finished the video, and I have to say that I like this Neil deGrasse Tyson (never heard of him until now). He has a lot of good things to say, but he's not obnoxious about it or his opinion.


New member
Jul 8, 2009
People who chew with their mouth open make me want to smack them. There are others but thats all I can think of.


New member
Mar 9, 2011
People who refuse to try and see both sides in an argument. It's my belief that if you can try and see where the other person is coming from, you can resolve problems a lot faster. I get really annoyed when people completely ignore any points, no matter how valid, made by someone who thinks differently from them.

Also when people sing along to "Friday". That upsets me.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
Fox News...? Meh, i guess a lot of people have an issue with them on here. I know i do.
But also, religious people. Not religous people in general, just religious people who either A: Think i'm "flawed" / "misguided" / stupid for not believing in God. The only religion i can really have respect for is Buddhism. It follows science (to some degree) and it's based off an actual guy. Which who we are pretty sure lived once upon a time.
And B: Who will show up on my doorstep or pull me aside on the street to preach to me about a religion. If i want to be preached to, in any form, i'll ask my dad or go to church.

Disclaimer: I do think religion is a great thing, since it has to ability to unify people around a common cause and that it gives them something to hold onto in hard times. I just prefer to keep it at an arm or two's length...

Hm... Anything else? Oh, right. People who assume i'm stupid (yes, i have a problem with being called stupid) because i got a slip of paper, saying i got mental issues. I don't mind people assuming that i might be a bit slow since that's what this thing usually does, but calling me outright stupid? Dear sir/madam, be happy that i generally don't believe in violence.

That is all